HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-12-13, Page 2Mt:
13th, 195,1.
Presbyterian Guild'' • On Friday. afternoon, Decem.-
The; weekly meeting . of the ber i th, the Lucknow W. I. met'
,Presbyterian Young Peoples 'was in the Council Chamber with an
opened with the call . to worship attendance of 24 ladies, Christ -
lead by, Susan MaclNaughton. The
Mas; decorations were, of ever -
.scripture passage was, read
, tY greens, candles and °pries,. .Ar
Charlie Chin: 1 Mr MacGCo Ar-
rangements: were -made ---to - re-
hell gave the topic and Ruth
sotn 1 a iano: solo:; Pare treats. for the shut-ins. Any-
yin played Ip one wishing to make donations of
Hymn .289 wasa sung and Mrs. homemade candy,. cookies, or
' Winn closed with the benediction.
small jars of jam or jelly : may'
United Church. yr s. leaved them at Mr, Russ: John -
The December. 10th meeting of stones store not later` than. Wed"
the V.P.S,was, attended by 18.
.was opened by, singing; hymn
53.; The scripture *as 'read . 'by"
• Donald MacNay. Dr. Mumford
led, in. prayer. After the business;
discussion; the meeting was then
'taken over by Jack McKim, who
was 'convener. Hymn 62 was sung Miss Margaret Rae. Miss Mary
followed by a poem read by Geo., MacLeod conducted contest' to
"Courage". 'close the . ro ram. Tea was ser-
Anderson. The topic Courage . p g
wasg -
iven by Jack- McKim, fo,1- ved by the committee, in charge.
' 'lowed, bya• contest. The .nneeting
Was cl°sed .with the mizpah ben
-- ediction- /�
nesday, December 19th.. The busi-
ness. session was'followed. by 'a; going to sound. •as if .1.. were a:
Christmas program convened by ,regular . little Pollyanna, who.
Mrs. Gordon ..Fisher. , and . Mr -s, ,went around, spreading sunshine,
Russ . _Johnston,. , Christmas carols and''who. never 'failed to give de-
an hrist as tead- served;. pats on• deserving, backs.
Were sung . d 'G �. m .. d .. .. ,
t, not, right. 1
wigs, given' by:. Mrs. Roach and Wh1ch; of� .course, .i y •
do, along, with all the rest, of you,
miss 'many opportunities to give
a 'rose .to the living'. ,But• what
I:. never thought of, until the first
letter came, . saying ' how ,much
they enjoY;ed. "This, t.
•was ,that it sown as i • wan -
fie _red? As soon as I
had; ;sent. the column of Nov. 29th.
I knew it was a mistake,' and so
I sent , the publisher a note tell-
.ing him to "hold" it, that I want-
ed to rewrite: Ei .her he failed to:res; 'Mrs. E. 'Caslick; sec., Mrs. °1d, H. Bannerman 1.00;. Russell,
get my ,note or he failed to do D. ,Grail treas. Mrs. McIlrath. Bisett 2.00;. Roy Black 2.00;. Mrs.
g' • 'E. Bolt 2.00; William Bolt:2,00•
as' he. was folds I knew At was. The Janua• ', meeting; isto •be at
theh'. me f Mrs. E. Weiwood. BroomeWills • Bower ; 2,00,•' ..Reginald
Mrs. :' 2.00; Ver han1 Bushell'
A nie Norman and heri. • hell
Mrs. Gordon Elliott was host-
ess to the .annual Ladies ',Aid
meeting of Chalmer's Presbyter -
ion Church. Mrs J McInnes Pre-
sided for the meeting, Scripture
'reading 'was; 'read. by .Miss Annie tions to. Decemiber 7th .
Kennedy. Mrs, D. , Craig led in i' were as
SEAL. F'.:,
The 1Clansrnen' Club • Christmas
Seal Fund has now 'reached. 'the.
halfway mark, in comparison with
last year's:..contributions, Dona
prayer• and the minutes were
read '0y,`-Mrs�; �`J. Garrity Mrs. J..
Conn took oyer the" tneeting for -
the election, of officers:,for; 1952:
'prey,, Mrs;, Frank Coulter; vice
e�.�fs�es�r�d_,$�9.4,.OD, Erns..
