HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-12-06, Page 1h, 1951'
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50c Extra to USA
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$480 BACK IN. 191.5
In the course of building and
renovating' _ work at the. Ford';
Garage, ne' known as Mont-
gomery. Motors, an, interesting
old poster was discovered, adver-
tising.,the 1915 :Ford car,
The poster . was Mopped by a.
large ., picture ' of the • • touring
model, with'all-white tires;''with
the trn-dowel 'windshield, rub-
ber;. horn, etc.: • ;
the direction of Mr. P, W. -Hoag, . Prices were as 'follows: 'tour-
and With Jack McKim as baric ing,. $530;••ruiiabout,' $48O' and :the
tone soloist, The . numbers were town ear, $780. These prices were
snore, difficult compositions than, F.O.B., effective'August 2nd, '1915
usual and the Band presented with full equipment except for ' a
The Lucknow District. High
School Commencement was
staged in ° the Town Hall last
Thursday and Friday nights to
• :capacity audiences. The students
excelled in the presentation of a
well varied program that.provid,
ed •most"' enjoyable entertainment.
"Theconcert opened with num-"
bez's by the' ' School Band • under
thenx most creditably. .speedometer. .
The < gymnastic perfo rtiarices'• The poster is on displey,in The,
under the direction ,of Mr, Wm,window,
Sentrnel OffiCe ,
J,VlacDonald were quite . popular
with the 'audience a; id_:�the Glee TOL COW'. FROM'
Club' was at its best in their •
choral offerings under the dir.' K I: N LUSS BARN.
ection of Mrs. E. .V. .Speaight of '
,Cattle rustlers' are stillo e •
Goderch; *.ho, has been carrying: p x•at-
i i this s d's�
r tit' t
n c and ' another,
on as music. supervisor. ,for Mr g h
• A. W. Anderton. of their sporadic—raids Was • re
Accompaniment throughout theported last week, when ,P; 'A..
evening •Y.
nen was b•Mrs, Speaight, Murray had a • cow ' .in ',calf stolen
S. 13. "STEVE" STOTHERS, who
retired on November 1st ,after
thirty-four years' service • • �vit11:•
the Denar�tnient of `Agriculture,
was hon'ore4 last week at 'a: ban-.
quet. at the 0.AC; at'`Guelph, 'at-
Baulcii 'No peen K'l atrick from the baron: the':, Statters tended by 500' persons..
Joyce i i p
and Miss Aileen Hewitt
• Wayne Johnston, president of
the, Literary Society, did well . its
• giving the chairrisan':s address,
and on. • Friday " .evening 'Ruth .there. The cow which was' stolen
• ,Anderson,. "'a l :student at •.Western was • in calf and''represents a loss.
farm -on Con. 10, Kinloss.
Mr. Murray 'recently bought
the faun, and 'while 'the house
is 'not `occupied he has • had a
number of head :of cattle .'stabled, i
1h versfty, London, gave the Val- `of about $300.
Reports ;,front ' the Pine • River
district are Ato : the ;effect: that, an: ;t.
other stolen animal was.. recently
edictorian fgry capably.
The • play,. "Campbell .•• iaf Kil '
xnahr" ' with,. a • 1745 setting Per
fraying an •ncident in the Jacob- slaughtered in the '' church: shed
• ite uprising ,'`in Scotland, was. '•there,: with the,,; beast's ' entrails
`preceded by: several •appropriate •left in'.the'shed:
Scottish' ' nunnbers. •
To the skirl of the pipes play= .REMEIVLBER, IT'S .2 -CENT
• ed by young ,Archie .McQuillan,' POSTAGE ON XIVIAS . CARDS
13 -year-old son of Mr.. and 'Mrs.
Wilfred McQuillan, a . group, of With Christmas' card • mailing
iris dans the Highland Fling . time at hand the Post Office
and the titch Reel: They were issues the reminder that it' now
Audrey, Ross, , Nancy" Needham, takes two cents to :'send an 'un-
Raeleen. Hamilton, Isabel Mac- sealed card.
Pherson, •Janet Campbell, Shirley The :public' can : greatly facili-
Hamilton, Flora jean\ McQuillan tate the handling - of the . Christ.'
' and Gwen Caswell', isob'el Mac ' mas rnail by. observing. a few.
Pherson also •' .:danced,' the sword Simple details. One is the tying.
dance. • • • of mail, in ,bundles `before drop-'
' The play ,cast. included Norma ping ' into'. the Post Office 'shoot.
