HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-01-10, Page 8PAGE EIGHT' • THE. LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNQW, °NTAB•IO • i, t And Added To Last Week's List Are: r URSDAY, JANUARY 1341952 NEW CHURCH �_ S. 36," ,PINWALE CORDUROY --for suits, skirts,, :slacks, fine wale . corduroy, colors red, green, brawn "'"JYd yellow., Special $1.9'8 NYLONS -0 gauge, first quality. Special; $1,00' Also included, 45 and 51 gauge, sizes 9.& 1016,, in I.00 pr. dark shades; at• h. ....,,.:. $ -�36-C-'pTT1oN--SEF.fRSUC,IKER. in p.v4y. and white : stripe, to clear at • , 69c yd •( ;DBEN'S, 'SWEATER COATS, Scottie designs, in cot,.. •• ton, sizes 2, 4; 6. .. ' 'Special $ k:4.9. LADIES' GLOVES in black only: Sizes .6,34,-61/2_ & 61/4. • • Sale ` price , • $2,00 .pr, em etO*1 o.. I BEE' BY THE SENTINEL' - WUontinued drone page 1) THAT Mrs;,:Frank Guest of Wa dena, Sask., and for. many years 4a.; Sentinel subscriber,' is con- ,. 'fined. to Wadena Hospital" with .. heart condition. Mrs:.., Guest; was :hospitalized from Septem ber .until .early, in. December following a heart attack,, and. after'sIPend December/at her home, is back, in the hospital again.. THAT •a professor from the OAC: and : GG...R.,'.Gear of'Walkerton' were intown on Monday : night discussing- .soil testing reports with district farmers.'. • THAT-theelec�tric blanket:.. rat,. fled 'off ':at Chrstnsas . time 'at 'the' Co=Op.:Grocery was won by •''Donald J., MacCharles. . THAT Miss Ruth -Anderson, 'dau ghter . of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Anderson,; suffered '.a broken bonee in her ankle theday, after returning --to Wester Univer-THATPRobert Ritchie, -who=suf- city following the holidays. A . fered a heart spell• at the home United Church at which Rev. walking cast has been applied .."-Of•-• is daughter,. Mrs. A. J Wil ':A. S. Mitchell: ,will speak: as omm sie>•s mmis■o(io■mit■ ■■■s■miimisimama ■i:■e■ smomminumm mememi m0 to ' the injured.Ruth' -.foot; , and' will be: able .to continue her studies: • THAT .Mrs. Elizabeth Passmore '•has• accepted a secretarial posi- Mrs. A. E McKim .with a goodly With the De tinent' ,: of y number present, The meeting tion: m 0: Economics ; at 'the. O:A.C,., and: was opened by' a hymn and pray- taken u residence• at th t l by er after which., Dr', Mumford con- • has p ._P Gue1 h, ,.She and her son had.: J McC1 1 d" b ducted the installatio of officers pMrs: M: Lolling, Mr. Bryden been residing'„ here',,with her for fine new year, Mos interest-. closed *frith prayer after ` which .. parents, •Mr. said Mrs: S B. a .d'an!ty bunch .was served Iby the in reports' were given for the Stothers. year. $ •work by:. leaders in the hostess and her; helpers.. , •=.o- various departments. The tress- • 'THAT snd lowin was ' both. a United Church W:M.S'. user's ...report, ,given' ;by, ' Mrs T wp g, • The January•. • Meeting of the' Burns, • was Most gratifying show- ;,proble�ri and an expense during; ry � ' Novemmber arid December. Ash-. W:M�S" was held at the home.of ing that the :'year's. ,allocation• of field Township kept about 1•00 $420..00 'had been. more. :than p p miles of 'roads open with three reached. Dr. 'Munford: explained United Church Mission Band On. January 7th,, 1952, Mission Band opened by .singing the Mis- sign. Band hymn followed by the Members Purpose Ann Crawford then read the minutes of the last. meeting.- • Joan Crawford and Nancy Webster favored, with a song followed by Mary A1l,in• playing a 'pianaselo, .Lynda But- ton and Lynda Crawford sang; a song followed ° ,by • a story • by Gayle McGhee, 1V1;arilyn Kilpat- rick • then favored with . New. Year's. resolutions.. 