Ackert _ 10_ ... Howard.A•gn s�t
2.00; Samuel'Altbn 2.00; A.lex A
drew 2,00; W, J. Bain 2.00; }lar•
Women's Association
Group I. of the. W.A. was. held
on Wednesday, December, "5th . at
"the home of .Mrs.. ' W. V. Johnston.
with ,Mrs. . - E ' Henderson in
Charge. The 'neetrng opened by
singing' hymn 62. followed by the
Lord's prayer. The .roll call was.
answered by 23 ladies and hand=
ing in of. blessing Bags. • Reports,
pupils' " : are.presenting their -2,00.; James Cameron 2,00; John
�Christma concert in the 'Cam- Cameron 2.00; : T. A• 'Cameron`
:rnunity 'Memorial Hall on Mon- 2,.00; Jamesa C.
R. !Campbeh I00
clayevenin .December 17th.. Roderick Campbell.1.00; 'John' S,
T 7 e ' Craig :• 2.00,; -William' J. ;.:Davison
:The Whitecitureh•• Warrens .In=
'stitute held their Christmas '2.00; Henry.''Donais 200; Wilfred
meeting at 'the hall on Tuesday Drennan 2;00; James urnin 2.00;
-• W lhamr Evans 2.00; D. RoyFin_
afternoon with Mrs. Victor Em n
ersvn .as hostess Mr; 'George Mc ayson 2:00; 'Henry, Gardner '2;00
'N'' That", Clenaghan presided, The meet; Andrew C. Gaunt 2.00; Edward.
MacKenzie, Mrs: MacFarlane; ded f I ' t in ned ib singin the hist Gaunt 2.Ob; Thomas Glenn 2,00;
:pianist? Mra. .'1? im ,;., social corm, . ed; you; to ve me a 'Pat on. the • tut° Ode and 're Latin the R• A Grant 2A0;• Elwood., Gros,
s: little,.1- ... w• ��_
Pe g�
bank I ash embarrassed:`"� Lords .prayer: -..7 -Christmas carols korth 1.00; George Henry 2:00;
Mrs• Harry Anderson,Mrs: Jew- . * ,, * * were sun' with Mrs: E. Scholtz 'Miss Aileen Hewitt. 2.00; William
program corn„' Mrs • Mason; ,. •• g.
itt • ' 'J P. Hogan .2:00 • Miss Helen ' F,: S.
When ' we .came .home tonight . at the piano. A letter written to' .
Mrs: McCall, membership tom., Hornby 1.00; lioy Huffman. 2;00;
we noticed that one;'of •the'neigh- the : Presbyterian Guild by ' Cpl.
Miss MacDonald; 'Mrs. Mac•Far- •.
• B 'cors had a beautiful Christmas Charles Gillespie during the lst.' Wilson Irwin 1.00, Fred J'ahnston.'
lane; Mission Band leaders, Mrs, ' Johnston.:2.00 • Wil •
Clark Eirilayson, Mrs: Winn, Mrs tree all lit up, on their frontWorld War was reed by Mrs, G. 2,00;'•- Maio
Ketchabaw h
Stewart .Jamieson, sick tom., 'tw, o
verandah Time to begetting; the. Gillespie.. Piano' solos ,were .play
lam - e c abaw 2:00; Ladies'
Christmas decorations UP.. '..Small ed by Mrs. George Fisli.er "Love's• Auxiliary Canadian Legion 1'0.00
George. Lockhart 2.00; L: Menar-y
th f M ' W` ' fry. has been cutting snowflakes Golden Star and 'by Mrs. E,
Z out ' of silver.• and gilt paper, sal- Scholtz, "Star of the Eos f.'., .Mrs: 2.00; .Peter' Moffat'2:00; Gordon
Morrison 2:00; Arthur' Moore 2,00;
were ,given by the'.Siick and: Sew-, waged from chocolate bars.and.Ernest Casemore, :assisted by. ,
the newly ,elected officers and ,. aMrs..Mullin' ,2.00. Noss
ing' comncrittee ' and , the treasurer:: . last year's Christmas. cards; and. Mrs. Wm. Henry, gave a demon- -Henryy
Mrs. C. Agnew .invited the mem chocolates ' Eliza+beth Mtirdie 2:00 Kenneth
Election of officers • resulted as bers has been stacking them'' 'on the titration on making
bof the various committees. and treated. the ladies';afterwards C:..• Murdie 5:.0d; Williani Murdie
Mrs. Kenneth , Cameram to her home on Tuesday;'Decem-
windows., Small lace paper doily•0.0•
P. Alphonse
Collin 2nd twice : 'res Mrs. Hiram les will bo snore artistic '.I ;thunk to the candy A Christmas quiz` - pho a Murray 2.90;
• C •, Miss Al-+ber filth +te draft the Programme ' wase can ted . b '. Mrs. as Em -' Clifford .Murray 2:Q0; Stan: Mus
Collins, sec., obt Cai i be1'for .1952. •• ,but the idea is ,a good one. y
oLard 2.00; Donald .J.. McCharles
to areas., MJ..ltabt. Cash ell; 'Orson 'and. a' Christman contest by.
