HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-01-03, Page 2PAGE; TWO
THURS'•, JANUARY 3rd, 1952 .
Since the last list of donations
to the . • Christmas • seal .fund was
published ' the 'fund has been
boosted --.,to over the_900 mark.
A nurniber..of contributions°which
have ,been left at The Sentinel
Office are not. included. in the
following list. , .
Pre' 'iously .acknowledged $651.-
50; Raynard •Ackert 2.00;. Bert Al-
ton 2.00; Ebner: Allton 2:00,;."WWa1t-
er. Alton 2.00; Pied Anderson 2,00;
Harry Anderson 2.00; .E' V. Baker
2.00; Howard Barger '2,00; Flax-
, Man Barkwell 2:00,' % Keith •:Blake
2.00; J. J. Brown .: 2•.00; George.
Burgess .200•• Jas. Burns :.2,00;`
g .►
Mrs. R, J. .Cameron 1;00; Ira
Campbell 2.00; ,D. H. Carruthers..
2.00; J. F. Chadwick 1.00; Ken
neth. Chester 2.00; Stewart 'Coll-
• yer. 2.00; W. E.,,Collyer 2.00;• Cur --
tie Colwell /2,00;;;; Isaac .Cranston
• 100, A Friend 1,00;: , Clifford
Crawford 2.00; LeRoyCulbert
'1.00;" Rev.. R.• Currie '2.00;
las Fairish 2,00; Duncan Farrish
2.00; Donald Finlayson 2,00; Mrs.
M A. Finlayson 2:00; Geo. 'Fisher
100; Gordon Fisher 1:00, W. For-
ster ` 2.00; Mrs. Richard 'Gardner'
-- '2.00; " (Russell Gaunt '2.00; Mass:
Catherine Gibson 1,Q0;, Miss Dor-
*thy Gibson 1.00; J. ' G. Gillespie
2.00; Arthur. Graham 2.00; Doug-
• , las Graham 2.00; J M.;Greer%2.00;•
• Wm.' Griffin 'ZOO; Alex Hackett
100; -Clifford'- Hackett. 150; Al:
• fred• Ilaldenby'2.00; Howard';Har-
ris 2:00; Roy Haven's '2,00;: E J.
Hedley 'Robert : 'Helm. 2,00';:
. 2.00; , ., ...
Eldon Henderson::2.00;;. "J. F. Hen_
Berson 2.00;'W. W:` Hill 2',00, Wm.
Houston ; 2.0; Allen Hunter: 2.00;
n Hunter 2.00; Russell' Ir-
vin 2:00; . Spence Irwin 2.0.0; 'Mrs:
Ida 'C. 'Jamieson 1.00; Clifford
Johnston • 2.00; •Elmer Johnston.
,'200; Jas. Johnston' .;2.00; J. R',
Johnstone 2.00; : Redvers Johnston
•:2.00; Harveyit<ilpa+trick 2:00; : King
loss Kairshea Woriien's .Instituter
• .10.00;• Harry • Lavis 2.00 Jas,, Lit-.
tle •2.00; N. G., MacKenzie' 1.00;
Neil 'McCallum 1.00;..Miss E. Mc-.
Cluskey :2:00; ' John McInnes' :1:00;
Heribert McKeith. 1.00;. N. 'J. J.
MgKenzie '2:00; , Chas:' MacLean.
2.00; Donald A. McLean 2.00; Mrs.
"Margaret 'MeLenna_n 2,00; . Myles
McMillan °.1.00;' Ross '' McMillan:
• ' 2,00. • E. Miller, '2.00 • W. I. Miller
•3;00; 'Rev.. A. & : Mitchell, 1.00;
David 1VIofifat 2:09; :Farish •Moffat
2.00; Kenneth•Mowbray 2':00; 'Rev,
J W. Mumford 2:00; Archie: Nrch
olson 2.00; Leonard O'Laughlin
100.; Miss .:Jean Osborne.. 2.00;
George Phillips .2.00;.- • Herman
Phillips 2;00; : Nolble. Pierce ,1.00;
Orlands Richards 2.00; • Frank
Ritchie - 2.00; - John --Ritchie 10(4_
Russell' Ritchie• -1.00; '-John- Robb -
2:00; .W. J. Robb • 2:00; Mrs... Eliz-•
abeth ; Rose..2.00; ' Clifford Rqu1-
• ston. 2.00 Miss Mary Rutherford
2.00; ' Miss W, D. atutherford 2.00;
S.O.S. Club 10.00; . St ..:Helen's
Women's Institute 200; -Charles.
