HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-02-14, Page 3THUii.S., FEBRUARY ' 14th, 195.2
'FOR Beauty, counselor Cosmet
ics, phone Mrs. 'Ken Mowbray,
Special' for February, -,Face Pow-
der. •
Wm, MacDonald of.' the High
school, teaching, staff has been
off duty this week with sinus
Mrs. Edward Dexter, is conval-
escing from a heart condition
that has confined her to bed for
the past . month. Mr. Dexter, heis
been bothered_ with sciatica this
ivinter and, hasn't been in his
blacksmith 'shop' as. 'usual.
L;uckno w ' ,•
Presbyterian :Church
R_ EY: C: `A WINN,.:B.A,
Minister • '
.11 a.iii.. Morning Worship.
12.15 p.m.•.'un
:Sday •S.00l and
•Bible Class.
3•pm. Erskine, Dungannon,'
7. p.m.: Evening .:Worship.
Minister:' Rev. ` W. 1. 'Munford,
Sunday,•Febr itary`•7th, 1952
11 • a.m.: Footmen. and Horses.
•12.15 :tn.:, Sunday School.
7 pm.; The. ' Story. ' of. a Great
; :.'"
Texts : Come unto Me
and ;' I will give you
rest", '
INo .day is well spent with -
out' a •talk 'with ,God. We. in -
.vite you to come awrshiard o
I. with us.
Anglican" ,Church•
Rev. A, :B. , Mitchell, L.Th.,.
Rector. • -
, Sexagesima
Sunday, February ' 17th,, 1952,
St. Peter's 'Church, . Lucknow
:_iLa m,.: raver.
-Morning -=--._
St: Paul's, Church Dungannon
2: ,m,: Hol ComsnurLion '
. St Paul's' Church, Ripley ;
7.30 p.m,: Holy Communion;; '.
A Special'Rally of Clergy and
People of: the Deanery • of
Bruce will be held tonight in
Chesley Parish Hall at. 8 -.p.m'.
Th D.u-tigiinnon Euchre jPart-y;-:
wh ch...�w_as postponed i� .ca e
.of `the Death. of • the King, is.
announced; for Monday the
25th. :.
You are .invited to attend the
Pentecostal' Church
,suildat ., � -,
Morn n rshi
11,00�m,a.m . `.
Sunday School Following.
Thursday. Night,,•Februa;iry 14
• at the : home of
Harkey Hodges iriloti 'h:,'.
Pastor= -r -Leonard Thirsk
Mts. J. M. Greer returned home
on. Wednesday after. three weeks
in Wingham Hospital with pneu-
Miss' Pearl Thatner, R.N,, who
is..in •charge of Baker's Convales-
cent- Home;, is ill in :Clinton Ilos-
Alfred Andrew, who is employ-
ed by. the Otaco Co, of-Orillia,
visited here .last week with his
mother, Mrs, Isaac Andrew • .and
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kirkland.
Mr. arab., Mrs. Hugh Joseph,
Griffin of Detroit. .a n d Miss•
Yvonne: MacMillan; 'of London.
spent -the week end :with -Mrs.'
• J'ohn MacMillan.. . ,.
The February meeting of . the
Women's Institute wi.1i be held in.
.the Town Hall this afternoon
(Thursday) at• . 2.30. Note change
of.' day.
. Keith Kilpatrick is• this -week
attending the Massey=Harris • Ser-
vice .School in'Londen, 'the course
being held' at the ' firm's. new
;plant, • John Kilpatrick, district
Manager,. is also in . attendance.
