HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-01-03, Page 1i'
$2:50 Yearly In Advance --$1,00 Extra To U,S-A,
A nomination ..night. audience
that was shamefully small,; heard
a 'detailed report: of village. and
school affairs; with; emphasizes
on the financial;"espects of all de-.
partrnents,, and heard Reeve' J. C.
McNab !predictthat ratepayers
could expect "sharply increased
taxes .for : the .next ten years". ;
This• is inevitable with a new
school- to ibe. built, paving to be
• done, with .social • welfare ''costs
soaring, 'and so on.. ; • '
Mr. McNab, the only nominee
for. the .reeveship;, was the, first
speaker. He• .regretted Mr. Ag
news absence and referred to his
•.46 year`s service as clerk..
The financial report, •in its re-
vised form, was •scanned with,.
the. speaker drawing :attention to'
'highlights in the report. The cost
' ' of relief and;: hospitalization in
1951 tatalled .$3572; of. which the;
Village share is $1856. The load
is getting "terrific". Mr. McNab
said and ' has 'become . a major
' •' item.', for which they will have to;
strike ,, a three mill' ' rate next
year. • .
Open: winters. have . played hob
with 'Arena, ,financing, Mr. Mc-
Neil) said; It 'is no• fault ; of any-
one's but the, Village:. has had to
assume $7115 of the 1949 and 1950
debenture as 'well as a' $400 op-
erating deficit in' 1951, with ;the
1951 debenture outstanding.
he--split.o ..salaries, heating_
and rental charges . between the
Village, • Hydro and Water sys- •
tems' was explained,. and by way
of . example Mr. McNab stated ..
that' Mr. ' Haven's • salary Was
shared as follows; .Viill'age 2per
cent; Hydro' 60 percent; Water 15
Attention was .drawn to the
record low iri tax arrears amount-
ing to- $61.01 for 1950 and 1949.
The Reeve . gave a breakdown
of the debenture debt of the Vili-
' . Rage.
To 'Remove Main Street
• Hreferred
'' Mr.. M.cNab eferr edto 'the
healthy position. , of the ' Hydro
System which has a•<rdserve' fund
• of $22,000, with the system re,.:
cently overhauled : and in good.
shape. Hydro rates have remain-
ed. .the-- same although_ the- per
H.P. cost to the ,local system; has
been increased from $39.00. to
'$44.90. The' -spending ' of : this
money, however, is. controlled by
the H.E.P.C, winch has approved
the further -improvement and
modernizing 0i the system ::by
removing hydro poles' from .Main •
Street. This program -will include"
new lights, and the . present Main
Street ; ligghts will be used else-.
Where on• the system. Cost of_ this
work is :estimated, at • $5,700; Or
little more. than the • $5,500 that
the local system is • at present
carrying in 'the current . account,
over and :above the $22,000 sur-
plus' . •
Higher Water Rates
Reeve • McNab "reviewed water
system problems that 'have Con,
• fronted ,'the Board. The Village
is 'in• "dire need of water", he
said, adding that we have'. been
fortunate 'that the 'past two stun-
' { been. cool and`wet'.
A $26;000 debenture has been
sold to'finance the developing of
an, adequate water supply. Mr;.
1VIcNab' referred to the unfavor-
able' condition of the bond mars
ket that• required• the selling of
• this issue at ','92.09. The annual
'debenture will be $1913, and to
finance this. expenditure an iri-.
crease in .water rates will have
to be made at the first .of the'
year,. It was ~pointed -out that local
water rates have been unchang-
ed since they were' established 21
years ago. There are some
inequalities in the present sys-
•tern oi; .charges and an. •adjust-
lriertt. in the basis of rates will
alSO . be necessary to get a more
fain, and equitable assessment
(lee -Altered tin page 3)
.Mrs, 'Isobel Havens, .teacher of.
Grades I and 'II in the Public.
School . is' commencing (.tw i c e
monthly kindergarten classes for
pre-school . agechildren who will
be starting school in September..
It was. apparent that children
who, 'attended the' nursery school
conducted. by Mrs. Tavener, •bene-
fitted. from this pre=school train-
ing; and Mrs: Havens has decid-
ed to: give. such training a trial.
Classes . will .'be' held the second
and fourth Friday .of each month
in the afternoon only, and' will
be " open to those children who
will be starting school "'next fall.