• .Steward .50; H+ . Sutherland
2:00;.'Earl,Swan-. 2.0 Ewart Tay-
: •lor 2.00; Donald' 'Thompson 1.00;
• Frank Thompson 2.00; Chas. Tiff
fin 2.00 Township ,of Kinloss
10.00; John Waddell 2.00; Town-
ship; of"West Wawanosh 5.00; .Got-
don Wall 2.00; Harty' Wall 2.00;
Jos. Whitby 1.00; Mrs. ^H.: Wilson.
1.00; Total $90154:
Pack! • Pack, Pack, Pack!!.
Yes Cubs it's Parade Circle,' again'
tnext Tuesday, same .place and
Mime --7 pari. at • the Recreational
Centre. Apela :will be 'looking .for
• you.: all ottt;• neat and tidy in full
• uniforrn. -•
.... -
Commencing next week com-
petition' , between the sixes . will '.
get ti derway with 'points being
, awarded for attendance at both'
Cubs. and ,Sunday. School,. pullet-
?: uality,.cleainliness with regard to
person. and. •uniform • conduct;
" games and badges.-.
Instruction , will be given to
new Cubs and for''actirvity there -
will be .indoor hockey, so .bring•
along your 'stick. ..An old, broom
handle Or hockey stick with the
blade cut Off will be best.' •
We riow have 28' Members in
the Picic-L=16' being Invested Ten,-
der ' Pads ,and..12•' rye;w "`-.
Those •who are . Tender ads' are
tri. g' ,
25 -cent registration� fee.
, 1
See .. you. 'all ne`t Tuesday.
Tan;: the. United Church, Dun-'
gannon on Saturday. afternoon,
Re'v. George Watt officiated at
the marriage of 'Bertha Matilda,
elder daughter of Mr and Mrs..
Otto Popp;. ' Dungannon, , to. Alvin
Earl .McGee, second, son of ,Mr.
and Mrs. Reg McGee, Goderich,
Miss Sally McDonald played the
bridal chorus. from Lohengrin as
the' bride took her place.,A love
lybouquet of yellow and white:
chrysanftheariums adorned. the al-
tar: table; Given .in 'marriage by.
:her father, the (bride looked love-
ly wearing a floor 4length. gown'
of white satin and nylon with lace'
design and ~lover's -knots; long,
pointed sleeves; Her veil was in
fingertip length. ' She carried.
white fluted carnations in lover's
knot formation. The. .bride's sis-•
-ter; Miss Lillian P. Popp, wore
a long gown, of taffeta in lune'
shade with nylon yoke,. and short
'sleeves. She carried a matching
muff with yellow fluted . carna-
tions Bonnie McGee,` niece of the
bridegroom, was flower girl in
-a yellow: satin . frock* With match -
'Mg cap and Muff, ,with yellow
:fluted carnations., Leonard Mc-
Gee, . Goderich, . brother; of the.
bridegrroomii, was best man.. The.
guests were ushered by Mr: Ron'
McGee After, signing the regis-
ter, the. '.guests, rYunlbering • 23,
were entertained at the bride's
home.' Mrs, Pupil received, `wear-
ing a winevelvet dress, wine felt.
hat ;and ''corsage • of . pink • carna-
tions. The )bridegroom's mother.
assisted , in a ''whitewinter. wool
dress with oorsafge :of- pink roses:
Among the . guests were . Mts..'R..
A. McKenzie, Wingham, Mr.6and
Mrs. Harry Dennis, Harriston.•
The. 'waitresses ' at the luncheon
were Miss Marie Wall, Miss Phyl-;
iss Johnston, Miss,. Arlene. Rouse
of Goderich. ' For travelling, the
-fbride..;,.._wore• 'dress of powder
blue . wool ,with; yellow -'and brown
accessories. ,Mr.. and •Mrs. McGee
will reside in . Goderich. ' .