Rev, C. E. and- Mrs..Woolley:
'spent Monday of last . week at
Southampton with ''their daugh-
ter, Mrs.. Harvey Diebel; who is'•.
recovering "from a brain hemorr-
hage. •
Messrs. John: arid Dan• T,.�Mac='
ltirinor left the first of the week
for :Calgary, •w herb ' ••they,.'wvili
spend the •. next two or three
months.: John is a .former; chief
of, the Calgary Fire. •Departinen.t,
and this will be. his:18th :trip
between 'his oldhome town: and:
the Alberta metropolis.
mks. Ed King, Mr ana.' Mrs,
Bert King '''and Mr. ,Dave King
visited' Mr. and Mrs. -B: Martin,
Miss . Rose Marie ' Lannan' and-
' little• Sharon 'arid Michele I i11.:
spent the week -end .with; the Lan.
nan family -
Mrs..Mable Quigley `attended
the, Courtney -Austin weddingg 'on:
The, February' meeting'' of the.
Kintail Wom,en's Institute was'
me . of 'Mr . Dan
held at the home, s ,
•MacKenzie. The .president, Mrs.
'Rae:Dalton, 'opened'.,.the meeting
with the, opening 'ode. followed by
the Mary Stewart Collect. ' The
roll call was .'answered 'play 'six'
es, of , home"°nrade--candy -arid•,
recipe, • Letters• of` business were
read • by Mrs: Henry -MacKenzie.
The quilt .blocks of the 'Salada•
Tea. •competition were given out
to--tele-different =ladies to- w.oi:k
son 'too
know', 'anything ,of the main who.
•drives your child to school'?", A
reso ution was approved -that -a if
traffic behind school busses'corne
to a 'halt when .children are en-
tering or • leavingthe bus. The
.meeting closed with' the ,National:
Anthem and lunch: was served by
ice. hostess. There were 28 pres?
Sewing Circle Meeting
..The°irieeting f the "•Datightets•
Of the'. Kairshea sewing' circle
met at the home.of '• Mrs. 'Orvi e,
EIl.iott:. ,Th ., sewing' lessons • are
progressing: : and the ,:girls will
.soon' have 'their skirts- finished.
After the busi:ncsti .a- lovelylunch
wa's ejnoyed by all,,...•. •
Mr: Rennie Grahams of Toronto
was :hoiiie for ,the week -end,
Mrs., •Thehrl ;a MacDonald :;pent
i few `ctayi' oil the fourth.
° We are sorry to ;:rcpoi t tli tt
Bobbie Gilchrist has the •it umi s,
IEionorefl Young Couple •
'The Hohn,CSville •Com unity
:C1ti:h held a' card''tarty in the
school. on P`riclav, 'February 1st,
to .hondit:..1 x -8i• Mi s....rococki fo?'-
Jt yre • Glenn• of Dungan -
noon:. They' were' presented tvitli
a lovely i est:rO er' and an cash
• Stan•
d, •
• •
Mr and Mrs, R. S West of
Elbow, 'Saskatchewan, observed
their golden, wedding in mid-
J'anuaiy ' and were honroed on
that occasion by a community
gathering held - in the United
church, at which they 'were pre-
sented with a' purse ' of money,
Mrs. West was formerly Tena.
Lawrence, daughter of the late
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lawrence
of Lucknow, her father being a
.hardware merchant here.
For the wedding anniversary.
celebration the attractive •lace-
'covered" tea ,table was "centred
with a' three-tier.: •anr-iversary..
cake; flanked by ;gold& tapers'
in Crystal sconces." Vases, of gold
chrysanthemums an d� golden;,
strew iers completed, the 'setting..
The toast to the ' bride of fifty'
years ago was..'proposed by
A; Moffat, 'and Mr, West fittingly
responded .
For the occasion Mrs. West was
charmingly: gowned in anen-
semble of • navy blue sheer, ac
cented with a- corsage ' of, Tabs
man roses. Her gold. necklace and,
matching earringswere the • gift•
of her sister, Mrs, W. B: Hurd,
(Carrie Lawrence) of Montreal.
Telegrams; Letters,' cardsand
gifts were .received from friends
far and• near; and.' among these
.were messages. from two nieces'
and their. husbands, Mr. and Mrs.
