HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-02-14, Page 4. P.GE FOUR, TOE LUCKNOW SENTINEL; ' LUCKNOW, • ONTARIO • T'HURS«, FEBRUARY ° 14 1052: "WANT A .", RATES--lst insertion 2 cents a word,." subsequent insertions icent a word. Minimum charge 25. • .cents. Replies care of ,The Sentinel 10 cents extra. Legal •advertising 10. -cents. 'per countline first insertion, 5 cents per line subsequent insertjons.• • FOR' LE- •two , spring calves; vaccinated. Apply, at Sentinel Of-' flee. , ' . FOR SALE --.4_ikloot Massey - Harris one-way disc; like. new. • . 'Apply . Bab 'Boak, Lucknow. FOR SALE --15. pigs, 9 Weeks old. HIarold. Woods, • .R..1, Belgrave, FOR RENT—small store on Main St., heated, •suitable for hair- dresser, !barber shop, • etc„ or of- fice, ffice, space; Art Breckles, Luck - "now, WALLPAPERING SERVICE. ' 'Carleton S Stingel, Dungannon- is, •prepared to ' paper your, rooms: First class work :at a .reasonable '' phone 4004-1 Wingharn•. price: Phone Dungannon 96. • STOVE `FOR ;SALE Harrison USED TRACTORS—Cockshutt 70 coal;, heater, good as 'new:. Bob on rubber, ,' overhauled John Campbell•, R.: 3, Lucknow., . :. Deere, B,R •; W.D.. Allis Chalmers, ' wide axle iri front, hydraulic and ipower' takeoff. New' tractors now in stock. George Wraith,- Goder- WORK, WANTED--' young lady wishes .: employment .as clerk, either . full or, part bine. Apply. at • Sentinel Office. :COMING! EVENTS VALENTINR'TEA AND SALE, The Local Associationof the Girl Guides•it ill sponsor �a• Val-. entine Tea in•g and. white elephant sale -i the, ecreational Centre, Lucknow,on Saturday, February 16th at4-3 q0 p.m. Pro- ceeds in aid of the new Guide room. " FREE' PICTURE 'SHOW In the, Town Hall, ;Goderich; on Tuesday,. February. 26th at 2:00 p.m. Films include "Indiannapolis Speedway Races", "Modern Farm ing-and`°".The -Goo,' Earth' -s; Spon= sored• by George Wraith, Goder- ich; dealer dealerfor Minneapolis Moline • Implements; '' Purina • Feeds,, and, Firestone Tires. SPECIAL THEATRE' SHOWING TWO 'NIGHTS NEXT WEEK Lucknow ' Fish ,and • Game Pro- tective Association has arranged' with the '1oca1 Playhouse to run special:films 'in sound and color,' along' with the' regular' war .'pic ich, phone 1285, residence phone ture "Go For Broke", next Thurs- day 208. and Friday, I!'ebruary 21 and FOR •SALE --cement septic tanks,outdoor shorts.include approved; Eby the Unit. We HELP; WANTED 2. ` The- , deliver them . Forster's, Welding --'Girl. or- . voman,.,.:$5) a. month :`Song of the Mountains", "Let's -Go Fishing"; `1VIelody of Minaki"," and "Wild Life in Algonquin". There will be two shows each night at . 7,.00 and. 9,00, ,:. with a prize draw sit each showing. Ad-' . ALAN .WILLIAMS • Optometrist Office on Patrick St., gust off• 'the Main St., ih WINGHAM Professional' Eye Examination Optical Services Evenings by appointment. • Phone: Office 770; Res • 5.• Shop, phone x'206 -r.-11, Lucknow.:and board. ' One day ' off each ' week. Week's ;,holiday, s 'with pay.. FORSALE-registered York hog, Two mall Children. •Home con- ` Glendale -MacDuff. Prize ` winner venience"s' and congenial ' sur-. :1950 .Yorkshire sale,, Walkerton. • Have. papers. Apply - Bob-;Boak, Lucknow: • • FOR SALE .--•• purebred 'Durham heifer rising 3 years old,. due to 'freshen in . the spring Apply to • Jas. Forster, R..1.' ;Phone ' 43-r42' • Lucknow: roundirigs. Apply in 'writing ' giv- rvance sale. of tickets Eby; Public L iri-g::full ±.patirculars-; to: Box-34UJ,- and High School students, Admis-. Kincardine. ». n sion 50c.. Proceeds to organize • PERSONAL • Lucknow, :Winglraril; ' Teeswater SKINNY MEN, WOMEN!f• Gain .15. and .bordering Townshipsinto a to 15 lbs.:New pep, too '*Try famL stronger conservation area. ous ; .Ostrex ° Tonic Tablets; for SPORTSMEN ARISE' double results;, new healthy flesh;.' ALBERTA COAL -just 'unloaded: new vigor . -New "get. acquainted". . a car' of . Rosedale lump.deep seam only 60.0 ::Ail dru,gig'sts. " • • Alberta . Coal,' one of the finest: APPRECIATION `coals :from the Alberta Mines. 