HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-02-21, Page 4PAGE FOUR r.. i THE LUCKNOW, .SENTINEL, 'LUCKNOW',, ONTARIOO FEBRUARY ?'1s�. 195• • • "WANT--ADi• RATES--lst insertion 2.. cents: a., word, subsequent it iertions. 1 cent• .a, _word. Minimum charge 25 cents. Replies -care of The 'Sentinel 10 cents 'extra; Legal, ;advertising10 cents per count line first insertion, 5 cents per line 'subsequent insertions. - FOR SALE --Set of sloop sleighs, PERSONAL used one winter, cheap. Donal ' SKINNY MEN, WOMEN!" Gain 5 Maclntyre, K•inlough: 1 FOR. SALE -few tons' of corn on the cob•;; -a few : toms. •.of: mixed. • grain, Bdb 'Purves, R. I, .Luck- - nQW. • HORSES FOR . SALE team of, Fercherons, 8 and. 10, years;. also quantity of feed wheat. Wm. ' J: Irwin, , R. 6; . Lucknow FOR SALE—cement. septic' tanks,'. approved by the Halth, Unit,. We • deliver• them. Forster's Welding Shop, .'phone 206-r-11, Lucknow. • VT ► TTED-Party wishes to 'bor- row $4000, with residential prop- erty, lot • iaaid neiw building as to 15' lbs; New pep, too. Try fain.: nus Ostr.ex Tonic Tablets for double' results; new healthy flesh; hew- vigor. New "get acquainted" • size only 60e. .All druggists. APPLICATIONS TOWNSHIP OF ' KINLOSS . Applications • will be received by the undersigned up to' 2 p,m , March'• 10;,1952, for .the following. •(1), ' Inspector of 'Warble Fly cam.- • paign. at :$1.25. per hour abut • provide own transportation, (2) Man with tractor to transport spray .machine . and assist Spray ,van • at $1.50 per hour. COMING. ,EVENTS DANCE FRIDAY In Zion, Orange Hall, Friday, February 22nd • in aid `of ,new home for . the Blind. Auspices of Zio3 L.Q.L. Tiffin's . orchestra. Lunch counter, Admission 50c. PROGRAM &' DANCE Under the. auspices of the Wo' men's Institute' will be held in • the St. Helen's Community. Hall on Friday evening commencing at 8.30, A silver collection will be taken at ':the door•.and the ladies are asked t� 'bring . lunch. FREE' PICTURE SHOW In the Towi . Hall; Goderich, on Tuesday, .February .26th ,,,at 2 00 p.m. •Films include "Indiannapolis Speedway Races", "Modern Farm4. ing and. "The Good Earth''. Spon': sored by. George Wraith, 'Goder, ich,dealer for Minneapolis; Moline, Implements,. Purina . Feeds , and Firestone Tires. • SPECIAL THEATRE SHOWING •' TWO NIGHTS: NEXT WEEK • Lucknow Fish and Game Pro- tective Association: has arranged security Apply at Sentinel Of- (3.) Spray operator. man at $1.00..with the local Playhouse to run ice. per hour: special films_ in • sound' and color., • LIVESTOCK WANTED , FREE THERMOMETER — Plus cash at your farm, for dead or disabled horses or 'cows... Phone --collect- Winghain 56:14.: William Stone _ S. ons, : Limited. FOR SALE --2 English Yorkshire Boars; three , York sows with lit- ters of 7, 6 and 3 pigs: '.We will buy your old boar whether you t uy; a. young. hog from us or not.• Apply to Morris Cronin, R. R. '1,• Teeswater, ' BRAY :ifAS.;.Started Pullets: and • started Cockerels for inunediate ;ship, eli't. : • Your . Bray dayold chicks 'should' be ordered in 'ad • vane. Ask •us '.forcatalogue and. pricelist. ,Agent D. R. FINLAYSON, Lucknow FOR, SALE --10 acres, good house and barn,.. hydro throughout, two ,.hen . houses; two ' colony houses, drilled • well, 'good' garden, small • fruits; low .taxes, .• onedge of Lucknow; good place for veteran.' hl health reason, -•for selling. `R:. B..Quance, Lucknow, Ont, • USED . TRACTORS- COCkshutt 70 an: rubber, ' . Overhauled; John Deere, B:R., W.D. Allis :Chalmers,. wide axle in front; hydraulic' and power take off:: New tractors now • in.':stock...George Wraith, Goder- ich, phone 1285, residence •phone -CONTRACT BARLEY • We . have a limitedamount -' of .seed barley available; on contract. Seed is treated 'ready to soaW. Place ' your ordernow to get" in 'on- this . profitable Cash .crop. Geo. ,E.11iett':s-Seed Cleaning_P_laxlt, 154-J Lucknow. FURNISHINGS FOR. SALE l Itchen• -McClary— range; —side board, kitchen _ table,' . •Furnola stove, Congoleum rug 9x15, Con- goleum rug . 