HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-02-21, Page 2".* • PAGE. TWO _ • , •;?'"'llaltar • • • TkIE 1.01ICKNOW. SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO THUR8.; FEBRITATtY 214 1952 • ,ASHFIELD NOTES • • Miss, Muriel .Farrish, •of Toronto, is visiting at her home, _Miss Ann Robb has invited the members of the• Presbyterian ..-Votmg Peoples Society to: meet at , her home on Tharsday ' evening of this week: • The service of dedication •of the , new Organ in the- Presbyterian •church was held on Sunday even- • ing; Rev. J. R., MacDonald was In charge of the service. :The choir had 'prepared, sp ecial rnu,sic, riendsnterested.ein the congre- • gation were. present from Goder- ichRipley .r4 , Kincardine, Luck-, .•,, • ZIOW, • • , . • • ST. HELENS • His many friends ..are • sorry to know that Mr. Eldon Miller has been a patient in ,the Wingham Hospital -suffering from an ulcer in his • , • • • Miss, • Margaret MacPherson, Reg.N., of London was home for the week -end. . • Mr. arid Mrs. Fred McQuillin, Ivan and Barry were Saturday visitors • with Mr. and Mrs. John Spadest London. They were accompanied by Mrs. John Mil- ler wliq:1011 remain for a longer visit, ,IvErs. Alex Murdie spent the week -end at her home at Water- loo. . • Mr. E. W. Rice has been under. ran, was in the, ehair and the meeting was opened with • the theme hymn," prayer and creed. The .theme of ' the worship ser- vice was was "What God expects of Christians in the home". The af- ternoon .was spent • in making quilt biocks and a social time when lunch was served with Mrs. W. I. Millerand •Mrs. T. J. Todd assisting. ' • You ar� reminded of 'the , , pro- gram- Imo 'aance.under the aus- pices of the Women's Institute to be 'held in ,the Community Hall the doctor's care as, a result' of Friday -evening., ' • • • • '• a• severe cold.' .• •• , Mr;--arid:Mrs.--Lorrie Woods'and. ' E-N GIWEMENTS ; Donna and IVIiss' Carol Gardner . , • ' • were recent visitors in, Waterloo Mrand Mrs Donald McTaggart *ith•Mr..and •Mrs. Mel Brown. • of bOwanSitoWn wish to announce ' Miss Rutherford was ' ostess the engagement of their claugh- for the February' meeting o the ter, Annie Christine, to , Ndward • Wornen's Association, of the •• •Lorne Cardis,son of kr. and ited Church held On Wednesda Mrs. Donald ChrdiS of Amberley, ,afternopn, with 17 ladies 'present the marriage >to. take place -March .The president; iVIrs. James Cur- 10.• .• . • , • • , • • • . • . • • 1 ", . • • 1 . '••••••••••::i* ••• .. • .. • ........ • •,. . • . OPPORTUNITIES EXIST FOR COMMISSIONED RANKS **M:>>"*P'• • • • • • • . . • Limited numbers Of women are being accepted now in the 'regular Service of the expanding Royal Candiart Air 'Force. In theL�are ..ab4ify-•4....women,77.