HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-01-31, Page 4• id • ' • > AdE FOUR THE LUCKNOW" SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTA ID, TIHURSDAY ' , JANUARY 31, 1952 , "WANT AD" RATES-..lst insertion 2 scents : a n word, subsequent' insertions 1 cent a word..Minimum charge 25 cents. Replies care of The Sentinel 10 cents extra. Legal advertising 10 'cents per. count line 'first insertion, ' 5 centsper line subsequent insertions. FOR SALE -litter of 1p. pigs, 6 fr.—PLEASE' RETURN. -- Will the •weeks.'old. J. D.'. Anderson, R. 1, "party .who took a 'p ho m 'Lucknow STRAYED- to the ' premises` of •• the undersigned; a, spotted hound Harold Greer, Lucknow. ' FOR 'SALE- quantity. of silver, • knives Wand forks and some' Hud-• son seal. fur trimming.:.Apply:at Baker's Convalescent Home. • i 1: a . $ ' WORK WANTED -- housework; • • baby sitting or clerking, for High .School ',girl. Enquire at ,Sentinel. 'Office. ...FOR SALE-Co11ie'''pups. Black' and . white. Parents heelers. Price .. $5.00.. Writ 5, McGuire, R R..6, Lucknow, phone 11-30 Ripley.. PIANOS, 'used, refinished, $185;00 $25.00. Several .iew:pianos clear ing at .20 percent, reduction: 3. F. Stuett & Sons; Mildmay. FOR .SAI -electric -kettle; ' el- ectric ";toaster, dross -leaf • kitchen - table, other articles of furniture. Mrs. Clair Agnew, phone 16. FOR SALE= -cement'• septic tanks, approved by the ,Health Unit. We deliver :'them. Forster's Welding a Shop, "phone. 206-r-11, Lucknow. LOST':.--• Sunday, :January 20th,• black spaniel, ,'answers" :to "Tink= •. Anyone . knowing of :• her whereabouts,•' phone Fraser .Ash toff,: Lucknow 89-J.°'• - • , LIVESTOCK. 9 J.°: - LIVESTOCK We have secured a weekly buy er; for your,: old boars.. ,Highest Prices.' at our .sales barns, Luck- now Community . Sale. ORDERS 'TAKEN. for magazines or ;newspapers, at The :::Sentinel. • Office. Special offer on' Reader's Digest '-. 16 .months . for $2.00 That's half 'price; new subscrib • ers only, 60 CYCLE :REFRIGERATOR used aboufl • year,.. "7.6 Frigidaire, only, $260.00; ' also ' new '"Frigidaire?" at the'Mildrnayurniture' Store A. few good used 'electric, ranges; • also `16`new-rai ges:Free-delivery.. 4: LIVESTOCK' WANTED`: FREE : THERMOMETER ' • Plus .cash] at your farm. 'for dead ._disabled . horses or cows: Phone. collect , Wingharri • 561•-J. William Stone Sons, Limited. , snow boots %rom the.Recreational ,Hall on Wednesday night, Jan- uary.:23rd, please leave same at Sentinel Office. or ,return to "own- er.whose name. is .'inside. ANNOVNCEMEN•T -... It is • a pleasure' to . :announce my' appointment .as a registered counselor for Beauty Counselors of Canada Ltd. • Phone Mrs. Ken Mowbray, Lucknow. NOTICE, Yvonne Kathleen Carr; A OCA (Mrs. Morgan) ' 'Is holding' an Art Class in Rip- ley'. Limited number :of students. stillaccepted, A night `class is be- ing considered. Interested .per sons .please phone.' Ripley 9-16, Mrs.. Thos. Eli Morgan. • ARHAYES EZE=CIIANGE A11' aluminum combination STORM . WINDOWS • and SCREENS .. 