HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-01-24, Page 31952 '• ,Jan- Of4 t ' 1 • • , 33 „ „ v • 4, .4 , 414 . " 4g ft $1.FIrranil Ftr.,ITPLIFM • I „ I A SPAY,. JAIVAATU,19.4a, Local& Geiieral'. 0 4 THE: L'UCKNQW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO gri. T. A, MacDonald has •re- turned 'after a month's visit with relatives in Ottawa, , .Perth and Toronto. • Mr. and Mrs, Russ Johnstone Were in Toronto the- first of the - week attending thefurniture, and mrs. Cecil, Wheeler Of Blyth are Vacationing in Florida. Mrs, Wheeler , is a sister of Mrs. John Kilpatrick. '. • Al Irwin, Boundary West, has been in Winghatri Hospital, for the past week, 'where he is under :.„--observation for ,a4Ossible.--gal-1-, Stone. condition: Mr, and ,Mrs; Don Ainslie: of Ann Arbour and Mrtnd Mrs. R. • F. MacLennan and sons 'lloddie • and Bruce of Detroit were week- end guests of Mr. and Mrs Frank AlaeLennan. • ' Mr...and Mrs.' W. A Porteous lett On Sunday morning for a • holiday in • the South. They eg7, pect to be gone about six weeks and' will: make their he'adquart- • ers at Mianii and St. Petersburg. • Mr. and Mrs:' D. A. MacRae a,nd Johnnie- of 7 ' C011 PgWOCPCIp Messrs. Donald and 'John Mac- Keniie, Mr. and M'rs. Gordon. Fenety,'Mr: and Mrs. H. jr. Mac- Rae, all of .Toronto, visited with John MacRae and while here at- tended the funeral: of the late Miss Anna 1VIaCK-enzie. , • • , Mr. and Mrs. John Barnes ,:of Lethbridge and Mr. and Mrs: Alex 'Sandy" Campbell. of Kit- chener' called on 'old friends here • :last week. Mrs, Barnes Was for- : merly Annie. Campbell of Luck - ow; the parental home :being •• that now ,owned by Mr. and Mrs. J..'BroWn. • • • , • • • DR. G. S. FOWLER has resigned • after •serving for 36 years as .seC- •".retary. Of Teeswater. ; Masonic Lucknow Presbyterian Church, B.A., Minister • SUNDAY, JANUARY 27th 11-a.m.: Morning VVorship. .12.15 p.m.: _Sunday_ School and Bible Class. , 3 p.m.:-EiSkine Church, Dun- , gannon. ••• 7 On:: Evening: Sernee.. NSG -3 1.1.1*.tR Minister: Rev. W. .1..'"Aultnford, • • • .D., STD. , 1 v SUNDAY, JANUARY ,27th i I 11 a.m.: YOu IliveA G2ift., 12.15 p.M.:' Sunday School.•. 1 ;, 7 p.m.: The. Fourfold Unity! . •1 . of Christian Living. , .1 4 . • - No` man has a. right to do.1 as' he pleaSes unlesS ho' pleases , Io do.right. Start -the clor right! 1 by joining with its in worShip.i nglicain *Church' NOTICES 1. Rev: A.' So Mitchell, L.Th.„. Rector. ' • 3rd Sunday after Epipliahy • 27thi 1952'. St POWs Church, LticknOW d;rn.i. 'Litany and Sermdn.. . • . -St. Paill'S • 2.30 p 3m The LitanY,,, .1, • St. Paul's urch, Ripley • 7,30 Holy 0Orneounion, TO. HOLM SHORT .C.€,ARSE. 41/0111t FOOD AND FIGURE" Mrs. Harvey Houston was. hos- tess to the ladies•of the Itairshea. W. I, for the January meeting. Mrs. Ira. Dickie, vice president, presided over the meeting whieh° opened by 4.ingitig the ode' and repeating•the Mary Stewart Col- lect. . • • :The minutes of .the la'St meet; ing• were ?ead and ..adopted and •the treasurer,'s, report was 'given. The correspondence was • dealt with, The short course "Your Food. and Figure" is to beheld on „May 14th in the Holyrood Hall. Mrs. G. Lockhart, in rePort- iv•on the. Mile Cross „Hospital,- -nation-;Stated-that-all Subscrib•-;- ers Must:continue tO be, paid tip nienibers of the Institute, • Committee was -chosen -,to make some, of the arrangements 'for the. Calico Ball to, be held around the' first of 'April.,7 • Mrs. Steer sang a yery delight- ful 'solo, followed- by the motto "Cheerfulness greases the axles of the World" by Mrs William Scott. Mrs., A. 