HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-01-24, Page 11952 • • x:95 rio: es'. )ist 'rem lave,; than• be- ...• .om- .. . 1952, S to ased lard.__ ance • may • logia -1 • Diger:. Tandy Tem- lea cof the: .._ Hospi. y 4th, Stew: Lighter. Gener anuary." Ward Jack t., are ival of tonday,, i o -r $2x50 Yearly In Advance -41,00 Extra: To U.S;A. LUCKNOW, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 24, 1952' EIGHT° PAGES. !�NCIa._.DEC 1'DE ON REMUNERATION • Thee inaugural meeting of • the Lucknow Municipal Council, ad.,. journed from°•the previous week, *as held. on Monday night •with all members present. • During ;the meeting • Reeve J. C. McNab reported, that at Cou:n- iy Oouneil .he had polled : rept resentatives .' of , every Municipal 'Board. in' Bruce, and found that the .reeve, and members of Luck-- now uck-now Council; were the only ones in • Brucen County who. ,were •not receiving remuneration for their' services. Locally the •Cou.ncil alao,' has the handling • Of hydro:and Water matters, , Which Tin some• other centres is in ,charge' of a Public Utilities Commission ' All' •rnemnbers Were •agreed on• the matter when .polled separate- .1y, Councillor •* ;Robertson e.orn.-. anenting that the time 'had , Corrie . When it .was the- usual ' thing to ....do. 'The fee' Was set gat $5.00- for. re. ' ular meetin s, and not to ex - g $60.00,• g teed $60.00,' a year If a member missed one or more regular meet- ings the $5.00 allowance could be • made up at special meetings, but, in no event was remunera tion to any member to exceed •'the. $60 maximum: It was suggest= ed that the Reeve. should: receive higher remuneration, but he pre., f erred to stay on the same basis: as the, councillors. ' • Clerk Wishes To Retire . • • •:Clerk:'Joseph Agnew''made ap- plication.' to ' withdraw •from': the 1 , 'service 'of the municipality on ,a• retir:ernent' :allowance, and the Board has this matter under con-. sideration ' Mr• "Agnew has been. 'clerk of , the.Village for. 45 years, clerk and treasurer .for ,44 ..years, and sec • xetary-treasurer ' of the: Water System; `for over 20 ;'year Mr: Agnew disclosed that he will be 84 'year's of age on February 1st, and he said, he must admit ;that . he `has reached the point when he can ne longer, do- the *ark.. Mr, Agne'vr recalled . 'that his starting salary 45 ` years ago was $100,00:: He referred to changing municipal ..• conditions and said that in ' those days you bought a lead •of. gravel, paid. forit and ptit' it where you liked. Reeve McNab said--he:.had-1elt,. and : had • previously • stated • that Mr—� 1tg'new-would--eonti•ntie- -: as, clerk and treasurer of the ,Village so long' as he was able to be• with them.` Council deferred.. any, action' un til their next meetingi and the appointment...of' Village, hydro. - and- water- officials teras quently postponed. Alex 'Havens :was re=appointed lar o: 2-000,; char-egged-•prop y"$ ► ' '.. rata ": to the V;Mage, Hy Hydro and WaterDepartments.: This was an increase over last year, and, J'N C. Johnstone's hourly salary rate' was increased. to 8$e. The hourly. rate for casual; labor was set at 80' cents. . ' Arequest : from: the Lucknow 'Bowling � Club to cut down several maple trees at the Green was re- ferred to the - Pro: Property Commit tee. . p Councillor .Rabertson. reported , :Wi•1:- ; that:the new • fcot bridge on., loughby. . St was 'quite satisfact- ory . Consideration Orthe increase to be''.de in water rates was heft ma , over till the February...Meeting. The International•rater . Sup- . ply Company. informed Council they would start: developing the • TO BUY•PRUOJECTOR WITH. A(AAZINW OMMiSS1010 !Students • of Lucknow District High School netted a total of $285 from commissions received in .a magazine and ' newspaper sales campaign last fart' ' '• 'Part of the money will .be used to buy a filn strip.projector ro`ecto' for p the, school, as :well as other school' equipment._ • date. • O.K. Pole Removal our it approved ti .:Ih1✓.P.C'. estimate of the cost • of removing hydro poles from the Main Str'eet andmodernizing g• the'lighting sys- tem. Coniinittee• 'Appointments • Council Committees . are Un- changed from ;last except ;for. the • . Waterworks and Fire • ;De- rtment Committee, and as councillor .. illor Robe nisbn did not 'wish continue as chairman,, (Cohtiinued , On