HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-01-17, Page 6•
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• 'ho e of Mrs.' Frank Ritehie with
••• , • rattendance of 17 ,adUlts' and
• • • •
•• t ee _children. The president;
, •
• . lgrs. Gordon Ritchie, opened .the
meeting. he secretary; Mrs. Net
son RaYn read the 'Minutes
s. 'Gardner- read the study
..The..scripture lesson was
read rs. Wes Ritchie,.*s„.
' J Gardner 'read communicatiooS;
o • •
• Zien. 1V,Ivi.S. . • , .
„Atp.:ILly... .liet Thursday af-
terpoon, January lab', at the
• t.'
• nd ca
• .
there were, readings by'Mrs.. C.
Wilkins, Mrs. J. Hunter and Mrs.
G. Kiiklarrth-A-short--busiriess-s
sion Was held and. .the closing
prayer offered by Rev. C. • 13.
Woolley, At 'this point 'Mrs, Geo.
Hunter took over for the W. A.
Mrs. W. O. Hunter read a psalm
and Mrs J Hunter conducted a
•discussion' on patterns for the
next quilt, after which a very
dainty lunch was served by the
isess, assisted by Mrs. J. •Mc-
Donagh and Mrs. N. Rayriard.
1 Lt7ut till•c, _I
•, 0 •
uJ•.....r .
E0 0 i
; •
• ,
. ,
SPORT... .
tivium,VVEATHER FORCES . i. David Henry A ton, son 0 a
SEITY POSTrONEMF-fn• pioneer Ashfield Township • faM-
• fly; died in Wingh4M Hospital..op
Mild weather' forced 'a post- squrday, January 5th, following
ponement of the Trowbridge at a beart attack. He had been taken
.Lucknow Intermediate PAW. slat- to the hospital just the Previous
ed for Monday 'night. It Was the day. He was' in his 87th year.
•-first harriesame3cheduled for the. •Ilton wias a spa. of the late
$epoys in over two weesliS,' They Valentine Alton and Margaret
are billed to play at Trowbridge stroud,.and was •born- en the Al -
on Friday night, and will, enter- tori• homestead on. Concessien 10,
• fin. the Brussels team next Mon-
Asi.-.nfield ' on February 21st, 1865.
day night on home ice, which
.pomises t�4e something in vew
• of the donnybrocil when theSe-
poys visited .,,,Brussel... •
The Midgets. %are _AchedUled tO• _
play IVIOnkton . here 'next Tues-
day aspart of la double' bill. The
TeesWaterand LucknowPantams
On October 20th, 1889, ,Mr. Alton
married Mary Jane • Ferrier of
West Wawanosh, who died on
• A lifelong resident of the com.
Munity, Mr. Alton farmed for!
over frftyYears, on the faMily.
homegteaci• now.occupied.by his
Will tangle in the other fixtre con Ti Later he retired 16
that pine evening. Tonight
• G(Tollciuerr;edh.ay) Bantarris • go. to
t.-* *-*•-•
16-2 score, in adouble son, with.•aqcompaniment by
at.. Adam Johnston, •
Interinenf 'wag in Greenhill.
Cemetery, the pallbearers being
W. W. Hill, Win.Murclpi Harry
• Anderson,, T.. A. Cameron; Ewart
• Taylor and -Blake •Alton. 'Flovier
bearerwere. Gordon • Johnston,.
WM. Wareiri,„ Harold Campbell,
Alvin Alton, George IrWiri, Don-.
ald Hakett, Chester Hackett and
D. A. Hackett.,••
• Mr,- Alton. was the last -�f 'the
• • "
. .•
Lucknow and married •Mr, Eliz-
abeth Webster; . who survives.
him. Due ;to failing health, Mr.
Alton had resided ,for Some tithe
at the home 6f• his son, .Elmer,
in Ashfield, where the funeral
service was conducted, !by. Rev.
P... a Woolley on Monday; 'Jan-
uary 7th. Mrs. Robert Scott, sang
bill •in the Cuirass Capital. The,
•Tepswater team feattires a girl
goalie and she had a busy night.
of it as the Lueknow gang born7
barcled the TeesWater net. Jack
Chin ;and :Kenny McNay account-
ed for six goals, each, and Steve:
Carnegie 'got four. . : •
But in the -second game the In-,
terrnediates didn't do -so well .and
dropped a 7-3 decision to Tees -
water. The. luckless $epoys, who
aren't.: clicking Yet; 'could .dofamily having been predeceased
everything but score and missed' by four brothers: and !our sistes..
repeated chances that looked like He is survived by a family of
Sure goals. : three. Sons ••and two daughters,
Elmer and Walter Alton of Ash -
MIDGET SCHEDULE field Alton of •Wingham
-Mrs LillianA Reid .and Mrs
• Lupicnow • Midgets • are in a"' a- (Dr) 7. W. • sh* e'rwin • (Beth) of
tem, group With 1Vionkton,a:nd
Orealo. There . Sevengrand-,
:The • seheclute .opened on•
Tuesday night' with' LuCknow at
1Vlankton, in the Milverton arena.
Jan. 15--LucknoW at Monktan
17—Blyth at Monkton
22--Monktori at'Lucknow
24---Monkton at Blyth
• 28--131Yth• at LuCknow• •,•
• 0--Luaktiow at .Blth:
• January's bawling to date has
seen two of the leading teams--
ng upirid
wth the local squad a'
shouldbolster them a good deal.
