HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-01-17, Page 32 vg. •ts THURSDAY, 'JANUARY 17, 1952 .1110mItlig--mg—S-.1,iFer_11!!!!!111111t11.3...!...*.v, „ THE LUCKNOW SNTINEL, LUCHNOW, ONTARIO • • PAGE EE Loc'al and uenerai HURON COUNTY 'COUNCIL 4. I 11 le st. p- jaor Switzer of Con, 8, Huron • Township, left this week by train n a'Ar.iP to Vancouver. • Mrs. Lydia Everdell .of Acton is visiting .Witti her sister, Mrs. ,John Hall and Mr... Hall. • The Ladies' Guild of St Peter's • °burgh mei yesterday at the , borne of Mrs. •Janies johnstorie, ,Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Diebel and family of Southampton were Week -end guests of Mirs. parents, Rev. C. •I3i and Mrs. Woolley.' , .„ ' - .Mr. Rod.... • who was taken ill' before Christ- mas With alightstroke, was. 'able to- be about in a, few clOs: and', now in much irnproVed' health: .• 'Mr.' And 'Mrs. Ken MoWbraY. returned from a • trip • to Sask- . etchewan on Saturday. •Mrs. W. V.. Johnston whoaccompanied, them isremaining' for a longer ' • AfIrs, Alex MacLennan IS a pat- ient, in Wingham Hospital with phlebitis, • • . • • • Mr. and *Mrs, J. C. McNab were in' Teeswater on Saturday even- ing as guests at the "At Home" staged-br Thompson-lBroS-, honor ,of their employees: and in 'recognition of thirty, years in business in Teeswater, . . Messrs, Duncan and Jim Cain- eron 'of X.loclialsh Are spending the winter with their Sister; Mrs. A. R. Finlayson, Donald Finlay- SOn,.. who had been with his moth- er- for--aHtime,--is- taking- aeourse at the 0.A:b. • Beverley Ann 'McKenzie came Uri -Le from Wingham Hospital • last Friday •and her sister, Mar- giterite returned. on MOnclaY• is the fifth time that. Marguerite: has had prieunionia, and she has • to remain in bed at home for a . couple of weeks. Her. friends 'wish her a speedy reCovery: 1951 IFlighlights From Sentinel Files • • :April '19th Council .asked Luek-' 'now to assume 25 Percent of the cost. of the new .schdol nd% the , same percentage of operating Mr. and •Mrs. Edward Little, • ;narked their golden. wedding, ;Rev. A. S. Mitchell was .induct- ed at St. Peter's Church. „West Wawanosh Council pro- vided: free warble fly powder:to Township cattle owners.. Steve StotherS; Jr., of the OAC, was awarded . a $600 research -scholarship for 'post graduate A . reeeptionwas held for ,Mr. Luckn ow Presbyterian. Church REV. C, A. WINN, B.A., • Minister SUNDAY; JANUARY ZOtb 11 a.m.: morning Worship. . 12.15. p.ni.: Sunday School anti • •Bible . • • 3 p.m.:. Erskine Church, Dun- • gannon. , • 7 Evening Service. :. • ti•mimiknottgussmocoipoof rimio•kiepoomoppli".4tion, • :LUCKNOW , • i UN I TEDTCHURCH 21 Minister: key, W. J. MUniford,1 MA., D.D., • STD. : 1.-:,---Ou;NID4i-it-ANT.tuutY_2_ot : .1. • .._:::41iin .th. : lsiahxe ji,eal juimuni147:: ;is., .12.15-1).1".i Sunday School. • , 1 . Seamless Robe. • . . „and Mrs. ' Bon McLelland, prior to leaving for tifeir home in Sask- atchewan. • • Deaths'L--bOnald A. Matheson, formerly of Lochalsh;. Jas. Lyons. - * • April (#6th At a lengthy seisionfagreement was not reached on sharing - of the costs:of the District High School.. Ashfield Council declined to accept a comprenuse Whereby Lueknow would •assurne an additiOnalJ V2. mills.. Harold Henry was appointed Principal of Georgetown PublicSchool. Deaths Sydney Gibsen: May 3rd Councii decided to develop the Well Seuth.' of the, .Elax' Mill. for a domestie. water supply, John IX Ross accepted: the, principalship of of .Cayuga Public School. ' • , Mrs. rvine Brown:" of Bervie won The Legion's $5001ackpot. Very Reverend F. S. MacKen- zie, moderator of the Presbyter- ian Church 'in Canadd,'accOmpan,. ied by Mrs. MacKenzie; paid • a visit to their hbrrie: church . in . . • • For the 4th year in a row 'were first 'in per. ''.capita &rings in. District No. 6 Of the Christ- mas Seal caniPaign: Deaths. -a• rs.