HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-01-10, Page 3THURSDAY', JANUARY 10:1952 . ., . , .. . . .,. . . „ ..:. THE LUCKNOW$,EN'TI .NE.14, UCKNQW. roNTARXQ ' RAdx'inRigi , and era . Y.DRO HEAD AT WESTFORD SCHOOL .; • if,' • . • Mr., and Mrs.. Art Young of Toronto were 'holiday visitors with Mr..and. Mrs. Leonard Mae- ' Donald.Art; "Wlio•ii a batik ern - 1. !s . •, Ly , re ,• . . ch: ••••,•;,1 •.= ed he, • to fOr Of. of cal.' • • 0' • the Eels Of and Lent Lith, of • , Mr. and Mrs.. Robert Lyons,. Will and GerdOn Lyons were at Tara on •Saturday attending, the funeral of axtaunt, MrS, Robert. Cunningharb. • , •. , .1‘,11.a.rguerite' and 'Beverley Mac , Xenziedaggihte:,rs. of_ Mr: and Mrs, Bruce MacKenzie have both, 'been, . ill in Wingbano Hospital, with.pneumonia. • If. A. Taylor leaves the end Of the Week to return to Edition - after spending the past few weekis . with his ,brother 'Albert •and Mrs. 'Taylor, of St,, Helens. • . . . • Mrs.. Q. 'HAVLaePonald spent a few • days at Belleville with. Mr. 'and Mrs: :James Brisbin.Mrs MacDonald accompanied Mr. and • Mrs. Jack Campbell who motored to Kingaton, ' • The January aneeting of the Women's.. Institute will be held ' • in the Town 'Hall. on Friday, Jan- uary llth..HoStessesare Mrs. El- liott; Mrs; McCall andlVirs. Bark - ployee' was recently transferred • from,. Montreal tO Toronto. • W. S. lVIcl..,eod„ -spent Christmas • likreek .in Woodstock With Mr.'and Mrs: 'Jack McLeod. Mr. and Mrs. W. A: Johnstonarid Children of London also. .spent Christrnas at the McLeod hortie.. vere iees. . • ard- arch coal Port hins; •mow' , e.'95, •• over • d,an, . Mat- - • • , Lucknow rtlibytetiait'auirch: - REV. :B.A.,•. • ,•:. MiniSter ,; •• SUNDAY, JANUARY 13th 11 a.m.: Morning yVorship, .12.15 p.m.1 Sunday. School anti • Bible Class. 3. p.m,: Erskine Church, bun- gannoti. •• 7 p:m.: Evening Service.' Mr. and Mrs. Art 'Yahbee of Teeswater spent the past week with her mother, Mrs. Mae Ir- • Mr. and Mrs. • Jadk Camtbell, Mrs. Horace Aitchison of Wing-,. :hani4-apent-a -few-days-at- ITimy Barracks,. Kingston, with Signm. Aylmer And, Mrs..: Aitchison, -and children: On Sunday they attend- ed the Christening of ,Mr. and Mrs. Aitchison's younger -daugh- ter, Judith Margaret, at the ArmY. Chapel, • . . • OBITUARY •• MRS! ROBERT THOMAS.IRVVIN. .1n ' failing' health for a long tinie, •the death of Mrs, Robert Thomas. Irwin..occurred at her home a: mile west of Lucknow on Friday,. January 4th. She was .81 years Of* age. •. Mrs. Irwin was formerly Mary Cynthia Cornelius, and was born in Ashfielcl TOwriShip. Her par- ents . died .when: she was a little girl and she was raised by 'Mr. 'and Mrs, John Barbour of West •Wawan:Osh. In 1895 she married •Thomas Irwin, who predeceased her in_ 1934. Mrs. Irwin- was 'held in the, highest regard in the connim- ity. She was a devoted wife and. Mother; a. member Lucknow United Church, ,a. former rnatilber of the W.M.S. and an honorary :member .of Parambluit Women's. Instittite. • ••• . The .ftineral service was:. held, ' on Monday at Johnstone's Fun= pral Home, cenditcted by Dr. W. Mumford : During the service Mrs! J. W. Joynt .and Miss Bell' ,RobertSon sang a duet, "Tye. Heardof a Land", with Elmer' Uinbach presiding at the organ. • Interinerit was ..in •Greenhill Cemetery;' the pallbearers being. Jack ' and Wellington •Henderson, .„Roy-an..d_jack_IrWin of Blenheim and Anios Cornelius of 'WhitechUrch. .• Flower bearers were six grand- son, Elwood and Alvin, Irwin, Doug and Eric. Hackett, Bobby • IrWin, 'Glen Irwin and William: Moise, Jr. , " • , • Mrs. Irwin is survived' by. three sons and two daughters, Emerson • of laiicknow;., Mrs:_ Moines Hack- ett (Rena) of -Ashfield; Elleda of. LUCKNOW UNITED CHIURCH I Minister: Rev. W. 3. Mumfort141 • M.A., .B.D., .S.T.D. • SUNDA.Y, ,JANUARY 13, 19521 1-ChtrAth1etes-of--The— 12.15 p.m.: Sunday Schocl. • 7. p.n.: The Night Cornett'. 