HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-01-17, Page 1•.19.52 9.95 ).95; 4.95 9,95. 1,25 1.50 ES grid' „Urlitea,- ase rd, .the.,,. ie Mis- ;ng •fol - Purpose 4ripture . Bessie answer - and the •awford. as, fol: e Joynt s., .Ruth •• Nancy "Craw- n; ' press pianist, splendid lind .the. ting the Meeting' 7tti. Hospital,: ntiary 4, mne. Rit- Viargaret , Anna - day:, .De-: Mr.: and: Of Holy- ie Hospi- 1, to Mr. er_, _ :R ..4 line Hos- i1; to -Mr. X11, R. 6, dAlan. Hospital, r'd, to Mr. .R. B. •3, Nixon),, a !Stier Hos=µ Monday, and :'Mrs. Hospital; i Mr. and Zion ,(nee' daughter, le 1• 2:50 yearly $ In Advance= 1 00 .Extra To:U,S A, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO, THUR$PA. JANUARY 17, 1952..• EIGHT P .AGES. VETERAN; CLE -RIE ,SWEARS BOARD IN Mr: Joseph Agnew, who is marking. his 45th anniversary as clerk of the municipality, ; pre-' sided for the swearing in of the'. memibers. of 1952,, Council Board at the inaugural meeting on Mon -- day • morning, which ceremony '. took: place :onthe stroke of tWelvre' noon;. Council• sat for a half:hour ,b- for adjourning. until .a week from. Monday, bd'ue to the fact that Reeve `•J. C. MeNab is in attendance all week at County Council: • In winding up the business of the Old' year the• Board passed a snowplowing account that raised. the.. November and • December: costs for this work to $572. That did not include; Main 'St snow removal' .or extensive • repairs to the town` plow. •• ... . In scanning the Village , ac- counts, it was emphasize that he ,decal, 'e �be; falib � '"ce t .p , r �" s �y of . having all accounts approved •' .and initialed before being pass. A. communication .was received from. the 1 E.P C': noting a credit, 'of $125, due to the Water'; System and a . credit of ' $419 :due the town. • from street lighting charge's._. These rebates represent power at: cost : for municipal services,:: and coming on the 'heels of a' grist of . expenditttres, . • caused;• Councillor . Robertson to 'remark '.'`.That, we get some good : news once in awhile" . , . • • Indications pointed :to the, mun- icipality being responsible for the care of additionah,indigent pat- ients. ; A request from . the District High 'Sehool Board :to continue to • meet regularly in the, Municipal Office, was deferred for the time being , until .:a rental fee might be :discussed. Diiseuss Remuneration, Before' the Board adjourned the question,_ arose of remuneration •:for membersof e`Council, •and the opinion` seemed' pretty igen eral that :in view •'of time -lost from. business;; and expenses :ins , oared in looking ,after municipal, mention : the. _ to m. • _business, net • , • abuse taken at times, that Coun- •Cil•-rneinbers should zeeeive-some /monetary recognition; of • their ef- forts: 'The present `Board is com- mencing its third term in office, and during :theirperiod in office, have given 'freely of thier time and services; as. preceding Colin: ells have • in at past However, ' with • the • District Hi+glr&ehoo•1-Board-r-eceivang-paY- meet for the meetings :they at- - % tend, Council members are tak- • ing a little different view of the. • Matter., now. Councillor„ Crawford said he personally lest., a lot • of time twining around' ' as, chairman "of the Roads 'and ,Bridges, and was at some. , expense; over the year well: Reeve ' McNab • stated that. h had always been against 'Council ---members being paid, ';and in the. post. had opposed any such pug-, •gestion: But, he .was beginning to crhange • his ' .opinion and had changed., •' his ,mind sharply since learning that High School Board. • members were being ,pard It was the ' opinion that 'v'ery; few municipal council members are not' now reimbursed. • Reeve • 'IVIcNa1b Said ,he would find, how n, " • un • . ing paid, while attending County Council,' 'and. the platter will be up -brought again When the local p Board reconvenes next week: Pie feet that snow .a'emoval operations were not carried out on;= the north• side of Miae Street rn �Str ...,... r +Was due entirely` n�ii to a stinder- standing said Reeve.McNab: 'The 'work had: been halted,'on New Year's afternoon becausof slick -.Of a tuck . and. men. It 'was only. mean n.s a temporary stoppage of r ' , ',y ani 'the inisundery' stc'r,' . FW _ ` ' ' •Po•-tilt,0 w'r n:'t. HEGEMBER:- BRIDE - .PASSES MRS, GORDON C .CHAMNEY, formerlyJune Glenn of Dungan-. -iron, died, suddenly last Wednes- day from a heart attack. The 21=year-old. girl ' was . married on. December 29th. SKIFP' OF SNOW'PARAL'YZED TRAFFIC AN BALTIMORE • Accompanying hi Sentinel re-. ierwal We received the following interesting :letter from Rev. WM..' O.