HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-12-20, Page 9,20th, 1951
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THEIRS., DECEMBER 20th, 1951
.......:. .
During the latter part of the
summer vacation Misses Margaret
_and Helen Salkeld, daughters of
1Vir, ancl, Mrs, T. J. Salkeld; °made
T_ ;a _.k1eycle
tour of Ireland;' •$cot-
,land and England. •
At the request of The Sentinel
Publisher an •interesting story .of.
this trip was written by the Sal-
keld'sisters,. Ibut > or •several weeks
past the publishing of the article
.has . been .delayed;,
The adelay, however; detracts
none 'from' the narrative;• which
has ,been 'Penned in• mast ,enter.
taining, :"style' and ..which. we :are
sure 'w;ill be thoroughly enjoyed
by :Sentinel readers.
As is no doubt known to: most
readers, Miss .Helen •Salkeld,
M..S.A., is tak.ngher second,year
of a "two-year ' post ' graduate.
course in England, and Miss' Mar-
garet ,' Salkeld is spending • the
:. term there „under a teacher ex-
change , arrangement, • • .
' ' Incidentally,, .the girls met Alex.
MacIntyre ,at the boat train in,
London, when he arrived .in Eng-
land to start a :fiive-year scholar-
ship'. course • 'in medicine.
Donations to ' the • 'Clansmen's
Lucknow • and District Christmas
Seal Fund tapered off during the
past week: The total '. as at Friday
night stood, at $651:50, which is
some • $400 !short of• :last. year's'
mark.. '
This past :week, with taxes,
'Christmas shopping and • what
the campaign neglect is un-
derstandable,. and no doul t there
are scores of folk in the ''eommun-.
itY- -t ho . ha4te=dela-y-od--'or=over=
. •' �1 %�1! A 1: A.A, ir.�. w. w �. ter• s
h You may buy a. daily news sheet, •
it You may hear a h ....r the. radio;
it,But the • 'hometown '
papers different.IV
And nomatter where you 'go •
You can thumb its. pages over
111 • For the thi .g°s you want to know,
Tells you what you -'have been Askin g
4 Since it' came a week `ago'.
What: has happened in the townshi
"► *hat is.'doing" in the•.•town,
All. the pews of the conc.
And the sideroads up •anry
d dow.
^ IWhile the folks, wihose steps have iwandered
Far away and can't come back,
In the .mind's eye see the old:. scenes
` That arise on memory's track.
For: to older folk remembering •
Quite,' a specials joy is had .'
IN Thanks to •God,:''who lets ,us picture
More of happy things than sad. •
,looked making their contribution:
Rem'inde'r cards . . have been
mailed and' the committee ' is
.hopeful that the response to these
Will give; the fund a big ,.boost:
Previously acknowledged $512.-
50; A. C. Agnew 2.00; Blake' Al
ton. 2.00; :.Gordon .Anderson ' .,1,00
Torance Anderson ..2.00;• 'Gordon
i Barger 1.00, Mrs Evelyn Bark'- •
well 1.00'; ,Alex Cameron _ 1:00 —
Duncan Cameron 2.00; . Sack
Campo°ell 2,00; .Mrs. :Rose Chin.
2,00; Temple • Clark 1:00, 'J:' Cran
,ston 2.00; ,Miss Hazel Culbert.
200;, James Culbert' 2:00; :Mike•
rLL°him iins =2:00; --Samuel Cupskey---
100;','Herbert Curran .2.00,; W}}''
Douglas 1,00; ; • Joshua Dia*son
1.00; William Eadie. 5,00; . Clark
Finlayson' 2.00; ‘J. H. Gaunt 3 00;
'Wesley 'Guest 2.00; N. H.- Hedley
.2:00; 'Irvine.' Henry 1.00; • Basil,
'~Mogan :2.00; Holyrood •Women's :
lnstitute 2.00;. W. 0. Hunter 1.00;
Lorne Johnston '2.00; :Dr.. W V,
Johnston 4.00; •Jarnes Ketchabaw'
L00; ` Kroll Women's .Institute'
1.0.00; J„ R. ',Lane . 5.00; '' Edward
Little: • L00; Robevt Lyons 2..0.0;'
Charles mason '2:00; Pilaris Math
ers '2.0'0; "Allan Miller '1:00; Wal
lade. Miller 2.00; Lloyd •Moff4t.
:.2.00; ,Thomas .Moffat 2.00; George
Moncrief 2.00; Robert .Moore 2ti00;
Ross, Murray L00; Mrs. R. R. D.
•1YIacDonald• L00;' Duncan A. Mac-
Kenzie 2b0;' Earl McDonald 1,00;
William ..NLCGi11' 2,00; Alex 'Mac-
Kenzie 2.00; . D. L. MacKinnon,
2.00; 'Fraser MacKinnon 2.00; Neil
MacLennan 100; ;1V,irs: John. Mac-
Millan 3.00.; George ;1VI•cRoberts"
1:00; James. Nelson 2.00; Fred
Nixon 1°00;; Harry Nixon. 1.00
w1 as; F; • Purves 2.00; Allan Reed
0 James Reid. 206; T J. Sal- ,
ke]d 2.00; WM. Scott.' 2.00; '.C. L,
Smith 2.00; Brown\Sniyth 2.00;
George Stewart 2,00; Albert Tay;
lor.1.00; CGh'as. Taylor 2.00VChes-
ter Taylor 2:00; Harold 'Z' o ni
son L00; George Ti�.ffn 2.00; Total
A marriage license is- like . a
hunting license—it entitles you
to , one dear and nog more.