,1. Bembroke, . MontreaL. and.L4V1i.
and Mrs A H. Warner,. K.C., and.
Mrs .Warner, of ;,Winnipeg'. .,'
Arorig the guests present '. at
the .'celebration •were the' couple's
son. and- daughter-in-law, Mr. and:
Mrs. , G. 1;,'' West,,, Hudson Bay,
and „Mrs.: J.' .:Weir, s.Loreburn, .:a'
friend of long standing' ,
'Mr. and 'Mrs. West were mar
ried .in. Lucknow on January; 16,.
1902 Friends of: the bride who
served. at the . wedding dinner,
were Laura Sinith,: Jean Lawson,
Ethel, .McIntosh and Bell Camp
Mr. and Mrs '•West. resided: in
Chicago: and San .Francisco until
1906, wheiv,they returned:to Can,
ada, making their home at David-
sori;.Sask. In 1910 Mr' West open=
ed,' a general store in Elbow and
the couple settled permanently:
in .Elbow; Mr West still contiu,
ues in ;this business.
'Through the years, the: couple
have : been . outstanding ' • citizens,
contributing' much to community
and Chitral life. In ;their home at'
all time they,have extended the
warmest hospitality:
. There: were .several boys in the
Lawrence "family, 'probably the
best known here being ,Mrs•
West's . ;brother, ' the - •.late Dave
Lawrence; who. visitedsfregtient-
ly' in, the. old home ,:town,::'.
The regular meeting • of the . Girl
Guides-was._held_last_Eriday. The_
Guides ` were '.gr'ouped'` off into
Suits, Jackets;.
Topcoats, Caps,
1 -fats, Sweaters,;
Underwear. , Belts,
,Shirts, and Ties,
Jewellery' Braces,
Hosiery,. T-Shir'ts,'
• .Odd Trousers, Etc.
' Overalls, . Caps,
Shirts, Jackets,
Underwear, Gloves.
DRESSES --11 {to 19, 12 to
20, 161/2 :to 241/2..
All colors and materials.,
COATS -Ail purpose coats,
• • Tuts to match, worst-
eds, gabardine, check'
etc. All styles ,.& size:
Hosiery. ,and Gloves,' '
Foundation Garments,
We Are ':into The 'Toronto' Market
Every Ten 'Days „For
Drop in ..and place your requirements early.' We • are
-taking ` orders for nen •`.an. d women on all made -to -measure
Suits and Coats .. New :dresses' chosen are selected and
delivered ' promptly. ., Alterations made 'free`e of charge.
Mr.. and Mtg.—Eldon Eckenswil
ler and Mr. and. • Mrs. John 'Ross:
were recent visitors with Mr. &
Mrs. ', A. Hehn, Chepstowe,
Mr Qharlie. Collins: spent :a day
last .week' With Mr.' ;A. E. Hal-
denby 'at the 'home 'of: Mr.: and.
Mrs .Arthur Graham•.'•
Mr. Ivan : Lloyd of London call-
ed. •on: relatives here. on Wednes
day 4,
Mrs. Catherine •Hewitt' return-
ed to ".Kinloss afterspending a
while with her daughter,, • Mrs.
George Graham.
Mrs. :J Eckenswiller'is spend,'
inga while . with Mr. and Mrs.
Eldon Eckenswiller: ' .
The. HMI met : at. the • Holy--•
rood Hall. ori ;Thursday, ;afternoon
,with -Mrs. •' 'Tom . Harris hostess.
Mrs.. ' Hodgins ns P
ed Af-
the . usual opening exercises
business :was: dealt , with: It was
decided' to make a quilt..A two
minute ,silence was' observed in
memory .of the, late King George
VI. The guesti.speaker• was Mrs,
Morgan •Henderson . of Lucknow
who spoke'on herr-trip to. Europe:.