On Saturday,. Dece i ber' . 22nd,
at ::St: Peter's Church, Lucknow, ,a
pretty g
rett. wedding was solemnized
•by the rector, •Rev.:A. S Mitchell
when Isabel' Jane ' • Scott, daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert .Scott'
`of Ashfield, ' became' the bride ' of..
Richard Harvey McQuillan, soil
Mr. -and-Mrs. Richard McQuillin
of Kinloss Township.•:
. The ' bride Was lovely in a grey.
gabardine suit, with navy acres
sories sand :corsage .of ; pink roses
and baby's breath. Her topcoat
was. in navy with- white ermine
collar: Thelbrid-O attendant: was -
Miss Freda Hunter, who chose a
navy gabardine; suit , with white
accessories :and a . corsage ' of red.
Jack McQuillin, vias his .broth
er's best : man. , • . ' •
Follgwng 'the ceremony r the
bridal couple and attendants.
motored "to the •.Knotty •:Pine Inn
at, Kincardine fora midnight/din-
Mr. and Mrs. :McQuillin are
spending their honeymoon in
Florida. .
A quiet but pretty marriage
was, solemnized on Saturday at,
3,30. p.m. at the .Dungannon Un-
ited :,Church, parsonage. Rev. Geo,
_Watt officiated for the , union of
Ruby Viola June, elderdaughter'
of Mrs :and Mrs. Flank 'Glenn,
Dungannon and Gordon Brook,
youngest •.son of Mr. and Mrs.
,Robt. Chaniney, Donnybrook. The
bride was ' attired. °with a navy
wool, suit,' matching hat :.and ac-
cessories and wore a corsage of.
pink carnations. She was ,attend-'
ed 'by her sister, Mrs, `Herb Po-
cbcjt wearinga navy suit, navy.
hat and matching accessories and
a ;corsage of pink carnations, Mr.'
.'Stuart Ctaniney, ' brother' of the
groom, was best. man. After the
ceremony, the guests, numbering
24; were entertained to, • dinner at
the • bride's' hemp. The dining
rooa n was pretty • with •,pink and
white streamers suspended from
the ceiling; Above the table' Were,
wedding bells: Among the •guests
were Abe groom's sister, Mrs,•
Verna Doer of Niagara Falls. Mr
ter a • short honeymoon, the young
couple will 'take up residence at
Rev. ' Geo. • Watt on: Saturday,
December 22nd'..at .6 o*lock per
tanned the, marriage'. ceremony at
the Dungannon. , Uni'ted' :Church,.
for, 'a '.'twilight .service. of • Joyce
Mary • Etta, younger daughter: 'of
Mr: and Mrs: Frank Glenn, .Dun-.
'gannon• and Hgrb Milton, only
On ' of Mr.. +anal :Mrs. Oli• ver •Po•
cock, near Holmesville. The bride;
given in unarriage 9y : her • father,
wore a floor' length gown of white
nylon with ' embroidery and ° lace
trimning. The White. • net ' filter-
tip `tVeil was. fashioned incoronet
hairdress ..with orange • blossoms
which :was 'worn by : her mother
-aa_aJbxide.Arbinestane necklace
and: ;earrings; a gift of the groom,
were worn. She;carried a shower
bouquet of: pink Chrysanthemums..
Miss 'Eileen, Pocock, sister of:. the
groom, wore a ' floor -length • gown
of pink: 'taffeta, ,.• bertha collar,
short -sleeves, ' matching .mittens
and carried' a bouquet of yellow
Mums. The maid of, honor • was
the 'bride's siker' June; .wearing,
lune., green taffeta,with •matching•
cap and mittens and parried.. a
bouquet of ,bronze mums. Mrd El-
mer McClinchy, brother-in-law of
the 'groorn was .:best man. :The
ushers were Bill Palmer and gar -
old, Glenn. Mrs: Leroi Stingel
presided at the organ' for the
•wedding .music..After, the ''cere-
mony' • .,the immediate . relatives
were- entertained -at -the --bride's
-parents -home to•4turkey ditine-z
•For, a .trip. to. the States the ' bride,
chose beige costume and ' light
beige coat,' black velvet hat and'.