-R'hoad of.. Baltimore, and a former". pastor 'at; Ashfield Pres- byter;:ian. Church I;, am glad to get the news,froni. Ontario. I notice you had quite a . bit of winter; This is our third winter here Prior to. Christmas we had our first: bit of "winter" since' we were .here., A :two-inchl snowfall which began about noon had, the. city completely' paralyzed, by the rush hour. Thousands .of ;people:: who -iwere Christinas. shopping and who were return- ing ~home from. ,work, ,were stranded for hours with ' no way to get home.' Our daughter,. Pris cilia, whose school is in an out-. lying -part of the .city four •miles; away, was among the 'stranded.. She tried to callits . on the phone, lout the lines were'. jammed with 1.,000;000. calls:above. ;normal, so' she . could 'net get -us. Finally ewe s maned. to-. et ',._call: throe 'h to. g g g. the ;school, andY when we found'. what =the situation vas -I went - 'for ;her:'' Imagine just- a two inch.' snow! What would they de with our, . Ontario 'snows?. The 'city :authorities simply.' did' nothave the experience and organization' to handle -a thing like that • With ,best wishes, Yours truly, . • S.ENTIN.E..L THAT Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Port- eous;: plant to leave on Sunday • for a six • weeks' holiday in. Florida. • THAT students at Lucknow Dis- trict High .•• ISehool, who . took Part in the magazine sales cam;' paign last fall, have received sfnall gifts • in • recognition of their. efforts THAT 'the. way they pour . cal- cium chloride on the highways, • one would suspect :that the De- partment..of Highways was:. in ,,cahoots' with the car manufact users: `It sure, eats, 'em out in nothing flat: • • THAT .:Elwood Irwin and Jim Cummins • have returned from Stackpoel, a 'small C.N.R. sid- ing station in Northern Ontario.: Telegraphists:- 'in,: that division with seniority have replaced the lads, whoexpected to be 'there until spring. Jim' arrived home on Saturday;;:and Elwood' • about ten • days earlier, on..account of. the _. death-oLhis•• grandmother:. THATthe response of Lucknow' ' and 'District' folk in donating More than $1000 to the. Christ Mat Seal Fund, is : indeed .gen- erous, generous, !when compared with• the Chesley ' district returns,. 'which' • are little more than $300. thereTHAT . 12 h ._. , Marked the 34th anniversary of the, .1918. blizzard that.: was probalbly ' the worst On. record. Sixty, mile. an , hour gales ac 'coinpanied a 12 below ` zero temperature To Older- the . blizzard is ..associated 'with the death of Hagan MacDonald, • who died :from a heart .attack - -while digging:. -out, after • the" storm. • FIRM PROMOTES,, ROBERT RT __'•LYONS Organg Or ganizational 'changes h a fv e izational been annoucced by' the Kimberley-: 'Clark . Corporation , .,of United. "States, "'which included the "ap pointment •.of'. Robert Lyons ` as. +vise -president'• and •general Man- ager in charge of woodlands. • Mr. Lyons is'a." son of the late Mr.' and Mrs. James Lyons' 'of Lucknow, and a brother of Miss Jean ,'.Lyons and Mrs. Elizabeth Mallough of .Lucknow. He : com- menced''the study of forestry op erations as a young man,: and has steadily advanced to a prominent: position in the business, in as.. sociation with the Kimberley- known throughout United States' and Canada. The new appointment is a posi tion to,which Mr. Lyons has as- pired, and coming in December' made, veypleasant l• s. "Christina's 'gift". He is the first 'Canadian to have 'ever 'reacher so" . high an executive position in this ' Cor- poration, • • +^lesred 'up until .the matter hap- per e'd: to : cpm" • up . at ` "o" 'ay. THAT in a Sentinel renewal let- ter. from Mr. and ' Mrs. • Garfield : Ostrander.,• :they express'' Pleas- ure that the. newing � choo1 is cam- cl doer, ni that better and streets 'and" other improve stents are :scheduled for Lucknow„. They, extend best wishes fox the New Year ;to--fxiends•here.....