HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-01-24, Page 11952
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• Thee inaugural meeting of • the
Lucknow Municipal Council, ad.,.
journed from°•the previous week,
*as held. on Monday night •with
all members present. •
During ;the meeting • Reeve J.
C. McNab reported, that at Cou:n-
iy Oouneil .he had polled : rept
resentatives .' of , every Municipal
'Board. in' Bruce, and found that
the .reeve, and members of Luck--
uck-now Council; were the only ones
in • Brucen County who. ,were •not
receiving remuneration for their'
services. Locally the •Cou.ncil alao,'
has the handling • Of hydro:and
Water matters, , Which Tin some•
other centres is in ,charge' of a
Public Utilities Commission '
All' •rnemnbers Were •agreed on•
the matter when .polled separate-
.1y, Councillor •* ;Robertson e.orn.-.
anenting that the time 'had , Corrie
. When it .was the- usual ' thing to
....do. 'The fee' Was set gat $5.00- for.
re. ' ular meetin s, and not to ex -
g $60.00,•
teed $60.00,' a year If a member
missed one or more regular meet-
ings the $5.00 allowance could
be • made up at special meetings,
but, in no event was remunera
tion to any member to exceed
•'the. $60 maximum: It was suggest=
ed that the Reeve. should: receive
higher remuneration, but he pre.,
f erred to stay on the same basis:
as the, councillors. ' •
Clerk Wishes To Retire . • •
•:Clerk:'Joseph Agnew''made ap-
plication.' to ' withdraw •from': the
1 ,
'service 'of the municipality on ,a•
retir:ernent' :allowance, and the
Board has this matter under con-.
sideration '
Mr• "Agnew has been. 'clerk of
, the.Village for. 45 years, clerk and
treasurer .for ,44 ..years, and sec
• xetary-treasurer ' of the: Water
System; `for over 20 ;'year Mr:
Agnew disclosed that he will be
84 'year's of age on February 1st,
and he said, he must admit ;that
. he `has reached the point when
he can ne longer, do- the *ark..
Mr, Agne'vr recalled . 'that his
starting salary 45 ` years ago was
$100,00:: He referred to changing
municipal ..• conditions and said
that in ' those days you bought
a lead •of. gravel, paid. forit and
ptit' it where you liked.
Reeve McNab said--he:.had-1elt,.
and : had • previously • stated • that
Mr—� 1tg'new-would--eonti•ntie- -: as,
clerk and treasurer of the ,Village
so long' as he was able to be•
with them.`
Council deferred.. any, action' un
til their next meetingi and the
appointment...of' Village, hydro.
- and- water- officials teras
quently postponed.
Alex 'Havens :was re=appointed
lar o: 2-000,; char-egged-•prop
y"$ ►
rata ": to the V;Mage, Hy Hydro and
WaterDepartments.: This was an
increase over last year, and, J'N
C. Johnstone's hourly salary rate'
was increased. to 8$e. The hourly.
rate for casual; labor was set at
80' cents. . '
Arequest : from: the Lucknow
'Bowling �
Club to cut down several
maple trees at the Green was re-
ferred to the - Pro: Property Commit
. p
Councillor .Rabertson. reported ,
; that:the new • fcot bridge on.,
loughby. . St was 'quite satisfact-
. Consideration
Orthe increase to
be''.de in water rates was heft
ma ,
over till the February...Meeting.
The International•rater . Sup-
. ply Company. informed Council
they would start: developing the
!Students • of Lucknow District
High School netted a total of
$285 from commissions received
.a magazine and ' newspaper
sales campaign last fart' '
'• 'Part of the money will .be used
to buy a filn strip.projector ro`ecto' for
the, school, as :well as other
school' equipment._
• date. •
O.K. Pole Removal
our it approved ti .:Ih1✓.P.C'.
estimate of the cost • of removing
hydro poles from the Main Str'eet
andmodernizing g•
the'lighting sys-
Coniinittee• 'Appointments •
Council Committees . are Un-
changed from ;last except ;for.
the • . Waterworks and Fire • ;De-
rtment Committee, and as
councillor .. illor Robe
nisbn did not
'wish continue as chairman,,
(Cohtiinued , On page 8)
The new $450,000 Waterloo
school being built to replace the
century -,old: Central School will
be known as, MacGregor Public
Sch'ooi in 'honor:' of C. J. • Mac-
Gregor,'- veteran Waterloo prin-
cipal . and a native .. of Ashfield
Township. ' •
A'.decision to rename the school
was made . at, a dinner•held by
the Waterloo`'Tublic School Board:
following the inaugural ' meeting.
