The Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-01-24, Page 7•
The United 4,Illirch V4Men'S•
'Association Met WednelsdaY, ev,
4- ening at the"parsonage .1VIrs
.x. Ila,wsan, vice president, vvas in,
the chair and 29 ladies, Were
'present. Mrs'. Robt, Irvin read, the.
leton led in prOYer and
Kilpatrick gave the 1 e SA: n
thonght. The roll call was ans-
Wered hY Payment of „fees. The
treasurer'S report was given that
showed, a subStantial balance on
hand. -Mrs; Melvin . Reed gave. o
topic, "TheY • 4;0441. know they
:iYere.teachirig",• which waS later:
given- Beth McCOrinelt
conducted 'a ,Bible Contest on the,.
New •Tes:tarnent. •Mrs, G; 'Hodges
,gave:a 'reading, 'Me heiteSses:for
Mrs: Everett Errington; Mrs.
thur Elliott arid Mrs. Wm. Sillib.
• Mrs. Harold 'Errington •is re-
covering nicely sinee ap appendix
,„ operation ten days ago •at
halt Hospital. She is cOnValesc-:
ing at the home of her parents;
Mr. -and Mrs. Jack McGee,: Biyth.
• :Held Successful. Bingo
dance was held in the Parish Hall
on Friday night,: With':
" tion of minor hOokey; to 'buy
• equipment and. to' pay for . arena
operated' the.lurtch counter in aid.
of the cense. Prizea were donated.'
as. tollews:i chickens/ by; Frank.
Pentland,, Harvey Alton, Bill
Wiggins, ;Harold Ertington, • Vie -
.tor Erringten, 'Allan, Reed, Kit-
'Dii ran; . other : merchandise'. by
Blake, :Omar Brooks; Bob Steal-
ers,•.Eedy'S' Groeery, Bob 'Irvin,
Eric Moore, Thos: Rivett, Ken.
.Hodg,e., Wilbur Brown, 'Lloyd
Harold . Blake,' Durriin
' Mrs...Marvin.Durnin, Mrs. :Harvey,
Winners Of regular games were
Jai -ries .Reed; flaShlight; Thomas
BenSon: Finnigan; cookie jar; Mrs:
Artiold-Stothers, :chicken; Mrs..
Vic Errineon, aluminum frier;
Wilbur BroWn, case a corn; Lois
Webster, chicken4_,Mearl Culbert,
lapip; Cecil Hallam, Chick.;
en; .speCial• garnes$ Everett 'Er.
rington,..Kalmer Dawson, Mrs: K.-
' Finnigan, each $5.00 and, a chick-.
event in Februar3r.,"
Ashfield, a February. bride-eieet,
was •guest of honour recently at
a rniscellaneeus shower held
QQ.c.lei:ich at the home *of her aunt,.
Mrs:. Austin, QUigley.. About 20
guests,' chiefly former Ashfield -
were preSent'and showered Miss
Austin "With many loyely gifts,
Which were drawn into the living
rdem by Miss Pasty. Allin. The
bride -elect was assisted in oPen-
ing :tile gifts by Mrs. :Frank IVIOr-
an.- -The eYening was spent in
• *,4s further honored at 4, shoWer
in the sehoolhoUse vvineh she
formerly attended;, S.S. No, Id,.
'Ashfield. The bride's 'chair : and
decorated with pink and white
streamers,' Miss Austin. received•
many levely and Useful gifts, arid.
was assisted .in opening them by
her aunt, MI'S. Pat -Murphy and
by Mrs. Q on Hogan, siger, of the:
-ed, her. thanks- arid Invited- the-
-ladies to her"home te ,see her
Ditring the ,everling there were
.musical. selections by Mrs. Ecia.:4,.
McWhinney; vocal numbersAy
citation; "PaddyIs :Coirting", by
MrS., Johnston. A tasty
lunch -.Was served by .the .host7-
esses, Mrs. John Austin, Mrs. Vin-
.cerit Austin: arid Mrs. Con Hogan..
The regular .meeting of the :.
Lucknow District Girl , Guides,
was held ,in the: Guide Room, •
jarivary 18th, The meeting -open,
ed :with roll,Call and there were
20 present: New,books Were giir-
en to each 'patrol .and btiSiness
'was discussed; There was to have
beep .a' sleigh 'riding • party last
week. but there was ne Snow sO
it :was Postponed 'until this Fri:
We then had Badge work. 'Mrs.
Cleland tOak ,sewing with a.grbup
Of girls ond Mrs: Chester.Signall-
toOk charge of the girls who are
trying ' their 'IWO- class
Eunice Button and, Ruth •Trelea,
ven were eleeted-tO go to the
National Camp at Ottawa neict,
sumnier froni July 14 -25. -We then
closed wipri. taps. 'There is to be
a .bridge party next week, Jan,.
ttary:29th: in the Guide RoOrn in
the left Wing at the book .of the
Recreational Centre. The- ()bin
Patiol :will serve.
Preibyterian• Guild
The Aherne 'of the :Guild meet,
ing was "God Leads His Peo-
-pie:: The 'call- wOrship Was
read by Ray Stank ey,. Hymn: :87
Many. times SilVer. thread's read responsively, Rey.., Winn led.
ortiong means that the in - prayer. Committees...for the
folldwS:. Program, Mr. Winn,
'Out of the tail pipe, roars a fiery. blast of' your opportunity to on the ground
air to 'rocket' a 'Vampire through the sky floor.
at. sizzling speeds. Theimpelling jet is
generated by the turbine 'blades of an
engine which spin, at over 10,000 revolt".
tions per minute.