A• * * .* *•
Hockey.develpments iri SOuth
amptori have ladded fire to the
Port Elgin -Southampton t 'tradi-
tional rivalry and fending. South-
ampton made a belated :entry in,
Intenmediate .hockey' with Nor-
ton -and' Douglas. Bates alredy.
signed. by • Port. Southampton
gave them their' release when
. r .ans
Four Maples Farm—Con. 10,
•Huron TOWnAhiP 4,
R. R. 3, •Ripley,Phone, 9-16
A lagV SClectiOn 0f pure wool
. •
Seconds in quality;(marks
mostly slight dye spats, etc.)
aredri stock now. Most of these
are a„:fine wide size •arid are
priced .at a jags. • •4-,
•• Selection f.First Quality
hand too... •
And also take old lamps,
china,. brass, etc., as exchange
on these fine blankets.
losed SundaYs--
• by.appoiritment Monday.
Open The *St. of The Week,
sons and •one granddaughter,
A niece, Mrs. Stewart Alton of
Toronto, also attended the fun-
• •
Funeral,: services .were held; at
Santa Monica, California, on. Jan-
,uary 5th, :for the late .Dr. John.
R. MacRae, Who passedaway
December 31st, 1951, in Califor-
nia. The late Dr. IVIaRae, wh6
WaSeighty years Of age, was born •
at -Lochalsh, the • youngest son . of
the late. Mr. .and Mrs. •DuncanR;
MacRae. He IS survived by his
Widow, formerly Velma Morgan
of Pacific Palisades, California,
nd one brother, Dunean Mac-
Rae of Lochalsh, and 'several
nice s and nephews.; Dr.. MaCRae •
attended ••Goderich Collegiate
stitute, taUht, •sehoOl ir Ashfield
ad attended Toronto triiVersity.
Hepractised medieine at Dun-
• gannon, later ' rernaving to Sault
Ste. 'Marie, ;Ontario, . where he
practised mdieine. arid •Tirgery.
for nearly ;fifty ye,arlre served
in 'World 'War I as Surgeon in a
German prison camp in France.
Ctbs arid Beavers, increase thir the :ibevs. refused to: turnout with later he idid. post: graduate work fl'
leads by picking up 9 and 12 the South squad. •They will be iri UnivritY . Hospital at
points :respectively out of a poss- playing against another brother 'burgh and also London; England,
ible 14. The •Pole Cats, Gophers 'who is on theFisherrnenline-IHe moved to California.in;
and Tigers; however, - gained some Uj *here' he retired:.
• groin -d' at the 'expense • of -the. • • 0
• . 000000000000000000110000000
Zebras and .chiroy. chiprnunk, .0000000iiimmiiiimmamsausi •
w o were orce o se tie • for 5 11.• • - - - • • •
, .
• :Ticat- Sanderson • rac e. • pp- a
711 last week to better CubParks
,previous high , three. • of 699.
Speaking of high threes we- must
notoverlook two :othr effort--
• •
Prompt Delivery On New 1952
and •Chicpmunk „Gladys Gibson's ••
7-70t.b-owlers'-w lio-;7have-in4-
creased their 'averages cOnsider
ablyd4ripg the pasttwo �r three
rolls are •Lions Dorothy Hodges
and Fred Noting, Gopher Marie
Greer,' Pole- Cats Bob McIntosh.
Raiel. • and. Chas:;Wbster, arid
Ticats Jane JohnSton.,••}Iazel
Pr -
don, •Dorothk Anderson ,and Jack
Treleaven: •
• The Cats,. Tigers and Pole .var-
iety.Will prowling tonight in
search of Cubs and 'Beavers and,
don't think that •they. will not
be going out to close that gapU
• Please try to be on tim. We
realiize that it is ,Sornewhat di-
couraging to waitfOr alleys but
e. are trying to • clear than by
• If a late•,player does not ar-
rive before the opposing team
has completed five , frames. a
• durni-ny sore mut -b Used.
Team Standing
a s us eaven s
Beavers 33, Johnston's Chirpy
Chipinunic,; 2 irturiter's Zebras
28, ButtOn's Gophers 25,' Eedy's
Lions 25, Andersori Tigers 24,
Crawferd's Pole -Cats 23,
,ExhihitiOn Game,
LutknoW Midgets ancl Kinoss
Juveniles playd' an exhi-
Choke of Colors .
• ' ''•
1951 CHEV.. DELUXE 'COACH, • 5300 'under 'list:. •
, •
• :1950 CHEV: .DELUXE SiTLELINE;.S163/iiSt.;. • •• •
ic • . . • .„ . • ...• • 1' •
• 1950 METEOR COACH ..‘ • • • ..•' •••
• 1949 CHEV;.DE.LUXE VLELINE.SDAN;.fully equipped,,.!
▪ .
.• ggDAN,'cuAtinti radio, air condition
•• • • '• • int. , .; • . •.. . „ 0
1948 CHEV OLEETLINE -bratty" with Custom Radio
.0• • '•• •
1940- DeSOTO' .SEDAN. •• • , •
er..1940- ..'•
E ,...1939 PLYMOUTH COACH. Aoio• 11111SON (.;OAC11.•,
MANI), st.W.curor...1/2,,ToN TItUCK at : Sarifice przcei
1950• ClIEV 41TON.-spititTRUCk..
• . II •
• . . • , •
• BODY MAN? FTt I li!
1948• . fully;
. ,• 4. • 1 , •
bition gaMe• in the. 1ka:l arena
on Friday night with the 'ubs
edging out 464 Victry: The Kip-
lss trio. of Ron. Graham,
Arid Ralh' Hine; *ha
are still of IVildget ag; are sign-
.* o
russels Motors
• •L • •
• "The floine Of Better' Med Cars"
Trade, Terms Evenings 'Ogg 10
gervice Dealer ' Phone73x0 Brusse1Stl•
• •• - • • '
, •
Rit 'UMW; RI° RI. *tie WR"'h "" ASV 11114H aite.4.
• •