'rte program coirunittee 'wag then picked. We closed our meeting by. repeating h benediction.,, 'the.Mzpa - � Ql vet . W,M.S. Olivet W,M,S. met at the .home. of • :Mrs. Walter Itoulston • on Thursday, January 3rd with Mrs: •. Q. McCharles as president. Roll ;call was. answered' by a New Year's thought.. Minutes of the last meeting _ were read iby the • new secretary,,. Mrs. D. Henry.' It; .was decided to hold' a 'work bee. Four•ladies were put on the Will-•. ing Worker, group, :Mrs. ''J. Coll- ing, Mrs. E.°; Osborne, Mrs. ,A Mc- Tavish, Mrs,,J. McCharles; Par- sonage committee; . Mrs, R;' Bark- well, . Mrs: H. Brooks: Installation- of " all : new •officers.was 'conducted (b Rev.. D: Bryderi.:: Mrs.. Rout- eon's Group took ' over.. Mrs • 'ZI:. Henry reada Scripture; solo ,y Mrs. ar es; reading y • • COATS:' (last year's). Clearing price 3 COATS (Fur. Collars). Vaines Up to $89,95; To ele4r 159,95 JANUARY NYLON.. STOCKINGS Sale Price 25 Regular $•1.59 line .; .,. , .. $i, • Regular $1.95 line," 51 "gauge a Sale. Price $1.50: FOR YOUR KNITTING NEEDS-. . 'lie , #lave a clearance' of a 49c wool to ` offer you: While ' ' it lasts: at ., ,,. 35c. Also Atlantic Fingering Wool at ;, 330 A TABLE FULL OF STOCK -TAKING ' CLEARANCES Drop in and look them over. • 1. . ►. . TOT -TO -TEEN and LADIES' WEAR. • Phone 89-w 1j outfits.'• em. on . New `Year's . Day, was a 'fine new project • for. the year :able to return,home• on Sunday ao be 'undertaken'�1y the, women •• andWis'. feeling, well again. ,:�: of the United Ch ;"; h throughout -'-o`"' : ' ' a a -=the ` raisin R of a ,sum of • - -Can d , �� THAT there `were ten tables at .$600,004. for'the erection' of a new Monday. night's ishoot party, the; .training' school for wen work-' winners• being Mrsr Jack Ack .. of 'our church. He�ur g e d the ,ens ert and P: At , Johnston.:'.. hearty co-operation of the local -0 church women's, .organizations ion- gram, n' THAT41.1e Week of :Prayer : is cur- new, endeavour. For: the pro :x�'ently being observed .locally gram,-..'Mis:. W. B. Anderson pre and will Conclude. tonight sented the `work of the church (Thursday) -with service in the ;.,a ote � _'New Canadians: Mrs. '.P. g 'W.``1 Hoag and .MissB"Robertson. -favoredwith a : duet'. and Miss.. Hazel Webster gave a reading., The. meeting closed with singing and •benediction :.after.. which. a social hour' 'was enjoyed: by.. :all, refreiiiments served; by .the com-• mittee in charge and the hoitess South Kiinloss�?V:M,Sa ` The January meeting of the S<iuth Kinloss -W 1VhS -vas eld at the home of Misses:Annie acid Jessie MacKay :with an • attend ance of 27. Mrs. Harry .Laois pre sided over. the. Meeting. which op- ened-,withaliymn:.69.7._..fo1l,owed__by_.. the .Lord's prayer in unison. Tho -minutes of the • December :meet big ; and the annual :report were xea 'an a ogtrs D:'Gra ham read' a ` splendid report from the Mission, Band: • Mrs: Alex Sutherland' . then took* .the scrip- ture and .meditation and 'gave an• inspiring message for the New Year. The roll 'call which was "Something • interesting in , the Glad 'Tidings" Was well answer- ed., Mrs. Hughes read ° a New Year's .message from a columnist in, the Toronto Globe. A solo ,by M1rs..Chadwick' was much enjoy- ed. All joined in singing hymn `109 and, Miss Dean MacLeod gave. readings on the New Year.. Mrs. Steer 'moved .a vote of thanks to the • hostesses and ' after singing THAT J . _F, j oIoney.._ is 'assisting at the Bank of Montreal, dur- 'ing the obsence ..of Mr. C. L. Smith, who :js ' convalescing from pne•lanionia, Mr Moloney. Was transferred' .