.The present -school will .con-
tinue to
tinue'to be • known as Central but
the new .building' ,will . be referred;
to as MacGregor School. It. is ex-
pected to be opened . in Septem-
ber.: Vq
Mr. MacGregor, has taught
school.: for 41'/2 • years of which
33.'years have •been•'in 'Waterloo;
He .is principal of Elizabeth 'Zeig
ler ,School : and supervising prin
cipal of the three Waterloopub
lit schools
•Prior :.to becoming ;principal at
Elizabeth Ziegler in 1931 he was
principal at Alexandra :School.
Bob Arrnstront;� p ro :�r, of
� ., P.ietor
the Lucknow Motor.' Service Gar-
age, has been appointed- distriet
agent ' for. Case Implements.
SYNOD AI D5':' 1 N`
The :.annual' : meetings of the.
Vestry of',', St. Peter's Church.
was held on Monday; January'
21st, when most,:; satisfactory ire=
ports=were ,received •from : the_
Warden and Parish organizations..
The Rector "stated that there had
:been • slight.• increases in all, de
at services. The Ladies' Guild had
urn erlak i`i-eavyabligations-but
had.finished the year with a bal-
ance exceeding six hundred
dol -
tars ofUer contributing over $500
for Parish and '.Rectory. 'The
smaller. ;group--of=W -A.. workers.;
had met all their-.miss'ionary ob
�gations as- well as --sending' -a
large bale of bedding and 'other
comforts to the Rupert's House
er : to ission, and' hard-`ctnd ttakem-
decorate two of the• rooms in the
Rectory . which ,were wrecked in
The fire. : F
•The Rector' and 'Wardens .reg
ported progress in the matter of
restoring the Rectory, and later.
the meeting inspected the. work
which it is, hoped to, complete in
a few >days. Ail, expressed their
amazement and' satisfaction ' at
the manner in which' the devas..
teflon had been remedied. By the
generous co-operation of the Rip;
ley '.congregation there will be a
rnodern kitchen :and bathroom,
and the Synod ' of Huron, as a
token of, appreciation ;of the Cour
Nage, with which -the . Par,iah had
'tackled .their terrific problem;
had installed a complete and.
modern heating. system:. • Among
,other improvements, ' • all ceilings
ad " eerr
Which will .add still more • tothe
comfort of the'Rectory...
The following elections 'took
laee: Rector's S .- Warden,{ W.
Srnrth, Peoples Warden, T. J.
Salkeld; Parish clerk and.' treas-
reas-uiter,.' C. L. • Smith,; delegate to
Synod, . Fred McQuil.lin; substi-'
tute,.. John McQuillin: auditors,
Miss D. Cook and. Mrs. Fred ,Mc-
Quillin; Board of Management,
Carmen ,McQuillin, Stewart Lave
is'.. L. Smith, W. Stimson, Mrs,
C. Stewart La:vis and Mss D: Cook,
R •
Repeated acts of wilful damage
at the Recreational Centre, hava
decided• the, Committee to close_
the building at nights, whennot.
in use, and on Sundays.,
The building , bad previously
been accessible- -throughout the
day''Ind evening because' of -the
public restroom facilities, and re
creational 'opportunities .it offer..
ed. •
.The Cornmittee has decided to
close the .Centre each 'evening at
six o'clock with the exception of
Saturdays,.: when •the{ closing.hour
will '.be• 10 p,m.. Hereafter 'the
building will • be locked all day
'and evening .on Stinday. •
It is unfortunate that. these • re=
;strictiops Nave been 'found: nee=
essary in an effort to curb the
wanton damage which takes place;
from time to time Tt has been
impossible. to - keep clothes -hooks.
on the walls.: in the. cloak rooms:
',These- are repeatedly ripped., or.
snapped off, .and coat ' hangers.
twisted :into useless pretzel.
shaPest Broken windows and
damaged doors have also figured
in the .destruction:
The Recreational Centre. is 'in
partial'. use .: as a , public/school
1? P
Classroom few' Grades 3 . and • 4,
abut: the students are not respon
.sible for. the ..damage that . ha
frequently occurred.
TheCentre will still. be ,rent-
able for the many functions that.
are ,• staged there, but' no longer,
will the Centre be ;open to the"
public, other than for supervised-
activities . it is regrettable . that
a few, destructive minded persons
rob all others of..: free access" -to:
the opportunities .for recreation
and - the restroom: facilities, offer-
ed by this Community; !building.
THAT 'wee ly bingos are again
being commenced by .the Luck-
now ;Legion: The first night • is
next Wednesday' January30th
in the Legion Rooms: and each
Wednesday thereafter
;THAT XQIr: . and• Mrs:, Newton
Jaxrres of Windsor "ran into".