'Christman! Blessed' time of, magic!
Yesterdays :tire ,fresh :and , young,
• With ,theirjoyous thrills that beggar.
Human" words and human tongue.
Yes—there was the moon's white fire
And the glitter' do 'the snow:
.And -a sled' that travelled faster
Than today, the jet planes go.
There was; candy in a stocking,.
Simple gifts, upon a tree,',
And; somehow the, -love of Heaven
Came 'to you and came to •me •
Though the sunshine of .the :Southland.
Or the ,breezes at' the ' Coast
Fall upon the old home paper, .
They will fail to thrill, you'
And mid cities',,. rush : and glamour
You „Will pause totravel 'back
To. the ' village and the . country.
Happy, thoughts ,you will not . laclr....
And with certainty you'll know it' , •
That your childhood ° sense of God '
• ,And your childhood • sense ofwonder,
Were 'to you a staff and 'rod, '
Were more. precious 'than earth's treasures
For they did enrich• your life. ' •
And: the .j'oy bells, still are ringing
• Spite' of human care and strife
Merry ' Christmas! : Hands are . reaching':
• Over land `'and over sea
For Immanuel, our Saviour .
'Came to ransom you and "me.' .
•Lucknow; 1951: tl
' • ki.
:y?' itglii{lilt? IP;41{ ti i9£3!i[14}tN4 iliainnii.rPm::bins..•,,.• .:kIN:40:
He -shall judge thy people with righteousness, a
thy poor with judgment.
In .his days shall the righteous flourish; and
abundance Qf peace so long as the moon ;endureth.:;''.
The kings of Tarshish and of the isles shall bri -'
presentsthe kings ofSheba and Seba shall' offer gifts,
He shallspare the poor andneedy, and shall"save
the .Souls .of the needy/ �..
His name shall endure' forever: his name shall be
continued as long as the -sun: and men shall be
blessed in him: all•nations.shall call him blessed.
And blessed be his :gldrious name for ever: and let
the,whole earth be filled with.his,glory:
Amen, and Amen. •
,rlroal tAe]2�d. Pubo
The following is reprinted from.
the Miami (Fla) Daily News:
"A -visiting :legislator Erol- t o
Aida' said 'that there will be .rio'
'world peace •until oldyage secur-
ity is provided for everybody.'
throughout the world.
• W,' Manna,' recently -re-
elected to the. parilament of .the
province of Ontario—cofnparable
to a state legislature•—•said. he .be-
lieves pensions should be stand-
ardized throughout the world.. ,
"Hannay who has ^served •in' the
provincial. ip:arliament since 1943,=
is spending several weeks in
Miami to persuade' the, city's win-,
ter tourists that Ontario is a good
place to spend the`• summer. He . .
is staying at .the Alcazar,
"Ontario has eiverything;:. it's .
the finest province in the 'Dom- '
inion",,he ,said. "It has the most.
manufacturing, gold -mines and
paper: mills and the best scen-
"He ;Will., be .joined ., here . by
otherrepresentatives of'Ontario'—:the.. Hon: , Thomas Kennedy,,.
minister of agriculture; the Hon ,
Arthur Welsh,. provincial..treas-
urer; the Hon William O•oodfel7
low, minister of''welfare-a11 now'
visitinga�Cuba" '
Mr • and Mrs. Frank.. Glenn,"
Diun'g,annon, 'annouce the engage-
ment Of their ' daughter, Joyce
Mary Etta. to Herbert David .Mil-
ton,: son of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver. '
Pocock, Clinton, the Marriage to.,
take place .at. Dungannon on. De
cem`ber. 22nd.. .
Eivmod . Irwin and Jim .Cum
mins, C.N R., telegraphists who,
graduated several months ;ago
after .a : e:ozrse.' at . the local" ,depot,
Will have a quiet• winter : of' it at
an :isolated-. • .depot: in Northern
Having .been 'on;, supply- duty4
since •completing their course, the'
boys;.appl:ie'd for.a posting to the.. .
Caipreol•' district, and .have been
sent as a team t:o the. siding' stag .
-at- • Staekpool, , --about .100 miles
from Capreol.
There are no"inhabitarits thes'e,
and' no:.agent. Sectio, men located
•a half mile 'away are the :only
other human beings •in that. hin.
The'"boys work,. ear. and sleep
in ''the little depot. The bushland
conies right -to their" 'back door
and at night . they are serenaded',
;:by:the :wolves They have to: sup
ply' their own 'bedding, dishes:. and
food, and of ' course, act as kook
and housekeeper. as well. The two
Young :men; in 'their late. teens,
Will be' stationed there until the
middle of April at least: -:Letters
horiie have numerous 'requests for
essential needs, and "something
"0 -read" is":one of them,.
Elwood is on duty from' ' 4.00
a.m. to 1.00 'p.rn: and after•'a three
hour break -off, Jiin takes over
from. 4.00 p:ni.: to 12,;'p.m: Tti'ere
is, another 4 -hoar lapse before El -
wood's ',turn comes round,. They '.
•are on duty seven' days a, week;
and are shaving an experience.
that will,' still be an interesting
tale years frbiir now • as they4re-
late 'to "their grandchilaren" the.
story .of . their .first 'permanent.
assignment With the C,N.R•.
Elwood is the son , of Mr.' and' •
Mrs: Einmerson Irwin of L'uck,-
•ii•ow arid' Jim is the son 'of •Mr
and Mrs, Mike Cummins of West
Misery loves company— but. •
can't bear competition.