'MacInt:Yre .gave an •interesting •topic ."The. ,phild has four teachers, the home, the school, : the church, the commun- ity". Allan. MacDOugall.. sang solo! and J J. and. Hugh; Houston sang a duet. Virs. H. Campbell give. a reading. Mrs. G: Hamilton. made .the. closing remarks. The. National Anthein• wa sung and a • social time enjoyed. • Mrs. Lloyd'Maepouga. llwill be. • hostess: for. the February meet- • in. Directors, Mrs. R. •MacMil, Ian, Mrs. S. MacGillivray, 'Mrs. ,G.• Wall; Huston..... •• . • - Ashfield Presbyterian WM.& . :The January Meeting of Ash- field W.M.,S. was :held. at- the ftome • of Mrs. Vandelay with the .President; Mrs, Duncan 'Macif Kenzie; presiding.: The' meeting opened with. the roll call, each one giving : a verse of scripture • With Shepherd as the theme. Mrs. D R.' MacKenzie, led i a Ne* Year'.s prayer, which WaS • prepar- ed :by :Mrs. D. A. MacDonald of Lochalsh,. who is Convalescingat the home of her daughter in•Lon- don.•:A letter Was..alsoread,frorn her, 'telling of some improvement in ;her health, which was good • :news to her many friends. Re, sponSiye 'reading:and ineditation was cOnclUcted from psalm 23'and John 10, continuing the theme of the Goed.Shepherd by Mrs. Dun- can MacKenzie . Mrs. Neil G. IVIaeKeritie gave. a review of, the 'i-anuary Glad Ti -clings. -Mrs. Wrn. Ress• gave' a reading and.,led in Mrs-:-Cblin--.MaeGreg-orin - troduced the new. 'study • "Meet the-.: South- 'AineriCans"-.- Anna Mae ,MacDOnald gave. a sp en. is . ynopsis o . chapter, and • urged read ,and study this book toknow more • about our Southern neighbors and. their.' probleM.S. .Mrs. Wrn.John- ston --prayet-Mr-s-Donald_ ,Sirripson, read. the 'Minutes of the :15a Iheetiriv-The-treatureryMrs. D. R. MacKenzie give the finan:-... cial report-fcir_1951 which was very encouraging., Plans . were. Made for :1952. The next Meeting - is to be, held at the Bouin .of' Mrs. John Cowan , on February 29th, the 'World's Day of Prayer.' Mrs. Fred MacGregor closed, the 'meet- ing with 'prayer. There were 36 present. Mrs'. • Dunoan Simpson as Organist. The hostess and her. Meads served lunch and% a• social time was•enjoyed. , SPORT.• :•• •• • BANTAMS RALLY TO -• TRIM tiODERICII 5-3 • Four .goalS • in •about ten Min- utes of the last period earned Lucknow Bantains a 5.-.3 .victor oVer Gdderich i the Lakeshore town on Thursday night. •The first period Of the nio,and-tuck struggle was saoreless, Goderich • and went ,into.'en, ear1y,a-1 lead in the third, only to have thtt. Lucknow kids, sparked .by .jack Chin, pour it on• pr 4 'fast goals, .Local' marksmen were Jack Chin 2 and Steve Carnegie, aild Kenny 1VIcl\lay one each. ' • * , Atter that .1.6.-2 shellacking by e cknow kids,- the Teeswater Banta have 'dropped Out of the g oup, feeling that the company hey're in is too fast ,for .them. 3. • CREWE We,'are $141 to.rePort Sherwood retuined home from Goderich Hospital last' Thursday. Miss Jacouline Hedley of Kin- loss spent the Week -end with Miss Norma ,SherWoOcl, Mr, and Mrs. Chester Finnigan and Mrs. R. Finnigan spent A day - 'Mrs. J. iCul4rap. and Stewart spent Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. V. Hunter of Luckno-w. • Mr. and. Mrs. Otto YowSrna speritThursday evening with Mr: •and Mrs, ,J. Curran and family. FATHER!. OF FORMER DOCTOR.