• J. M.Jrdine May IOW •. : - Plans Were Made for building a new Memorial c apel o er river adjoining --Mac MacLennan-&- MacKenzie's furniture store. 7TICEirel-v7er-warr-noVed to -the Stratford :branch Of the Bank -9f Montreal and:was succeeded here by J. E. Bannister. : • Donald. •Simpson was • named clerk---treasu-rer-of4A-shfield_Towm,_ shipv Combining the two -offices hekrbY: C. 'E. McDOriagh',and Alex ham Blyth • ...... .WiUzam Morritt Brussels .... .:,;„. .Roy B. 'COUSITIS ,Clinton . . ... W. J. Miller • !Chilton (dep.) J..W. Colborne t ,Stanley Snyder E. Wawanosh . Orval Taylor: .Exeter .. McKenzie •Exeter (depj E. PooleyGoderich Gordon farr, Goderich, John'H. Graham Goderich (dep:) ..., Joseph. Allaire 'Grey • ,Clifford Roland •Grey .(dep.) Hugh 13, Smith Hay . Earl Campbell Hensall W. Kerslake' 'Jowl& E. H. Strong _Howick Gowdy .HUllett • , Win.. J. Date.' Dal) Beuermarin Morris Harvey. Johnston ,Seaforth , F, S. Sills Stanley. • " Elmer Webster ,Stephen ........John Morrissey •Stephen (dep) W Heist Thokersinith ,. Arthur NicholSon Turnberry John/V. Fischer Usborne ........ . . . Verne Pincombe W. WaWanosh Harold Gatint. Wingharn Murray Johnson 1Wingharn (dep.) R Adair. Engineer Was New years Bent The. following Item from The Milverton •Sun has reference to' •Mr, and Mrs. Henry Carter who were left stranded, on the station. platform when., their efforts. fail- ed in flagging down their, train. "When.the 'C.N.R. flyer, •one night • recently; went shrieking past the stop lights and. on into the night, presumably to help usher in the New Year, it left none other than a former, agent of Newton Newton and • Paters. stations' stranded on the blatforria. Now this agent ha i been' known to be 'a mild, diligent, conscientious and couiteous man at all times and when, he (blew fuse the. North Star took on a very idy blue hue and as he was on sick leave from his duties' with torn ligaments in his shoulder and with an ap- pointment to see his 'doctor made' his .feelings all the more tender., Fortunately a car from Welland calling in the district was. in • .LADIES' AND' MEN'S WEAR TELEPHONE 85 SUITS FOR MEN . • TailfWeit to theaiiire;—SeleitiOtt of -finest in English material. •FREE, A Pairof EXTRA TROUSERS. 0 yERCOATS FORMEN Assorted colors and sizes,. priced especiallifor .. • . • CLEARANCE OF Sport Coats,' Stadium and Station Wagon .Coats; as . sorted sizes arid trims. SKIRTSsizes 12 to •20,, 40*to ;14, gabar'cline, woOl, crepe, worsteds, ..frost vpoint Colors—black,' navy, kreY, and •• plaids. •Priced', . $3.98)to $9,98 ,SWEATERS--sizeil' up 'to 46. 'Pullovers and cardigan, all colorS. and 'vices. CORSETS, CORSELE'll'IMS,., GIRDLES, measured to fit 'ail. sizes: . . . Brassiers, Garter Belts, ,Etc. • ° .1 • • • • • • 1 • . • • • '...,PLAID'Slr11gT4,...20..perCeyi off • • Cleitriic„e. Table —Try Our Bargains .• • This superb tea guarctntees the flavour of every cup readiness to take said agent and a tree planting bee 'as part of ,a wife with his mental and .phys- !Bruce County reforestation 'pro- icar injuries to Listowel where gram. • he' cattght the 1.4iStOWel,-Paliner-' • ' June 7th • • • • • stori:aincardine train in the 'nick The. congregation of 'Ashfield. 'of time.- • • F'resbytei!ian, Church marked the Group • • Lucknow • and , District residents. 1 of the A. Group I of the W. A. ,Of the United Church met On Wednes- • :day. afternaan,„jarmaryAttat the, borne. Of.1VIrs. Kenneth Cameron.The opening hymn 483 was then sun The °. rd's rayer,wasre- • 103.rcl anniversary. E. V. Baker bought 'the "lgoore- house Mitchell residence", from . • • Ralph Hodgins With the purpose of converting it to 'a Convales- 'cent. home.• '• • • •. h " v theg' P — L Stuart Collyer was:named Pub- offe schnol;_princiPal tr‘-ku-See- j. D. Ross. • • ' DeathsGeorge Gilchrist; •,Mrs. NO day .,is Well Spent •with -1 °tit a talk with God. Plan t� - attend church and m worship. • . learn to ,walk with: God and; Ito talk with Him. 