HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-01-31, Page 2•
Short Tem; -->5!' e0r1:.
3 x'rc inter; p 3WWe.halF
yecsrly. •
Priaopd eirod 6ntere t vnaorr '
ditiona',Iy gucrprtleed
Authorized inyestat,eat :For Trost
Fund, .
No . i uetuatio s:in Prpa 'spat:
Ariounts of .S1P0,0.. and up •• '
racy l e: invested '
372 dal Sem;' Twp
• it's not a bad idea to •f011oW a see .4 lat'S headed
I..:sder—but wise to look, first and direition:
At the inaugural meeting of
West Wawanosh Township . Coun-
cil," Reeve Harold Gaunt took
ss er
this_ office as successor to
Everett Finnigan., Council mem.,
`hers are Benson Johnston, John
Durnin, Gordon Struthers and
Harvey Culbert.
Upon taking the' declaration of.
office, Reeve • Gaunt 'asked for
C ouncil's' co=operation, and point-
ed out that. continued program.
,of road improvements will •be
necessary to permit proper. snout
plowing; ,
Mr.• Finnigan was present, rand:
extended' his. bestwishes to, the
Board, and said. he would always
be interested in'his native West
Township officials . were app
Pointed as follows; Clerk, Dur-
nin Phillips;' treasurer, and col-
lector,,. Clarence • Greer ;• assessor,.
Roland Vincent; caretaker; ,John
Cameron; school ,attendance of
fiver, John •:McQuillin; ..weed: in-
Spector; Robert •Cliarnney; , fen
viewers, ' Wm,' . Caesar, . Morgan
King, Victor .Errington, . 'Mark'
Arrrstroiig, Joseph Anderson,
Bob ''Lyons; poundkeepers, Ted,
;Mills', A. Brown, W. Nicholson,
P: Kearney, 'A: •Kinahan,. .Chas..
McDonald, W. A. killer.
The. next meeting willbe on'
February', 5th. .
ACKERTin Kincardine General
Hospitaron Monday,. January. 28,
' to Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd. Ackert of
Holyrood .(nee *Helen McCallum,
Listowel), a• son.
McEWAN—in Kincardine . Hospi-
tal on Sunday, January 20, 1952,
in the right' to Mr. and.Mrs,Donald MeEwap,
tyl VII II
Results • i z B rude County's
warble: fly control campa,ign,;
were used .as an example.' at, a
meeting held' in Elma Township
recently, aimed at adopting a
control program,
In Bruce County, where the
program has been ,in effect for
the past three years, grubs have
been reduced .from an average of
'12'' per head to less' than one and
a half per head, and, gadding has
alrmast disappeared.' The control.'
program is, in effect- in .all town-
ships in Bruce',Cou'nty except for,
the one at the northern '• tlp •'of
the peninsula,
When we have a haMbutger-
. loaf (there's one in lthe oven
Leases are':being negotiated bY now, smelling ",yurnmy" accord -
Sun' Oil Cornpany oi Canada for ing to. John) all :the eft -overs
the right to explore lands in a may go in it. The 'last. one we
wide area:. in Huron and $tuce had was ,reallY super *(again ac -
'where 'natural gas iS thought to cording to John), -it had the tail
end of chicken Soup id. supply
The' landS. in which the con.: all the 'liquid, The soup had :had
pany is- interested he in Bruce, carrots and onions and parsley
Kincariline, Greenock,' Huron , and° and dumplings • and, , peas. There
Kinlass townships in, Bruce Co. *ere also' .4 'few inctVs of fruit
nosh and .Ashfield in Huron. Co.'
good smell of freshly dried gar -
the 'company..will •sink test wells'
den sage that makes` this, one
in the .'apring to ascertain' the
correetziess of its preinise of the st°11.intillg*
And speaking: of hamburger,: .a .
eiistence. of.. 'gas in .cotinnereiai
goad casSerole dish., is inade ,by
and PineaPPIO, In.ert Tat small
't and fill the funnel' with ine-
If yotl have leftover Potatoes,.
pack them in. a, tall glass*: arid
store in , the refrigeratar. When„
you -are readY 'Use them,: „Slip
thern out of the jar, slice anditry.
Try add a' feW slices of chopped
bacOn. to hainburger -patties. It
• , and adds; a, very, pleasing , flavor..