page 8) TO NAME SCHOOL FOR ' 4SHFIELDITE The new $450,000 Waterloo school being built to replace the century -,old: Central School will be known as, MacGregor Public Sch'ooi in 'honor:' of C. J. • Mac- Gregor,'- veteran Waterloo prin- cipal . and a native .. of Ashfield Township. ' • A'.decision to rename the school was made . at, a dinner•held by the Waterloo`'Tublic School Board: following the inaugural ' meeting. .The present -school will .con- tinue to con- tinue'to be • known as Central but the new .building' ,will . be referred; to as MacGregor School. It. is ex- pected to be opened . in Septem- ber.: Vq Mr. MacGregor, has taught school.: for 41'/2 • years of which 33.'years have •been•'in 'Waterloo; He .is principal of Elizabeth 'Zeig ler ,School : and supervising prin cipal of the three Waterloopub lit schools •Prior :.to becoming ;principal at Elizabeth Ziegler in 1931 he was principal at Alexandra :School. APPOINTED CASE, AGENT Bob Arrnstront;� p ro :�r, of � ., P.ietor the Lucknow Motor.' Service Gar- age, has been appointed- distriet agent ' for. Case Implements. SYNOD AI D5':' 1 N` WORK AT':RECT:ORY The :.annual' : meetings of the. the: Vestry of',', St. Peter's Church. was held on Monday; January' 21st, when most,:; satisfactory ire= ports=were ,received •from : the_ Warden and Parish organizations.. The Rector "stated that there had :been • slight.• increases in all, de -p�artrnents,and-l-arger-attendance at services. The Ladies' Guild had urn erlak i`i-eavyabligations-but had.finished the year with a bal- ance exceeding six hundred dol - tars ofUer contributing over $500 for Parish and '.Rectory. 'The smaller. ;group--of=W -A.. workers.; had met all their-.miss'ionary ob �gations as- well as --sending' -a large bale of bedding and 'other comforts to the Rupert's House M er : to ission, and' hard-`ctnd ttakem- decorate two of the• rooms in the Rectory . which ,were wrecked in The fire. : F •The Rector' and 'Wardens .reg ported progress in the matter of restoring the Rectory, and later. the meeting inspected the. work which it is, hoped to, complete in a few >days. Ail, expressed their amazement and' satisfaction ' at the manner in which' the devas.. teflon had been remedied. By the generous co-operation of the Rip; ley '.congregation there will be a rnodern kitchen :and bathroom, and the Synod ' of Huron, as a token of, appreciation ;of the Cour Nage, with which -the . Par,iah had 'tackled .their terrific problem; had installed a complete and. modern heating. system:. • Among ,other improvements, ' • all ceilings ad " eerr < Which will .add still more • tothe comfort of the'Rectory... The following elections 'took laee: Rector's S .- Warden,{ W. Srnrth, Peoples Warden, T. J. Salkeld; Parish clerk and.' treas- urer,' reas-uiter,.' C. L. • Smith,; delegate to Synod, . Fred McQuil.lin; substi-' tute,.. John McQuillin: auditors, Miss D. Cook and. Mrs. Fred ,Mc- Quillin; Board of Management, Carmen ,McQuillin, Stewart Lave is'.. L. Smith, W. Stimson, Mrs, C. Stewart La:vis and Mss D: Cook, , R • CHILDREN'S STORY HOUR ,EC".`CENT-RE .' TO COMMENCE SATURDAY CURB DAMAGE Repeated acts of wilful damage g at the Recreational Centre, hava decided• the, Committee to close_ the building at nights, whennot. in use, and on Sundays., The building , bad previously been accessible- -throughout the day''Ind evening because' of -the public restroom facilities, and re creational 'opportunities .it offer.. ed. • .The Cornmittee has decided to close the .Centre each 'evening at six o'clock with the exception of Saturdays,.: when •the{ closing.hour will '.be• 10 p,m.. Hereafter 'the building will • be locked all day 'and evening .on Stinday. • It is unfortunate that. these • re= ;strictiops Nave been 'found: nee= essary in an effort to curb the wanton damage which takes place; from time to time Tt has been impossible. to - keep clothes -hooks. on the walls.: in the. cloak rooms: ',These- are repeatedly ripped., or. snapped off, .and coat ' hangers. twisted :into useless pretzel. shaPest Broken windows and damaged doors have also figured in the .destruction: The Recreational Centre. is 'in partial'. use .: as a , public/school 1? P Classroom few' Grades 3 . and • 4, abut: the students are not respon .sible for. the ..damage that . ha frequently occurred. TheCentre will still. be ,rent- able