9x101/4, 'Congoleum rug. 71/:2x9,. Congoleum rug 9x9, 3I4 -size 'bed,: mattress, dresser. Apply' to Mrs, Maud Sherwood, Lucknow. , . • •• • • ALAN' WILLIAMS. Optometrist •Office on. Patrick St,, just. off the Main; St.. in WINGHAM ' ;Professional Eye Examination. Optical Services 4, Eitenings , by appointment. Phone; Office 770; Res. Also tenders will .be, received- alor g�with—the-:-regular-=war pie- - up oto the same hour, for the ture `.`Go For Broke", next Thurs- crushing and trucking at a flat day and Friday, February 21 and rate, of the necessary gravel, for 22:' The outdoor Shorts include, the ,year. 1952. Tenders to be ac- "Song of. the Mountains" ."Let's com,pianied:;by a.10 percent •cert Go Fishing", "Meledy of••Minaki" ified cheque.. The: lowest ex any and "Wild..; Life in'.. Algonquin". • tender not necessarily accepted.ere 'will be two • shows each • J: R. LANE, : night at. 7.00, and 9.00, with 'a ,, • Clerk, Kinloss Township, prize draw alt each showing Ad - •R. ,2,: Holyrood, Ont. Ad - Nance sale of tickets ••'by Public • and -High School students: Admis sioa. 50C.- Proceeds,. to organize Lucknow, Wingham, ' Teeswater;.• and- : bordering. Townships. into :a stronger conservation , area. �SPORTSNtE1�T ARISE. CARD. .:OF THANKS .. , Mrs: J: M Greer wishes; to ex - ,press her .sincere . thanks to neigh- (bars 'arid ;many 'friends. for ,cards, letters, fruit . and • flowers and' also to her visitors, while ' in.' Did Rita ,Fail The' Aly; ishan? Wintgham hospital. ; • ,Vitas Rita Hayworth ;lacking in Y' 's ,to ex Press my :''sincere. understanding when .she Married' h ' the. •Any Khan? Read' Elsa .Max - thanks to-. neighbors and friends Who' remembered me'so kindly well's views . in this Sunday's. February 24) ..issue .of •The Amer-: jean Weekly; exclusively .with the Detroit Sunday'!Times. Learn what happened when . the Rita knew as a ' playboy, sud- `denly assumed the serious role of • religious leader -to nearly .100, 000,000 Ismaili Moslems. with • cards, fruit, 'etc. during :my. stay.'•in 'Wingham. Hospital. Your, thoughftulness .was . most deeply appreciated ' Jean. Walden. • NOTICE TO CREDITORS ' . All persons, having claims against-. the estate of John Mac- Millan, late of the. Village of Lucknow in the County of Bruce,. JOHNS' E op 'Phone 76: Day. or Night Ambulance Service USE OF FUNERAL, HOME'` At po Extra} C,ost • Moderate Prices - • MacLE INAN-surd • .. KENZ IE FUNERAL SERVICE (Funeral' 'Home. Available) AMBULANCE; SERVICE (Day or Night', Service). FURNITURE 1. 'Phone ;181, Lucknow, . Ont: • (Day. or Night) WALLPAPERING SEIi,VICE Carleton' S Stinger, Dungannon' ns prepared` to paper your rooms. who died on or about. the twenty- First class. work, at a reasonable: eighth 'day of November,. A.D.rice:PhoneDungannon 96 I •1951; are notified. to send to the . . '• undersigned on or' before ,the.. first IN THE SURROGATE COURT • '4ayof March'A D 1952, full•-par----or-THE . COUNTY OF HURON ticulars of their. claims in writing: : In the estate of Charles Henry mm lately after .thy said first MacI onaid, late .of .the village of day, of March.