'rrY 5.:41.111I10.4011160IN11104041/1.041.141111111141411•1•41111•11.411•46, riglican Church NOTICES • Rev.' A. S. Mitch.ell, L.Th., , Rector. • 2nd Sunday after EpiphanY 'JANUARY' 20th, 1952 $1.—Peter's Church; LncknOw; Morning :Prayer. , Wnday,4anbary. !),1,8t, 'annual • Vestry -Meeting at 8.00 p.m.' -St. Paul's' Chuich,, D'ungantion. • Priday, iartuarY 18th, 'annual • Vestry Meeting at ,2,30 p„M. • .gunday.• Sahuary 20th, • • , P4114;0 Evening kixayey.. • gc.• Isaias Chtirth, RipIeY 3O pfl. How Communion,. • : • I, ." . „.:.... - • W. D. Webster,,of Toronto. • May 17th Hughie Hall and Shelley lVIliey were signed as the Legionnaires eoJored softball battery. •C.N.4; work crew of 140 hien 'Ind 46 railway oars of all de- scriptions' were engaged here' briefly in laying new 'rails. -They laid • about '21/2 miles of steer •-a daY.• . • Reg McBride was by ,a • train near Portage La Prairi•e.' ' ••• May ?Atli, • i •P,Verett Finnigan ' was aPpointl•! ed,Eriice Cottnev assessor. ' • 41is.:; Sarah Mallough obserVed her 90th birthday, • Kinloss Township, Council" Was in the course ot doaling with'• 7 L A C •••) • Si Douglas fir timers, 1,veigh- ing a ton, and a half eacii te tO carry:the MacLennan end MacKenzie funeral home, . • : May 3ist. •, • Alex Machityre was awarded ,a' five-year kholarship at. Oxford Uni'versity, England, hi the stiliclY of' medicine: ' • Stelve Stpthers, Jr.. received his B.S.A., degree at O.A.C. Ntr. and Mrs: Alex Purdon ob- served their golden vedding. Three registere Holsteins or , • , _peated in unison • and the ,scrip- ture lesson.rad-':-bSr'--Mi-S: MaeDlarmid. Reports were:mt served from the sick committee and the •sewing committee. reading "A Happy New Year", by Mrs. Alex 1VfacNay, Was followed bY a• travelogue by. Miss •MacKay on—her ti'.-ip----West:-The-Ineeting-- :closed with the Mizpah, benedic- tion.•• •• Hall -Andrew• droUp W.A. • 3, the Hall ,and Andrew Group, 'was llield•et the home of Jgrs. Hall with •a -n: attendance of 24, Mrs Andrew was 'in the chair. for. the bUsiness section of the meetingThe business of the meeting took considerable time. Roll eall was answered by giv- ing G Np vv. Year's resolution. A committee: consisting. of Mrs. R. Robertson, Mrs. V. Hunter. and Mrs: -.P. 'MacMillan *as-apppinted to „plan the • Vebruary. tneefing Which takes the' fOrM of. a 'pet luck supper to be held in the thurch baSement. Mrs, Neil J. .MacKenzie • presided over the, program consisting of is -paper, "A Good New., Year',' read by. Mrs; Alex AndreW and a pleas- ing duet by 1Vriss',Bell Robertson; And Mrs Hall. Miss DanM ea e a Thtfe rg"---Eldre based 'on '.New Year thoughts, Mrs, Mumford closed the meet- ing with: prayer. Refreshments were served by the committee in charge: • , 1 . • ()wined by, Lorne Reid; died Cf. burns when; tiler:straw' in the truck in whichi they Were' being trans- ported took fire, A Caesarean Op - Oration delivered an. unborn which • ' Kinloss. Township. pupils held. , • . ••:••••41.1M;t:, • • • ' • 1••,••••, " • . • ; ,• k r 4. ki.14 • ' • • 3r00 YOUR TELEPHONE is one 'item that takesTia-Stnalleil.. • part Of...yeur budgetithan it used to. •Its cost hasn't . • gone tip.as much as most other things • In another,way, toot, the telephone is-bigg,er value. • * ioday tinin ever hefore. Now you can reach twice as people,aS you could ;ten years age.arid.Mora • telephones are being 'installed. every:day. If you haven't service, we want you to know we're • Workin at it Your place list being lira- • . • tested and your telephone.nill be, installed jUt a • ' • ,, ..••1 o.` • :COMPARE THESE PR(CE INCREASES' CURING THE PAST TEN YEARS'. 6)4(iP1,.1,10, • , • • thstor • 1.,v0•1* 1.1P • • ittENONE Mai* THE BILL TELEPIIONE COMilAtiY OF CANADA .13.44.. 44 gr./ 44 4 t.14,1,/,‘ 4)4.41124 ,A414044 144 04014 IWO 44* T: Telephone service is One best' boos • r • • • • , , ir• •• • % •