4blaelc accessories:. Upon their re-
turn the young couple will reg
sidenear Homesville.
:Mr.. and. Mrs. Cecil Blake have .
had' for holiday visitors. Mr. and
Mrs, Ben Comfort..and son' Ennis
Of St. Catharines; Mrs. Stanley
Fines and daughter Suzanne, of,
Toronto. '
Mr. and ' Mrs. Gordon Kidd and
family of Islington, spent Christ-,
mas ::vacation with Mr. and Mrs.
-By acclamationshfield Co ui=
Sixty Years Ago
Jarnes: Gaunt, -reeve. of Kinloss,
besides operating brie of the larg-
est sawmills in the county, ,.sup-
erintended 800 acres of .farm
land. During the season •he • sold
178 :head of cattle',. to Hamilton
and Gillespi :k of "Whitechurch for
$8,600, and was winter -feeding 40
W. Stewart Contracted With the
'Council to ,add three More are..
electric lights on Village streets
raising the total to 11. The Sen-
tinel 'claimed •there wasn't an-
n'other , village in the Dominion of
comparable size 'with half that
number of lights
Staff .• of ° ,Luck now Public
School' and salaries. were; • D. D.
.Yule ,principal, $650;' Geo. Mid-
dleton, $450;• A. G: Smith, $300;
Miss' • Carr.'ick, $225:; .Miss Archi-
bald, $265. •
Mitchell ,Bros were : paying
from $6.50 to $0.00. per •thousand
for.maple. logs.
• Munjcipaljties were 'notified : to;
prosecute all those who neg-
lected to • comply with the: regis-
tration;of births, 'deaths and 'mar-
riages; . .
Thin#. -Five Years Ago Y g.
m McKinnon, accountant.
with a . London,, ;:England;. ficin;
returned ;to Europe after a visit
with ; his ' .parents, ;arid' was :''in
charge of 'an office.' opened by.
this 'firm in Paris.'
Harry : Bogues . sold his • grocery
business to H.' D.. Woods • of St.
Helens. •
Dr. E B.,Balfour took over Dr.
Gordon's -practise.. :
Rev. J. S. Duncan of the Pres-
byterian Church accepted 'a call,
Jt0 Sault Ste.. Marie. -
Kinloss Council : was .returned
'.byacclamation; •Reeve Dan Mac-
Donald; .Councillors John -:Mac-
Diarmid, J ,, 4., . Tiffin;' Charles
Baechler, J. • . Colwell; Ash
fields :Board v a
s also , returned,
Reeve Charles .Stewart; Deputy -
reeve Jos. P. Dalton; Councillors.
Jos.,: Hackett, : T. Richardson • and
James: Alton• '
Twenty. Years ,Ago
Mrs: W. Hamilton was : Rebekah
Noble Grand and :Alex Suther-
land I O.O.F. Noble . Grand. '
• Upon. the Buswell: family mov
ing 'to Exeter ,Mr„, 'Buswell was
presented With a hyinnar.y and
Bible in recognition of his seri
'vices as superintendent of the
United Church Sunday School.
cil was, Reeve John A. MacKen-
zie; Identity reeve James Ritchie;
Councillors Richard . Johnston,
Murdoch Matheson and Sam
Swan. . Also by acclamation was'.
the. West Wawanosh Board, com-
prised of Reeve Wrn.,Stewart. and
Councillors Tom Webster, Cairns'
Aitchison, 'Albert Gammie, and.
John McQuilljn •
A•Lucknow.•cast won the Bruce
County Amateur Dramatic "corn -
petition. Members' were, Annie'' -
-MacDonald, Andrew Thompson,
Fred McQuillin; Beth Alton, Jes-
sip Andrew, Tom 'Henry, Ethel .,
Martin•. and George Kennedy.