Sherwood, Mary Jo Anderson,' A • string: or are elastic band
Donald MacNay, Jack IVIcKirn, around your mail speeds up the
Murray McNain, Donald Stewart, gathering, '.sorting..; and.•, stamp
George Anderson and John Gam- cancellinand is : a gesture
mie • greatly appreciated ,by. the . Post
dance number. "Tea Office. staff '
Asongand. . •
- for Two"'was staged by Morley;Rural residents. •can. • aid' their
u i r reatl b _having a good;
. _: .:•: g-_Y_.._y__. uf-
_Chin _ and__.nT_o�een— Via. pat , . •
Wayne Johnston and Edna Reid supply of • stamps on hand,'and
B ' t' ' theiroutgoing 'mail in
1Viary :MacMillan With
Donald 'Haldenby a,n d ' Betty. ' y yrng • o of
ohnaton, Alphonse urray' a un e.
Wi, Christmas jitst around the
"The Shadows a sextette. of corner, the Post Office .- Depart
' meet ' suggests "` "the, : folldwing
girls- whose . voices` harmonize
beautifully,' sang three numbers.
The 'girls. are . Betty, Johnston,'
Ruth Johnston, Carolyn Gibson,
Gladys' Kilpatrick, .Marlene 'Mac-,
Lerman. and Gladys ;Chin.,.
Laifrine •eN`ain Danny'. Rose:
and Ann ''Todd presented • an
irnusing 'Henry VIII • skit:,„,
A' boys' sextette stole the show
with their rendition of ya.Strollieg. .
mailing dates to. ensure Christmas
delivery, To .'"United 'States,' •,es.
.peeially. parcels, December 8th;
';British.• Columbia; Dec. I2,. Al-
berta and Saskatchewafl,' Dec. ,13,'
Manitoba -:and- 1Vlaritinxes, - Dec,
.14; Ontario and Quebec, Dec. •15.
Thru' the Park" and• "Dry SETS' RECORD' :
Bones". The. (group included DOA -
aid and Kenneth .Medley, Jack
McKim, Billy Mathers, Wayne
Johnston and Morley Chin,
Present Awards
Thep re;sets . t .ations. `of certifi-
cates, ,
cates, diploas _:and proficiency
shields and cups were rnade at
both performances. Thursday
eight's presentations were remade
' or. Mrs. J. R. Johnsttine; presi-
tient of the Women's Institute and
ley Messrs..' Allister Hughes and,
T. J'`, Salkeld •of ,the District High'
School Board.' On Friday 'night
these duties were performed by
Reeve 3. C. 'McNaib. and by • Dr.
W. V. Johnston and Mr.' Robert
flag of the School Board.
The Fin;lay,'sofi Biros. proficiency
shield went' to Gladys Kilpatrick;
the Wm MacKenzie ,proficiency
shield' to . Audrey Ross; . profici-•
•'etitY cups to Gladys Kilpatrick,
Charlene Smith, Mack :MacDon-
ald; Women's. Institute scholar-
ship to Noreen Kilpatrick; the
\m.'A. Schmid proficiency shield
to ,Gladys ,Chin; English' prefici-
VileViiit, ency shield to Joyce Baulch;
b �
snowfall of the pastmonth•
far exceeded , anything 'experi-
enced in this district in the past
ears during which' official
silty y have been kept.'
weather records p
A total of : 461 s inches of snow
went into' the
records .:for No-
`vember .1951; ' exceeding by ten'
inches -the' nearest contender. 'In
Novbet'�.:1i13.3x _there• was' ,36.1/2
minches. •Lightest November" on re -
was in. 1899, with a mer:e . '3/4qoi, d •
inch' of•show.
The ast month Was unusual
r ,
rix • other ways The temperatin e:
varied from a, high of 57 degrees ,
`to :.a leiw of 5' degrees above, zero.
Thf tr aere were ' only ;two . days of,
t l° sunshine, • and 17 days were'.
completely overcast.,
• Added to the excessive
.:fall was, 1,44: inches of ram.
shield to ltpth
Band' 'memberssh
'Anderson; proficicnay cup's to
Nota Sherwood, Mary Jo An-
derson and. the Literary • Society,
Scholarship . to Ruth Anderson,
THAT Mr;' and Mrs. Kenneth.
Murdie . and, family :Moved into
their new: home:adjacent to: the
United Church Parsonage ori
Thursday of last'week., ' `, •
• The +wallpaper slow ,sponsored
by Purddn's Wallpaper and Gift
Shcip. was well attended on Tues-
day night of last week, when
an illu.str•ated, lecture was: • given.
hy" a specialist 'en interior decor-
Six lucky draw prizes' prizes' were
awarded :.'aa follows: est, .Mrs.
