HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-02-14, Page 5.:THS t FE IR,TJA.RY 14th,, ,1952; rcom Theartr.e W I; NGHAM Two Shows Each ,Night FIRST 'SHOW AT 7.15' TONIGHT THURSDAY "SIROCCO" Friday, Saturday, Feb. 15,, 116 JANE NIGH, BILL WILLIAMS BLOOD ArNE4 sA,TURDA' Mon' ay,, : Tuesday, Feb, ' 18, 19 DICit ,POWELI:, PAULA RAYMOND in THE TALL TARGE:. Wednesday, Thurs., Feb. 20, 21 BARBARA BALE; RIiCHAR.D GR IENE in — OR.HA. DOONE •: =BORN WALDENHin'Wirighaiii Hospital, ' • on 'Sunday, Februay 10th; to M. ' and; Mrs .Glen Walden ' of Lucky now (nee Jean Taylor), a dattgh•- te, Lynda'Jean. •HUMPHREY--=In Wingham ±oral' Hospital on ;Tuesday, ' Janu-• ary ' 29, • 1952, to •Mr.. and ' Mrs. 'Lloyd' Humphrey, R. 2, Lucknow a son. THE 1,UCKNQW SENTINEL, LIJC NOW, O1\1TARIO' HELENS. IN THE SURROGATE COURT OF THE COUNTY OF HURON • Miss W, D. Rutherford was hos- ' In the estate of Charles Henr• y. ! tens for the February :meeting of MacDonald, late of the Village, of J ,the ' day Women's Inaon titut 24 ladies Biuerevale,• in the County of Huron, T were.present. Mrs, James Curran, sons having airne agd. a nSt ll the vice pres , was in the chair and estate of the above-named de- the roll call was responded to ceased, who died on or about the with a Valentine verse, A riona- Ninth day. of June, 1951, the here tion..of $10 was made to the Can- by notified to Send to the under adi,an .National Institute for the ,.signed, Solicitor for the Execut Blind, and it Was decided to Our- ors, on or before .the lit day of, chase ".50 cups and 'a pitcher for March, 1952 their names and fu.0 the hall. . Mrs., Frank McQuillan particulars of their claims. Ian - 'read a !poem on • "Somethin'g good mediately after the said date the about you", Mrs George' Stuart estate will be distributed,, having had -charge of : the subject and regard only ..to the -claims of read ; a 'splendid paper' on "The' whichnotice shafl thep _have been:.. Value of an Ideal's., Mrs Andrew received, Gaunt read. two. poems "To -mor ;DATED the 4th day of Febru. rom" and "Today' Mrs . Gaunt r ary, A.D. 1951.. offered :her home for the ' next °'trictor H. Tillson, meeting when each 'member IS Tillsonburg, Ontario . requested 'to .bring a" short his ,Solicitor 'for the ' Executors.. tory of- their farm . Lunch was served .with Mrs. John Cameron and Miss Annie..-Durnin as. .hos- teases. The, ladies were reminded of the next social evening, Friday, February 22nd, when a Program will,.be given. meeting fourth The ,. . et g of,` the Hap-, py`Handicrafterrs was, held at the' .1951, are notified to :'sendto the home of.. Mrs.: Lorne Woods on undersigned on or before the first February' 8:th. The. pr'esi day of March 'A -D. '1952, full par- I'y P. , dent was. in ,chargee: of"the °business.