The Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-11-29, Page 4PAGE FOUR, • THF LIJCIKNOW .SENTINEL, LUC TOW; •ONTARIO' 4 THU1 r., NPV,E1VLBE, : .29th, 1951 "WANT. AD" RATES--lst insertion 2 cents '.a word, subsequent insertions. 1 cent a word.Minimum charge 25 cents Replies care of The 'Sentinel: 10 cents exxtra.. Legal advertising 10 cents' per count line first insertion, 5 cents per line subsequent insertions. • FOR SALE - live' or dressed.' •• dunks. Phone. 87,7r-11 Lucknow. FOR, SALE -•-20 White Leghorn Pullets, 5` mos. -.old. Wm Lannan, 81-r-22 Dungannon: a WANTED• —six tons of clover or:, umiked hay,, ''loose.. or . baled and 4twa toms of ., baled straw. -Toni Colwell., St. Helens. LAST—new blue gabardine Op - coat at. Wraith reception .on No- vember 8th.. Phone . 65-14 Dun-. gannon. SKATES -FOR SALE small boy's. , skates size . 11,' or : will. trade for. larger pair. Alex Hackett,; phone 67-12 Dungannon '., FOR SALE girl's coat, size, 1.4x, red -wine .colour with leopard trammed Hood, almost; .neyv. Ap- lily G. -Chin, phone. • 130. • APPLES --for ' `good Spies•s off:. a, sprayedt orchard call at Andrew's Implement Shop, Lucknow. Ap pies' . ,priced according to •grade FOR SALE—cement septic septic tanks,: approved by :the Health Unit. We. deliver them. Forster's Welding Shop, phone . 206-r41, Lucknow. OF FARM FOR SALE --CARD 'THiNKSi 100 acres, • • Lot 27, Con.; 2,, West Wawanosh, Mrs..Cecil Gardner ..and Boys • good • buildings, hydro, telephone,' and . Mr. Ernest Gardner wish to - • 11 'miles north of Auburn, J. sincerely thank friends a n d Aitchison, R.2, Auburn. : neighbors for the many kind acts and ,expressions of: sympathy p • ex- FOR .SALE tended them; •in. -the' loss of a dear Hammer. mills,.' Letz ' feed grind-. hursarid, father. and.. son. • LIVVESTOCK. WANTED FREE THERMOMETER: --- Plus cash at your farm for dead or disabled horses . or cows., Phone collect, Wingham 561-J. William Stone Sons, Limited. DEAD AND LIVE ANIMALS Promptpick-up of ' cattle, horses, pigs' and sheep at previailing;, prices. Live horses. fit for 'animal food, picked up at your • farm, averaging $35.00. C. • Brubacher, R.R. 4, Wingham,: phone. 6Q8 -w-1. PIANOS! 'PIANOS! Now is the time to • get your order . • in ` for • new pianos • for. Christin.as delivery. Good selec-` selec- tion, new . •pianoson hand . to choose : from. Trade-ins +accepted. Garnet'. E. Farrier, Whitechurch; phone 711-J1 Wiighaam.' APPRECIATION. Harvey arid • Elsie Hotiston wish to. ' express . their •appreciation *to -the kind' neighbors. arid- friends' from' some distance. around; Who assisted: in so many ways follow - Ing .the , collapse . of their; granary last Friday evening l G. ers,. New Idea spreaders, mow- 1 . ers, side rakes, . i tc.;' new . •and . Mrs: W. J. 'McNeil, who is now used- •;tractors '. and " equipment, at ; Baker's ' ,Connvalescent:. Home, milking machines, cream separa-, . wishes to .sincerely , thank ::all: tors, Gibson refrigerators, deep those who remembered her with freezers, electric' stoves' and wash- cards, letters and treats �??ia le. err. '1 -- Patient. in Wingham. `G era1 NEW IDEA , DISTRIBUTOR ` ; Hospital also Mrs.. Morrey and Goderich, Ontario.' her staff of. nurses and Doctors Phone Carlow .2821 Johnston and Corrin. CU.LROSS,•CORNERS Mr, and Mrs.Duncan . Thomp P son' spent 'Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Art Hodgins: Mr. and • Mrs. • Wm.' ' Keith of Wingham visited Sunday with -Mr.:-and- Mrs: James Wraith.. Mr. Donald Bell of • Toronto sPerit •'tire "week=end wth�Mr'. Ernest ,Hanna. - Mr. and Mrs. Robert Million of . 