HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-01-10, Page 5THURSDAY, JANUARY -19x 1952,411111 • 1,• THF LUCKN+ W S LATIN I , WCKNQW, ONTARIO '' PAGE".Vl LANOSIDE WHITECHURCH , W I NG'HAM .Two. Shows. Each 'Night FIRST .. $OW AT 745 TQNIGHT THUKSD 'THE` G'UY WHO CAME RACK: Friday, Saturday, Jan. 11, 12 LOUTS I AYWARti, . in. , pick Tur'pin's , Ride MATINEE. SATURDAY Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 'JANVA.I Y 14,. 15, 16 HOWARD KEEL, AVA GARDENER,, K.A,THYRN GRAYSON SHOW : BOAT. 9 wrsday-,..Friiday4 .Saturday January 17; 18; 19 "THE LAW AN•D,' THE LADY" Z LON. Congratulations to Mr:' &• Mrs, Allen Ritchie' on the the arrival .of •. a {girl. • Mr.:°and Mrs.. Sam ,Gibson • and family spent Friday' evening with Mr . and Mrs :Frank. Ritchie. Mr.' Boden Ritchie called an Mr.. :Ernest Gardner. Much sympathy:.is extended to • Mr. ' and Mrs Charlie Wilkins in the -death- of -lis' father. ' Mr, arid Mrs:, Will Ritchie. and Eldon, Mr.. and Mrs.• Harvey Rit- chie and Donna and Mr. and Mrs. A S•und:ay December 30th, the Sun- day Stool hada short program and ,gi t� exchange The superin, tendent, George Moffat, :presided, reading the scripture and leading in prayer, Mrs., Jaynes Richardson g --the-- lannel raplh.- of --they lChristnlas story. Class prizes and. pins were presented to the child- ren, 'Two children were present ed with' Mission. Rand.' seals by the:' leader,. Mrs. Bert. Moffat. The December meeting of the W.M,S, 'Auxiliary was held in the church. Mrs. Neil :MacDonald; presided. Mrs -M 'Bert offat• ,pre-• pared Ithe program -Tv:- Mrs'. Wm, Evans: was; 'hostess' for the' December meeting:. of the Ladies Aid, Miss Emma Richard- son . 'presided 'for 'the election of officers. The following Officers were re-elected: ,president, Mrs, Evans, vice ,pres., Mrs. Peter• Gf MVIoffat, secretary, Mrs: Crowston; trees;, .Mrs.. •a+arish Moffat; ,sick, 'committee, Mrs. Wm. Scott, Mrs. Frank Miller, Mrs. 'Wesley 'Young:. The members: decided 'to .send get;' well cards to the sick and 'shut. ins rather. than, the. usual., box of fruit, The roll. call was answered by $iirexoia-hge of..girls •• • Miss ' T)olen;a• Orr ' of London spent the 'week -=end. at •her, home. Mr. .and Mrs. Wm: Evahs and Ted : spent.. 'New . Years; at: London and .Hyde :Parr. ' ' ' Mr.. Graham Moffat and ?Miss Emma ua .Richardson- . spent Thurs- day with Mr. and. Mrs.' Erie Evans at Hyde Park. .Nelson Ray.nard ' and• family vis- ited Wednesday evening' with, Mr. and Mrs',, Elmer Wall: .We are' sorry: Charlie Anderson is ordered to bed for two •weeks. • Mrs. Cecil Gardner is not, feel- ing the• best. Hope she soon will. .-be.better; - • Everett Swan '-returned' home from a London .Hospital; last Wed- nesday. w,i fNmrf iwogt•c>• io r ri+l�+�c>tArc,t wr c,�o ,t ioip mfewoo N�c�e • eeds,: Fertilizer Phone. 71- 0 Groceries Phone ,.2.7 SPRING:'FERTILIZER Early Orders Mean . Better' Delivery Service: HAVE YOU PLACED 'YOURS'' -JANUARY DISCOUNTS ' CUT YOUR COSTS • FEEDS and 'C S N ENTRATES Complete line on* hand at X11 times.; THE F ST�-I-CCOAL JT, STOV or ALBERTA R' ORDERS .