•se tion tircular of- their -claims ire --Writing: NOTICE TO .CREDITORS All personshaying c 1'a i m s against, the estate of 'John. Mac - Milian, late of :the , Village- of' Lucknow in the County of Bruce, who died on or about the twenty-, 'eighth day .: of November., ` A.D. of , the meeting... The , leaders taught .how to 'make continuous bias binding and how to cut out dresser scarves • Lunch wase ser- .Immediately after the said ..first day• . of March the „assets. of the said testator will` be .distributed amongst t h e • parties entitled. ed, thereto, having regard' only to 'Mr. Fred ,McQuillin was in Tor -claims' of which the .' executors• onto last.week'at • the :annual shall ,• then have notice Fairs Convention as a .delegate DATED this eighth. day .of' from the Lu'eknow Agricultural ;February, 'A D: 1952:.,.• Society. - Crawford . &.'Hetherington, Wingham; .Ontario. Solicitors ,:for the Executors. PORN—in the Wingham .Gen- eral „Hospital, s'Wednesday, Feb- ruary 6th to Mr, and ;Mrs. Angus 'McDonald, R. 1, Lucknow, a son.' A memorial serviee wasp ',held` in. the United' •Church. • on 'Sunday morning when Rev. S. E. Hay • HAMILTON* -in Wingham Gen- ward preachel ' an. inspiring.. ser- • eral Hospital on Sunday, ::Febru- ,Mori in 'keepingwith- the occas- ary .'3rd, 1952,.. tb Mr.... and. Mrs: ion. The ,choir. sang "Saved • by James Hamilton,. Teeswater, a ;Grace"' 'withtheduet taken by son, James. Richard. • Mrs. Stuart and Mrs. Rice.. Feeds Fertilizer one 71.: ; Groceries Phone • 27; II`TG FERTILIZER: ply --.Orders• =Mean ` Better •Delivery--Ser-vice.;—, • • HAVE YOI.J. PLACED YOURS? NOTICE TO CREDITORS • AND <,OTHERS In The Estate Of •Cecil Ritchie Gardner, Deceased.:. 411 persons ,,having any '.claims• against the, „having of the said Cecil Ritchie Gardner who died on or about, the '.7th •.day of No- vember, A.D., 1951, are required. on or before the 15th dray of. March, 1952; to; sendtheir claims, • -AOE. FAV4 Thursday Presents Friday, S t rdaY, February 14 16 Out of the pages a erican _ history .comes this blazing: -- story of ee' Great. Sioux U ris P ing— ' "TOMO K" with. VAN HEFLIN` & YVONE •DeCARLO And ' all in Glorious Technicolor. SATURDAY MATINEE AT 2.15 P.M. • Monday, Tuesday, . Vf i t nesday,:, Feb—.. 1 A boy: and 'his dog against . treachery "and crime-. featuring LASSIE in "THE'` PAINTED • HILLS" Get. Your Tickets For The . Special Shows Thursday an Friday, February , 214 & • 22nd, sponsored :by the .Fish and Game Protective Association,.. ter, Miss Olive.Terriff, R:N., who' and. Miss 'Annie Kennedy, Wings have been. visiting for severalham,' also Mrs:' Lorne Durnin and weeks' with relatives at. Foothill, sons, Messrs J. D: ''Durnin and. 'Galt and Toronto; returned .home. Ross Durnin visited on Sunda .on. 8=0Y. -with ' .their' mothe Mrs. bayed-..• -_ -::: ° • Mr. and Mrs. Dungan ' Kennedy Kennedy.. i duly proved, to .the undersigned' • Administratrix of the estate: And further take notice That. after:"such' last 'mentioned. date l' i -the said 'Administratrix will . pro - 1 Geed:;. to disltrii ute' the: assets of 1.the ;said .deceased, , having regard 1• nly to.'the claims of 'which she 4 -!