HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-12-20, Page 6fo it { ° SFS V1 ji 14. t , ' r. • PAGE ,SIX THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL,.. LUCK, OW, ONTARIO MftS4 DECEMBER 20th, 1931 e gismo ainea,tlMl, ChII!'s amore a , t ' +goon .1: A VERY .MERRY CHRISTMAS Andy A HAPPY ' NEW YEAR Christmas time again affords '�rthe opportunit�r and the -pleas ure of wishing .you, a Rifht Merry Christmas, and A Happy and Prosperous New Year. And thanks a million for ' your Z patronage during the year, P :edI!s Bucher Sh SEASON'S li GREETINGS ri • Weare certain Old. Saint' Nick . won't• forget the good folk of this : • community., but ;wewant to•• add • our .,best _wishes _-for _ A__Merm Christmasand 'a, sincere hope that 5 your fondest' desires : `may 'come litrue in the New Year., !l t mowit iFfil�it•;Z lain v oupt1'iil;I p, Om F fR i?iiltool i# 7+fastrom TIMBER TIPS. Turkey .prize winners last week. were Gladys Gibson and Alvin Bamnilton for high double with handicap They piled up it total. of 1367 tx0.vins but Mr. and Mrs. Clare Johnston were .only ,27 pins short., The smaller. • turkey: for high single with handicap was. Won by a slim margin Clare Was again the ►viotikn, being nosed out by • only 3 pins by ',Mike Sander- son ander son ° rho rolled a 283. Congratulationson behalf of all,. bowlers! wlers! While the Cubs anc chipmunks increased their leads the Gophers .bounced °back into :contention by downing the Pole Cats, who were short-handed„ ,The "assist was' not .needed. by the winners, how: 'ever, as:.,they outplayed the Cats on .every count: • The Christmas break marks the coar�pletion of approximately one- third. of 'the schedule ,and also provides an opportunity tolook back over the, records for vital statistics—both team and . indivi- 'dual -appearing next. week, • Holiday Standing Gibs• 29, Chirpy Chipmunks 26, Zebras 23 'Beavers 21, . Gophers 18, Lions, 18,. Tigers 17, Pole Cats MORE 'RUSTLING ` .Reports ' ,of cattle . rustlers. al' work come from the WWngharn district. Oliver, MoCreery, ' on, Highway 86, east' of ... Wixygham, ; reports' that during a: heavy snow storm', thieves stole two head of cattle, €ruin ' his .ibarn. • lg? Mogi► 'pmig > !> ! ormoar o rAtimm iCl l # t ook w SEASON'S GREETINGS iM 6 £aso,* boy. 00 I .Operatgrs, Omar and :Gordon' i Many ;good•, wishes to Our cur- 'o tomers and friends at this Hail '* Christmas' Season and may -it be yours to enjoy contentment and' : Pa perity all.., through the New. S Ye r 4 1 Li ,AI: 4,a ransport • DUN.GANNON Mrs,: Wm.. Sproul' was • 'not se -Well again and ' on Saturday was' taken to Goderich HoiNta1 'for treatment. • •• • . The .Erskine Y.P.and S S, held the annual .Christmas party With Rev, ' C, :Winn; '.Pastor, presiding. for an interesting program which' opened '.by singing carols. Recita tions, solos arid.. choruses ' follow- ed. Miss'Barbara Wilson,"and • Ken McAllister. `played organ duets. A- ,pageant was given- with_, the solo parts ' taken by Shirley. Fin- nigan, .Lois Webster .and `Mar gardt Black. Santa, resembi4g: Jack . .Henderson. ' of'; Lucknow treated' all AO the; usual treats of. 'oranges and candy: LunCh was. served . in the basement. The United Church. W. A. 'Met at the home of Mrs. , Robt Irvine on Friday evening' with Mrs. Wil bur Brown presiding.. Mrs. Alwin Sherwood read: the scripture:. Mrs: Popp , gavethe .lesson ,thoughts and led 'in prayer. Mrs Harvey Alton ..gave' ;the . treasurer's 'report wihich, showed 'a''good balance on hand,'- Mrs; Hodges, convener of ' the parsonage, :committee.,: re- ported, Mrs; A,rthurElliott' 'made a ,Motion .' that $25 . be donated to the W..M.S: maintenance 'fund, '.whicli was seconded ..by •Mrs.' K. Dawson. The slate of°oificers ,for 19.52 ,. were• read .by Mrs., .Arthur :Elliott' and ere as` follows:. ;pres.: Mrs. Wilbur: Brown.; 1st vice; Mrs. K • :Dawson; 2ncl vice, Mrs. 