12-24 Months to Pay 2 Weeks Delivery Kool'Vent Aluminum Awings and . Porches Ornamental ':Iron Railings: Estimates and Demonstration gv�n�witl No. Obligation. 'GEORGE H.`'DAHMER 318 Erb West, Waterloo,: or 'Phone' Dungannon 68-r=1: IN MEMORIAM N] CHOLSON-In loving Memory of ,a dear ibrother, Samuel Cul-' bert.'Nicholson, Wh:o passed away one ' year: ago today, January 31, 1951. , 'We littlethought when •leaving, home, He would;' no more return,: That he in death so soon rw;oul€i 'sleep, . • • And leave Oa here to' mourn. We did net .see the- pain -he bore, -.•. '.:ter. .- ' Wedid not see him die,. • - We only know -he -passed -:away, • And never said good-bye.; FO.R_BRAY day-old chicks, order' in=adv-ante,-TYiey,_haye-_l'#e�•vY- cockerels for pretty prompt .ship- merit also': started pullets. --Get pricelist and order now ; through agent • D:`• R. °FINLAYSON, Luckno-w. FOR SALES -one 60• watt platform coupled amplifier,. '25 & 60 cycle,:' for arenaor dancehall, etc:; one 25 watt amplifier, 25 & 60 cycle, also: 6 volt operation,' Suitable ' for arena,, dance .hall or sound truck,. etc.. Cheap for .quick sale. B R.• Munday, phone 598, Goderich. .ARTIFICIAL. SERV ICE _._at re- duced ratesfrorri the licensed growing co-operative association from Holstein, -Jersey, 'Ayrshire,' .Guernsey, Hereford, Jeef and Dual Purpose ,Shorthorns. Bulls • of • top ,quality. Life membership $25,00, mezYbers $5.00 per cow, ,rion-members • $6.00 'per cow. Waterloo Cattle Breeding Assoc-- iation,'R,R. No. 1, Waterloo, For service contact Len L. Fischer; ' Mildmay, . phone 60-r-11. before --Ever remembered • y; = ro and Sisters... ers CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Alex MaeLenna-n-wishes=. te sincerely tharrk friends=and- neigh+bors. who • 'so , kindly sand thoughtfully remembered -her in varioous-ways w -hila. -i h hasps tal, and since returning home: ; Mrs; Allan Ritchie wishes to thank the friends and• neikhbors who remembered her while she, was in the hospital and also the WDM S: of Zion for their lovely box . of :fruit. Mrs: ,Lorne: Ritchie Wishes to sincerely' thank all. who • rem. em; bered •her with •cards,letters and treats while in- the hospital and Since . returning home. These kind' thoughts were deeply appreciat- NOTICE The annual' meeting of the• ,West Wawanosh Mutual Fire In. surarice. Co, will ,be • held in the Parish "-Hall; Dungannon, on Fri clay,° February 4th. at "2,00 'p.m., to • receive reports, elect directors and for the• transaction of gener, al +busi ie The retiring directors are Ernest Ackert, Iarvey Mc artney and ./George Stuart. • • • lDurnin Phillips," Sec.-Treasr •4 Mrs.: • D. L. MacKinnon and' family .,wish to 'gratefully aclt- n.oivledge th'e,mari'y kind;acts and expressions •of synipathy extend= ed thein during the illness• and a1 the:'time of the death of'.Mr, 'NIacKinnoh, :These kindnesses 'were deeply aj preciat d. COMING EVENTS _ EUCHRE & DANCE The •St. Helen's Women's In- stittite is holding a progressive euchre and dance in the St. Hel ens Community Hall.,on Friday evening next, . February 'lst, com mencing at 8.30 Sharp., The ladies. are asked to please bring lunch: ANNUAL. MEETING. AND BANQUET The:annual ,meeting and bane qu,et of (Lucknow District Co- Operative Inc., will be held in., the Recreational Centre, ,• Thurs:.