- the .assets 'of. the Bluevale, in the County�of.Huron,q. saidtestator will be distributed clergyman, . Deceased. All, •per- amongst t h e parties entitled . sons ,having, claim ,,against . the thereto, having regard. only.'to estate, of the above-narned. de claims• -of- • which the.. -executors.. -ceased,--who=died-on-or-,about the TENpERS will tr. reCeived by 'the 'undersigned until, Saturday, , bra for „Vnrble-.'Fly--Spraying-'-for- ' the Township • Of Ashfield at the Donald Simpsbn, Clerk, ToWn- ship of Ashfield, Ont. the undersigned •uptil Saturday', ing OUtfits 'for the' spraying of cattle for . warble fly in tho Township of Ashfield; Applieants to state salarY expected. Lowest -of arts/ lender; 'not --ne. NOTICE ' All. !accounts for , baling and • - combining due -the late eil Gardner are no* payable. Kin ly make payment to •Mrs. Annie Agnews' Agency Howard Agnew -- .Jos. AgneW • MEMBER OF Ontario •Insurance Agents' Association • • GENERAL ,INSURANCE Established 'Over 30 Years Ago *Telephones:, Business":39 Residence 138. shall--then—have=fiotice.: A_ this eightYi •day of ;February, AD..1952. Crawford.: & Hettheri Wingham,;, Ontario: AND oiligits In The EState Ot Cid' Ritchie Gardner, Deceased. • All persons 'having any claims against—the---estate--Pf-the -said-, Cecil Ritchie. Gardner Wile died on .Or about the 7th :day 'of: No-:, on or 15-6fPre—the:7-15i March, .19.52, to send •their claims; duly Proved, to. the. undersigned Administratrik of the 'estate. And further ,take. notice that after such laSt • mentioned date' the said Adininiatratrix, pro-, ceed- to di.dtribute the, assets Of the 'sa.id• deceased, having regard only to the claims of which she• shall then have notice,•)ahd 'that the said Adroinistratrix 'Will not be liable for the said Assets any p.arit thereof to ,any personi,, notrce shall not have, been received 'lpy her at 'the time Of 'Such clistribu-,. • Dated the "thirty-first • day. of January; 1952. . , Mrs.' Annie Gardner, Ro 3; Lucknow, OntariO, AdminististriX of the said Estate by, her SOliciter, P. Stuart Mao. Kenzie, Walkerton, OntariOt. signed, Solicitor for the Exectit-; March, '1952 their; naines ancl' full mediately at* the said date the estate will be distributed, having ',regard ,only to ..the elaims 'of which.notice shall then have been, received. , Victor IL Tiilsori, Solicitor 1or. the EXecutors.' • Service. and Satisfaction in Pignibitig • New Automatic Oil Furnaces Installed—Now In Stock L. FURNACE REPAIRS' Bathroonr Fixtures & -Repairs SEE THE gm itAisiGEs AIR CONDITIONING lot 4Gilmtiore . LUCKNOW 'Phone' 0443, Dungannon ,INSURANCE Co -Operative Life .Insurance Co -Operative Automobile Insurance Mercantile & Farm Fire , Insurance Economical • and Reliable: `See R.'T. B. CLELAND VETERINARIAN • • • Havelock St., south..• of .:Supertest Garage • LVi. KNOW Telephone .175.' • • BUSINESS and TAX SERVICE. MONTHLY AUDITS For The .. Small Merchant, 'Professional • man and the F'`armer. S. J. P'YMM� • P.O. Bo* 74, - Lucknow, Ont.. Office. in Kilpatrick Block 'Phone 23-w ARMSTRONG . OPTOMETRIST GODERICH FOR APPOINTMENT 'Phone 1100 •. For Appointment . or, Information . See Wm;. A. Schmid, 'Phone 167-w Lucknow' INSURANCE FIRE, CASUALTY, AUTOMOBILE AND LIFE • To� Protect Your 'Jack,,'' Insure With ,,Tack Today.; A. McDONAGH R.• R. 3, Lucknow, Ont. ,'Phone '61-5, Dungannon R. W : ANDREW Barrister and Solicitor LUCKNOW, ' ONTARIO. Office •in the Joynt Block Telephone: Office 135 Residence 31-J Barrister arnd Solicitor AMMON thono,,: 70-r-10 Dungannon . Kenneth L.MacKenzie. Optometritt WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27th _and -every Second WednesilaY- .Eyes examined -.Glasses fitted For •.aPpointment .'1-i'one Roy 96-04 .Ripley. CO-OP .AUTO ,cthi Now' Accept &, COMMERCIAL TRUCKS For information consult T. A: CANLIERpN, LUCKNOW, ,PhonerDinigannon 70-r-10 ELI MORGAN he 'en t.artrp`oint- ,OFFICE. IN HENDERSON BLOCK k S. Hetherington; K. • -Bardsteri Etc: *Ingham and Lucknow IN LUCKNOVV ind Wednesday ,Located on the ground ;floor. . John. Kilgatricles Building' ' office*P1 • Residence 97 • Insure With The ' (uiross, Mutual FIRE •INSURANCE CO. Reasonable rates, sound pro- tection & prompt, satisfactory Settlement of , Your Local Agent R. 3 Toeswater. "Phone Teeswater 57-r-41' • •