for the many functions that. are ,• staged there, but' no longer, will the Centre be ;open to the" public, other than for supervised- activities . it is regrettable . that a few, destructive minded persons rob all others of..: free access" -to: the opportunities .for recreation and - the restroom: facilities, offer- ed by this Community; !building. TM:E. SE'NT�I N EL . THAT 'wee ly bingos are again being commenced by .the Luck- now ;Legion: The first night • is next Wednesday' January30th r in the Legion Rooms: and each Wednesday thereafter ;THAT XQIr: . and• Mrs:, Newton Jaxrres of Windsor "ran into". Mr. and Mrs.: Burt. Roach ` and , Mr. and Mrs. Elliott - Sandy. at ' Daytona :.Beach. Spotting the Ontario license' and hiking en- quiries, Mrs. 'James discovered that. they 'were from her own home town. • • THAT in a letter•. from Miss'' Ger- trude Treleaven, who.: is ` mak- ing ing her•horne' in Strathroy with • Mrs.. A. G. Elliott, ,she .says: "I wish you • could see tls•-, ort .Sentinel Day" . " Gertrude .ex- pressed surprise in learning 'of the,: sale of ' Purdon's ' Baker:.. She. wishes 'Stewart Miihin well; and adds, "•I think their ibakeshop has.better baking 'and variety 'than Strathroy". o-. THAT. the Lucknow United • ' Church •Choir, •was entertained last' Thursday evening that proved a most • interesting. and entertaining- event, : `'- . The children' ory incur' is to .;again be'resuined, and Will ;corn rnence on Saturday morning of this' week,, January 26Th in the Recreational Centre. The hour is from 10.00 to 11400 a.m. .and is:; for children of °,pre-school age and .Of Grades 1 . ".and 2.•' FORMER RES:IDE'NT NINETY FRIDAY January 25th has long . been 'traditionally observed.. in this :Scottish .community in commem— oration of the birth of the great Scottish Scottish'.Poet, Bobby Burhs. But, the date has further significance, in this conam.unity, and this year. is an especially noteworthy ' oc- casion, • as 'Mrs:. Janet MacDon-- .ald. marks -her :90th birthday : to-' morrow—Friday. Mrs.- MacDonald was formerly Janet Beaton and was born : in Crief, Ont., in...1862, of ,Highland Scottish: ;parentage., At. the age of :seven she moved with, her parents to Kinloss Township : and. in ' 1882 Married Thomas -Mac,- Dor al'd. of Kinloss, ' .who ,passed 'away .twenty 'y ears ago, in 1932. With the' exception of.. twelve years' spent•, in the -Algoma Dis ¶riot the MacDonald family t lived. in Lucknow or ;vicinity until '1939. Of a family ,of eight children, five are living -Jack and Gar- field of Lucknow, 'Lorne and : Pet-: erborough, Mrs. A.. J. Lockeridge' (Myra) of Wingham arid Mrs.'C. E. Smith (Kate). of . Seaforth, with:: whom : 'Mrs. .MacDonald makes. her -home. There are fit= teen. grandchildren' and;' eleven great",. grandchildren. .:Mrs. ''MacDonald continues to enjoy. remarkably good . health and' her. interests are many. Al- though confined' to her home most of the time,. she .enjoys the radio; tuningin, to two sermons regularly each Sunday and never ng missithe -daily7 newscasts. Her eyesight ,.:permit . her to' still 'enjoy reading, . with the Bible being h'er :.best companion. Mrs. MacDonald reads. other 'good -books,:-the daily -papers an&The• .Sentinel, a.in__,which,. she ..keeps close tab 'on sports and. other doings. in the old home town. Mrs--rMacDonald is= ate. -Toronto- Maple Leaf fan and listens in to th- e•--Saturday----right br-oadea-st-sr These games, have Iest ' a ; 'little' of their glow 'with thedeparture of : veteran`T ark„ Bfrom r the• Leaf goal, .but ,still ,she” en joys ahem. • • • . One_ of Mrs. MaeDonald's. chief joys is to have Lucknow friends. call• to •'see her in Seaforth. To 'have had the pleasure of spend- . . an g-a.