- • 1 fan who owns : GEHL HAMMER. MILLS -Ask. the man . one, 1 1 1 ck-now =i -s'trk Q ... erativi BUY CO-OP QUALITY 'PRODUCT S ."41,21/fmhitHiabOmiifiNiniftNlrsumioiiuil+rear.i,i "r tiiri oonf<i�afEiff$"4Mwcifootffamonar,1Q Get Ready For SprYng. With -CHALMEIISMACH E °lrntncdiaterDelivety' Save Money and Disappointment by Ordering Now. NEW TRACTORS IN ALL SIZES Hay Balers, Roto Balers, All Crop Harvesters FLEURY -BISSELL PACKERS ,and DISCS;. FOR YOUR SOWS• and. SMALL PIGS . Complete or .. Own grain • 'Ilse Sow sand 1'i� Chow' Comp your , and .Sow . and Pig Concentrate. See Us About A , HOG FINANCE CONTRACT .AT NO COST TO- VOU 1{ACKETT LrCK1vOrt, ONTARIO" ri• • of Toronto spent. a few •clays at the home of her brother, Mr! and Mrs, James 'Wilson and her Mother er, Mrs, Wilson,, Sr. . Mr. and. Mrs. Laughren spent New Year's Day at. Guelph,:. ____ _1Vtr_and- Mrs.. Gr"-osl h_ arid - Mrs. Victor . Emerson spent Sat- urday .last. at Startford. , Mr. Mac• McGregor of Crediton spent the Week -end at the hone of his mother, Mrs. D, McGregor and brother Ross. Mr. George •Rosa of 'Owen Sound, spent a few 'h,olidays with, his parents; Mr. and Mrs., Robert. -Ross. . __- We are sorry to report that. Mr- Nat Thompson,; ' who, has not. been well for the past Year �, was taken .to Wingham "Hospital •on Monday.' We wish him . a pod recovery.. , •'Mr. Iden' Paterson spent a few days, in Detroit with- his sons Frank and Scott. ' . . 7' OBITUARY MRS.', MARTHA' J. SHANNON The death of Mrs. Martha'..J.. Shannon :occurred in. St. Faul; Minnesota •.on D gee ber 1-8t} af: ter a weeks. illness,., She • *as: for- nzerly Martha. 'Carrick,` daughter of the 'late Mr.. and Mrs.; .Robert rA: Carriclk:. ,of •Ashfield and -,Luck. now•, She.' was born in .Ashfield.,. and .went :to the United 'States: to . live , 'in • 1900.. She, • lived in Duluth prior 'to moving to St. Paul in ' 19ga. Her, husband, Chas. Shannon,, died ,seven years ago.'. Mrs. 'Shannon • was ' :"a • charter member of the ;St, Paul Good-'' will Industries and a member. of; Dayton .:Avenue Presbyterian Church' and the Society : of • Brit- ish Women. Surviving Mrs. , Shannon are three sisters. • and .one brother, Mrs.' S J. 'Boyd and Mrs. G. Johnson of Virginia, Minn.; Miss Eri t n� e: ' Barri o �Wingham; and .Grant Carrick: of Portland; Oregon: K,INLOUG:H Mr. and: Mrs. Leslie Hodgins of Lenore; Man., were guests of Mr.,and -Mrs. James M. Hodgins during the past week.' Mr. arid Mrs. Harold Percy. and: family spent New ..Years at Wing-„ him with My.,and ;Mrs W. Lapp.. Miss Irlma: Kxigins, R N., has returned to. 'St. Louis,, Mo., after ,'s 'pending the ' holidays. with het parents, Mr. and -Mrs. Tom, Hod- . Mrs. John Barr entertained the rnbers-i-of-y-the--Perry family -at a New Year's dinner. ,Mrs C1i Borthwick of `:St,. Catharines spent;a few days ' with her parents, Mr, and Mrs,: James .. Hodgins., • • Present, . Thursday, Frida, Saturday, January, 10, 11, 'It. -ain: goted-as No. 1). . Cowbo .