New Air force engines are
things unheard of, even ten year
to, do
, mechanic's dream. Tolerances of more'
than .0002. inch tie prohibited. Yet the --
ea of jet -engines -has -just begun!
If 'you are mechanically-mitided, here is
he Morgans
°it, Maples Farm-Ctitt, 10,
Huron 'tOwnShip
:Itipley, Phone OA'
A large -selection of. pure. Woo
SecondS in quality Ori.arks
mostly Slight, dye spotS,, etc.)
a're 'in stock now: Most bf,thes'e
itre a fine wide size and are
priced at a considerable say-.
Marion MacDonald; Ray StanleYi
Morley Chin, GladyS.Maebonald;
Lunch, Itnth *.Johnston, Joyce
Dishwashing, Elmer , Umbach.,
Dennis Emberlin, With ffiberliti,
a. Robert Burns Was read "by
Ruth Johnston and- a Seottish
poem Was. read by Susan Mac: -
Naughton: Hymn 599 was Sung.
arid the meeting closed .with' the
The January meeting. Of the
Presbyterian Eyening Auxiliary
was °held :at the home of Mrs. C.
Masen with Mrs. Morgan Hen.
derson in 'the chair. Mrs. Mason
had the .Seripture reading,. fol.-:•
• 4111
rs •
• 1„
Seleation Of First Quality
And alge take old lahiPs)
china, brak,ke., as eiehange
on these One blank.ets.
'Closed SundayS--
Open The Rest.of. The Week,
The first 'chapter in the neW
study book, IVIeet the South Am-
erica -7g' was Very -tbly taXen-b,.
plement to the 'study book,' "He
Wears- Orchids" Was given by
solo by Miss Ruth kihnston was
ver.: ;much enjoyed. ,During the
bu,siness, Mrs. Morgan I-londer-
son 161c1 ,about 8onle of the new
pla/ns, Which wore talked about
at the eXecuth4; meeting held irr
planned for grid also the pot luck
The Air Force will give you a complete
and thoriiugh trade training in jet engines.
Be an Aero -Engine s Technician in the
valuable trade!
as 0o Aem-thpitereehnicifm
To trolls on R,C.A.E.".,Terhnidan; :you must be betWeen 17 ond 40 physi5idly. .....hove Grade it editcolion.o_E fie/ .
Diredor of Personnel Manning;
I Please mail to Me„. Without obligatian, full particulars regarding
1 enridnient requirements and openings non/ a.vailable in tbe.R.c. '11
NAME (Pleise Prim)
supper in February, The Bible eh for treats received. at Christ -
.study on: "Sarah"'•waS taken •iby meg. DisbuSSion followed regard: -
Mrs. Winn, , the current ing eatering'to a wedding in the
eitents bv Mrs; S. Jamieson. Fol.: near future: • Mrs. •Jack Hedley
iOWing the closing 'hymn, prayer read the scripture leSson and
was given by r Mrs. Pollock and Mrs: Bannerm'an gave a NeW
Year's praYer. /The. efficers for
Meiklejolin.; past Ores.; *s. Al-
bert , Colwell; pres., Mrs. Hareld
Bannerman; 1St vice; Mrs; Dean
HeWitt; tee sec., Mrs. ,Ellison
was herd .at the, home. of Mrs. :Hed•gins; teas., rs. Wm. Camp -
.Campbell Vvith a good bell; Community Friendship; Mrs..
for this Meeting.
•MrS.11-larold ..Bannerman,1 Pianist; Mrs, 'Wm. Stanley; 'tem-
liresideC,1,. The roll call Was 'anS- I pevance 8014,, Mrs, Lorne Hodg'ins;.
and,a verse containing serne... Mabel Campbell.,
thing .abent Eve. Reports by Mrs'. •
.ship aria Stipply Were also rod. of. hymn .523 followed by prayet
KinlOss United' Church ,W:M.S.
The. January ineetingrof Kiri-
CA0.63WIS 1..
Skinny men, women
gain 5, 10, 15 .itla
Get New Pep, Vim Vigor
OR up, peek to longer serriWny. loSea
starved; Sickly • bean -pole' 100k. .rtioup.,,i,d.i..or••
women.„ hien, who never tould gait) betOrd;
are now proud Of shapely, healthy -looking bodies.
TheY thank the Special vigor-bulidirig, flesh -building
tonic ,Ostreg, Its tonics, stimUlants invigorators
Strength and Inatirlahrrienb. pUt-fiesh on bard bones,
f(Tar getting WO fat. Stop When .yoU've gained
tliti 5, 10, 15 Or 020 ,lbs, you need for normal ivelgat.
Try !ameba OStrex .TOple.J'Ablets tor lien( Vigor
and added POUpds, Una very day. At 'all druggisti.
utes. were read ,and the 'seripture,
544, *Was. Sung,. Ai sound film
"The; Weekly Editori", was •theri
:meeting closed with the' „
benediction; An invitation .WIts
received frorn the, Presbyterian
Guild to j.oht their skating 1'mi:sty
. 'Thursday „night,