'Toronto visited with relatives. in Teesw•ater `and here last week- , • Mr. & Mrs. Earl Hodgins spent Sunday evening; with 'Nil.. 8i Mrs. Howard Whytock 'and family' 'of Teeswater. ' Mr. and Mrs. Jack Schurnacber and Helen visited Sunday after noon with Mr. and' Mrs. Wrn. . Wall of Kinlough. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur , Fisk of Teeswater visited Mr. ' and Mrs: • Frank` Schumacher Sunday after- noon. E, L.E EN: `Mrs. Alex • 1Vfurdie & Bob; 'Mr.. ;+' and M`rs. Mel Br� : of Waterloo • •were week end. visitors with Mr. and Mrs.; . •B.. Woods.. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Johnston of Bluevale entertained, •recently at a family. dinner 'in. honor Of, Mrs. .Johnston's' father,, Mr. `John Quillin and their little son' Terry. ,Large Manufacturer of .` FARM EQUI1 MENT .has Franchise Available for • Lit •KNOW & DISTRICT i' Address Enquiries To Box 38, Luleljnow Sentinel Other .guests Included .Mr. and Mrs. Fred ' McQuillin, . •Ivan and' Barry, Mr. and Mrs., Frank Mc- Quillin' and Terry Wilson. "A gpod tixhe .was had- by all" seemedto be the general opinion Of those• who attended the "At Horne" sponsored by the Women Institute in the corriniinity - hall on._Friday evening. There was a good ' attendance: and Mrs: B ibour ''presided. for .a short...p.:07. gram' •consisting, of singing, piano duets by Miss Barbara Wilson & 'Kenneth• • McAllister, a ' 'solo by Mrs• Andrew-Giaunt;_a •-pianosolo - by,.. Miss Norma Murray and a reading. Eby Miss .Margaret Miller. Music; for• dancing, was provided. by. 'Mr. and Mrs: George Stuart and by 'Mrs.. Fred McQttjllin and Mr JacErr ngton-with-Mr: Nel- son Culbert. calling off. Mrs. Fred •McQuillin and Mrs. ` Frank Mc-. Quillin.. Were iri, charge of the ev- ening's enfertaininent with Miss W • D. Rutherford, . Mrs. E:. Bar: tour, Mrs. Cliffe Murray & Mrs Jaynes Curren in charge of the' ltinoh..; it is . hoped' 'to' havethese social events ' frequently •.during the winter months:. The Decefnber 'meeting. Of • the Women's Institute will be .. held at the home of Mrs. W. A. Mil- ler . on Thursday afternoon, De- 4 eriiber 6th , at 2,30: Roll tail, A. Christmas d'custorn 'in our home and ekchange of Christmas gifts Costing ' not' More than 50c. The subject is in charge of Mrs. S. E. Hayward , and the. prograrn 'coniniittee and hostesses are. Mrs. G Todd,sand M Donald: e M ss Beth Mac: F, . i l . Mr. and .. Mrs. John' ' Carneron . and Mr. IbonCameron were re- cent visitors with. Mr. and: Mrs. James Douglas at 1Vfitchello, -'Miss Beatrice. McQuillin. ,and pupils of St. Helens school are preparing for 'them annual con cert to be held. in the Commun- ity Hall on Wednesday;. evening, Decemnber 5th..•'Keep 'the . date in COMA NG EVENTS PUBLIC SCHOOL .CONCERT The Lucknow. 