�isy din Lticknow:during the Bruce Reunion was really a ' "red letter day's; in her life: So many friends of earlier days found time to sit and Chat with her on that occasion. Her many ',friends . here now jroiri in extending congratulations and best wishes on. her path birthday. .ter THAT friends and neighbors' re- . Gently joined'• in contributing to. a comiriunity fund, for 15 -year- old. Everett, Swan, who lost an eye, the day before Christmas. Everett -has got along real well since the remo'v'al of the optic, and was in London last week for a fitting of an artificial eye,. He to has to return next week. D. L. MacKINNON, PASSES' The death •of Donald L., Mac- Kn'nnon' occurred on Tuesday ,at ,his. home, .,Con. 4, Kinloss,, after a lengthy illness.' He was 7,1 years of age, The •fune.;al service will be held this afternoon (Thursday) at .'Johnstone's Funeral Bonze at 2.30, with interment in South Kinloss Cemetery, ENG AGEMENTS nourices the en a O gemerit 'Of his only daughter, rvlary Teresa, to Mr. Joseph ,Courtney of Kings- brickie,, son of Mrs, J'os'eph Courts. ney of fe'.roit, and: the late Jos`: eph Courtney. The wedding to take; n1: e in St Joseph's rhurcl Xin:g; .brrje, on Saturday, Feb- ruary, 9th.t 10 `a.r ri r%' j2tries H. McIntosh of ' Wingham and formerly of Kin-` loss,, is obnW lesci.ng after an, ' illripss with pneumonia. REVIEWS P' PROGRESS I A fine turkey supper was en- joyed. by the members and ad= herents of ,the Lucknow PreNhy- terian Church fast Thursday ev ening, Almost 150 people partook and 'to• .•the men_ of the congrega tion, who did every bit of thrg work involved -and"took care • of'- the -,expense, is'owing the thanks o°f .'all. 'who .• w ` When the `supper was ever the annual meeting of the congrega- • tion 'was `.observed. The meeting' opened when the minister, the Rev. C. . A. Winn, led in prayer • and 'rea.dfrom the 122nd psalm. Mr, Cameron MacDonald . made the motion which 'ryas • duly 'sec- onded that Mr. Stuart Robertson. be the chairmanfor the meeting. The 'Session report, presented' by. Rev. C A. Winn,. sltow.ed that. there, had :been seven deaths among members of •the •congrega,- tion in 1651. 'There :ha:d -been, six • infants . baptised, .' one, .marriage 'was .solemnized and `nine .'new. trnenibers received. • Messrs. Gordon Fisher, Archie Smith Fred ::Jackson'. and"•Donald`, Henderson' were appointed:'men's- bers of the ",Board. of• Managers.: Mr. Lane Gardner was appointed a.' manager 'for .a . term:. of one, -year to, succeed ."Mr. John; ,.D. floss 'and co&nplete. his..teran` 'et office: Mr: 'Norman Taylor' was appointed treasurer:, The Mission .Band . report was:, prepared, by Mrs.,:; W. C;' Finlay son andread by Mrs. B,. Agnew, .showing- a membership of twenty- five children.. The . study , book, "Frien:ds Across • Canada', was . read discussed chapter by Chapter.. chapter : during the year. Three Junior mexnbership were;• pre- sented : to members With. perfect attendance records. •' The .Young People's Guild re= •' port ' for :195'1 • was , presented. ' by; Miss.' Gladys Chin showing that at.. ,meetings during__ the year' an ' average of • 15mezziberswere pre- sent; The study 'book was "The Church of Jesus .Christ", and ,was found very helpful and interest.: ing: —Tlie Cradle Rall report .present- ed',by 1Vfrs� C "?t` Winn: `s5d Wed ..". six :'promotions •and• nine new • names: added'to.'the •roll, and 'the number • on the roll at presenb Stands at 21 The. congregation was pleased to •know. that all the organizations. showed a new interest on'::the • whole and marked ii'nprovement over last; year -was .in' evidence. :Miss Gladys MatDonWd rad the , Sunday School . report for 1951 'shawl/4 74' -" rcriezrnbers'�'ori the' roll and... average attendance' .of 52. Cert i cafes .and. seals f a s were• presentezl"'to""'memrbers- af-••-the ,' Sunday. School' for attendance during the year. We novo have eleven teachers and officers . in. this work. Our attendance' for the year •1951 was up 'considerably'• over recent years.. • . The secretary's' report:for 'the, Evening •Auxiliary was :given•by Mrs. Gordon : 'Fisher' showing 'a •.steady average • attendance of. 22. The study book chosen and: stud= ied was "Our Share in the Mis- sion •World" and also 'studies in the Ten • •Comman•dments, were enjoyed': Fi'v'e new membbe'rs were added duri'ng the year and the ''allocation was met; and . ex= ceeded by:a goodly amount: Mrs.* James. Little 'gave the financial • report of the Evening Auxiliary which was very en- couraging, •s sr r ous ._aye lesec- retary's report for • the • W.M.S. Which' showed; a fine successful • Year: The allocation for the Y year was met,' and extra `solendid and commendable work' •was accom r ;5, plished, , Mrs, Betrice' .Yovan presented the treasurer's 'report 'tor the 'WKS. which showed: a . . goodly balance. !• The financial report . of ithe congregation Was given' icy Dom ,ald Henderson, There Were ' extra (Continued, .en' page 8). 1'I 4