1 We ".;wish to .express..' our sinLucknow Coal Co..' Contact Win..: Gere appreciation to .the • .citizens Murdie & Soli.. of Lucknowand surrounding•dis trict for the liberal patronage, ex- tended to us during the :`pant '2. '. years 0 ,creational ' Centre 'on, Friday ' en'ed. the !friendlymorning,' February 15th at .10.15 We .h have a . JoY to attend the. memorial service relations • .with our customers and bespeak : for Mr .and. Mrs. Ashton for . the -late- King George VI, in the same liberal support 'and the Pres'byterian Church.. friendliness : '.' FREE THERMOMETER -, Plus • TEMPLETON & ,CO & STAFF. cash at your "farm.' for dead of disabled horses or cows. ' Phon .. TENDERS will be received, :by collect Wingharn: 561-3, ;William 'the ' undersigned for: 25 '.cords. of Stone Sons, Limited: . • dry beech and maple, 16 ; inches 'for the ' Dungannon U n i t`e d FOR acres, good house Church before March • 1st. Apply and_ibarn,_hydro throughout, two to Mrs. Otto Popp, "phone 52-3.. hen houses, ..two colony ''houses, ORDERS : TAKEN' for magazines •or , newspapers, ' at The' Sentinel. Office. :Special offer 'on .Reader's Digest — 16. 'months for ':$2.00 •That's half price, new . subscrib- ers` ;only.- LIVESTOCK; WANTED , • NOTICE., ATTENTION LEGIONNAIRES MembersOf t h e Lucknow Branch of. the. Canadian Legion, members of : the Auxiliary, 'Boy, Scouts and. Girl: Guide's are 're- quested' and. assemble ,.at ' the Re JOHN_STONE'S ° OM FUNC�R�AI H ._ . . E 'Phone :76 Day 'or Night ` Ambulance . Service` USE OF FUNERAL HOME At NO ' Extra Cost'. • Moderate 'Prices • 41a4E N \ and acKENZIE' FUNERAL SERVICE ' (Funeral.Home Available)•, AMBULANCE .SERVICE • (Day ••or -Night :Service): FURNITURE ' 'Phone 181, Lucknow,: Ont., :. (,Day or Night) DSR. t, B. C ElAND. VETERINARIAN. Havelock St., south ,of `... Supertest Garage . • LUCKNOW Telephone; 175: BUSINESS and TAX' SERVICE MONTHLY 'AUDITS cf.For The 'Si a11'Merchant, Professional man and. the Farmer.:., • S.' J. PYMM P.O, Box 74. - Lucknow, Ont. Office in. .Kilpatrick Block ' ' , 'Phone 23-w NOTICE Al;! ';accounts .: for .balingand combining due . the ; late .. Cecil ' Gardner arenow payable. Kind- ly ind ly make payment to Mrs. Annie 'Gardner R R, 3, Lucknow • drilled well, good garden, small' TENDERS 'will be . received by the . ,undersigned until; Saturday,' iVlarch Ist, 1.952, for, two inspect; ors for Warble Fly Spraying for the: Township o Ashfieldat- the rate of 85c per hr. ur. ' • ,.Y ARTIFICIAL. SERVICE at re-. Donald •Simpson, . Clerk, •Town diced.. rates from: the ' licensed ship of Ashfield, K•intail, Cont. growing - .co-operative association • Mr. •and. Mrs.. Sydney • Decker ...____ --- -TEN .,and boys. are deeply 'grateful.. to from Holstein, Jersey; Ayrshire, -TENDERS :will be --received b3 Guernsey, ; Hereford; :Beef- and-the--urdersigned--untilSat-usrday,_ fr iends ere'fo-the-kindets -and ti1 -Purpose Shorthorns. -Bulls March 1-st, 1952 -ger ;;•t o pray -s avth extenda-thy ir breeinent..Special -thanks o of top • quality. 'Life , membership ing outfits for the spraying • of Mr .and Mrs. Rae, .Dr. W. J. $25:00;.'members •$5.00 •per cow, ,cattle for warble fly' in the ?