Ten' Years Ago
G. S. Maclntyre commenced his'
duties' as principal , .: of • Sioux
Lookout . Continuation • School. • He
was •succeeded' on .the Luck'iow
staff •by Clarence. Chapple.';
Miss . Marion. MacPherson. suf.
feted a •'fraotiured hip.
James Valad of "Holyrood died •
suddenly ,from a - heart attack: He
was in .phis 54th year.
• 11;1% Douglas retired from the
delivery' •business after 30 years'
service to locaI .merchants
Mr. and Mrs, D.. :' IlVMcMorran
'celebrated their . golden wedding.
• The . large ., barn . on the 'Joe
,Gaunt . farm in West' Wawanosh '
was 'destroyed. by. ;fire . •' ' •
Rev, D. :T. L..McKerroll: Of
Niagara -on -the -Lake; retired af-
ter ' 40 years in the ministry.
Mrs. George .Colwell was ap
Pointed. Postmistress ; at •rood
iy y , .:.
succeeding'the late Miss Susan,
Purves.. The Holyrood P.O.' had
been, . in charge of the . Purves
family.: since 1897, when • John
Rurves succeeded' Mr's Andrew` T,
Campbell, ';whose late • . husband
held the first appointment, made'
in, 1868
Newton •passed away:-
He' came . to Lucknow in '.1894 Ate.
Practise dentistry, , •
• Rev. •:WM. .•O, Rhead of P.E.I.
was ' inducted as' `'pastor Of Ash-
field Presbyterian Church
Mr: and Mrs.Joseph. 'Hackett
celebrated their 59th wedding
anniversary. •
Rev: ' J. ' .W. Donaldson •' was
named rector of St, . Peter's
Church: ,
Thefate was unknown of Sgt.
Charles • Jewitt 'who• • was With
the 'Canadian :':Forces at; Hong
Kong, when overrun by -the•Jails The. ,death occurred of 'Edward
Hodgins after=-. a month's... illness--
with prrewnonia
• Torn 'Cook's Home . on 'the .:15th'
Sideroad, Huron Township, '.was
razed' by fire.
J,' J. Ryan.
Mr.. Lorne Popp,: Sailor .pn an
Imperial 'oil , boat docked; at Sar,.
nia, spenta few. •days recently'
with 'his ,parents;' Mr. and Mrs:
Otto' Popp:,
Mr.: ~and Mrs. Robt. Mon�tgom-
ery spent New Years with Mrs.
Montgomery's relatives' at Delhi.
Mr. Charles • Rivett hes 'rented
the, Finnigan apartment ,•from K.
K: Dawson. ' and moved last week.
adds life and sparkle
to any occasion
London Free Press carrier boys
from .Lucknow and surrounding.
.territory whO won a .two-day trip
to Detroit• as a r^ard for their
sales -ability' are shown,' left' t�
right: Boli 1VIow'bray, Lucknow;
Bill Mathers, Lucknow;, Jack.
Higgins, Brussels, • Don Brecken-
ridge, Winghar t; 'Jinn Edgar,
Brussels; David. Willie, 'Tees
water; Bruce Lott, Wingham:; the sniail'•hours 'Mbndav morn-
Bar`'ry Fry,. Wingham; Jim Lock-. , ing, many interesting events took
ridge, Wingharn; and. Barry Sy- place, rotthe 'bo v s to 'ick ' out;
...._ _ Y p
mons, •Teeswater, • Although ' the
the oultstanding ,.one ,would be:
trip was held under the .severest. 'difficult -it could be the tour of
weather' Conditions, it wa
4'a time'''•dison's . ' Museum, • The Fox
they Will never" forget,. From„the Theatre, •: the National Hockey
time they left Wirigham early' League game, the . sights) from
Saturday morning in their char.,, :one of the largest Detroit news-
tered coach. until their return, 4; •paper, plants, ,or the futi and fel-.
7 Wail :,,,liffE7tYptitlitigirrilfle'10411,0#1110111117r1 *It
lowship they received at their'
Detroit "home"- The Hotel De-,
troiter,, Sunday morning all eat -
Hers attended one' ' of ..the three
churches near, the Detroiter• ---fit.
.John, Sr. Petricks and Woodward
Avene, and were very • impressed
iby the welcomethey received.