-- jobs from which, . women can 'release Men fortither duties, : 'or give' valuable assistance.', ": •••;., • • • i•••' • It • • 'f•it • . : • • . . . • .A0 • Women may beaccepted fOr, enrojrnentm any of the fOliOvving trades.: • • OBITtJARY • is to be' given for the beat decor„ „ ated box, Ten dollars is to be ' • MISS JEAN FINLATSON •, donated to the .C.Na.F3. fund. It After a lengthy illness, death was also decided to give a five came to Miss Jean Finlayson in dollar scholarship to the highest Toronto General Hospital on Sun- pupil in Grade 3in S.S. No, ,9 dayt Febniary 10th. She WAS in and S.S. No. 10' each •June es her .47th year. .,, there are the two nearest schools -bf,. a family Of, thirteen in our InatitPte. A discussion was • ' children of the late Mr. and. Mrs, held on .a GarderiqClub but there • 'Donald (Dan) Finlayson, she 'was, are so few Orli who could 'under- - •born on April, 18th, 1905 on the take it, it' was decided .to drop , HUren Township farm home at it for this year. A. paper was giv- Lochalsh, *where her brother en by Mrs, E. Casernere. Mrs. GOrdon. still resides. Jean's moth-. George Fisher sang "Lord Loyal" • , er died when the youngest of with attompanitnen.t by 'Mrs.. M. the &Wily ws an infant. and E Carruthers, A piano Solo* by she and her sister Mary, mother. Mrs. W. R... Farrier . "'The ect.tbe;•ilarnityidevotedly and tin,- Qaiten.„Bticket" and -a -Valentine, 'selfishly, to win the adriiration-TCoritest by -Mrs.. Garnet- Farrier - and esteem? of the community and 'concluded the prograM. Two min - the deep licoNie of the family $1enee was observed ' after. • • Later, when she felt free • to *Mai wtas sung Ood ;Save ' The . leave home, Jean took a business Queen,. .The March meeting Will ' course in 'Toronto, where she has be held at' the home 'of. Mrs. Gm. • resided for the past twenty year,S. net :Farrier.' • , • ' Prior toher death she .had been A concert and dance was held serving as a secretaryarid re- in .Whitechurch Community 'Halt ceptionist in a doctor's office. on Wednesday .night. Rev Currie • • The remainwere ' brought to Presided over the "folloWing'pro.. ::inglImitywhich h`irs6onnegd bvflyi;.tthhe6°111 the funeral service was held on trio, the old home at Lochalsh, where Wednesday, February lath, .O01'; Misses Shirley 'OrtalYttlari, Mar-. ducted by Rev. ; Wm.' Matheson jorie and Isabel Elliott ,with Jean of Chesley, stor.• of • • Itte Free Gaunt atthe piano; mouth organ. PredhYterian-----Chur"oh, of ,-w-hiohl-4*.tions _by Charlie' Martin, ac. she was a meinber. Interrnent, cordion solos 113y Walter James was in 1..4ochalsh Cemitery,.where reading by Mrs, • Beecroft ,•and a in' a touching 'scene,'. her eight • piano solo by Jean Gaunt and brothers.bore their beicived• sister saxophone .solos.. by: Garnet to the grave.' • • • rier. The' play "Merry Molly ma_ • Miss: FiglaY§9.il two gtsters •and .,eight brothers,' Angus Falconer,h0,,rtzand Mrsiss,IsabeA Isabel El Mrs: Donnie MacDonald (Mark), ijott, Mrs E.st , of:RiPie'Sr; Gordon and George of McQuillin, Mr. Bill .Puidori and Lochalsh, Sarabelle, M41cO1rip- Walter ,'.Elliott'.brought the pru- Dulicafl, Alan, John and Kenneth gram to a "Close: It was directed .. of Toronto and 'Donald of Mon-lby Mrs, ..G. Fisher and., Ross Me- treatAll Were home .for the fun • • G,regor. • • She was' • predeceased by twa, brothers, Farquhar, who' died at • the age of 21, axid•Rederick, whoti was a lieutenant in the Canadian Army, , Was killed on active duty with a gun crew in Germany near the war's close. MRS: W. 1. THOMPSON- • f , Mrs. William J.,. Thorripson, 82, • a lifelong resident of the: 0i§trict, died at the home of her daugh-.! ter., Mrs. Mark Armstrong, R. .2,." liticknow; on :Saturday, .Fpbrua0T, 9th, following. a lengthy. illness. She ...was, the • former • Matilda Clark, daughter Of the late Mr: and *Mrs: : John Clark,. and .was •bOrriin Hullett township in •_1869. In 1892' she married W...1; Thomp, • ion -of West-Wawanosh.. ing: their marriage they farmed, • in .