�ers-=-$6:00-=-per-7--co: ; ' Township .of Ashfield-=Applican• M umford and MacLennan' and, Waterloo . Cattle Breeding Assoc- to state. salary : expected.'' MacKenzie' or Cir assistance' iation, .R,R . NO. 1, • Waterloo. For ' Lowest or. • any 'tender not, °ne- and kindly service: service .contact Burton .Shewfelt,. R.' R. 5, Kincardine, phone 101-r-7 • Kincardine:: ' ' fruits, low • taxes; , on edge of Lucknow; good place for veteran: Itiv--health.....i eason4or_se 1r g.t.::R B. Quance; °Lucknow, Ont. • 00, • CARD OF -THANKS We . wish to thank • our neigh'- born and friends .for,. their many. . tokens of ;kindnesses shown dur- ing o.ur. recent illness. ,Your though fulness--was---Jappreciated., so much. VIa1 r and George Andrew., cessarilyaccepted.' y ; Mrs. Howard Harris wishes .to Donald -Simpson, Clerk, `Town- express her sincere -thanks , and ship of Ashfield, Kintail On't. appreciation to the many' friends. i;�„�o�(,�;;�io�,,,�„,,;r,�, andneighbor's, . al , n o so . to the mem tiers' of the: Holy.rood W. . L, the (Canadian Approved) Is Now ' IN 'OPERATION' HIGH TIME TO ORDER LY. CHICKS' »ro- 1.tab e -.11i , .... AVAILABLE SOON: Rhode Island 'Reds 1 - New 'lamps, x Barred Rock . j' stirred Rock x• W. Leghorn • RIX Barred Rock ; . A11 E'1oCks Government' Inspected; ,'BloodT estecl .. " and Banded. DONT Df LAY-- Oi der •No !,. Aspews. Agency Howard Agnew dos. Agnew, MF MBR: OF . Ontario Insurance Agents' Association GENERAL INSURANCE Established Over 30 Years Ago k' Telephones: Business 39: Residence. 138 INSURANCE Co -Operative Life Insurance: • . Co -Operative '. Automobile .. Gtsuranee •.. 'Mercantile Al Farm Fire Insurance • Economical and Reliable. See ARMSTRONG OPTOMETRIST GODER-ICH FOR APPOINTMENT 'Phone :1100 'For .. :Appointment or Information • . See Wm.• A. Schmid, • 'Phone 167-w• Lucknow THL Fr J.6 NSURANC,E ... FIRE, 'CASUALTY; AUTOMOBILE ANDl LIFE • To Protect :Your .Jack, Insure With Jack .'Today: A. McDONAGH. R. R, 3,, Lucknow, Ont. 'Phone ; 61-5, Dungannon ANDREW Barrister 'and 'Solicitor • .LUCKNOW, ONTARIO. • • Office in the Joynt ,Block Telephone: Office' 135` Residence 31-J. P. ' Stuart MacKenzie. • Barr` ister and Solicitor WALKERTO.N; ,ONT!ARIO' IN. LUCKNOW .Each; Wednesday : • . OFFICE IN HENDERSON BLOCK .�►.- CAMERON LUCKNOW one:_7Lr.10LDungannoni . Young. People of Kinlough Pres- b3rterian Church, for.' the • cards, fruit and. flowers,': also visitors',': while" she was -in Winghani-..Hos- prtal Kenneth J.: MacKenzie • R.O. Optometrist ` LISTOWEL, .ONT ••: Will be at Wrona's Jewellery Store, Ripley,` 3 ;to 10 p.m•.,. on. WEDNESDAY,' .FEB. 27th Service and Satisfaction ' in Plumbing and ' Heating tnaticOil Furnaces -•Now New. Auto Installed In Stoc1. ItTRNA;CE REPAIRS Bathroom Fixtures & Repairs ,SEE THE OIL RANGES EAYETROtGHING AIi CONDITIONING Art Gilmore. • R. R. 3, LUCKNOW 'Phone 614-13, Iaungannioii 1� I • S'.�e±IwRri."'���r y�ky'� r• -.4041r "`•,1011" !* K''1 w!" A4'yllw!#W..,;i�.t Y�' �• �`1! and every Second Wednesday. Eyes examined -Glasses: fitted For -appointment -'phcrnie Roy' MacKenzie, 96-r-24 Ripley. UNDER 15 ;MAY NOT DRIVE TRACTORS ON ;IiIGHWAY'. ' R. S. 'Hetherington, K.C.. Barrister, •Etc. Winghain •and Lucknow IN,-LUCKNOW.• Eaci�ay. and''Wedrieaday Located on the ground (loot- • in •the front :of John Kilpatrick's Building , 'Phone Wingham Office, 48 Residence 97 Those under• the age',of 15 'are not .permitted to drive farm trac- tors, on the highways In :Ontario._ 7,"he,.only time When a person. , under the age of 15 nmay 'legally drive tractor on the. highway is when ;making a direct crossing.' of the road, as in .the case of a farm divided .by the 'highway, Whethe ._youngsters •drive trac - tors on 'the farin land or not is up to the judgirient'of the.parent' or guardian, and is not..,covered by the 'Act. Insure .With The CU1rroSsMutUaI: FIRE IN•SURANiCE C4; for Reasonable: rates, .sound pro tection & •prot`npt, satisfactory settlement of claims • . .FAR1SH MOFFAT Y.our LOCO Agent, • R. 3 T.eswater.. 'Phone ¶eeswater 57»r-41.. o WA on '; and no' te,' HU'. eral cry Llo; a Si HA eral ary Jan son, .40411