I :., .F
Mr. and Mrs, Burton:Roach of
pen leave. y meter to-
day. (Thursday) for Florida They
are -being accompanied south by
Mr: and Mrs. Elliott . Sandy of'
The foursome plan,. to spend
some six weeks in -Florida, , and
will spent one week, of their, hol-
iday at Daytona $each, where(
GUIDES N ' /___' =1-A
During. the holidays the Guides
have been busy 'painting :their
new room in the Recreation Cen-
tre. Winnie Stewart kindly letter-
ed the door and the ',following
Guides .cleaned and painted ';the
walls 'and furniture and. waxedd
the floor, 'Marilyn .. ,Kilpatrick,
Nancy "Johnston, Bessie Reavie;
Ann. Petersen;. 'Anne Crawford;.
Charlene Smith, ; Eunide .Button,
Mar,g�ar.et, Gollan, ,Ruth Treleaven,
Wilda Reid. arid Rozella. Howald.
It; ' is hoped that: the citizens
.mill come. to see theey�. room when
an "o eri •hou;h
se" isheld later in
the year,
There will be .Court'of Honour
next Friday evening. at' 5.45 sharp.
The Guides will meet at 7.30.
Association ' Meeting Tonight.
The ladies of the Local Associ-
ation 'will hold : a meeting in the
Girl Guide 'Room, ori Thursday,
evening (;tonight) at 800 sharp.
.As important business will come
• up - concerning ; the . Girl Guide
Company' a good 'attendance is
'requested. Any. woman in: the
community, ,"'Whether . she has
t 1' tb 1 li t
./come td . the Local Association
.before ornot who: vtrould•be in
terested in the Girl Guide move-.
merit both locally • and :+provinci
ally, will be made very 'welcome.
There work work to be done and
this c mrnittee ' has a definite
place in the community, life of
they have preservations" made ,
While in the Sunny South, Mr,
and ,Mrs. Roach will observetheir.
fortieth wedding anniversary on
Saturday, February' 2nd. •
THAT Alex G. MacIntyre, .who i;
studying medicine in •England,
is spending:.part 'of • the 'vacation
With ' the University of .Oxford
hockey 'team on.' a: tour. .which
will . take `them to play. in
Prance and, 'West Germanybe-
••fore the next term begins in
`Miss. Lillian Cameron has join-
ed the teaching staff' of the'Luck-
now •District High School and
commenced her new duties .today..
Miss Cameron has been prim_ ,
of . the Tiverton .• Continuation
Scheal for the past eight ,years.
-•.She succeeds Miss Helen' Horn -
(by ' Whose resignation took effect
at holiday tine.
FF .
I ..
The new two -cent postage rafe..
• on second .class matter did no -
thing to ,discourage the exchange
• of Christmas greetings, as '. the
local post office reports - the
largest volume of.Christmas mail
arid parcels ever handled locally.
Tsale of. 2-6ent stamps for any.
one day reached •7,500. •
Postmaster Kenneth . Cameron,
i.' Carrie Milne and Miss Yenning,
`were assisted during the 'Christ-
-Mai', week:'rush by ,P. M..•John-
ston and Mrs.. Cameron and the
quintette did an excellent job of
speedily clearing' both incoming
anoutgoing .mail:
The : rural couriers had.a. bad:
time of •it • however, as King
Winter. made roads heavy and
climaxed a.'"rough ,week with,a
Friday night blow that completed
the tie-up; so that the couriers
Couldn't "turn '.a -wheel' on Sat-
urday,. • .
Train§ ran late /as the Christ=
RETURN. CO' UN;C►I L Inas season approached and. P;.
M. Johnston. put in nearly. all
AND -TRUSTEES : niglt�sessions on Friday and Sat=
• urday awaiting the arrival -of the
Members o f the .Lucknow mail at 'the Post,•Office.
Council a n• d retiring' ` '. Public" - ,The public were ;quite • co-op
eratirve during the Christmas
season; 'and' many complied' with.
the request to•'' bundle cards or.
letters before dumping them into
•• School trustees were• returned ' by.
acclamation at a -poorly attended
nomination • meeting ' on Friday.
The meeting •had':.been post- the mailing ' _shoot. Postmaster
poned a week to avoid the Christ- ! Cameronwishes to acknowledge
Inas" rush, but the postponement'pp
appreciation the co-op
era- '
failed in
nits ol'ilec tof`` atg tion and consideration of the
mid-January: .'
a ,. larger turnout to this, import -I general public, at this busy seas
ant annual. review of village and Q ,
school affairs a
It wasn't , -a -every merry Christ-
mas at the horrid of :Mr and:• Mrs:
'Earp Swan of Ashfield, for the
-day before their son Everett', un-
derwent' an operation :in. London.
for the removal: of his left eye.