-DIESJINO.,OND ON • Former„seCretary of' the. Brit- ish and Foreign 'Bible Society for 23 years, the. Rev. Richard' J. I3oWen, age 81, died of a ;heart attack. Friday in 'Victoria Kapital, London. - Mr. • Bowen was a native. of. Manchester and received, his theological' training in. England. • After. coming••to .Canada in 1895 he entered; Upon a career in the. Church of Engtland mission fields; first in the Yukon and later, in. 1908, on 'Vancouver Island,• He: moved to London in 1907, after. aooe,Ptihg, the pest of secretarS. with the Canadian Bible:Society an inter -denominational organ- ization: • H'e..w.a.slia Mason and a member of the Scottish Rite, 'He wasa fellow of the Royal Geographic :al Society, . Besides his widow he is Sur- vived by . one. ;Son, Dr. R. J, Bowen of 'London and fornierly. of Lucknow. •DONATIONS TO SEAL FUND NOW TOTAL $1042 • Previously acknowledged - .1,015.00; ..A Friend 2.00; L. E. Ashton 2.00.;, Ralph Cameron 2.00; Earl 'Durnin 1.00; P. W.,. Hoag, 2.00; Jacob Hunter 2.00; Noble Johnston 2.00; Donald McDonald 1.700;' Kelso McNay 2.00; Innis. MacSweenn 2.00; Robt j.- Reid 2.90; :Robt. Scott 2.00; WM. Ware- ing 2.00;,. Wilson Wall 1.00; Jos. Wasney 2.00; Total $1,042.00. ACKERT AGAIN ,WINNER OF DEKALB CORN . CONTEST • Raynard 'Ackert. Of tfolyrQod •hal beennamed winner of. the ,1951 DeKalb 5•-aere corn growing contestfor Bruce 'Ceunty, accord- ing to,Albert_aeivitt„ Kingar-:. dine, localdealer. • for • D,ekalb -HybridSeed,Corn- • My. Ackert, who as also win- Lthe -1.950._• _contest, used DeKalb variety 56 with. a .yield of 7.1:75074aus-:- t>er - givev on. the basis of shelled corn and 15 percent. masture. Thisis a very good yield for the district considering'. the cool wet gr.ow• - ing season and backward Other County winners ,'were Eric Buess cd nrant, Oliver Smith of Huron .and Cliff. Hewitt, of KinCardine.. • The 'a -aim -lion was' Wrn LLeeLef_K,.enticottnty• with a yield '.of 120.19 bus. 4 • PAGE THREE: Mr, • , ' ' AND. MEN'S WEAR • • TELEPHONE 85 WOOL — for. Warmth and Comfort_ FOR . WOMEN 1 . . Vests anil ,SnuggieS;' Underhose and' Overhose, Wool and Rayon ,Hose, - • Headsquares, ' Sweaters, • •Skirts, • Gloves -;and• Anklets - ,• !!' • FOR. MEN , 'Work Sweaters • $4,6$ 'Work' Sox -all • OriCeS. , Work Shitts-all sizes • .Underwear -all weights Plaid, Shirts --Clearances i__Vaps--good assortment,„ Hockey and High School Sweaters '' . BeloW Cost Boys' Reefers and Breeches, ideal for school wear, 6 to 12 yrs. Men's Hats, al sizes, blue and brown • . • . ••••••• .. • . •••••,•••••• 53.95 • .1 WOOL :-• FINAL. CLEARANCE , • 3 for 1 00 F' BARGAIN TABLE ODDMENTS • • ' 50e • NYLON PERF,ECTS; reg. to .81,05 :As AA. S S. S a a SAL' very close with the final decision notncia.de until the last ballot was in. Rosine recalled as the, :All -Canadian four-year-old heif- er. last year. A Reid entry in ,the Get,of-Sire. class also received Honorable. Mention. for Allhea0 adian,. this. Get :was by College View Governor., Another Honor- able 'Mention for All -Canadian that, went .to the Reid herd was on the ;produce, Of Maple Lea' Mercena Colantha Sylvia. • : • . . :United Church Evg. Auxiliary • 'The. 