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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-12-06, Page 4
R THEk LUCKNO ENTINE _ .. .._. .. L., .UCK1�OW', ONTARIO • • • • • • "WANT AD" RATES -1st insertion, 2 Cents' a word, subsequent insertions 1 'cent a --word Minimum charge 25 cents.-Replies.._care- of The Sentinel 10 cents extra. Legal advertising 10, bents per count line first. insertion, 5 .rents per line ,subsequent .insertions, FOR SALE—?pair of boy's C.C.M,• FOR SALE -Battery. Radio, cab - skates, size 6, worn 3 months. 'net model, -A1 shape. Sam Cup - Roy Emberlin, •Lucknow: ' skey, Belfast'. ' FOR SALE= -geese for breeding • purposes. Wtn. Rutherford, phone 21.1-r-13 Lucknow. FOR SALE ••C'bllie 'pups, god cattle., dogs.: Apply' to E. C, Wilk- . ins, R. 7, Lucknow, .phone 76-r-15' Dungannon, WOOD FOR SALE—Elm wood, some suitable .for a furnace. Ap- ply ,to Andrew Gaunt, R..1, Luck- now, phone ' 87-r-12., FOR SA ,a Cosy lime coal heater, •brown, Mrs. S. J. ' K1- patrick, phone 50-r-2 Dungan- non... ungan-non,. , : FARM . FOR' SALE `100 acres, Lot , 27 Con. 2, West,, Wawanosh, 'good buildings, hydro, telephone, 11 ,2 miles north• of Auburn. J. Aitchison, R. 2, Auburn. FOR SALE — village .property• near, station;.:, cement , covered bungalow, ,small' stable, good gar-' den. Terms cash. Send ' offer to E. Carnochan, 651 Lyon St,, Ot- tawa, Ont: PERSONAL SKINNY MEN, WOMEN! -Gain 5 to . 15, lbs. New' 'pep, too., ,Try famous Ostrex Tonic Tablets -for double results; • • • new healthy R. flesh;r• new. vigor. New. " "get :ac- y�AN'PED mail driver for R 1y 60c' A111 • COMING EVENTS PUBLIC SCHOOL. CONCERT The .Lucknow Public School' Concert will be h old in the Town' Hall, Friday 'night, . December 7th at 8.00 p,rn.. Variety program No, reserved seats. Adults, .40c, child- ren 25.c.. RECEPTION TO -NIGHT A .wedding reception 'will dbe held . in the Recreational Centre, Lucknow, • Thursday, Dec•ember 6 (tonight) in honor of Mr.. and Mrs. Neil Murdoch (nee Marie' Smith) . Carruthers orchestra.".. CHRISTMAS BAZAAR St. Peter's ;Guild- will .ho1,d their. sale.' •'of•work, home-made baking a incl .•afternoon tea ' in' the Auxiliary Rooms: this ' Saturday,'. December 8th at 2 30 Lucky tea table; prize. • • . GIRL •.GUIDE TOYSHOP Will, Abe.. open in the shop 'ad- joining Hedley's Butcher Shop on Saturday, Decern'ber. 8th and 15th, afternoon and 'evening, and Wed- nesday afternoon,. December 12th. Tea.' will: be: servedon Wednes= day:'. 6; Lucknow, for • the winter' quainted" size ,only months: An yone in teres ted: con- druggists- tact ruggists- • tact�Dona1dMacDonald• TEACHER WANTED— Qualified FOR :.SALE—quantity . of mixed' alfalfa. • and;' !timothy.' Wilson 'Ir., win . Con: 10,'., Ashfield,' .phone 67-13 Dungannon.' 'WANTED—six, tons of .clover or mixed hay, .:loose or ' baled, ' and :two •' tons of, ' baled' straw. ..Tom • Co1virell,, :St. Helens. <Q ' AP,LES 1 -for , good, Spies 'off a sprayed orchard' call at Andrew's' Iinplement' Shop,: Lucknow.: • Ap- ;plea, priced according , to .grade.' FOR .SALE cement septic 'tanks, • approved by, the Health Unit. We deliver them: Forster's -Welding Shop, phone 206-r-11, Lucknow. STOVE poR ; SALE large .size Quebec heater. Apply 'at . Trelea-' ven's : ,Restaurant, L u:c know, phone 16., " STOVES FOR SALE Quebec • heater,: nearly' new and a• Wood - burning. heater. Ted . Collyer, R. 5, ;Lucknow: • • Protestant teacher. wanted'; Jan-. uary-,3rd. for. S.S. No , 7, :Kinloss Township, 11/a,. miles .from Luck - now, ori Highway, bus service, school well equipped, ' hydro, water: .Apply in writing stating qualifications:' and :.salary ex- pected and former . inspector. • Apply to Alex' MacLeod, 'Box :156, . Lucknow; Ontario: WOOD FOR SALE --about' eight eordS "of dry elm, Mocks. Dan 'Mo Innes, "folyrood, :phone Ripley. 