Mr. and Mrs.: Burt. Roach ` and
, Mr. and Mrs. Elliott - Sandy. at
' Daytona :.Beach. Spotting the
Ontario license' and hiking en-
quiries, Mrs. 'James discovered
that. they 'were from her own
home town. •
THAT in a letter•. from Miss'' Ger-
trude Treleaven, who.: is ` mak-
ing her•horne' in Strathroy with
• Mrs.. A. G. Elliott, ,she .says:
"I wish you • could see tls•-, ort
.Sentinel Day" . " Gertrude .ex-
pressed surprise in learning 'of
the,: sale of ' Purdon's ' Baker:..
She. wishes 'Stewart Miihin
well; and adds, "•I think their
ibakeshop has.better baking 'and
variety 'than Strathroy".
THAT. the Lucknow United
• ' Church •Choir, •was entertained
last' Thursday evening that
proved a most • interesting. and
entertaining- event, : `'-
. The children' ory incur' is to
.;again be'resuined, and Will ;corn
rnence on Saturday morning of
this' week,, January 26Th in the
Recreational Centre. The hour is
from 10.00 to 11400 a.m. .and is:;
for children of °,pre-school age
and .Of Grades 1 . ".and 2.•'
January 25th has long . been
'traditionally observed.. in this
:Scottish .community in commem—
oration of the birth of the great
Scottish'.Poet, Bobby Burhs. But,
the date has further significance,
in this conam.unity, and this year.
is an especially noteworthy ' oc-
casion, • as 'Mrs:. Janet MacDon--
.ald. marks -her :90th birthday : to-'
Mrs.- MacDonald was formerly
Janet Beaton and was born : in
Crief, Ont., in...1862, of ,Highland
Scottish: ;parentage., At. the age
of :seven she moved with, her
parents to Kinloss Township : and.
in ' 1882 Married Thomas -Mac,-
Dor al'd. of Kinloss, ' .who ,passed
'away .twenty 'y ears ago, in 1932.
With the' exception of.. twelve
years' spent•, in the -Algoma Dis
¶riot the MacDonald family t lived.
in Lucknow or ;vicinity until '1939.
Of a family ,of eight children,
five are living -Jack and Gar-
field of Lucknow, 'Lorne and
: Pet-:
erborough, Mrs. A.. J. Lockeridge'
(Myra) of Wingham arid Mrs.'C.
E. Smith (Kate). of . Seaforth,
with:: whom : 'Mrs. .MacDonald
makes. her -home. There are fit=
teen. grandchildren' and;' eleven
great",. grandchildren.
.:Mrs. ''MacDonald continues to
enjoy. remarkably good . health
and' her. interests are many. Al-
though confined' to her home
most of the time,. she .enjoys the
radio; tuningin, to two sermons
regularly each Sunday and never
missithe -daily7 newscasts.
Her eyesight ,.:permit . her to'
still 'enjoy reading, . with the
Bible being h'er :.best companion.
Mrs. MacDonald reads. other 'good
-books,:-the daily -papers an&The•
.Sentinel, a.in__,which,. she ..keeps
close tab 'on sports and. other
doings. in the old home town.
Mrs--rMacDonald is= ate. -Toronto-
Maple Leaf fan and listens in to
th- e•--Saturday----right br-oadea-st-sr
These games, have Iest ' a ; 'little'
of their glow 'with thedeparture
of : veteran`T
ark„ Bfrom
the• Leaf goal, .but ,still ,she” en
joys ahem. • • •
. One_ of Mrs. MaeDonald's. chief
joys is to have Lucknow friends.
call• to •'see her in Seaforth. To
'have had the pleasure of spend-
. .
an g-a.�isy din Lticknow:during the
Bruce Reunion was really a ' "red
letter day's; in her life: So many
friends of earlier days found time
to sit and Chat with her on that
Her many ',friends . here now
jroiri in extending congratulations
and best wishes on. her path
THAT friends and neighbors' re-
. Gently joined'• in contributing to.
a comiriunity fund, for 15 -year-
old. Everett, Swan, who lost an
eye, the day before Christmas.
Everett -has got along real well
since the remo'v'al of the optic,
and was in London last week
for a fitting of an artificial eye,.
He to has to return next week.