'first :Meeting of the year was held: at •the home of Mrs: Jes= • sie Ailjn. The meeting' opened with hymn. 511; ,The devotional period was :taken by Mrs. A. An-,' drew,.Mrs. Roy Havens 'and Mrs.. Fltsyd... Wilson: Miss Ruby: 'Webb offered.prayer:,It Wag decided to: hatrea,Valentine love gift at the :next meetirig in place of a, Vat, entine tea., The was*:ans-. -Wered' JWith 26 in attezidan-cek •s • ' CALL • 'Carle to n L. Stingel • Dung4nnon, Phone -96 1.•• . Who will • PAPER YOUR ROOMS * sand matte a goodjob of it• ' AT .REASONABLE PRICES: ''FOURTH: CONCESSION • • • tA • 33 ' • . . , , • , • • •j‘V nice ..crowd attended 'the Kairshea Institute meeting' at the • home.. of Mrs, Harvey ',Houston , last Thursday afternoon ; • '„','‘.110, We.are.glad to report thatMrs. Harry 'Ramsay, who .has been Ctuiteill, is .iiriProving. • ,• Mr and :Mrs. D. -Rowand • of reading- ,was given. by Miss Mar- .Walkerton visited ' at the home of garet Rae on ,Chriitian. Steward- ,Mr. Lloyd MacDougall last Tues - ship. Miss Jean Osborne took the day. • • " ' • chair for tbe•prograrn and moved Everyone enjoyed .the nice wea,. .* . , _a_yote_ofithanks_tp executive an _ther :• . ' • , Conveners. A New Year's reading: • was- given- -by- Mrs.,HarVey---Web--- ---a,1:---i'llAY•-VVAS ENJOYED, ster. The study 'book . on Home . . •• Missions was .very 'Capably,given, 'Friday __evening_.Blake's_iiill by Mrs Mumford . and the • mem- was filled by an appreciative -bers-Went-away-feeling--that they-a4clicrice.4.,-,for-the-play.-*-fChii#2, • • knew a_ great deal more about Cottage,. excellently ..presented this 'Part. of their' missionary by Londesboro. Y.P.11.. The cast work. Miss . Aileen Ilewat fav -„gave a uniformly brilliant per- oral with a pian? . solo. Dainty forrnanee and the constant hearty , refresInnents' were serVed by the laughter, of the Crowd demon. •. hostess and Committee in:charge.: strated their aPPreciation. • • ' • BORN ; TAYLOR -in Winghain Hospital, on Saturday; January 19,:•,to Mr. 'and Mrs: Albert Taylor, R.,. '2,, •Ltic)cnow, d son; -a' brother for Ken and Dorothy, ANDERSQN----at Alexandra Hos- pital:, GOderieh, on January :16th, 1952, to Mr. •and Mrs. John An- derson, Du,ngannon, a daughter: • HAMILTON -in Kincardine Gen- • eral. HosPital on Wednesday, Jan-. ParY 9; 1952; to Mr. and Mrs: Raymond 1-lamilton„ It 60, Luck - now, a .claughter,. Joanne. Marie, Receive All -Canadian Honors Mare Lea L. G. Rosine who was, senior and. grand ehanipion. I • Lendon, for L';Reid, Huron Township, has • received Honor- able , mention for • ,A11=Canadian' in the aged co* class. The All- canaCtian award in this. elAsS went to Spring Farm Jultett serve Grand Champion at the. Royal with the Reserve aWard taken by'' tilenvue Rilla 'Top Grade owned by D. S. Diinton, Bratylpton who stood noit, to iette in t.his claSs: Th 6 balloting between Bilia and gsine was .1 W1E1E-K-1. Sponsored by the 'Lucknow Branch' of, the Canadian Legion .• • LEGION . ROOMS, . LVCKNOW d esda • at 8,30 Utl.4 • .• . • 4 • EVERY WEDNESDAY. FOLLOWING. • • I' I • 6 'GAMES $1.00 - • •SPEC1AL$ 2,5c 4 "Rain or Shine" 1.• s. —— _AA_ —AA —A— —A_ —Ak