8- r-30. LO -LA -LE DANCE 'The annual dance of the. Lo - La -Le in the Tawn''Hall, o ..: L uc. k- nowa Friday,' December 14th, fea • Luring; the Dixie Boys. orchestra: Special •Christmas decorations. ,Draw 'for applique: 'quilt. Lunch •counter,• Everyone 'welcome. CHRISTMAS CONCERT' At S.S. No 9, ,Ashfield on Wed-' nesday, ' December ' 12th at 8.00• p.m: Program ' .includes 'pageant,. La roe ; oni - • IN MEMORIAM •MALLOCH—In loving, memory of Agnes Malloch •who .'.passed :away orie.year ago, December.8th, 1950. In'•'.oar• home she is fondly, re - _membered, - Sweet ;memories cling to her • name,: • We who :loved .her in : life' sin cerely.: • Still. 'love• her in death just the same. ' -Ever •remembered by ' Mr., and l,Virs . Jake Hunter and Family. y. OF THANKS .CARD I would like to thank • my, many • LIVESTOCK . WANTED FREE THFRNtOMETER —Plus' cash at your* farm' for dead • or disabled horses ., or' cows. 561-J.;it W lPhone- iar ' eallect Wingharri Stone. -Sons; - Lixriited... _ _. ARTIFICIAL SERVICE at re- duced ..rates from' the :licensed.. growing co-operative •association from: 'Holstein, Jersey, Ayrshire;, Guernsey, -Hereford `•"Beef? a'nd- ' Dual Purpose .,Shorthorns.: _ Bulls. • 'of • tap quality.. Life 'membership. '$25 00 members $5.00 per cow, friends, especially ..- .my good neighbors in the Zion Comrinun- ity, . who so thoughtfully rem" em-. ibered, me while I was. 'in, the hos- pita!: 'Mrs. Charlie Wilkins Gordon Hodgkinson wishes to •sincerely '..thank friends a.rid tsof neighbors ,for .their ac kind- ness -and expressions of -sympathy in the death of .his father and to especially ;.thank . • Rev. G. - S. Baulch for his;services. most We wish to express our- siriaere appr-e�c attornof-the-kind- ness and Sympathy shown by_ friends;and neighbors during the recent illness ' and death of Hus- non-members'' ",$6.00 • per. cow'. band and • Father.. Also • for the• Waterloo ..Cattle Breeding : Assoc- many messages and cards, also iatioii, R.R. No. 1, Waterloo: ''For spiritual- -arid Troia! tributes 're - service 'contact' Len L 'Fischer, ceived during this ;time 60-r-11 'before Mrs: John'MacMillaii;and Fam: Mildmay,: phone . , ily 10.00' .a.m • rt Moffat, was in • charge and . ' L,�iNGSIDE � :1VIr • and Mrs. Maurice 11Iodg spent last Week end with Mr & +book Christmas carols were sung , D t 't Virgini •l T Thumb • wed di 'songs,' rec,`itaition&, and: :a. play . "Christmas With The'_ ul ligans" . ,°Mr. Ray:` Stanley;'te'ach er.- ening; .S.S., No. 3 . on. Friday and • 'Fordyce" on Wednesday.;'. Dec.•. 12. 4 ' We are, 'sorry , to report'' that Mrs. Robinson,. Woods is .under Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hodgins &. the doctor's care Her daughter,' family spent the week end ;at St' Mrs. Alex. Murdie of Waterloo,'is 1 Catharines.. home fore the month.. Mr. and Mrs.' Alex Percy visit- _ Ham ' THU'RS.,; DECE!4BER 6th, 10,51; • lrpw�u�wllw�!li!lr�!!w�rr!r!!!.!+atl+�au+o�y�.� • ELECTORS to learn of . the fire which de-, stroyed the home of Mr. and Mrs: Mervyn ,Cameron on the Lake Shore Road 'south of Kincardine. Mrs. Cameron • was . the former Dorothy, _Pinnell of K inlough. S T' HELENS. The ladies are reminded of the meeting of the Women's Institute to 'be. held at the home' of. Mrs. W. A. Miller:'.'this Thursday of-. ternoon at 2.30. Roll call,':A.Xmas custom in our- 'home, and,. ex- change of Xmas gifts. Rev. S. ' E. Hayward, will.: be the guest speak- er and. the program .committee' and :hostesses are.Mrs. F. G. Todd' and Miss Beth McDonald,:..