The death •of Donald L., Mac-
Kn'nnon' occurred on Tuesday ,at
,his. home, .,Con. 4, Kinloss,, after
a lengthy illness.' He was 7,1 years
of age, The •fune.;al service will
be held this afternoon (Thursday)
at .'Johnstone's Funeral Bonze at
2.30, with interment in South
Kinloss Cemetery,
nourices the en a O
gemerit 'Of his
only daughter, rvlary Teresa, to
Mr. Joseph ,Courtney of Kings-
brickie,, son of Mrs, J'os'eph Courts.
ney of fe'.roit, and: the late Jos`:
eph Courtney. The wedding to
take; n1: e in St Joseph's rhurcl
Xin:g; .brrje, on Saturday, Feb-
ruary, 9th.t 10 `a.r ri
r%' j2tries H. McIntosh of
' Wingham and formerly of Kin-`
loss,, is obnW lesci.ng after an,
' illripss with pneumonia.
A fine turkey supper was en-
joyed. by the members and ad=
herents of ,the Lucknow PreNhy-
terian Church fast Thursday ev
ening, Almost 150 people partook
and 'to• .•the men_ of the congrega
tion, who did every bit of thrg
work involved -and"took care • of'-
the -,expense, is'owing the thanks
o°f .'all. 'who .• w
` When the `supper was ever the
annual meeting of the congrega- •
tion 'was `.observed. The meeting'
opened when the minister, the
Rev. C. . A. Winn, led in prayer •
and 'rea.dfrom the 122nd psalm.
Mr, Cameron MacDonald . made
the motion which 'ryas • duly 'sec-
onded that Mr. Stuart Robertson.
be the chairmanfor the meeting.
The 'Session report, presented'
by. Rev. C A. Winn,. sltow.ed that.
there, had :been seven deaths
among members of •the •congrega,-
tion in 1651. 'There :ha:d -been, six •
infants . baptised, .' one, .marriage
'was .solemnized and `nine .'new.
trnenibers received.
• Messrs. Gordon Fisher, Archie
Smith Fred ::Jackson'. and"•Donald`,
Henderson' were appointed:'men's-
bers of the ",Board. of• Managers.:
Mr. Lane Gardner was appointed
manager 'for .a . term:. of one,
-year to, succeed ."Mr. John; ,.D.
floss 'and co&nplete. his..teran` 'et
office: Mr: 'Norman Taylor' was
appointed treasurer:,
The Mission .Band . report was:,
prepared, by Mrs.,:; W. C;' Finlay
son andread by Mrs. B,. Agnew,
.showing- a membership of twenty-
five children.. The . study , book,
"Frien:ds Across • Canada', was .
read discussed chapter by
chapter : during the year. Three
Junior mexnbership were;• pre-
sented : to members With. perfect
attendance records. •'
The .Young People's Guild re= •'
port ' for :195'1 • was , presented. ' by;
Miss.' Gladys Chin showing that
at.. ,meetings during__ the year' an '
average of • 15mezziberswere pre-
sent; The study 'book was "The
Church of Jesus .Christ", and ,was
found very helpful and interest.:
—Tlie Cradle Rall report .present-
ed',by 1Vfrs� C "?t` Winn: `s5d Wed ..".
six :'promotions •and• nine new •
names: added'to.'the •roll, and 'the
number • on the roll at presenb
Stands at 21
The. congregation was pleased
to •know. that all the organizations.
showed a new interest on'::the •
whole and marked ii'nprovement
over last; year -was .in' evidence.
:Miss Gladys MatDonWd rad
the , Sunday School . report for
1951 'shawl/4 74' -"
rcriezrnbers'�'ori the'
roll and... average attendance' .of
52. Cert i
cafes .and. seals f a s were•
presentezl"'to""'memrbers- af-••-the ,'
Sunday. School' for attendance
during the year. We novo have
eleven teachers and officers . in.
this work. Our attendance' for the
year •1951 was up 'considerably'•
over recent years.. •
. The secretary's' report:for 'the,
Evening •Auxiliary was :given•by
Mrs. Gordon : 'Fisher' showing 'a
•.steady average • attendance of. 22.
The study book chosen and: stud=
ied was "Our Share in the Mis-
sion •World" and also 'studies in
the Ten • •Comman•dments, were
enjoyed': Fi'v'e new membbe'rs
were added duri'ng the year and
the ''allocation was met; and . ex=
ceeded by:a goodly amount:
Mrs.* James. Little 'gave the
financial • report of the Evening
Auxiliary which was very en-
•s sr r ous ._aye lesec-
retary's report for • the • W.M.S.
Which' showed; a fine successful •
Year: The allocation for the
Y year
was met,' and extra `solendid and
commendable work' •was accom r ;5,
plished, , Mrs, Betrice' .Yovan
presented the treasurer's 'report
'tor the 'WKS. which showed: a . .
goodly balance. !•
The financial report . of ithe
congregation Was given' icy Dom
,ald Henderson, There Were ' extra
(Continued, .en' page 8).