HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-12-06, Page 5• THURi, 8th,. 1951 in-Theatret f\IGHAM Two SI;nWO Each NINht FIRST SHOW AT 744 TO14611-THURSDAT 4 — ICKEy ROONEY, S• SALLY FORREST! ZJE Mac:. 11 'a'y 4jj•. vember le Was 70. The Y, after tent lo lth had Of' late to Chil entered several derable 29.. The • of, Mr. • • •Oth as Weil • friends hicago, ered on•Lake arewell nger of h con; iCe. Mr, • of that • des his. beodere, r Peter bro- d Miss h, Wis ed. their, . ars, ago. • td It you ottage • . . 1. THE...STRIP • • • • ' 77 , • • 11 Friday 84. Saturday, 1)ee. Alt (TWO, DAYS ONLY) g• - • . -•C NI.QT-tEN Fortn, • t • '•ANNI3AkrE1i • s, • — in — 1 FOLLOW THE SUN. '• 4. • MATINEE SATURDAY .% ' . • 'ill • Monda*..T'uesday 'Wednesday 1DECEMBER 10, 114 12 .• 1, VANJaHNSON, • e, •,X1 NVAANEI3, ANNOERSON• W '••••' 1- .1 GO FOR BROKE 1 • ti• ; • • .,,kt Thursday, Friday ; Saturday V, Dieenaher. 13, 14, 15 • "SOLDIERS .THREi • ref • ie. , 100 0.• hA • ' HONOR NE4. sz: MRS. STOTHERS. AT .LIoNs!LADIEs, mom and NIES. S: B. Stothers of •Uwe were ,guests of honor, last • :week at the Ladies' Night ban,' quetstagea by. the 'Arthur •Lions Dr. N. P. :Treninner „spoke of , the wbrk done in :the Lions; by • Steve, and not forgetting the as-- tistance given, by Mrs. Stothers. They were presented with ':-a • beautiful silver cream and. sugar , :set. Me: Stothers is a Charter ,rrierriber of the :Arthur Club, •is •• a past president and, a• past dis- trict, gOyernor. - Rev.: P.. •E. Deeth' in a. verY Cemplimentary: address spoke of the Work :of both Steve and Mrs: Stothers in. the ..United Church and presented them With.a..beau- . tiful 'silver tea pot. Mrs.Stothers. :waS comPletely taken by surprise and could only say.thank ,yon • but. Mr. Stothers thanked •all for • :the •Abeautiful gifts :and invited all—not at one time, though—to ....,..._:eisit-thenuiti„their_heerie KNOW SENTINEL; aTCKNOW, ONTARIQ • • • • Fxyg swim SWOTHEWS- AMOY' • . (Ventirieed, IrOm• Page One) -A-pra.vtiCal:faiiiieThe was well adapted Wills first ,position as Assistant Agricultural Reptesere ative ir Lambton and IVIi4dle,. sexCounties during 1917-18. He established the Huron County of- fice at Clinton i 1918, and re- niatiied there as head • of the bra'nch, until transferred to• Es- s. County in 1926, In 1,932 he was transferred •to Wellington County with headquarters at. Arthur! and where he remained untfl his retireemnt a month At that tiree he •held, the of- 'fiCea of secretary or each of the fellowing Associations; Welling - ten. Helstein Club,: Wellington VVellington, Yorkshire CIO 2,ad Wellingtere Crop. provernent -Association- ''ek • •He :is • a •member • of Artlfur. MasOnie Lodge; Royal Arch Chapter, LucknoW; the Agricul- tore Institute of Canada; the -Un- • ited Church, Fergus and the At thur Lions Club. • On October 11th, 1919, Mr, Stothers married Agnes Florence Cleghorn of Guelph They have five children, Agnes, 'Mrs.. Wm. •Bradbury of Stockton , 01-1 'Tees, Durham ,Co., England, honor graduate of. Western University in languages "42; Elizabeth, Mrs. R. C. Passmore of Lucknow, gra: • duate cif Fergus 'High School in • commerte; Kathleen, Mrs. W. B. Whale of. London, graduate in languages of McMaster Univer- sity '48; •• Stephen, graduate of •Ont. Agricultural College, '51 in Animal Hesbandry option.; now .taking post graduate work in Michigan State in animal nutri-• ' tion; Ruth, graduate in commerce •of Fergtis High School on sec- retarial: Staff, 0. A. College.. Since his retirement • Mr. and Mrs.Stothers have taken. up res.- idence in Luckriow, but Steve•is in no sense "retired" for he is busily engaged as • secretary - treasurer of the Canadian Swine Breeders' Association :and as see- retarr-treasurer of the •°.Ontario •Aberdeen -Angus Association... • • McKENZIE,—•in As field, on No7 treiriber 24; 1951,. to Mr. and Mrs:. John. MacKenzie, R. 3, Lucknow,. a son, Gary Robert, ,• PHILLIPSL--in Wingham General Hospital on Monday, November 26th, to Mr. and lVfrs... Russell Phillips;,R. 2, Lucknow, a 8011. GQLLAN.