The ., Bible on the ;10th Have you , got. any old wire 2.00; Oliver McCharles'2,00; Col
angst Mrs. J. .Kit trick. •TheMrs:, A: Coultes.' A 'collection:.of
pianist; was. .Pa cane andment'was taken ;by Mrs..hoops around from the days :when.
.scripture lesson was; read , by, Mrs. :Yovan and after. a sing; song; Mrs. you had .wooden pails .or buckets?
- Pa
memibers, chosen. every 3 months.
In. e' . absence •o r.. inn
Mrs. C. H. MacDonald installed
Harold .Treleaven. :A Christmas
reading was given by Mrs. Har-
vey Treleaven, solo by Miss Mar
garet Rae, instrumental. by Char-
lene 'Smith and a contest con-
ducted , by
Winn summarized the''news from They make film- foundations, for
the November 'Glad Tidings: Folz. evergeen wreaths fasten your Christrrias. The'roll call was ons- Donald 2.00; Miss Marian L. Mac -
lowing this part of thee program, .greenery thickly 'and carefully ,veered. 'b "A Christmas Gusto Donald ' 2;00; James McGilliivray,
Miss Mary. MacL, eod was present-
Decorate. with painted cones .or in 'Our home". The meeting; cloy-- 2.00; Robert. MacKenzie 2.09; Mrs. '.
• ed with a :life Membership b
,.'P y theseed Pods. ,You might tie''a big.ed with the: Nations Anthem R.:. V.• McKenzie .50_ Mrs.'D. C.
Mrs..H'releaven. 'A Sociel
t luck, supper was' enjoyed by.' bow 'of red oilcloih,. if the wreath' The . the..
meeting is ' to ,be Taylor i.00;,, Walter MacKenzie
pa r ] y The. Christmas service '`of. ,wor is for: an outer door. If it is to _ 2,00; Dan T. 'McKinnoty `2,00•' Jas..
all at the close of the `meeting, Ship"was then follow d during.held. at the home .of Mrs. G. •Gil .
Will ' e' at. e ., be ' an .;inside decoration, crepe lespie sand. MacLeod 1.0.0 Donald .1VIcKinnon
The. next meeting vvi b the Y 11 d !wrth Mrs. J.. McIrine 2 0
particles 'was donated by. the lad-
ies to :.be sent, to the Children's,
Aid Society;. 'at Walkerton for
in McDonald 2.00.; Miss Elizabeth
MacDonald: 2.00;Miss `Gladys
MacDonald 209; John. A. Mac -
which Mrs: Wayne and Mxs..�S.
home'/of Mrs.' J Kilpatrick. Jamieson. J g • very swee tly
•ti "Holy Night; Peaceful: Night
PRES.ENT -LIFE* MEMBERSHP The meeting closed with a prayer
TO MISS MARY'M-acLEOD for the New Year by Mrs:. Camp
The meeting- meetin . - of the. bell
Presbyterian Women's. Missionary Group II of the W. A.
Society was -held ' :in the base- , . The . December' '.meetingof
ment of'- the church. with . 22 lad- Group II' was ' held., in the base
les present. After the Opening .ex- ment of the .Church with 27 pres-
ercises • and the :discussion ort
the' business for the close of the
year, Mrs: P. Stewart and Mrs..
E. Johnston as the' ' nominating
committee, brought ` in the. fol
. lowing slate of officers for _1952
hon. presidents, Mrs: E. McKen
zie; Mrs vH �NLu11in M-rs,. _W. Rus
- - sell,•. prey., Miss Mary. MacLeod;;
1st ,vice,' Mrs. Robert . Reid; 2rid
vice, Mrs. C. H. MacDonald; .3rd.
::''vice, Mrs.' ;Philip' Stewart;. treas.
and financial sec,' Mrs: ;•Moven;
recording sec., Mrs.: W. Porteous;
-Glad - Tidings sec:,,. Mrs. W. Mc-.