• THAT ' there. were 14 tables of players •' at the' weekly shoot party on Monday night. 'Prize winners Were ne' a Mrs.' N.' H. Hed- ley and Mrs. Virden ,Mowbray. THAT the 'first of a ''series • of, " trwice : a .month kindergarten - • i�c d.l e - , e d - t 'Frid'ay -classes • -corrin las with an opening day: .attend- ' ancer of 'nineteen: 'The class is receiving :instruction from Mrs. .Roy Havens,::primary room tea= cher., y THAT Tt. J. Moore, ,vacated his premises on. Main Street .Where for many years he has conduct- • ed :a second .hand furniture shop, and antique store, that at- tracted, patrons from .far and near. • THAT a ,quantity of salvaged, • mail reached. time local post of- fice recently, `This mail;' .Some. ;of it badly'. burned, but with addresses still legible, was - • sorted from 'several hundred bags, that were . in a pre -Christ- mas mail car fire. . •--.oma..,• THAT we received a copy "of then Daily ,Mews from J. W,:: Hanna, which featured the New Year's . . rugby game at•' ' the Orange • Bowl, -Witnessed ' by 66,000 fails. L'OC-AL NEARING COMPLETION' Three commercial .end indus- trial buildings which have been under construction , locally are nearing •'comlpietion ' The Depart- ment of Highways has, • built a cement block building' on Lud- •gard St., on property , purchased'. from __Thomas Burns: The'' large :building, with .. spacious yard room, will ;be.used.for machinery:, storage and repair Work,' and fill other . needs pertaini 'g to high- ways maintenance- work. - The firm of John W. Hender- son Lumber Limited is building another large lura bei storage shed :on their . premises, with a view to keeping as much as poss able. of their large stock of , lum- ber and building supplies tinder coverThe shed; is not 'yet corn- . leted but is partially roofed in and is alreadysheltering a quant- ity of 1•ui ber ' Gordon Montgomery's •n e w garage . building on ; the site • of', the former Ostrander Garages is now in use. The, front of the old building :has been cut back from the street . in line with : the new building and has beenequipped• with triple entrance doors; . JOHN• FARRISH PASSES The .'death. of John. Farrish oc- curred. in Wingham Hospital, en Tuesday morning, '' after a brief illness' since: `suffering a paralytic seizure laSt week. ' H took a 'tarn.` for. the :worse : on Monday. The- funeral. service is being held this afternoon (.Thursday) : at -2:30 30 'at Johnstone':Funeral Horne 'with fellow 'members of. Old. Light Lodge in :attendance. Inter- ment.'•is in Greenhill. Cemet•ery.• • Mrs..Orval' A. Martin Passes ' Succumbing ` to a .heart condi- `with 'which she ,had been effected' for the past: two, Mrs. Lucy Olive Martin, beloved wife 'of -Orval A. Martin, passed - away on 'Sunday,, 23rd et Port . Elgin, : In' addition : ;.to ' her husband, Mrs. M_ artin is survived by a bro- ther,. Rey : V .Mercer'• -of : Long .-Beach, Caal., and by four sisters,. Mrs.' Mrs.: E M. Johnstone, Detroit;; .Mrs. • E. Garbutt, Toronto; Mrs. W. G. Reid, Fort Frances ` and. Miss-Edith7 -Mercer, Long-Beeach, Cal'. Interment was ; in Mount Forest; where, was born: Mrs. ' Martin was a former Lucknow, resident, her ''husband• having 'served. . here : as C.N.R., agent -a numlber of years ago. -SE L 'FUND T OP S , aNE=--THOUSA D-- • • The ' Lucknow: and District. Christmas Seal Fund has Passed, the $1,000 mark,. and may yet exceed last year's total contri butions. Those •vho have neglect- ed; or forgotten,' to make their donation are requested, to `do so at an early date. - Previo u - usl . acl�ri�wlccl"_' �'d Y � g — $963.00, Win, Beckingham 2.00; Roy Collyer .2.00; Clifford Con- gram :- 2X'. Eldon .w.Eckenswiller: 2 00;•, Orville Elliott 2.00; John •H: Hall 2.00, Earl A. .Harris...2.00 Louis Hogan 2:00; W. W:' Hogan 2.00•• Allister'. Hughes 2:00,, Geo: Jardine 2.00; Orville Jones 2.00, Gordon Kirkland 2.:00, Gordon'' Lydns 2.00, John E.