4 ' • •i "A "Sabbath 'well spent bringsi a week • of content, And health'for the tells of to -I.; 5 -• 1. given T the - !Was ptigh •aised, •' Ltinue , shed. , hated to teCal r•gh But a Sabbath. profaned, what- ,. soe'er may. be gained, • ! 18 a certain forerunner of sor-s. •• row". .• •• 1 COrne and worship 'with' • iiglican Church .• • •• NOTICES Rev t A. ,Se MitchelJ, 1.411i.; •• Rector." Sunday after Epiphany "JANbARS Oth, '1952 • ,St. Peter's Church, Lucknow 11 -a.m.: Morhing Prayer. •St. Paul's Church; Dungannon Holy Corninunion. Friday . (tomorrow) ;Ladies Guild .SponSor the play "Chintz 'Cottage ' in the -Parish Hall, Friday, January 18th, at 2.30 •Pan:, 'Annual Vestry. • " St Pattli'S Church, Ripley', Sunday Service WithdraWn.tei attend, The' United Service of. Prayer and ''Witpess. Toronto.; Alvin of Ashfield -and Leonard of Lucknow. Another son, St. Clair Irwin,. died just eight , years ago. • ERNEST C. 'WILKINS The .death of Ernie C. Wilkins _occurred suddenly from a heart --attack_last_ Thtirsday: rnerninctt his • Ashfield • TowiiShip Iarrn Mr.- Wilkins: had had-- a- heart condition for a tirne, but was in his' apparent normal health that. morning and had., gone to the barn to _.dO. the chores, He Was stricken upon his return to the house and died instantlY. • Born in England, Mr. Wilkins 'carne to: Canada in 1909. For sev- -erat-yeam-he---wai-field-repres-n entative of the • circulation de- , partment .of the Toronto •Globe and later with the Toronto Stat.; He resided -at Paisley for a num- ber • of ,years 'and was employed as a rural mail courier out, of that Village. Some twelve years go • the Wilkins family moved to this community; Where:- Ernie - bought the former W. J. Lane farm .in ,Ashfield. Since theft he worked in Tdrorito' for t time at the Toronto. General. Hospital. : A funeral service was' held at his late residence on Friday af- ternoon conductd by Rev. C. B. Woolley. 'Pallbearers were Cyril Campbell, Cecil, Johnston, Rich aid Kilpatrick, Albert Johnson, lkoy Alton and 'Girvin Reid Theroniains were taken to'•the Stoadart Funeral Home in Pais- ley where service was held on Saturday *with interment 41n Stark • Vale Cetnetery. .Mr. Wilkins is turvivted by his wife, the .fornier Frances !Mat- thews; five daughters,' andothree sons, Mrs. Bert (Jessie) , Alton, :Ashfield; Mrs. James (Els) Ol- • iver' and Mrs. Wrineth .(Louise) Weaver, botli of Sudbury; Mrs. Howard (Gladys.. Carla* of Pais:7 ley .and Mrs, Edward (Dorothy) Gitlin of Port' Credit; •Harry of Paisley, Charles of Asfifield and •IlerVert at hoine• .• There can never be another Christmas concert*" in Westford School quite like the one, held in the old, one*.room Yellow brick building Thursday night. Because; they had something _they never -harl-before-at-Ghristmas-cOncert time -electric' light. The.sohOoLe•roorn blazed with it, and the 'tall Christmas tree on the stage glowed with colored lights, and the' children /aUgl.ied at cartoon movies-al1 brand new things for old Westford Shoot ,Se the .ecnitert. was held. ,,And,. for: the first tirne in the, schoel historY;:the forty -odd desks were moved out and 150 folding ,Chairs put in orderly rows. Even then standing roOrn was at a premium long before the. 'scheduled 8:30 p.m. statt. TO cel'03rate so many. ayato Commissioner .Robert Saunders had been invit- ed, and when he carne he,brought the Ism* candies and some gay paper hats, and a big electric clock to replace the old one whose ancient Works never had quite 'the right time in Mina, After 'the movies. Santa wan- dered in to greet-. the children and distribute kifts Ther were • so many that he pressed into Ser- vice Hydro Chairtnan Saunders, whO was still a bit breathless af- ter haVin.g, explained to the stu- dent body his. part in hydro and • Westford •SchOol and its lights was just another part .of • And the Young' and old milled • around the two; and the 'fleet got, covered. With