Har r"y Lavis, •„$25 room of wall-
paper;' 2nd, Mrs. Elmer jpOhnston,
$20 room of paper; 1rd, Mrs 'Roy
Robinson, B.el�grave,, '$15. room of..
paper; .4th, Mrs.Jack England.,
$10 room of paper; 5th, Mrs Rob-
ert Laidlaw, R�. 5,- Wingham, two
quarts of paint; 6th, Jimmy Math-
ers, two quarts of paint.
Saturday' will' mark Santa
Claus'' annual visit to Lucknow,
' He'll •arrive here early after din-
ner to greet the.children from
far and • near, and., lead the Main
Street .parade, ;headed by . the
Lucknow • District ; .High School.
Band.' •
: At 2.00 o'clock there will "_be
free . movies at the .:Town Hall
for 'the children, and at the con -
elusion 0f the show • There will
be the usual .treat..
This. • year's- arrangements'pro-
vide for one. •,afternoon • show at
the . Town Hall. Kiddies : too small
to, attend the show, •will 'receie e
their. treat"at ` The Playhouse.
Theatre, between : three and four
o'clock. - •
The event, is, sponsored" by the.
Lucknow Business Men's . As-
sociation, and air:invitation is et -
tended to all, the kiddias'of the
district to join in. this aChristmas.
THAT Lloyd MacDougall return-
ed home last Wednesday from
Toronto' where h'e underwent a
spinal - operation .a 'month pre-
!vioius. Lloyd is .:in a oast and
"flat . on '.his back". It: is' .•:ex.-
' ,pected that he will -have the
cast;: removed about the• end'of;�
January., .when' braces. will re-
place the cast.
THAT Henry Carter, C.N.R,.
station -agent`; at` Ripley, suffer-
ed ' a • shoulder injury 'while at
work" `at the -dept-which will
keep,. him- off- work for- a times
Donald Agnew is relieving for.
' him:
-THAT-7 "a 7year's •stibscriptitrn to.
The Sentinel, new or renewal,
.makes in', -ideal :Christina; gift,.
that will ' be. acknowledged ,by
a Special ecial - greeting card sent
from this Office.
0 ---
THAT.Reuben' Wilson of Aeh'field
had the" unhappy''experience :of
,ha ein.g a: cow collapse 'arid drop
dead • in ,• the : stable while he
was milking the one next to it.
. One fortunate: feature` was that
the animal " didn't fall on Reii't
ben. She Was next to ibe Milk-
�ed. •
THAT Graham. Marl iohald, so
Mr. Mrs:' Wire. F, Mae-
. Denald • of, Kinloss, ha's been
elected president of the East
Larnbton Teachers' Institute: •
raharr has been a rriember of
•theRetrolla Public School .staff.
for the; •past three . years. ' 4
THAT Lovell •Murdoch,: son of
••1Vlrs. J•. G. Murdoch' of Toronto
and formerly el Lucknow; suf.,
fek ed a heart' attach recently
and is confintd to a rest home
in the .city for a few, weeks,
Lovell .is employed. 'by the T.
Eaton. Company,
Jr ` 'and Jack
THAT Bob Lyons, ,
.Aitchisiln returned home -•a
• :: eau: 1e of weeks ago `from a
pest rip to Western , Can-
t berg
The 'be went ccs tar West
ala. Th
as Edniorttrn . '.i. ,
The 1951 eensus shows all but
five counties;, •'in the 'province to
have increased in. population.
'Huron' is listed at 48,761 now as
against 43,7.42. 'ten years ago, an
increase : of ' 5019. ,On the.:other
hand,''Bruee County is down. from
41,680 16. 40,866; a :decrease. of
Although Huron..is. •;up, both
Ashfield ` and West Wawanosh
show .population. declines. Ash
field is. listed at 1,670 as,against,
2,079 in 1941, .while West Wawa
nosh is: 1,176__as . compared with
1,325 ten years age•
Steve -Stothers Night,.held .' at
Creelman Hall, 0 A:C,, Guelph,
last' Thursday evening . w a,.
brought to.•a gripping and touch- ,
ing elose when 500• reople• `his,
friends --rose and sang' with sen,
timent ".Auld Lang •Syne”.