Everett was 15 • ,years of 'age
onthe, day the operation was..
performed=December 24th.
The mishap that cost Everett
his .e5re occurred on Friday' -night,
December list. Ablizzard " was
howling .that ,evening, and ' be-
cause ofit; a neighboring 'four-
Same spent the evening playing
cards at Swan's. Lunch was •ser-
•ved at -midnight and'., after the
eompany had left Everett and his
older brother 'Russell,~ were hav-
ing : a bit of fun before retiring,
seeing who was "quickest on; the
,draw", :with a toy gun and a' Boy,
Scout knife. The open knife slip-
ped from ',Russell's fingers.. and
struck Everett in the eye.. The
optic bled' freely for a time but
did riot. cause Everett any par- i to
tic.ulardistress and. after ' the,
bleeding stopped he soon drop-
ped. ed. off " to .
p Neither 'Neither did the
eye appear to bother him the
nexf'clay,. but upon bridging him
to town for medical atten'tittn on
Sunday, ` Dr. •W: V • Johnston took
the youth to. St. Joseph's Hospi-
tal, 'London, •where; on Monday
morning ' Dr. S. , Thompson and
his son, Dr. " Charles Thompson,
,eye -,specialists, removed the optica
The injury had caused irre-
parable damage to. the eye, end,
immediate treatment would have'
served no purpose, they "were
told. �enioval Of the eye was
it. affecting
necessary toprevent
s Y g
Everett's good eye. ' ,
Everett, w o' has been attend-
ing L u c k n o w District High
School, was in good spirits fol-
lowing the operation, and it was'
ex ected: that. he 'would get home
the middle of this week.
Total attendance was 'about :.25.
pet•sox1s ` with the' "big half ;be-
ing members of . the Council, and
School Boards and municipal • of-
Re-elected for a third : tern_
were ''Reeve J. C, McNab arid.
Councillors Ernie Crawford, .R "F`:
Button," S. E. Robertson and In
ries ,MacSween. ,There • were no.
other nominees.
Retiring School trustees,
MacLennan, ' L. E: Ashton ; and.
_Chas ' Webster, : all qualified for
another tear_. Other members orf
Board, with a' yeart. n . ,,
Gerald ' Rathwell, K C. Murdie
and Dr: James Little, •
• Cam 'MacDonald: was the only,
other' nominee for. school trustee,
and in. extending, his congratula-
tions 'to . the Board, ' said . it was
not 'his' intention to 'stand: '
T h eh following nominations`
were received ,by E. H..- Agnew
whp presided in the' absence._ of
his fadier,' Mr. Joseph ..Agnew,
who m ..January will . mark his
45th -.anniversary as clerk:: of the
Village. It had been Mr. Aghew's
n ration to attend Friday night's
meeting, • but, after spending the
day 'at the office, he decided not
to ,turn . out again for'" the meet-
For Reeve .
J.. C. 1VicNab, by I, ` E. Mac
Sween .and R. F. 'Button.; •
• For Councillor • •,
R. E. Crawford' by J. C, .1VIc-
Nab and 'R.. F. Button,
Russell Button by Wm.'G.'Web-
ster and Chas. E: Webster.
Innes MacSween by S. E. Rob-
ertson and • J. C. 1VIcNab.
S, E. Robertson by Jr C. Mc-
Nala and 1. MacSween.
' •Per School Trustee -s-°'
H. M. MacLennan by. W G.
Webster and. G. Rathwell.
Charles F. Webster by J. 'C,
McNab and E. 'Robertson. G
Cameron MacDonald by, H. M,
MacLennan :and Chas: Webster.
Lloyd Abionygames E. Lit
• tle arid Archie 1., Srnith,
THAT wedding bells rang ' as
scheduled for. Harvey •1VIcQuii
lin and : Isabel Scott on Satur-•
day, December 22nd. ' Friday
night's storm blocked country
roads ::and although ' 'the wed -
_._ding_iparty__ "was delayed in' get-
ting` to Lucknow, the, ceremony
was finally performed—not :at
two o'clock as planned, :but late
unner Alvin Kerslake, invat
id d horne from the Korean
the front, arrived here oz' New
Year's Eve to `indeed make it a
Happy. New -Year for. his family
and their relatives.
Gnr.. Kerslake • was: ua truck .o
driver with. the 2nd, Field Reg:-
'Ment: of. the Royal, Canadian
'Horse.',Artillery,until . stricken
with haemorrhagic fever on No-
vember 23rd.' Three days' later;:
Mrs' Kerslake, who resides in the
Gammie Apartments in Lucknow, '
received a' 'telegram' from the.