'Dur-+ nin'. Phillips; sec: -tress., ''Mrs, •Alton;, . assistant treas., `' :Mrs.. R. McDonald; pianist, Mrs. Otto Popp; •, assistant 'pianist; Mrs. D,. Phillips; flower'. com,,,,' Mrs. R. Moore,. •Mrs. M .. ,Reed, 'Mrs. H, Eedy; Mrs: Geo. Hodges, Mrs. K,: OBTTUARY ,. . WILLIAM JOSEPH GQL'LAN Mr. and Mrs.. Grant Gollan.. Were: sadly• me reavedIast Satur- day , morning :'by the d of their Infant son, Willi ` ••seph; The wee tot was just three weeks and ,fo ur' days . of age;: w • • He 'was a healthy lad and was;;;' "growing like. a ' weed", but it is believed that' he. had vomited .a, little and: had died of strangu-:', :latio;n' in his crib.: He had. been 'dead some time when the tragedy was discovered.. by his father tip-. on . arising Saturday ','morning, Mrs. Gollan .•was • formerly Ther- esa .Weiler.' and the 'young ;couple have the . sympathy ' of the corn munity:in the ,loss of the child. The ,funeral service ' was held privately at Johnstone's••• Funeral Home on Monday, conducted icy '•. Rev." C A., Winn. of 'the. Presby- terian Church. Interment was. in South:"Kinloss Cemetery With the ' .:tiny casket borne by :the;; Child's paternal . , land maternal .:grand-. fathers, Wm :Gollan .and '.Joseph Weiler.. .' • Dawson; . Mrs. ' T. Webster; par sonage com , Mrs Geo. )dodges, M.S. 'R.. . Bere, ' Mrs:- Art Elliott; Sick and .'visiting cum.; Mrs. :T: • Webster,- Mrs: Frank Pentland, Mrs. H. Horton' Mrs; 'Cecil. Blake, Mrs. Mel Reed, Mrs. Jack Rivett,-'. ,,Mrs.' Omar Brooks; :group lead-, ers; Mrs:' John Finnigan,'.lVlrs, R. Irvin,' Mrs, -Wilfred ' Pentland, Mrs. Will, -Petrie: Several carols' were sung. Mrs: Watt • r.ead 'the story of "The Star"., An exchange : of Christmas :gifts followed and, 'lunch' was served by' the, h'stess- es; .Mrs,.. Brown,; Mrs: •Phillips, • Mrs., Dawson and Mrs.. H. Alton: ■ i■s■m maimmaair■■mumma ai ammaimmalmmi■atmi• 'Hospitals must be. careful about their` ' kitchens: Cooking utensils must meet the highest hygienic standards in food preparation: That's why hospitals use. S?? _ many. alunUriurn utensils., Alums inum is ideal. in contact wi, h food. And this food -friendly metal -help's • M • the Metal Fof many' uses ' IOCTfJR 'x001' ERV£S• THE..' • Aluminum -caps .ate usitd. on blood lasmct bottles° .. Alumina'a capsules ate used ptotect serums- treating 'ells ate:used , In : treating • ulcers, , prepare meals more , easily because.. it heats 'sci .quickly and' evenly. Mih lions .of Canadian housewives enjoy these', '""aluminum advanta es"� :too.. • They, cdok better, ccook__ more easily and pretect'the flavour and quality of. their food ,',ith,:aluminum utensils.. • • TRY; ALSO. , alulaiinurn ' . FOOD INDUS CS11 purity and ' continues good fob of prote ` .• uri;ty and • c ualnueCits o butter; ed in rine quality. Chocolate bars, are wrapped arid ,many other aluminum, foil. • ails and many part DAIRY INDUSTRY p made IN art f ,modern milking machines aro M e s i . 'And' when You .'See a of aluminum. gleaming citummum fort` top, you • milk with a can e.sure, of purity Well protected; . b HOSPITAL „know tt I;iJMINUM: 'COMPANY OF CANADA 1114, BRAND NEW CIIEV. DELUXE, SEDAN. 1951 CHEV:. DELUXE COACH, $300 under, list' 1950 PONTIAC SEDAN.' 1950 CHE,V. DELUXE, STYLELINE', SEDAN... 1950 METEOR COACH. 1949 •.CHEV. STIfLELINE - C'OACH. 1949 'CHEVe DELUXE STYLELINE SEDAN, fully equipped:. 1949 C11EV.: STYLINE SEDAN, custom radio, air conditio n M' ■ i 1. 0-1: M O . 0 ■ X 0 G x1948• CHEV. • •PLEETLINE COACH. with Custom Radio:- 1 i '1941 PONTIAC' SEDAN. • i' ■ 1941CHEV. COACH. • ;, is i • 1946 •.PLYMOUTH COACH,' 'nervily• overhauled. ■ ■ . 1939 PLYMOUTH COACH. 1940 HUDSON 'COACH •:. BRAND, NEW' CHEV.' %=TON TRUCK: at Sacrifice price:' ■ • 'II . 1950 CHEV r• Y =TON STAKE TRUCK:.• �.. • r o VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS '■ . ."i ■ ■ HAPPY( NEW YEAR M . •S ,,..-..• % ■ Brussels ■ : OtOr The Home Of Better' Used' Cars" ' ■ • Cash, 1 rade, Terms: • Open . Evenings � `Until 10 !:....1,1 ' • Cities Service' Dealer' ` '; ' ,. , self • . _ i • • ,� Phone 73� Brt�ss ., ✓ , /i0rii1i•nisi 1.111%rI/0milli INII////g■rungs uMIhI