•West • Wawanosh until 1921, when they retired and Moved to Atiburn,..i‘rhere they •-resided--,un- til Mr. Thompson died in 1947. heine with members of her Am- ity. In 1942 Mr. and Is Thomp- son celebrated their golden wed:. ding.' She was a member of Knox United• Church, Auburn. 71---Survi.-ving.-'-or4Hone—daughter,. Mark. alien) Armstr•n .five's6ns, John; West .WawariOsh • Cori the homestead); J...Gorrriley, arriPtorif-jesePhr-B1ythi--Russell. Goderich;' William., LOndeSborb; 12 • grandchildren; sixteen great • grandchildren; and •:a sister -in - Jaw, Mrs. Margaret Clark, Au- burn, Twodaughters. predeceased her, Mrs. C. 0..(Lila) •Marin and Miss Alice. The funeral washeld, from. the:11°Mo of_lier ..daUghtero Mrs. Armstrong,. on Monday, with Rev. C. C; Washington, Auburi-i; concluding the services. The pall bearers':.-Were._•2Donitd_.TtiornpSon• ,,..' Melvin • Craig, Bert Thompson, Gus kinahan, Mike •Currimins and Mason 'McAllister. The,,* many beautiful floral.' tributes • were carried' by the githdsons: Burial was made in the ;tatnily plot in Dungannon Ceinetery., • ' • , FIGHTER 'CONTROL OPERATORS •., COMMUNICATIONS OPERATORS. • C1ERK-ACCOUNTANTS • MEDICAL ASSISTANTS • • RADAR v. 'TECHNICIANS 1. ARMAMENT TECHNICIANS • METEOROLOGICAL • OBSERVERS_ • * SUPPLY TECHNICIANS • DENTAL ASSISTANTS SAFETY; EQUIPMENT TECHNICIANS The women who are accepted infothe k.Q.A.F., receive the same pay, . • rank and trade 'gro4Pings as for airmen To qualify, 'you must be single be between 18 and 29. and have Grade I 0eclucation orthe equivalent. Veteirans up fey 40 years' of age are eligible. • See the Caree., Caanseflor at yew; Nearest fi.CeA,P; %. • , : OR WRITETO: 1 DIRECTOR 4"ERSONkEL ,MANNING RCAF 41EADC)PARTERS, OTTAWA, 9NTARIO StRV,O,;..1N-IDEPEN,C.E. 0 FREEDOM' WITH .THE , 1anadiai ,Air ,• 4 44t 1.; • . • 40.10 taiii**404 .4110' Yak NA #04/ Ai& ilitemot higir .•„ • „ , ,• • CAP.74-WS •.„ • • • BOUIVAR"ir , The Whiteehurch Women's in- .stitute:•rnet at • the home A.S. Albert cotiltgs last Tuesday af- ternoon with •a good attendance, Mrs c George .meclanagbanpresid 'ed. The meeting n,iiene'd by mg the Institute Odd and • repeat- .ing the, Lord s prayerr.'1Virs ' tor Emerson read the minutes of tbe last meeting .and read the' corresporidence, Pians were made icy 10v0 an Trigh, Concert and a box sociat-a-pd fiance March 14 • . '1 ••• • < Choose color like an expert p t it on in a wink! it's easy, it's fun cost less than you think! WITH NEW PITTSBURGH • Wiiiiii/DE RUBBERIZED SATIN FINISH 1 1 1 1 1 DRY 111 IN AN HOUR for .iehong• irtg pictures and drape. •• StRugt c. LEAN AGAIN ANO. • AGAIN in.i—sh:without• harming is lovely • , jcikcorrie deco • ' • wr470:NtimagiS6S: EA.NU. 1):O rtd. EASY ."GLIDE ON” APPLICATION , qs etahsti, ly dsstr..01<ing w oil bu JOHN W HENDERS LUMBER LIMITED Thr, nrograrn. iS 'left' thargc• of Ix KNow . ONTARIO . •'Phone150 ptograrnthe committee. A prize • • i