-gf ;the.. world .. Itey, and we take pleasure .in presenting him ut its r junior" A thrilling' story thr.Ough and through. SATURDAY MATINEE AT 235 al'.M... . Conday, Tuesday, Wednesday, January'I14 ,15, it, r. For:the first tifiew On the' screen--a-The characters that you enjoyed for 'years in the funnies—.; "Gasoline A11ey!!,.. See .Sk eezx, See Uncle Walt andall the others. ' A ' wholesome comedy. so • } n and Mrs. ( Jim Smith :are in charge of the social on,?'rday evening. Mrs: E. Ackert gave . the,. closing . remarks. Lunch. "Ass ser- ved by the hostesses and : commit-,. tee in charge. Miss .Helen Malcolm returned to .'Toronto after' spending the' holidays . here. Mr, Glen Hodgins is 'spending a few days with friends at Lan-: don. r . Mr. and Mrs. Bert Niolsaii .and ' family .',spent Sunday with Mr: 'and Mrs.: Glenn . Campbell. Arnberley. Mrs J . W. `Co1Well ' accompan- ied : Mt..and ''Mrs Wm Bushell to, the home of.:IMr and Mra.• John .I Moore for.. New Years. Mr: a di 7 -Mrs. J t1e-H�1gfl en:- tertained' -the Hodgins family at a New Year's dinner. . Relatives from,here :attended the funeral of ,the e late . Clifford Hetherington at, Stratford on. Sat= urday:•. • Mrs. Duncan Thompson, Con, • 14, :is a sister. Deepest sym=. path. is• extended to, the bereave: ed. Mrs Wan Haldenby spent a few days during the !week with M.r, •,and: Mrs. Norman Fry, Wing, hani. Mr. and Mrs. ' Ed"' Harrison • and. slaughter Irlma of Wingha' were: recent visitor s' with Mr. and Mrs. James l=lodgins., : ... The H;W.t. met at the Nome of Edna and May Boyle for the Jan- uary meeting, Mrs. P. A- Miirray was in' charge. After the Open- ing and business Mrs. Torn Har- ris displayed, .,crocheted , doilies:. which "she has made recently.. Mrs/ Wm. Eadie ga,ve the. topic . and &1V.fr.s; !VVesYey Guest gave tho •motto. This being the meeting 'on ' health the, roll call was' a health', hint, Miss. Ernest Ackert read , a. paper• on the history of Holyrood. ' Miss Edi a Boyle fay. ored with a piano solo,. Mrs. Jim. .Smith „and.` -Mrs: Ttfm 1•Ipdgiiis., gave readings, Misses Margaret,' ,Malcolm and Edna Boyle played ,piano, duet. Mrs, Prank• 'l�;oanp- TLFI€ATES: ti 1 Sort •Term-5,.:'years :interest :payable :hall yearly , Principal .and interest undo*. di iona'lly guaranteed - Authorized investment :for Trust,' Funds No .fluctuation in Principal Amounts of, $100.00 and tip may be .invested' . off , CQRPORATION Head OMNcs 372 Bay St., Toronto «p4»nwkuflow>~n o otsmAc fi.Wici•i cork rwA r+f iui epaa►oinrc dwiivarbaeSif ft* i asses - 'Ferri: , cieneitts d.; •raY VN'T DELAY , g Ol. moi! ER OW To Assure. 'Delivery . And Avoid .Possible Higher Spring. "Prices • DRILLS -- DISCS =? CULTI'VATORS • AL`L -SIZES OF MASSEV-HARRIS TRACTORS' MAiWURE ,SPREADER. S. 1YBBEl -TIT D WAGatts v` HAMMER MILLS and GRINDERS • Both ,Tra+c,;totr and .Electric: Powered' FULL LINE OF REPAIRS ON. HAND BEATTY I3A.RN S IPPLIES' L ':'PHONE '70.m, ar Ubl(NoW • • .. �'i�7riiiwYuFclwfr'Msuritesn.,,..uw�iutia.wwliw+.lri�rl ' ', « �a'�►�>.gsis�►„o+,�r..,�Gwrcr+iiY.iwl.�awAvi�il. 1 ' l f