Director of Army Personnel; in,- .
forriiing her that her husband
was "seriously , ill ' •
On December 3rd another cable
inforrried her.that' Alvin's con-
dition ..had shown improvement •.
and "that he had been- removed
from the seriously._. ill.' list .and
was. in 'the 'British Common-
Wealth Occupation Forces Gen-
oral Hospital in Kure, Japan:
On . December 18th Mrs.' .Kers-
• received further good news
by,.':cable that • her husband ,:was •
to ,be., evacuated by ,air through
American.. channels . and it was
anticipated that he 'Would' be ad-
mi,tted to Madigar Army, Hospital,.
at Tacorna, Washington, within a
few days, ' where he, would await
transfer to. Kingston and his sub-
sequent' ,arri+v�al home 'Which so:
happily occurred' on• New Year's
Early in December Mrs- Kers.-
lake got further .,cheering 'news
from Alvin's nurse that' he was.
"on•, the 'road'.to ` recovery.:and
will: be alright now''". ' ..
Mr. and ' Mrs..' Kerslake are 'both
former residents of Greenock
Township in :the . Blackhorse-,'.
Glamis district: He is .` a son of
Mr. ;;and . Mrs:. .George Kerslake:
Mrs: Kerslake wasw formerly;
Wilda Smith, daughter of Mr. and: -
•Mrs:. Wm. R. Smith: Alvin was
employed at Cabourg in a ` rifle
factory when he enlisted. He
trained : at ,Shiloand with the'.
Canadian Korean brigade at Fart
Lewis, sailing • for the. .Orient. last
. Mrs :-Kerslak_e �too
.1_ up,
residence ' here when he depart-,
ed. • They have three children;
Eric, .' Eldon and . Robert, the lat-
ter wee lad .having-; been `-born
since :his father went overseas:
• soon left behind' by the . bridal
touple who struck to the Sun-
that night.'"/King' Winter was ny .South on `their wedding :trip.
Plans Of
Speaking : at the nomination
Meeting. , on Friday Mr. Robert
Rae,, 'chairman of the Lucknow
District High' School Board, stat-
ed that the sketch plans of the
proposed , new' school had been
approved by the. Department of
Education; and that work on the
.blue prints. would ,be started i im
mediately. after the New Year. -
The architect •is .Philip Carter
Johnson, who drew the .plans for
,the G o'd e r i. ch : ` Presbyterian
Church: Mr. Johnston submitted.
his sketch plans, to • the Lucknow
District Board early in Decem-
ber; and then presented then). to.
Department of Education officials
who are reported to be quite
pleased with the style of the
building ' and oto have approved
the plans with but minor. change.
The ,building will be Of slag
block; construction with brick
faoing, nd will be a more econ- •
loni.ical ype of •build ng.
:Tho architect has stressed that
the cosi of .constructing " the'
school sho'nld be below $200,000,
'lout the Board is placing the es-
timate ConsiderablyC, higher. Al-
lowit- g $275,000 for construction
cost:, and 1.;;50,000 for: equipment,
places the coat at $275,000. The
Department will pay up to 30,O,9d`
,a room eri the nine room school;
nr $27(000; very•littlo for
the, District to raise. .Mr. .Rae's
estimate for the capital cost: de-
benture levy was about 13/4 _hills: '
Have Big. "Surplus •
• Mr. Rae ;briefly' touched on the
difficulties encountered in reach-
ing .this. point. of progress with
the new school, =which the- Board
of a neighboring' school had told
them theywould never' "get.`
•Mr. Rae referred to the $6,000 ..
surplus on this year's• operations,
and in addition to that, they "h.ad.
wiped off a deficit of some $2000
fror'n the preceding year. "We
could have ' operated, the . High
School this year for • a -mill or
leas", he said,'but, added that a
discontinuance' of County grants
next year, would haver, some ef-
Dr. W. V% Johnston = ex.')ressed
how pleased they .were with the
plans and referred to 19 Meetings
that the Board had held 'during;
the .year. The 'High School re-' •
port:, he felt, should in the future
be included in the report of eveiy`.
municipality L. the ' •Districtt.
lie spoke on' social. Welfar'e
trends, unthought of 25 years ago,
and which now bring pensions to
all 'at 10 arid medical care for
One-third of those ,river that age,'
who have not the means to obtain
such care for .4heir el »:es:,. .