•' MacDonald 2.00; Edward. McClenaghan '1.00; Robt. McDonald' 2.00; •Roderick M.acDo uga'Il 2.00; Donald J,, Mac - Purvis 2:00; M. Reid 2.00;• Chris Shelton 2,00; Austin Solomon • .2:06• Wm:. Stanley '2:00;' George; Wraith 2.00; Miss Elizabeth Reid .1;00; Total $1,015.00. '60th. Aizniversar Y The 50th convention of the Ontario Good Roads Association will be.field in Toronto on Feb- ruaiy 12th and 13th, At thefirst coiivsritionl ' half a century ago there were 25 in attendance. Last gearr attendance 'Was over �oOAr ' • . • TWINS'-. H I N. COMMON The December issue of . "Can- ,adian Swine", official. publication, of The Canadian Swine Breeders' Association; • •carried a picture, cif particular interest to this 'coir.•- . munity.. It showed , Pave Andre.v -of -1Calgary,-,secretary-treasurer Of; - the. the • Canadian Hereford :Associa- tion and ' Steve Stothers,• secret arga-treasurer .of then. Canadian- S*inie Breeders' Association: --and this pair of old Ashfield iboys. • look enough alike to be, twins.. • In , his '.column, "Pig. Tales" Steve has the following corn/nexi=' tart'. on the picture:. • : , : ,Somewhere in this number you. will' find a, picture of D. A. An- drew, .secretary of the Canadian Hereford ,Association; and your secretary of the Canadian Swine • Breeders' Association. We , meet once or twice 'a year and had this taken' at the Royal., ,Winter Fair..' Personally we have often, ... been intrigued by the parallels. in *Mir lives. For :instance, .Dave and; ;,Steve ' have to begin with. the same racial origin—viz, half Irish, quarter English and quay ter Scotch. They had two • mutual grandparents. They:''were born in.1 Ashfield Township, Huron. Colin' ty: Theywere both "educated" in the pulblic schools' of that: Township. They. were ' "raised" `pore..:like brothers than cousins. Both graduated from Ontario'Ag-, ricultural College: Both 'farmed in.. the same • township . for 'some: years:. Both joined the Agricul- tural Representative __service .in-•' ' Ontario (the: school teachers : at school fairs 'could not tell' them apart)They both worked in the Huron County Office, `Dept of Agriculture. The were not "raised"- in the same political Scheel., Dave.went West, Steve :stdyea put. They married two of the'best .cooks in North. America. ' Both : finally wind up as Secret aries;. of 'Canadian • breeders' As- sociations. "They are still friends.' Yes, one is older than. the Other:' Have`' you renewed your sub scription?• DECEMBER BRIDE DEED . U EN. _S DD ' :Llh_ The • Dungannon district: was •shocked and saddened last Wed nesday to learn Of the death.. of Mr's. Gordon 'B. Chamney, a bride :of'.less than two weeks Mrs Chamney:suffered a heart attack that • -morning .Viand was taken to Goderieh Hospital. where She passaeti. ..away_s.00n.,.,aft_er.�. Mrs. Chaxnney was formerly. • • Ruby Viola ,June Glenn, elder daughter of Mr.: and Mrs. Frank • Glenn ,of Dungannon. She was , 21 years 'of age, .and 'a . general '• favorite 'of all who knew her Ten • days before, on Saturday, Decerri'ber. 29th, June was ilea to Gordon Chamney ;of the Dannybrouk rt Cornmunrity; where• the young couple had taken. ' up residence and where,a wedding' reception was : bein .planned •in' g their honor, • The funeral . • service was' -held on Frida3r afternoon at •the Glenn home; conducted by Rev._'George Watt ' of Dungannon U .n;1 t ed Church, who had • united .the young couple in marriage. He was assisted �b ' Rev. T. C. Washing- ton ashin .- Y .b ton Of Auburn :United Church ' Circuit. A wealth of floral trio; �. . sites:'w_ere..a tribute•to:th•e._de.:: ed and an expressiowrof sincere sympathy: for the bereaved.. Interment . was i • .Dun ..n Was n Bannon Cemetery, the: pallbearers being Keith Cranston,' Wilfred • Glenn, '`Carmen . McQuillin, G o' r. d o 'n r4 Beetle, Gordon Dobby and Rob- ert Craig,' Besides the sorrowing husband end, parents; 'Mrs. rCham.ney s ;. survived •by five brothers and, one sister, Oliver of • Luc-knbtiv, Ilarold, Donald,, Vernet) and C ,. honie at hoe and 1VIrs. Herbert Pocock .(Joyce) of Ifalrnesville. • is 44 y,• • it 1• 4r