—in Witigharn general • Hospital :on Tuesday, November • 20th, to ,Mr. and Mrs. 'Grant Gol- tan df Lucknow, a .sore William Joseph. • •• • EARAISHin• Wingham aeneral • . • • now. , -Hospital Ori Wednesday;--Novem- •ber. 21st, - to Mr, and, Mrs. John • l'arrish, R.. 7,,,Ltiekriow, a elan- BE PREPARED FOR HOSPITALITY WITH 66J.JCANp,,,, ,• , • ghter. • , • " . • , 1 • Hospital-dn '11).tirsday, NoverrilYerT d • 22ri, to Mr. and Mrs. • Harold • Maite, Dungannon,'dau-- • ghter. • • • . .• serve. don't plus. anCed.r turn - Meat:, ••; .Soci,n• •ycs' es, are' etre,. , tce 'Feeds, -Fertilizer Phone 71 Someone Is Going To Win A'Beautiful.. ,Addisott Electric 'Blanket with `toaforette.CoOror-LA lovely-Xm4 Box For Only 2-5c Tiekets at Groeery storc. , •• Employee's Not Eligible.' OUR SELF SERVICE SYSTEM'.. ineans; SHOP AT YOUR LEISURE • TOWN DELIVERY. ON GROCERIES: •Groceries • Phone 27 • '•THE BEST IN. COAL- • . . . ., NUT STOVE oi ALBERTA • 1- , ' PHONE. VOGR ;ORDERS , . . _ , , . , _ . • , V '.. . FEEDS and CONCENTRATES .. , Complete iille ' on hand at all tinies, , , . , .., . , • • 4REIII.4 HAMMER IHILLS.,.-Ask the man who owns One.. now District Co -Operative UY PRS • OBITUARY• • '401iN MaeMILL414 A serious heart condition witb which he had been afflicted fei0 the past three years, finally claimeelhe life of John Mac- Millan .ie •St. • JoseplTs Hospital, London, -On WedtieselaY,. WQ‘feln- ber 28th. During that time he •foUglit a couragepus, battle and on more tn One occasion sur- vived attacks,' when his, recovery was despaired of. • •• • Son of a Prorninent• 'KinloSS Township family, Jack MseMil- lan WaS•a lifelong, resident of the community,' and was widely and favorably known as a farmer and drover. He was• one • of a farrilly •of '13 children of the late Maas MaclVfillan and Mary Quinn, and was born on the family home. stead 'east Of Ltielinew- On •June. 22nd, 1892. • , • • it June 12th;' 1922. , M. Mac- lvallan was married h Wingham to Mae Morrison, and they farm-. ed adjacent to the MacMillan homestead until retiring to Luck- neW where they ,Puechased the borne of .the'•late Harvey Lind- . say. •' • ••The many spiritual .and. floral bouquets, 'and the score upon score of friends' who visited the MacMillan hoine and attended the funeral, attested to thp high es- teem in. which •Mr.: MacMillan •Was. held. '• • The funeral service was held •on:Saturday Morning •in 'Sacred Heart Church; Teeswater, with Solemn High. Mass. by 'Rev. Fr. Brick •of Teeswater as. celebrant. Rev. Fr. Toth of St: Augustine• Was deacon; Rev. Fr, . Meyer of Riversdale as sub.deacon and. with Rev.' Fr. 'Durand "of Wing - hare -in the sanctuary.. • Interment Was • in Teeswater Cernetery with T. ' IVICCoriveY, Soft Patterson, John Henderson, John Gillies, Archie MeKinnon and P. A. Murray acting as pall - bears. ix nepheyvs , atted as flOwer bearers. ' • •• • Me. Alac.11/12illan2is survived by his widow, two .sons,c: Myles of voig#0.Pooltermokanhigeotigkoloo0.40PoicoohlOorikoortentelert 3 0 Ibe PILA 110116E1 Presents • • • 444 • • f Thursday, •Friday, SatOrday, December 6, 7,, 8 I - • !iron'thehistory.oftbe 010WoOt comes.- . • . . this. tast.nloving _ • _ _ s • •• -i‘`*as': • ansaidtrs'' ss • With Veteran BRIAN DONLEVY. • rtairs,--,NEws *. SERIAL. • SATUR,DAT MATINEE AT 2.15 :1* • •. . . 1. Monday, Tu esitaYt..-*ecinesdir, Dec. 10i' 11, 12-'.(5 ••• , • •;- 40'1 The year's top Star, JOAN ,CRAWFORD, in the 'years top • • i• pieture.