Her address.ivas enjoyed by all.
present Mrs. E..James read the-
ctirrexd events.and: Mrs. J.: Ack=
ert • read• ;:the •motto.:. .Alter the
""closing; a daint ' 1Ui "h. was ser-
Was very little the worse of what
mighthave been a more serious.
:accident '_ •
Mr. Stewart' Lane isysuffermg
from ::an attack of pneumonia. 'We:
.hope he."will soon be• able: to be .
out 'again
Sympathy. his e'xtend'ed to 1�Irs
John Bushell in :the' death'' of her
brother-; the' late Janies Mont
gotnery''.whose .funeral. was ':held' ':
On . Monday :;from• the Linklater
funeral heme •to• Kincardine Cern
Miss ` Winnie :Percy, .R N: of
.Woodstock: spent a ievw days with
her Mother Mrs:. Wm. Percy :and ' `
otherr menibers of her family:
• Mr. and' Mrs. Perry •Bushell of
Toronto and Mr. and Mrs.,'Her-;
man ,.Fisher', 'of Ben miller :'spent"
the "week-end`with their parents,
Mr. and .Mrs: John Bushei1 and
aiso,attended #liefuneral of their.
uncle. the late James'MOntgoin-'
Mr. and .Mrs. L. G. MacDonald,
,South Line, visited .with Mrs. J.
W. Colwell:
The service for the 'dedication
of the. new ,organ will be held
in the Presbyterian Church on.
Sunday 'evening, February 17 at'
-7:30' o clock.:
•' The ladies of this 'community
On Thursday afternoon the Sr. spent;a very' ;pleasant ' evening, at.
W.A.will meet' • at ,the. 'home' 'of the home of .Mr. and Mrs: Robert
Edna and May Boyle'. • Hamilton when'their . niece, Miss
—1VLDelber-t: �Hed-ley•--has---:been Z lolet :Jean Hamilton; --a-brde-
-spendnrg-a--few--days--with--Mrs: -Lobe,; was -guest .of honor -•-for a
J -W.. C l*11. iniscell
pairs .for, . square' dancing. T'he'roll
call' was heard and'there were 22
pre-serit.-B:usi ess ;was clic
We thin, had .patrol .corners. It
.was decided to, have a sleigh rid-
ing party on February 22nd if
the :'weather is suitable. After 'a
game' the .-.meeting was closed
with taps. 1, ¢'
• There will be 'no .meeting this
week but we . will meet at the
Recreational Centre at 10;30 ant.
on Friiday to march.. •to the ,Pres-
byterian Church
Presbyterian.:Church for -a•-memorial
i`_vace in memory of, King
eorge ' tL
Routine business was transact-
ed at the, annual meeting of the
WestWawanosh Mutual Fire In
s•urapce, .•Company, held last Fri-
day at Dungannon, The meeting
.was presided over• by Donald
cKay, Who, retains the, presi
c1er for .another term..;. '
• -George Fe,agan tsf-Goderich`
Township.:succeede;d Harvey Mc-
Cartney as a director: • The other
retiring directors, Ernest . Ackert
arid GeorigeStuart, we ,e ,.re-elect,
ed• •
Present• at the.' meeting and
callefl or to speak were W iliiam'
Haac ..c. or • Clnderzch 'Township,
k, •
S. B Stothers of Lucknow ,and
'81'6wri Sinyth • of West Wawa
nosh, ' ' .
- • 1
, ..
Sheila Haldenby, daughter of Gibson was ' in charge of `a pro-
Mr... ' and . Mrs, Harold . Haldenby, 'gram ' of solos,; duets, ''readings and
escapee inkcries-on-• -day=even= co• ter which Violet o D-
ing + when• she was struck' by:. a' ed the parcel :which was; brought
car. which fortunately was ;tray -.;to her and received': gifts beauti=
clhng at . a slow rate of 'speed. ful:and`• useful• to` remind her of- '
Other. than shock and bruises she her" old friends here.
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