` teMporarily from the'' Belleville Branch. His home • is in Peterborough. ' aanary VALUE DAYS' e ■ ■ al ■ ■ Campbell's ': __ _ .r Ogilvie a •' • 'Vegetable -.Soup . 2" for '27c Cake' Mikes s , '37c -�. i • . bin-HQod ■. Tomato Soup' --- 2' 'for 25c : r Easy Mix 29c ■ is Aunt Jei>•iinia Pancake • Mix, reg. , 20c," large : 52c _Kraft. Dinner - - __ 2-afor' 29 Crown .Brand. _Corn S,yr5•;lb.- in _ _____ 79c 1VlacSween's' Honey,2.113s. 45c Cateui Pork: and 'Beans, 2'0.. oz. , 2: for -35c • ■•` •' ■, Lynn Valley, 20 'oz.. Corn, Cry style --_ _. - Z .for 274e ■ '■ ■ ■ FRUITS 'AND VEGETABLES ■ DRA r■ ` NGE� 252's,�41�c • � •28'8's : ` 35c." -FLORIDA•FLORIDA GRAPEFRUIT 6• for 39c ■ 1 HEAD LETTUCE ■ PARSNIPS, lb. ■. WAXED TURNIP a: York Dessert Pears 15 oz. ,:tin 2' 'for 37.c -. - 25c 4.0..4.5.c : AVE DELIVER `• . (full of juice) ' ■` CELERY, 2 bunches Y . 29c 71111 Bugs' Bunny CARROTS, .2•: lb. cello bag __�_�__ 21c ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 'PHONE , 20 the closing 'hymn Mrs Eaulch led • ammee■seas■sassissas■■■■■uamil ■■■■s■■sawsg■s■sekamnia s ialimmi ---■■•■■■ Lucknow, ' Ontario United Church .Mission- Band-- = • The, Mission;Bancl:or;tUrxjtd° Church was held` in ' the 'base nent,' ..with Ann .Crawford, , 'the; ,president, in 'charge. The Mis- 'sion :Band .hymn .:'was' sung .fol- lowed 'by.. the Member's :Purpose being repeated The scripture , reading :.was. given by Bessie Reavie. The roll. call .was: answer- ed,` the 'collection . taken: and the prayer offered iby Ann Cra*fard. The officers for 1952.are as fol,' lows; leaders, Mrs.. George Joynt and • Mrs. B. Cleland;. pares., .Ruth.. Treleaven, vice pres,, Nancy Johnston; secretary, Ann Craw ford, treas,,..Fraser Ashton; 'press reporter; Reyta "Collins;: pianist,. Marilyn:. Kilpatrick: A splendid •'prograni Was .enjoyed and the' ineeting•: closed by repeating • the .Lord's prayer.. The next meeting. will be held. on January 7th.. BORN RITCHIE - at Arekandra: Hospital.. Goderich, 'on. Friday, . January 4, 1952, to Mr.. and• Mrs.:Lorne. Rat 'ehie,, Port `Albert •(nee . Margaret Nicholson), • a daughter, Anna- belle Jean', CARRUTHERS in Wingharn General Hospital on Sunday, De- cember e- ceOE berT-23rd,.--1951; to• •Mr .. and Mrr�c Irwin ., Carruthers- of Holy - John ' Irwin..• EORSTER- In Kinca'rdine Hospi- 'tal on December 28,1951, , to Mr. ,and__Mrs __Walter__ Forster; _ O. ,4; Ripley,: a son. MIZ TELL --,In •Kincardine. Hots - plea 'on -De n be `21; 1951; -1VI and Mrs. Lloyd • Mitchell, R. 6, •Lucknow, a 'son, 'Leonard ` Alan. .11USSE in :Goderich Hospital, on Thursday, January 3rd; to: Mr: and. Mits, Jack ' Hussey; .R. R. 3, Goderich' (nee Evelyn, Nixon);, a son, John Brian:' ' TRELEAVE,N= fit: IReohester Hos pital, Beaver, Pa., -on Monday, December 31st, to Mr.. and' Mrs. " Wm Treleaven, a 'son. Rf TCH1l Wingiharr Hospital,. O. January. 1st,. 1952, to Mr. and Mrs. ,Alien Ritchie of tion '(nee Violet Culbert), a .. daugh^ter, Brenda Marie. • i , i i iii i ii iiiii. -iii iii -i i iiy iii iii•;% i i ii i ii i ii ii iii " • ''ilial lira MEN'S MACICINAVVPANTS Ali *ooh leeway weight waist sizes 32 to 42.. ' $8..75 41 NYEN'S 'T.WEED• PANTS '.Rhodes i famous En lish cloth 'tweed pants made of the ., ''Hd sten Tweed; waist sizes ; • 32 to, ,46. ' PAIR,— 47.50a *MEN'S COTTONADE PANTS f eatft weight,, striped cottonade' : :pants by ' Snag Proof; ''ONLY .$4.95 PAIR �i/i-%i �.iiiiiii i.�i•iii-iiiiiiiiiiii• 'ii /1+S:i�iiri% • •t �sri5wl7dx+.+z,arii. "i--,5`.. �`+Ir'! ��'ftfp11�Va �„ r►:.,v: ,�`. 1