gay 'wrapping paper, and both Mr. Saunders and teacher OliVe ,Thompson almost: forgot their own gifti:, Someone reminded' Ahern, and Mr. Saunders gave Miss Thenip-,. Son; for the sehOO1, the big elec- tric clopkf, And, then Helen MaCherfor the class, appeared with-42-big-parcel-,-anol-Lbetween theni, the teacher and -Chairman g4t it open -and it was a lovely desk laMp. ,Mr. Saunders said it would :be, on' his Toronto •desk first • thing friday. morning. n ---s LADIES' AND MEN'S WEAR TELEPHONE 85 •,.."V"TrrVr'wrVrRrv'-v-mr-",rr.rrw JANUARY ,WHITE SALE • WOOLLEN BLANKETS, white with colored borders, plain Colors,satin bound. •, ••$10.95 and $12.95, . • • DOUBLE CTEILLE DSPREA,DS; White, rose, green, blue.. Regular $14.95• • - $9.95 „ • • S4'T.IN ,ICVSI-.I'IONS, various colors, quilted'' • $3.98 • • . . • ••, Waha.ssO. Hemstitched Cotton :Slieett & Pillow. Cases, • • - Flannelette Sheets Motor Rugs .11 • • CREW.E. 'New Year visitors' in the coin- rnunity were: Mr,: and,Mrs. Lorne Hiasty and Will with Kr. anct Mrs. C. Crozier and family and Roy Maize, Mr and Mrs. J. Wil- son and faniily With Mr. and 'Mrs. Will Reid and ilpys, Mr.: & Mrs. Don Paquette with Mr -and Mrs. Ivan . Luzon and Gail in •Goderich; Mr. and ,'Mrs. Cur- ran and 'family with Mr. and Mrs. A;•Carbett and fainily• at Cedar Valley, •.‘ • Vittcrrwith 1VIr.-and • MTS. , J. Boak during 'the holiday season Were Mr. & Mrs. Boak- cif Bruno, ,Sask.; r. and Mrs. Bob Boak. andfamily of Lucknow;, Mr. and Mrs. Aron Boak' and Rickey of .• Port Albert; Misses Jessica Boak of ' Stratford hospital and Mar- garet of Clinton' hospital;.Bill Boak .of. Ottawa and Ray Boak. -61-TOT.Orireg'Mrs:-.Freclreobkr-Ar•rt-- old, Ruth 'and 'ViColet also spent Sunday there. . . Congratulations to Mr. & Mrs: Allen Ritchie on the arrival' of their • daughter, the first • New Years baby in Wingh6m, Hospi- tal. Mrs. Ritchie was the forMer, Violet .Culibert of :here. • • - We are .'sorry,' to"repert that Jim Sherwood is confined. to:the Goderich Hospital, but . glad. to report that he is Som.e, better and• wish him a speedy , recovery.. • BOUNDARY, WEST The Monthly, 'Meeting: 'of. .the Pararqurit • • Women's Tristitute will bo held at the home of Mrs:' James, Ketchabaw. Ladies . are asked to 'bring' their1;ifiannelete patches .as this is a work meeting. Mr. and Mrs. • Walter Dexter spent New Years with ,her tatti- er, Mr. Wm. Kennedy of Ripley,. Visitors at the. home of Mr, and MKS. •Robert..Hamilton on :Christmas and New Yearsincluth. 'Kenneth MacLennan, DetrOit; Mr. -and Mrs. MI KoSnlyria and Jimmy, Toledo, Ohio; Mr. and Mrs. Frank King and Billy 'Of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. M. San,- detson, Mrs, Jas. lVfaebonald, Mr. and. Mrs. Bud Hamilton, Luck - now; l‘ift., and IVIrs4 Max Hanna, and France s Hamilton, London, ':StaniPed GOadi !;--, Ready ..To Embroidery Pillow Case, • Bridge and Luncheon „Sets, . . • Tea Towels, Tray Cloths, :Runners, Etc. . VISIT—OUR GIFT BAR .4 • • • • $PEP1ALS! I4EIs11 See ourwindow diiplay. of '.Men's and Boys' Station. Wag. On :Coati an,CLIblidail ALL 20 PERCENT OFF. . • *OMEN'S .COATS at SLASHED PRICES, • '..‘ all sizes and Colors, , BRING YOUR RUNS TO BE' MENDED • TO OUR HOSIERY BAR • . •: To tasfrit is ref& superb quality anci flavour of -• ,• • • • - • ..•Mr. and Mrs. Jack Elphiek and 'gram, Dungannon. • farnilY visited at the 'home of Mr.. and Mrs. ,: Jas. Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Leesin; Kinloss. •-Mr. and Mrs. -.11obt, Hamilton and Mr. Jack McIntosh. spent the week -end in. Toronto.'• Miss Susie Gibson: is visiting 'with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Con- , spent New Years with IV.1r. and * Mrs. R. Needha.rn, Ripley.. - --'.• Mr.. and Mrs. Oliver McCharles 1.. • • and family spent New Years with • Mr. and Mrs. H. McTavish, Lori - don. • • - 4%. . JO1N W. HENDERSON' LUMBER LIMITED '47 ' Lucknow 'Phone 150 Ontario