• 'Teachers'.and pupils are ,busy. 'preparing for their :annual Xmas concerts. That ' of `'St. Helen's School .was held .. ednes'day ev s KINLOUGH of URON--;BRUCE 1 deeply appreciate' your • support. during' the election campaign and on election; day. Yours: sincerely, -.1/4 Elmer' J. Farrish; • '' 91�.rw,r�p: ., �1. • • Little: Nancy :Curran, has been' With - pneumonia. ed• over the: week end ill with t©nsilitis and p 1 oil.. relatives. Ives: . Mr: and Mrs.: Lorne 'Humphrey Mr,and Mrs. Walter Wilson of�i visa - f it It of H es eler were week -end ' iters p Kincardine were, recent vis with. Mr. and Mrs. 'Jas. Hodgins. tors with •Mrs.` W A. Humphrey. ,The village 'school & 'churches Mr: Humphrey . is still ' a patient preparing arin concerts for later in�'Wingham Hospital, but is'mak are p p . g 'mak- :Mg; favorable 'progress, : • in. December. Mr: George Thompson, Purple ' Grcwe, . spent `:a few. day's. at the home of ,Mr. &. Mrs. Alex.:Percy. : Visitors `with'. M. and•".Mrs.; Jas'.' Hodgins during the week week were 1VIr:, and - Mrs. Leslie , Hodgins of Lenore, Manitoba, Mr.. ,B,. Hod• gins of, .Strati Clare, ' Manitoba Mr' George Hodgins of Wood- _ _ Mrs. r • an a M d - and :. .�a _.... _ ..•. stock. .� flan -S Jas..: Hodgins •accompanied them to Woodstock and St. Catharines !� where they visited with rela- fives Mr. .ar}d Mrs. Bert Nicholson & faintly Were, recent•,visitors 'with ` -Mr .and: Mrs..''Ron : Thacker, Mr. .and Mrs. Karl Boyle. and farnily . 'of • ' London. spent '' the week -end' with ; relatives an d friends here Mr & 1Vlrs. "John `.Bushed!, : Mr and Mrs. W. N. Bushell 'and• Mrs. J. W. Colwell .attended:: the 'fun- eral of the' late 1 m inith' 'at• Un derwood on .Saturday. ins • OBITUARY ALEXANDER MacKENZIE 'Mr. Alexander (Alex)Macy -, Kenzie of 2545. N. Central'Park Ave., Chicago, passed. away Alexian:. ho'spita'l on November 2'lst in- his ..81st year. He was born on. Christmas' Day 1870. The end came rather' suddenly,; ' after only a. few days, d infinement'to hospital, although . ough his health hads been :gradually, failing • of ' late, years. . . Mr. MacKenzie' went :to Chit cage as a young man and entered into 'business, running•, several restaurants '' with' . co,ns•iderable' success. He •retired in' 1929. •The. outstanding hospitality... 'o f , Mr. • and Mrs., . MacKenzie, ,.both business and the, home, was well known and `especially to: friends from Canada visiting in Chicago A large :' number:: gathered at the Bilger'funeral chapel on:.Lake. Park. $t;• .to pay their farewell respects. Rev.' Mr. Henninger.' of Grace Evangelical.. Church con. ducted . the funeral : service Mr, MacKenz:ie was a .'member of that • church. He ,, leaves .besides ,phis' widow; a: daughter. Mrs. Theodore, Ratter •. (Ferne),�, a son. ;Melville; ,both' of•Chicag.o; a ' brother Peter on. Vancouver Island' and a bro. ther, Wm.. L. of Lucknow: • Mr. MacKenzie married Miss Annie Peuppke 'of' Oskosh, Wis;, in '1898 and ; had celebrated...their, golden wedding `three .years. ago.. •�Y• .o.r r. .r nr .. s . r�.r , .. ,. �. qivimo.gtr. r.ro i j • LOOK I The November meeting... of the W.M.S. Auxiliary was held' at. the home of Mrs.. David Scott.. Mrs. Neil 'MacDonald presided.' ;Mrs. .Wni.; Orr •, prepared , the prograrn- and Mrs. Farish Moffat gave the report .of the Sectional meeting at• Ethel. Miss Emma 'Richardson presided for the election . of of- ficers which are as follows: Pres., Mrs:. Farish Moffat, 1st vice, Mrs. Gordon Wall, .2nd vice, .MrS. Jas. °.: MacPherson; sec., Mrs.. .Lloyd , Moffat;; treas.; Mrs. John: Rich= ardson; ' assistant treas., 'Mrs. Peter G. Moffat; supply sec., Mrs. Wan. MaeDon�ald; Home Helpers -.. sec., Mrs: }siert.