•'shall then have. notice, and, that I 'the :said Admiri���,stratrix will not ..4 be liable for 'the, said assets or. '-any •pant thereof to. any persorr or persons of -*hose claims notice • ' , shall . not have been. received :by , her ,at the : time of such disstnbu THE REST. NL_CPAL I tion._ Dated the Thirty:first :day of January, 1952. r •Mrs. Annie Gardner, 'R. R:, " 3, Luckndw, Ontario, Administratrix Of the said testate, Complete-life--on_,-hand 'at_.aIl times: by her Sal eitor,:. I': ;St ra t' Mac- R-enzie, Walkerton,; ,0 alvanize lump al oo'i* U'Ifl:JLOOUfl • • • T,STOVES or ALBERTA • PHONE YOUR, .. ORDERS • FEEDS' and CONCENTRATES GEHL'. HAMMERMILLS-=Ask .the. man 'Who owns'. one. : ILickno.W'Distri",('oOperative'i BUY CQ -OP QUALITY, PRODUCTS. • � H■�!�il�o�r�i�a�i`t� ' � tir�rr�►o�i.�ii�i.�owu�s� '�"�.t i et' Ready .For Spring With ALMERS MACHINERY Immediate Delivery — Save Money and ;. • 'Disappointment ;1 y" Ordering .Nosy. N W TRACTORS I *ALL.- SIZES.• Hay Balers, Roto;, 'Balers,. All Crop"'Harvesters. FLEURY' -.BISSELL PACKERS and DISCS r. FOR' YOUR SOWS and. SMALL xP•IGS Use Sow' and Pig Chow'' Complete or your own grain .and sow. 'and. :Pig Cancentrate.''"`..._.- •• See. • Us About A ItOGr. FINANCE CONTRACT AT NO COST TO; YOU, ,. S H:AKETtT • LVC1CNOW ONTARIO Uncle When, heT • ssew away he pre chorn WaS so wicked s er shad to adt •like, a po itician e 'talked about everything except Uncle Tom: •'WHITECHURCH ,Rev. and ,Mrs. R..D,. A: Currie were at H ensall on Monday , of last week ' attending 'the • induct- ion of Rev. Mr. Fox, 'a fprrner. acquaintance • There will ibe a memorial ser vice .in the Presbyterian church' here next •'Friday at 11'a.rn. for QUI' beloved• King: • Mrs. Walter Lott ,visited` last' week': with .her., daughter, Mrs.: Orval Neuby of near Londnn Miss Betty Newman, youngest daughter,' of „Mr. ',and Mrs.. Fred New -man,. -underwent' an eraser gency operationfor appendicitis in Winghani Hospital on Wednes- day evening' of last week. ' We, are sorry to report Mr. die who wa s crossin the highway here , on Saturday evenirig when it was storming.'. • badly, was ,knocker` down by • a ear, and' seriously hurt. He was hushed to Wingham Hospital by 'e'iinbulance' ' • Mr: and .. ' Mrs, Ezra Welwood visited one. day last week. with. ;their `dattghteri' Mr, and Mrs Clif-; ford Heiffer.• • ' Mrs.. Mac Rasa andher claugh* 112.111100111. IIMMa®1 WiimiMoneR a \ IrfilraNL4s.•ailta AMMo. \ ar►Ua®iiicww we Qur suppliers have inf ornied us'- that`Galvaniz .Roofing' and Aluminum • Roofing will be in very short supply this year. • We have received a ;ishipnent of . Galvanized Roofing, and have been, guaranteed a limited supply. of .—Aluminum Roofing -in April. e are booking ,orders. now to the extent of this guaranteed •,amiount. 'i Lucknow Phone 1.50 • I_ omi 1 ARSON TD • • . Ontario ,•:• .y1�i;�.rim..i.,rN�i�b�q.a..r��f�ga��,�>•.iM�r�t;�.q�......,,�»� .. I asseYJiarris; ;in'lents DON'T . DELAY -- ORDER NOW To Assure Deliver. And .Avoid --Possible '' HiY 'gher. Spring:Prices DRILLS • DISCS CULTIVATORS ALL SIZES' OF' MASSY=HARRIS ' TRACTORS MANURE, SPREADERS : ' . RUBBER -TIRED WAGON'S' BREAKDOWNS ARE COSTLY Prevent ' Busy -Season Brea1Cdowhs byhavingour. y y mac iner-y =overhauled now -and. worn -parts.. -replaced.--..'_. ' OW'S THE TIME TO MARE THOSE REPAIRS. • 'EATTY BARN SUPPLIES PHONE 10=in, LiJCKNt W