The Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-02-07, Page 2WAIF 747. • ` n LAICKNOW' SENTINEL, LUCKNOW;. ONTARIQ• TIM FEM TAR' 7th,, 1962: i If you. are considering, the use of electricity for space ' heating, please contact your local Hydro ... :... ; , ,, r Office before taking" any fiction: It is in your interest to discuss Ithis,matter :with your Hydro, Area • Ntanager, particularly this type. ..of, servi and:" the rate applicable • to �e the special condit ' ions" that apply to wiring your premises forthe use of space heaters.:. . THE: HYDRO .f LECTRIC POWER COMMISSION .OF ONTARIO ST. `HELEI The ladies are ;reminded' of th<< mig' .of Wom's. Inu to eet'be heldtlitheis (Thursdenay) .afterstitte- noon. 'at 2.30 at the home of Miss W. D, .,Rutherfor.d,' Roll call, A Valentine verse.. The iCommunity Hall was fill_ ed to -capacity on• Friday evening' for the progressive, etu hre ,tinder. the auspices of the. Women's .In stitute. Ther'e' were 28:, tables and prizes were awarded to Mrs, Robert PurdOn ` and to • Mr.• Jas. Curran for high scores with, con- solations ' goings' to Miss Margaret McNeill and to. Mr.: Clark Zirin. Music' for.' dancing wae provided by Mr. and Mrs. George Stuart and Mr. Don Cameron and. by „Mr, . Elden' Miller• : and by Mr. Charles McQuillin with' Miss For- syth of 'Riversdale as aceompan ist. These social evenings ,w'hich. are , .proving so popular' are ar- ranged by . a committee composed of. thepresident, Mrs.. Elwood Barbour, With Mrs..:.Andrew Gaunt) Mrs. " Gordon.' ' MacPherson; and' Mrs... Fred and Mrs. Frank 'February . 22nd, McQullin. On the next evening,: be, Presented.. .ZION . , We are sorry Mr. Albert. Helm h. a s . developed pneumonia in .Wingham Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Will. Ritchie vis- ited Sunday with Mr. and. Mrs. Elmer • Wall. • Mr, an xs, , o . .. _. d M R bert Irvin and Betty visited Sunday with Mr. Mrs. Harvey Ritchie.. Miss Ruth..Raynard Spent a couple of:, days, with her parents, Mr. sand Mrs. elson Raynard.. Mr. and Mr . Irwin and Greta Hudson visited unday with Mr. and Mrs.. Charlie; Wilkins. Mil. R. McDonald of Dungan- non visited a few days with Mr.. and Mrs. Gordon Bitchie. f Mr:. and Mrs. George Hunter visited Sunday With Mr. ,and Mr's.: Ewart Taylor, of ' Lucknaw. Mr.. and Mrs. Bill 'Ross & Aud- rey and Douglas. visited: Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ritchie'. Mr. & Mrs, Lorne Ritchie ''vis- ited. Sunday- with Mr. and. Mrs, Gotdon -,11,itchie ' • program . will es R THIS NEW BUILDING IS NEEDED! GIVE GENEROUSLY t 'T. • `� , .� tea'4 r % ` .y:„ ... l%.'•i ti:i�':5^`•;/H2v (; ,w:• lid f ;_�.�.,,. �:{L/::; OR THE BLIND;" . ''• ,.:.. . WESTERN ONTARIO ' HOME � AND. SERVICE CENTRE F ort the Blitz riday, • by ROSEMARY THYME a I've: •.been thinking about .Court- esy. Like greatness, some .people seemto. be ' born with it, and some; achieve it, For. those who aohieve it, you have the type who . practises it,' as if it were born with him, a natural instinc- tive' courtesy. This can be cul- :.tivated, but it: springs.. from '.a sincere, desire to smooth the 'way for. oether people;. and there ..is np' affection :about it. 'Itis one of 'the little' ways,, of practising the •G.old•eni`Rule. , Then • you • have the: type who practise courtesies, because they figure :it is going to get • them- selves •somewhere or ,something. They open ,,a, door .for you;or pick` up your' gloves with a blare of trumpets, figuratively 'speak_ , ing. That isn't. the most comfort able .kind. to. be.subj'ected to, but it's ,better than' none,. ' " This •is. what I'an coming at-L-- the t the •other day •I: came hdme . on • the bus, and• since., I •had . told roy' • ' 'farrnily that the •bus was' due halt :an, hou. r later than it was,, . there was no one :to, meet' me. I. was carrying. •a'''small, traivelling bag. and a large shopping -bag filled to: capacity:' • I • stopped .. in ':a drug store on my way home to make a couple of pruchases;. and, when I cane out, T picked up ' my two bags, expecting . that . the drug-. •gist himself, who was standing about three feet from• the •door,,. Would. give'• me an open exit. He 'was.:i~arrying on ,.a desultory con- versation . with another man, but was facing.' me as I approae.hed the :door: At the • door,- I hesitated; 'a moment, :then` carefully deposit-, .ed my "well -laden bag and open •ed the •door. By this time I was:. getting' interested in . how far he was .going to let me proceed with- -out yelp. I, opened the :door, .pick- ed up •:my bag; set ' it down. on -the street which was about five inches deep' in soft, freshly -fallen ' snow, and closed the door:. As h`faced -yin,', in;: -_the act of •closing the door, I`piaid`particular attentions to expression. I:ex, pected chagrin, apology.:or a'coni plete unawareness 'of my exist-'' ence.' Zt . was none of these—it was relief. I'd made it►' •. It was such a' flagrant. breach of edurtesy that 'I :Could h-ar-dly-- r,,: believe it. ;had ' happened. Ftorn; the ot..._view ofkeeping:,aL._ good customer! I'd never been in, �i�e.�.other,r.:dr.ug.:.stQne�in,�the;�taa�w:n before, ribut I' have ' since: :(This did not happen in •Luck- row,)• LETTERS TO ,THEEDITOR a paign in LucknOw. from :3.00 to, 8.00 p.m. SPONSORED BY LUCKNOW BRANCH OF THE CANADIAN LEGION • Members of Lucknow Legion will make a house• to -house canvass 91 Lucknow in. a :Blitz: Campaign on .Thursday evening 'next," ,soliciting your con. tribution to the new home, 'workshoto, !school • soccentre for the Blind. Be', prepared when ial. they. call. Self addressed . return . envelopes are being mailed to rural residents by which they may make their contribution. A promtpt. response is requested to tie in witii the Blitz Campaign: A 1. DONATIONS MAY , BE LEFT AT:, LL n �■CRAWFOR` D'S 'FEEDTOn R� E--& -THELLLUCKN O w --SENTI TShare Vith TheBIrnd-Lught ■ A Lamp AOf NEL Happiness For The . Local' Committee: mittee. .� J" C. McNab,D .h Chairman; Robert. • lVXacln`tosh, or'er; H hompson, Treats � Seck@Miry; Ernie Crawford, Cliff Crawford. • 1 • Plymouth Michigan, The Sentinels Lucknow,' Ont:. "1 ,see by,• The Sentinel" that .�.::Mr;�..Jos-eph._Ag�wTis-xesi�nirag Tki TQ' 11 u as . clerk and ,:treasurer . .of the Village after only 44 or 45 'years of service. That's ` the trouble with these= young' fellows today: •' no steadiness, consistency or loy-, ally. They're always flitting .from' • li from' job to jab. Now here's a r'. fellow who wants to 'quit, his job ,; athefterworld just gcoettingrstarted?. What's iing to Seriously, it's a fine record., as are' his other and private accomplish - merits. We, down: here in the De troit`area, know personally some' of his fine family and shave learn- ed to respect them.' The writer' has a shop •directly beside, 'thc jewellery . store owned' 'by. Mr." Agnew's, son Dave, That accounts for 'our reading The Sentinel so regularly, We have met Mr. Ag' new too,' and would like to .pay r tribute' to his success;.,on the:. a& vent ' of his retirement: Thg rais- ing of a fine .,family, the earni`hg of the respect Of his neighbors. and' the __building of the motal' fibre of such a man is an :achieve- .rent worth mention Perhiaps H :can't be measured•;in'ollars,• but certainly. it . is evidenced in t1i ' pride• of a life • well lived,. • ,Will, the Editor of The Sentinel lass along : our best wishes oxo` Mr •Agnew's . birthday? And niai . soerLchlyg degser� t eshim. the .rest hi pi " Cordially, ' 'Carl Caplin 1