. Drinirig :has been carried eiit :s-' - . - '
'in :other Perth • of Bruce ;Cann
firrnsi,'Sut nOt . in. the .make a very, thick layer for the
iy .Hanadv'echroepalyd.7enn toung } ;tin dra cesiassiziegrolte:.).
Company. officials. belie : ex- hamburger, ' and ebver up With
plairied-that the: presence. of gas a can of undiluted . tomato: Soup.
does; not alWays- indicate - 'he Sake, about' an hour; CoVered,
.p,resence•of 'oil, but,gas iS alwor's Do you: • Open 'those hard7tO
found If 'oil is present. - I open jars. with your .nUtcraCker?
',handles that , Spread apart. Or a
. ...bacon. :Here's a good .recipe—:i.
Ped ham, oripac.0n, a bit of chop-
ped onion, if you . like. A. nice •
:addition to suPper. ,,
• Cream Of .Corn Apt.tp-2 cup's
canned corn. Add- r Aups- mo.
:double boiler. Strain. .Just .before
segy 'to; serve we Sprinkle with'.
'and toasted bread, croutons: .
--Aloderit-hiventiOnstuit taken away from the' Infantry---its-
-all-important part in. victOry. Again. and. again,,* the battles of
193,9-45 and:in Korea, Infantry has proved itself — "Queen ..of •
cointile'i:..Hie must be .able handle,MOre WeaPons and to Meet •
:a greater..VarietY of situitiOns in defence and attack. .
To attain the' specialist rank. of Leading Infantryman, and the
. eitra pay, that goes 'Oh ft, :calls for ilitensive training in many
. varied .subjects.:. FOr the:Canadian Infantry Soldier is'. One of the
Most thoroughly ;trained men in' Otielarniy. He ;ranks with the,
finest fighting ineti .the WOrht;
_.._81Ore men ire needed right away,to serve with, the Infailtry.-.7-.
the most important 'men An the ,Canadian Ariuy.
1- To. enlist you Must:
Apply to fho nearest Recruiting Depot:
No, 1,3 Pertonnel Depot, WalliS House, Weal:a &Charlotte Sts., Ottawa, Ont.
No. Personnel Depot, Artillery Ppric, Bagot Street, Kingttori, Ont,
Canadian Army Recruiting Station, 90 RichMond St. W,..TOrdrito; Orit.
No. 7 Personnel Depot, Walseley Bort ks, Elizabeth.Street, London, Ont• ,
rmy ecru'
;200 :lames St. North, karnilkin, Ont:
Tle an 1"�mreeting of ---t1 -
United Church was held a week ,
ago with alood.attendance. Rev,:.
-- - - -- -H-aywardw--was : chairma q .
$1.720 was'•raised for, the church
work:.' The . W.M:S: sent $145 to.
'their, treasurer. Rev, Watt 'cloy-
ed With. : prayer. "Lunch: was ser-
We" •are, •sorry . to report Mr..,
Frank Coulter.is very ;i11 at •his.
home in the , village.
-,, Mrs.- Dosman: of Hanover spent,
a few' days with her mother, Mrs,
Duncan McGregor .and brother, .
Mr; and 'Mrs. Clark McGregor. • -
Mr,' W. R. "Farrier .visited •on •
'Saturday with his nieces,. Misse.
Sherrill of Wingh' ►m.
Miss Winnifred Farrier of Tor
onto • spent . the: Week -end 'with •
her parents, M'r. and. Mrs. 'W. R. '
Farrier, .also with her sister, ; i;
•Jack Gillespie and Mr. Gil1esp :.
'of Wingham,
'the annual meeting - of th
Presbyte;riari Church was held on '
week` 'i: 'the
church ,with a ,good attendanc<r.
Rev. it D. A. C:ur7rieC•was chart -
man, With everything paid ft.:
there is' a' balance of $276.,02-•
Messrs; Walter Lott and William:
Pardon were put in hs new mem
berg. Mr. Albert Patterson,.;:wtt
I has been secretary for= a num)w.
r o.f years,was re-elected arid
Donald Ross continues :as trcwt+:
urer. The. nieeti•ng was ,c1.O w, R.
with prayer,
',Sizes are often deceiving Mat*
• under it