- day, February: 'nth. Ticketsavail- able, at .Co -O Grocery;,,' Office, or frorn directors. Deadline.' for ob- tanning tickets is: Monday; ' Feb- ruary 4th. Ticket$1's' ZS. inoluding. dan4e after to 'music by Car ruthers orchestra. , " HO LY ROOD 1V1r. and Mrs: Harvey Ackert an.•d• family were ,Sunday visitors. with Mr and Mrs; Raynard •Ack- The sympathy of the coxrimun: sty is' extended to Mrs. Orville 'Elliott 'in the' Io s of ,°her father, M. •D. L. MacWnnon:• . We are glad to report that Mrs:.` George Hiltz was able to return home after spendingthe;,,past two weeks in Wingham Hospital. , '1Vfr.:.and Mrs.: Jim' Smith'atten ded the funeral Of his 'aunt; Mrs:. 'Arthur' Smith, near :Underwood On Thursday ,afternoon. • Mrs. "McCallum and Shirley •of Listowel are :spending"a 'few'days, with her •daughter, .Mrs. Lloyd Ackert and Lloyd: Mrs. Howard .Harris' underwen • an operation in .Wingharn Hospi tal; 'on Saturday.' We hope for a speedy. -recovery. The sympathy of the 'commun-; it'y is extended. to Mr. and Mrs:. Peter G. Moffat :and family in the tragic.. `death. Of .their >'son George. • Master Duncan McFwan :(West-:. ford) . is spending ;a. couple, Weeks • with his uncle ''and aunt, :1Vtr: and ;Mrs. Max. Bushell. Mr. and Mrs. Dan McFadyen Kincardine, were 'Sunday visitors at the "home.; of her brother, Mr. and Mrs. • Jim • Smith; ' The Institute meeting for Feb ru+ary, to have been heldat the- Harrishome; will :be. held in the Holyrood Hall, February 1th. An enjoyable evening- 'was- pent apt Holyroad call `Wednes-: day last. Five. hundred was play-.. ed .and Mrs. 10. Thompson; Holy, - rood. and oly rood..anci Mr., I•L Treleaven •of u"L cknow were . high. Mrs: ---P. Johnston and W: Webster; ' Luck- [ now, were consolation-<• winners. The next five hundred party will be held Fbbrury 8th. • ---Congratulations-are extended t-11r.-and--Mrs.--Llpyd A-ckert on the,. birth, of an '8• Ib.' son :.in; Kincardine HIospitaa1, "anuary $. • ' Optometrist :Office, on Patrick St., dust• Off the Main St. in WINGHAM 1LLIAMS. Professional Eye Eicannination ' Optical Services•. "Evenings by ;appointment. Phone: 'Office 770; Res. 5., •H STONE'S 4 f UNE......_ 'OME RAL- �.. 'Phone: • 76 Day. or ' Night Ambulance Service USE, OF FUNERAL HOME At No Extra: Cost • Moderate Prices. KINgSBR IDGE' MacLENNAN and: MacKE,NZ E FUNERAL' SERVICE (Funeral Home'':: Available) AMBULANCE SERVICE • (Day' or Night Service) FURNITURE. 'Phone 'x$1, Lucknow, cint:• ' :May or: Night) Howard gine.. - Jos. Agnew MEMBER . OF Ontario Insurance' Agents' Association' GENERAL INSURANCE Established' Over 30, Years Ago Telephones: Business 39 .'Residence 138 •DR.T. B.*CLELAND VETERINARIAN. I-1avelpek' St., soutit . of Supertest Garage' LUCKN4+W Telephone 175 BUSI.NESS:.and :•- TAXSERVICE..: • MONTHLY AUDITS ... For�he' , Snlail ,-Professional man and theFarmer. • • S. J. PYMM P.O. Box 74 - -Lucknow, Out. • Office in :Kilpatrick Block • • 'Phone . 