Gill; corresponding sec.' and press II
'reporter, • Mrs. ' E. Johnston; lit-
• erature ,sec., Mrs. 'C. Agnew.; stu=.
dents' .secr_Mrs. Jas. Little : ex-'
nse and* life:membership, Mrs.
Pe P�
• W. J. • Douglas; welcome...and wel-
• fare, Mrs, Russ ' Johnston, 'Mrs:
Charlie •Cdok; supply conunittee,.
Mrs.. J. Agnew, Mrs., Purdah;
,Home Helpers, sec,, Mrs., R. V. to the pot-luck.'supper.' •
-ent, The meeting,opened by 'Sing-
ing the':. Christmas' hymn ' "While
Shepherds' watched their ;Flocks:
by Night" followed by 'the Lord's
prayer inunison, Mrs.. P. 'gathers
-conducted the, programme' which
consisted of 'a .very interesting.
tr�av-eltalk.given, by -Miss McKay.
on ,her. scenic and educational trip
through Yellowstorie Park softie
30; years : ago. Mrs. Web$ter read.
a 'poem entitled , "The Day after
Christmas" which was .quite :typ-
ioal of girth .a day.- Mrs. w lJoynt
led.'in a sing •song of Christmas;
carols and. Mrs. Hoag gave an ap� "
propriate reading .on ' the Christ-
mas Holly.` Contests: were' ton-'
ducted Iby. • Mrsl'.•Mathers and Mrs.
Hoag with. Carolyn• Mathera--play=
ing a pleasing piano instrument-
al. The .• meeting wase brought t'o.
a climax with each lady partak-
ing of the'. bountiful food' brought
For the, convenience of Christmas shoppers
Business Place' s in Luck:now will remain pen
And. Evenings from Monday, December 17th..
to. Monday, December 24th.
Ever try'malting tante decora-
tions with modelling clay
here; is the `recipe' for the clay
(and incidentally, your children•
will amuse .themseives'':'Making
.things with it, and it can be
wrapped , in , •a" damp . cloth ; and
.then: in waxed paper and worked
over` again)' '.1. •cup flour, 1/2 cup
salt,. 3 .tsp: alums, water tto - hold
•together. Work it ..together until
it is pliable enough to' mold. 'I,
have candlesticks made'.'of it that
come outgyear•; after ' year,. and.
are wrapped .carefully in. :tissue
after, and put. `away until .next
year, as ,if they were:-irreplacable.
'They -are -too' . -I-know that
never_ again - shall• I be able jto
get such . a ,perfect five -pointed
star! I'ye had them: so.long that
I. . don't ' remember whether . I
achieved, ._then by geometry, or
whether they: `just gro.wed'
like Topsy: Cut ,stars Of .card-.
board, whatever size you want;
their pack the clay -ori it, 'until
if is covered one-half to three-
-quarters- Aeav_ing__a i J. C: McNab at the High' School.
• m ,ten re In cement.
your mom en �
In addition to this the Women's
Institute. had previously: bene -
„fitted in•the•sum
ene•fitted.in•the•sum' $f $180`from the
the salt gives a sparkle. Red or Proceeds of the play, first apon-
green. candles are. a nice, contrast, sored by the W. I.
and.. they Will make a very • nice' The • cast --originally, included
Mrs. W.. Lott as hostesses. 'Roll 0;>: Alexander McLeod ..2.00;
call, -A . form Of politeness .I ad- John McLeod 2'00; Lawrence Mc-
mire in, "a person: Special speak Le
o'd . 2:00; William McLeod 2.00;
er ,is to Fbe Rev. •.Mr: Currie.. R. H. McQuillin. 1.00;: Jas.' Picker,
ing 1.00; William J:'.Pollock. 2:00;:
Mrs:. Thtunas Quigley 2,00; Sam-
uel Reid- 1.00; William Rintoul
2.00; Thomas Robb 300; :Stuart
• E.' Robertson 2.00; William Ruth:
erford'2.00:.Mrs. Alfred Sherwood'
;.:*.The ;Lucknow Dramatic Club
Which. staged -"their . hurnoyous'.
'play, ."Auralia• Bridge of Hemlock
Ridge" some sixteen, or seventeen
tunes, rang, down the 'curtain last
Week,. with a••�•ttirkey supper as
the; grand. finale for the 'east 'and
their wives- or• friends..
The ''feast, with all the ; trim••
,Mings, , was held at the home of
Mr. and. Mrs. Alexi MacNay, : and
-was followed- by ; an -evening- of
2:00; •Silverwood: Dairies Ltd.