`' Moffat; Welcome • and Welfare , sec., :Mrs, ;• Elmer • Scott; Literature' and Library sec.,. Mrs. David Moffat;' Glad Tidings .sec., Mrs. 'Win Orr; press Sec., Mrs, Neil MacDonald; Mis- sion -8arii'd leader, Mrs. Bert Mof- fat; assistant: leader, Mrs: Charlie "Tiffin. The Mission ;Band met at .the Thome of Mrs,, Farish' Moffat • On Friday. 'evening.. The leader, Mrs; gave the topic from the study _ _ , Mrs, Rudy Sieloff ..at a rot .. and the film strip "The Birth of A numiber from ,here: attended Christ" was; shown., , the Stanley party at the home of Mrs.'k'rank Thompson on Friday , afternoon • " .Mrs. • Frank Johnstone visited` with Wingharn friends over `the ' .! week+end. Mr. and Mrs. 'Charlie Hodgins, , Ruth 'and Kathleen of 'Wingham were Sunda visitors •with. 1Vir., FOURTH': CONCESSION Mrs: W. F. MacDonald, was' a recent ,visitor with relatives in St. Thomas.. • • • • Mir- Lloyd • MacDougall. return- ed in e ' home. from the o d p Toronto last Wednesday. - %.. • Mr. and M'r's. Jack Needham and two.., daughters ' of Corunna; spent Saturday with relatives on lyn Stewart of Millarton visited - the Fourth and in Paisley, ,. .:J . 'beep . on 'Sunday with Mr and 11Yirs� on the 'Robert ck 1istWatsrsn ,has Bert Nicholson,. and family. 'The H.W.I.held a very success-. , Mr. Fred Gilchrist, has had a , b �' . .pressure system, installed in his ful "At Home and bazaar on home. ° • . '• Tuesday evening`, ' Mr. P. Steer has urchased the ;Messrs. Billy and 'Gabby Scott p of Htiron spent the Week -end at their. grandparents; 'Mr.. and Mrs. Wm. Cox. • °trice ariner HAVE; YOUR' MEAT .PREPAR T>i•1E—ROPER= WAY, AT 1 Clinton, ntario, Phone 282-w. . LET US BUTCHER YOUR :HOG. LET 'US 'BUTCHER YOUR 'HOG—Render ' your' lard ----Wakeyour sausage ' the olfashioned .. way. TSa1t and . asap Pepper only) . Clire any part of your hog that you wish, which . consists of: •2 Hams;"2 . Side Bacon? 2 : Cottage Rolls, 2 Picnic, Hams, 2 Back Bacon. Y • and Mrs. Frank Thompson: Mr. R, Stewart and Miss Evee- • farrn'formerly occupied by •Don- ald Macintyre. • ' . • . . Mr. and Mrs: Wm..112aelntyre visited with relatives in•• Strath- roy last Saturday. :Farmers: are ?busy 'finishing up their fall plowing.. r. • You can have any of these cuts cured or'fresh We 'serve. over , five hundred satisfied, customers .' ., .. ,If you don't haZe•a hogready, . we will sell you one as cost price, plus the .killing charges Otl'r• prices, have not•. advanced. • They, are same as of :four years' ago . ...Our large turn- ' :over allows 'tis: to keep .our prices down . .: All •meat goes straight to our new, modern refrigeration, ra' soon' .g as butchered. • BEEF BY THE `QUARTER • When in need of beef • by the 'quarter, see us. We4have' a • choice selection: to pick from cut Oto your o*n tastes. .• 15 -MINUTE SERVICE• We guarantee satisfied customers as' all our employee's are'. packing4ious'e experienced and are t, your _service •�' at :all "times. LARD SPECIAL;•. Bring -in your .own container, 'ant we' .Wilt fill' .it with, pure, kettle..home .rendered . lard for only 20e per 11). I. •; ranter:' In order td get. the prompt, reliable.. service we•gua . HOGS MUST BE BROUGHT' IN ONMYIONDA' S Miss Kay '.'Gibson Spent the For further instructions an • delivrer in of your hog, :contact' week' -end with Mr, & Mrs. Fr,ank'' ... . • B �Currie� 10th Con, � , . GEORGE ACTON, Phone 8.4-9, l ngaruldit Friends from here we're' sorry 4