23-.w F. T. ARMSTRONG OPTOMETRIST GODERICI-I FOR APPOINTMENT • . 'Phone 1100 For Appointment or ,•Information; See WM. A. 'Schmid, • '. ' *Phone • 167-w Lucknow • SURAE FIRE', . CASUALTY, AUTOMOBILE AND LIFE To Protect Your. Jack Insure With .lack Today. J. A. McDONAGH R. IL 3,, 'Lucknow, Ont. • 'Phone 61-5,:'Dungannon R. W. ANDREW: Barrister • and Solicitor LUCKNOW, ONTARIO 'Office in the Joynt Block I:NSURANCE Co -Operative Life Insurance o`Oteratve 'Automobile • Insurance •-: Mercantile . & Farm. Fire-- Insurance • Econoniical and Reliable.. Telephone.' Office 1-35. Residence-31-J-- See T = -;CAM.E.RO. ,LUCKNOW Phone : 70-140., Dungannon. • : Mr.: and Mrs. Mark Dalton spent a week in Detroit. ' Mr. James' Sennett spent a few days 'with Mrs; Martha O'Neil: Mr. ,.and Mrs. Walter Clare vis- ited , in'Hamilton recently. • Wedding bells are ringing.' �' • JOS, A. McINNES .of Culross has been ,--elected' president of the Teesyrater. Agricultural:Society. 'Ybyi're. 'Wrong •About,- • Hedy Lamarr" Although many menu• would give their right arum for one date` with beautiful' Movie ..Star 1`iedy. Leman, they •probably would •be elisa,ppoihted' and lose . interest` fast,.,- says Dorothy : Kil 'alien: Read why in "You're Wrong. About' Hedy Larnarr', • in this, Sunday's (February 3) issue of 'I'he American Weekly, exclus- ively with Detroit Sunday Times • • Service and Satisfaction. • in, •• linin. and seating w .Autornatic Oil . Furnaces' n a es- 'ow n "oc `_ FURNACE -REPAIRS— . Bathroom .Fixtures & Repairs SEE TIIE OIL RANGES • EAVET11OVGHIN'G ATR 'CONDITIONING Art aGilmore k ' R. R• 3, LI1CINOW 'Phone 61x,13,. Dungannon 1 , k7N„i;yli7"�'.t•i,'tt�sl.dvrf. Kenneth J. MacKenzie • OptQlnetrist LISTOWEL, Will be 'at Wrong's Jewellery Store, Ripley, 3 to 10 p.m'., on, WEDNESDAY, :FEB. -13th ; : and'every' Second: Wednesday. Eyes examined 41asses :fitted For..appointrrtent 'phone R,o- ..y MacKenzie, 96-r-24 Ripley,. Have you renewed your ..Sub- scription? .sub-scription7 Presbyterian Guilts :reading of_Psalm 87, -The Lord's -prayer--was-7-repeated--i44---tin iso and•Betty .Durnin `gave.a reading., The topic, for discussion was "Odd speaks to us .Through the Pro: phets", and to open this study,. .Isaiah 6, was • read responsively. ,Groups were then formed and each group prepared a synopsis Of different prophets, Which 'were then §tudied by entire society, Elmer Unit ach favored .with' a vocal solo. Rev': Winn closed the. meeting with prayer. Stuart MacKenzie Barrister-''and._Solicitor.._ WALKERTON, ONTARIO IN 'kUCKNOW • ,Each Wednesday ; 'OFFICE I'N HENDERSON ' BLOCK.•' R.S.. Hetherington, ton, K.C. Barrister, Etc. Wingham and Lucknow Y11.IXICICNOW a Each Monday. _and' Wednesday Located -on •the' groundfloor iii.,llhe front .of • John Kilpatr'ck's ;Building, 'Phone' Wingham Office 48 ,Residence 97; ' CUIrots-Mittira FIRE ,INSURANCE CO. • . for : • Reasonable rates, sound pro-' toot ion St prompt, satisfacto 'Y. settlement of claims. ' EARISii MOFFAT` Your Local Agent R. 3., Toeswater. 'Phone Tseeswater 57-r-4' o