15.00; William. Stimson 1.00; Mrs.
Annie Struthers 1:00;° Fred . T,f='„
fin- 2:.0.0 • Mrs. David Todd .1.00;.
Harold Treleaven' •2:00; `Mrs: Al=
len', Turner 2.00; ".Mr's. Peter Wat
son 1.00; Mrs. 'James' T. Webster'
.1.00; Wellington • Webster `1.00;.
Cecil' ,Wellwood 1.00;.Miss E.�
Welsh _ 1.00 F.ioy_d; -Wilson 2.00;
Nelson. W. Winter -Stein 2.00; John
Wraith • I.00 P Balance' to date
From' the proceeds o,f ,their . Fall $512:50. .
performances this group 'has .re- Less 'than one-half . of ."the lets
centl .: financed -'-the reodellin• ters which Were _mailed_ on . No-
of.'the stage in. the Town Hall.a vember 17th 'have been,heard
a cost of slightly
over X300. Ai-: ��"-art-r ax �hls .date., The,• o+bjective..
tention, was'publicly drawn "'to. is still a long sway off and your
this wo'rth'while project by Reelve. SttbScription: is needed. ' It will
hollow' thet for
-candle to stand .in. Don't try, to
get<too smooth a . surface . %' ; it
is more, ' effective' if -uneven, and •
table deeorati'on. -If you are art-!
istic, you' can make Santa Claus
and a snowman . use your im-
aginat�ionl w '
You can make candles too,' otit-
of old ones melted down, • or -=of
,parrafin • w. "'Small baby,- food,
'cans make good= -molds' for fat'
ones. Tie the wi k around ound
cil • which you Will ,lay . across
the top until they 'set.
Miniature-, Christmastrees for
your table can be made by Paint-
ing '
aint-ing' spine cones dark green; fit
into paper.cups, painted . red '.or
aluminum: Decorate the trees.
with silver shot, ,take 'decoration
of any kind,: pink popcorn or
tiny . slivers 'of metallic ' paper,
salvaged' from last year's --,cards.
I'm :Wiling you that you will ,,.
hate loads snore fun making de-
corations than • buying• them. '
When :you are putting starhps
on Christmas card :envelopes, run
them over an • ice cube .° ... Saves
your tongue: • •.
k: R *,* 1
The lganily •' went' to the show
Mrs. '.Alex 'MacNa:y.,., Miss Gladys.
MacDonald,, Miss:. Jean Osborne,
Miss Dorothy Gibson, Miss Dor-
othy ;Cook; Miss Winnie -Stewart,
Stuart Collyer, Murray. Hender-
son. and Bob 1VIacKenzie.
•Mrs. A. J. Wilson took Winnie
Stewart's part, upon her depar-.
ture 'from. town, . and°when Miss'
Cook took ill .herp art was. nay.
rated by Mrs. Philip 'Stewart,
who had .helped :direct the play,
tonight, saW "I'd Climb the High-
est Mountain"- a nice clean Show,•
When •small' fry_' went up to bed,
`he - 'sat • himself sadly' down on
the side of the bed and said Ovist
fully, "I wish I had lived in the
horse and buggy'' days". •
when friends dro' in
assist the executive considerably
if those; who., have' not responded
would' do ',so .immediately.. Our
thanks to those who have' already
replied. You may leave your, do-
nation' at the Bank of Montreal
or, marl it'. in'the envelope • pro-
vided '
Mr• and Miffs. Otto Popp, Dun.
Bannon, announce the' engage
merit of their 'daughter;'- Bertni
Matilda, tb Mr. Alvin Earl' Me
Gee, son of . 'Mr. and Mrs. 1feA
McGee,' Goderich. • The marr.iag,
will take place December 22nd.
tXiLW"ELL-In m Hosp
tai, on Monday, DeceWmnghaber .ioth t;
Mr, and Mrs. Currie Colwell (n€
Doris Eadie.),' R. 5, Lucknow,'
daughter, Betty Jane, a sister .ft
John .Bryce. r
MobliEGOR, -in Kincardine 119
pital on November 28',, 1951;
Mm, and Mrs. Gordon McGregc
R. 3, 'Lucknow, a daughter.
'INNIE- In. Vit. Miehaers Hast
tail, `.Toronto, on Sunday, I Decer
ber 2nd, to Mr, and Mrs• Viet
Finnie (nee Alta Wallace/,.
daughter, a sister 'for Arlene.