The occasion, marked ;by the
presentation of a cane and beau
tiful leather` wallet, was in honor •
of the. dean of :Agricultural Rep-
respentatives who retired on No•-
vern,ber est 'after thirty -sic yearn
of -faithful ,and efficient ,service
in this capacity, .. " •
". With reference to.. the singing
of . Auld Lang, Syne; the ;Guelph
Mercury said, '"There" were rnan.y'
tributes during the •evening, by
the important and the less im- .
portant . 4-- Tom; Kennedy, Bill
Hamilton, J. A. Garnei,',Joe Dain,
+bar --:but the best and "most last.'
ing ':was :when' the whole group:, •
rose, ,ioinedd.hands and to a,man,
voiced the tribute d
u to. a job
to 1.
done which is inherent in; the
grand old •?Scottish .bell:ad. It •was
a . ;moving moment ;for all . ;who
took part' :as jovial ` Padre Young
of OAC led` the singing; it must
have been ' doubly so for Steve
Stothers." _...,
"Hon. Tom. Kennedy's Tribute
Among . the: ' head . table speak•-
ers, all 'of' whom added • their s
word of. praise,` was Col: the Hon-
ora'ble T. L. 'K,ennedy, . Minister
of Agriculture' for Ontario. ••Mr,
Kennedy pointed out ' that 'not
OnlySteve but also Mrs.. 'Stothers ;
must be'remeMbered for she had
know what it meant to give. She
gave her husband night after
night as well as in: the working.
hours of'the day, said' the irini-
'ster, so that .he . might. aid the
farmers. of Wellington .County to
better farming practises :and . also
set -an. ex+anipie �•o€ • conduct • to:
them as a fine Christian gentle- .
man.. Both . the .',Stothers had
learned that, ."It is better to give
than, to. receiver', said Mr. :Ken
nedy; ' • •
He took tinie out to remind the, .:
people that tht ,farmer Must be
an : "all round man"; a . scientist,
weather .prophet and SO on. It was
the joie of the agricultural- rep=•
resentative to help hi>n•' to gain;
• and hold this knowledge and at
this job Steve Stothers was ':a
master... It was to ' do..this 'that:
`he had taken so many nights
away from home as " a_, civil ,ser-
_ v an£. oTthe people", :
After the presentations,_ which
A • few 'fr'iexids and neighbors
gathered recently at the 'home
of 'Mr:. and Mrs: Everett Finnigan
to bid farewell before' they left
for their new' home.'at Wacker -
ton.. The;; evening was -spent
playing .cards. Mrs. Omar ,Brooks
read a farewell ,address and Mrs,
Everett Errington and Mrs, Wil •
bur Brown `presented them . with
a lovely card table and electric
tea kettle on behalf of friends:
A very`y suitable reply :was made
by the recipients. Mir. and Mrs.
Finnigan. were '':both born near
Dungannon, and have been act -
1'04 citizens ;in ..conamui ity and
church affairs. 'Everett has been
reeve of West '. WawarioSh town-
ship and is taking ,over the' dut-
ies of Bruee County assessor..
Colin oil Presentation
Mr. and• Mrs.: Finnigan • were
further honored last week when
members of West • Wawanosh
Councils,' past and present, With
whom ,M'r.:Finnigan has sat dur-
ing his lengthy municipal service,.
`I ered with their. Vvives at the
gats ..,.
To.;.'nship Hall for a• pleasadt
eve:ring of cards and dancing.
• During the evening Reeve-
+elect Harrold Gaunt' and Clerk
Dur•+�in •hillins, made the pres-
entation of. a lovely table trilight
Oh' '�3cha1:f of * the gathering.
'. . an ; Mrs, Finnigan • have
r'noved tlis: week to their new
'included -a bouquet Of roses' for
Stothers, it Was 'Steve's
turn, He proved to be a :'fast rnan
with a--story-brutethere Was -sorner ?-
thing •mucph deeper that the jokes .
he told in what he 'had .to say. •
"Myself and my faniily are 'grate-
ful and proud"•he said; and then.
went on to' pay his final respects
and utter a word- of thanks•-toH'„
every . official ' and organization
Which h •.. -
ac had Made `his job.' easi+rr.:
,He recommended • his -.successor,
Don Black, Who' leas 'been his, asµ
.sistant for two yearn:
• The. real thertie .of his remarks,,..: ;.
however, :was in, what he said to
the eun people, the Junior Far""-•'
y .gp �
mere..He said that: he hoped these,
vou•ng men would carry on and
ori, keeping informed •,by study-'
ing, •. reading and . investigation.
,He recommended agriculture ,as
a vocation, •.not 'because it :, was
easyt • for it took hard. work to
• get the, treasure from 'the soil,
but because agriculture,was ne
cessary to make our',country whit. " •
it should •be': 1 to quoted from the
h poetry of : Robert` Service .and
Watson Kirkonnell to' bring, his
'remarks to a close ors the note
Of a beautiful tivisioh of Canada's -
Opened Huron Office
Born in Ashfield `Townshipy
Steve Stothers attefided the "Lit—
tle Red Schoolhouse" on 'Conces-
sion 9, and was a member of the
1916 graduating class at the OAC,
having ' attended College Without
the advantage of a high .'school
'education.', •
Mine in, Walkerton, where Ever.4
ott takes up headquarters as the
Bruce County assesaor.
(Continued • o1 rage . Five '