-4, heart,tugging story ,never to he IorgOtenr--- IE CRAIG" the :Seuth African' War and .an•-, ahnost to the end. • other brother died as a youth. She •spent the, past three win - Two sisters also predeceased him, tars in . Wingham Hospital an4' Mrs. ,Wm. McConnell and Mrs. became inewn, to many felk 1.1V • Win Ryan the Lucknow community, who, • spoke of her •cOtirage and pat, M4S. ELIZABETH lEIRKLANB lerice as an inspiration to many The. Teeswater coninumitY lost a -sick Person. • a well known citizen on *Novem- 4,1905:she:was united in mar ber 22nd in the person of Mrs: liege tceArchibald Kirkland Whm, • Elizabeth Ann 'Kirkland, who predeceased her in 1928. SUrViv- • passed away in her 8lit year at ing are a ,daughter, Leotta, Mrs.. " the homeof her daughter, Mrs. Gordon Stobo of Teeswater, and Gordon StobO, .who • for many one soh, Gordon of Luckriow, and • • years has given her 'invalid moth- six grandchildren; also two sis- er devoted care and affection. ters, Margaret; Mrs..teott,,..and. ‘• • • In 1914 Mrs; Kirkland develop-; Ida:Mrs;Stables, 'both of Toronto. ed • a rheumatic coPd,witn6,thaBsit FuneralSaturday, ov.. servicesNerne wr 4, were 'thh,coneIdo! progressively became 1820 she was' bedfast. and ,for 'ducted: by . her Minister; Rev; the past fifteen. years had been 4. staysail 'of K41634 PreP101eriort Church, : with interment . in Tees - less and , Notwithstanding' her afflic- water 'Cemetery., •, • . thin Mrs. Kirkland never corti..- Pallbearers •.were M IL, plained,: and: retained' a cheerful Gillies, Albert Stutt,;Jas. Wraith,. Herb McK.ague, Wallace WM:4k and, Jack McKague:• disposition arid a keen interest in the community and, its people. KinlOss arid Lavergne Of •Detroit; • and two daughters, Yvonne and Patricia of .London. A son,: Jos- eph, .died in infancy. . • 'Surviving' also are six brothr ers•• and five siiters,,. Alex. of Whitehorse, Yukon; Miles • of Kiiiloss;,• :Joseph of .,Lucknow;' Hugh ; of 'San Antonio, Texas; Duncan' of -Detroit; Patrick of • Kinloss; Mrs./J. A. Menefee. • (Mary) ,of Oklahoina City; Mrs. J:: A. Griffin (Margaret.) of De-. troit; Mrs: John Wocks (Annie) of. London; Mrs. John Griffin (Helen). of,Detroit 'and Mrs..M. J. McDermott, (Veronica) of : Den- ver., Colorada. . ----A.-.;larother __James _died: dUring the 'flu epideinie of -1918.: . ' . _ Friends attending the funeral. from .a distance were from Len• :. don, 'Brantford, Detroit, 'Cleve..' Jand;.,„1,13.Uffalo and . Sault.Ste. Mariei M1 -6h.. • • ,'. ":"- , . I . „ FREBREN. A. IIODdItINSON1: The death: of Frebren •Alexan- der ,Hodgkinson • occurred on -Wednesday; NeVernber ' 21St in. Walkerton Hospital, where , he had been a. patient .for a 'week, Ile was in his:88th year, Mr. Hodgkinson Was a son of Me late Mr.' and Mrs. Robert • Hodgkinson - and was ben.; w'at Thorndole.onFebruary -29, .1864. •As. a young man he came to the Kinlough district where his fath7 or kept store: for a time. Frebren fa.rtried' West - of 'Xinlough on the' • farm now owned by his On Gor- • Ile Married Maud Beatiee ,Mayhew, who predeceased. hirn. about two years ago.. • ' The funeral service was con - •ducted at. the MacLennan and MacKenzie Memorial •Chapel,. on •Saturday, November`. by Rev, G. S: 13aulch ,of 'South •Icinioss Presbyterian Church. Interment AAras in Greenhill Cemetery, the. pallbearersbeing Dave•Carripk bell, Richard White, George Hodgkinson, 'Herb ,Grahatn, Vred. Guest and WriCE, Wall; • „ Irddgkingon is survived by one. on, Gordon, and a daughter ,Phoebe, Mrs; .Clark 'Stanley of Clinton, . Surviving, also is one brother, James Hodgkinson of Wingham: A brobher Wilbert 'died 'during f • • • • • • ass -Harris or s entents- Offer The Latest In Modern Farm 3r Machiner: . USED 101 JUNIOR. TRACTOR • - • . • ALL SIZES OF IYIASSEY-HARRIS TRACTORS • • - • • • • , . • MANURE SPREADERS ; . RUBBER -TIRED WAGONS • HAMMER MILLS and ,GRINDERS'" • Both'cliactoi POW-Oie. FULL • LINE REPAIRS ON HAND - 're BEATTY BARN SUPPLIES J. WiLSON • ONE7O4‘4,.L.pricNpvir, Located In The .Foriner Boyes' Impletnent. Shop • ;;a4mmui,spris4;441;oiskvarokilikvaipanDisimOrMaliorapp •• TWO SECOND- HAND .TRACTORS:'• • • A11i-Chahners W. F, Allis-Chalmers C • . — Drop In .And 'See • • , .• . • . • • • FAIftli.ANK S.' MORSE'. HAMMER •• MILLS !QR.YOUR SOWS. and SMALL , • • vs6Stnitr• and Pig Chow Complete or your own, grain" •' and Sow and Pig Concentrate. : • ' .; See 'Cs .About A HvISTANC!COltITItA.C'X' AT NO COST, TO YOU CkETT • and 30• 'Lljoevoit divrAgio ' • •