'Public School ancert will, be held in, the Town Hall, Friday night,, December 7th' at 8.00 ,p.m. Variety .program. ST. HELEN'S XMAS -CONCERT A 'musical 'concert by ;St. Hel- en's school pupils,. will be Pre- sented in St.. Helen's Community .Hall, Wednesday, •December 5th at 8.30: • Admission 35e and 15c. DANCE 1T. H;OLYROOD In Holyrood Township Hall on, Friday, November 30th; under auspices Kinloss Juvenile Hockey' Club, Carruthers. .,orchestra, Ad-' rrrn ssioni,z ,50c. ,, . Draw ,for mantle. ' radio.. AFTERNOON TEA & BAZAAR • • 'Sale of homemade baking, .sew- ing ,'and print quilt under alis picas of.. the, W. A. of Blake's Church in the Auxiliary .Rooms, Lucknow; on Saturday; December 1st at 2:00 pain, Afternoon' tea. • GIRL GUIDE TOYSHOP •Will,�be: •� �•;pen in the shop ad- joining' Hedley's Butcher Shop on Saturday, December' 8th and 15th,. afternoon anti evening,: and :Wed-` nesday ,afternoon; December 12th: Tea will .be' served ori Wednes;-, day.• . . Presbyterian Evening Auxiliary Miss . Marion MacDonald was in the chair and had',clvarge of; the opening exercises for the ' Nov enib'er ' meeting, which was held • at the home of Mrs. Virden.•Mow bray. Following. 0 .hymn, Mrs:, Maude Sherwood read the, scrip - tulle lesson . and the Bible study on the Ninth Commandment was' taken by Mrs. Morgan Henderson Mrs., Wm...Porteous gave a very interesting reportof thesectional meeting which was. held at South Kinloss.: Mrs. Mason, Mrs. S: Jamieson' arid Mrs. Jack MacDon-: 'aid were appointed to' be on the nominating committee �A piano •solo by Miss: Kathleen Mean tosh' was. greatly enjoyed, as was alsoa duet by Mrs. Jamieson and Mrs "Walney. The ;topic "Has Christianity a message to' the Hindus", was prepared : by "Miss: Pearl Henderson' :and read Eby, Mrs.. Petersen, .1vIrs.. Jack Fisher, 'and •. Mrs.. Jack MacDonald. Mrs. Mason: gave. the. current events and follo'wing a hymq, : Mrs: Winn tclosed;•rwith 'prayer. • KINLO.UG.H • If •'You -.Are interested In • BREF CATTLE ''.E4DING i An the many beef cattle 'men..., who . have • heard Bob 'Spangler talk on feeding will tell you that they would: jump at the chance: to hear, him again. _Wells here's their+ 'chance::. . . ariii yours. He's coming track,"'" , primed with the "latest -. information• on' the fol- lowing subjects.. ':.and, others: R. E. , (Bob) Spangler. ,HOW DO .THINGS LOOK FOR 1952..? WHAT ABOUT GRASS SILAGE? HOW TO. HOLD DOWN COSTS. SPECIAL. BABY BjEF. PROBLEMS. WHAT SHOULD WE PAY FOR FEEDE HOW MUCH . SILAGE? `PREVENTING; GOING OFF . FEED: FITTING FOR SHOW. AND 'SALE. TOWN HALL, WINGHAM at 2.00, RS'? , �tlsdla31 Make a note Of the place, .the date; the time. Make. up ;a carload. with your neighbors and be there : with yourquestions. ho ar : Hackett� 8• •:c 011t I �HALMERS an URINA DE ` • • ALL_ S C .. d.. P . A►LER• - Stratford • 'spent • the. week -end with :her father and Mr., & Mrs.. Art Grahany; • • The funeral of the late F,rebreri Hodgkinson,,' was held on Satur ' day: `afternoon from the MacLen.- nan and. MacKenzie funeral par dors "He was a former resident of this community. Sympathy is extended to the ,bereaved. • ' Mr.' and Mrs George •Haldenby,. Mr.. & Mnrs:. Clare Sperling spent • -The Rovemriber mewing of -tire 3_11.W._1, was held" at the home of Mrs. John Barr with ;Mrs. Clark` T Needham in . the .chair. The meet . ing opened with hymn. 168 and : Mrs. • Wesley Guest . led in prayer. Mrs. Mark Johnston ' readthe scripture. Mrs Bi11-Burt stn mar -r- zed the study book which was. Christian Literature and was read Eby Mrs. F. Maulden, Mrs., Morley Bushell, Mrs., John Emerson, 'Mrs. Perry Hodgins, Mrs. C. Johnston andaVal B::'Stott. TA-,- genii "Mar tha's 'Song" was • read by Mrs.. Bausch.. The., word for the roll• call was "Blessing". ; Business.: was dealt .with: Christmas ' gifts and clothing are to be send to :the Children's Aid Society at. Walk-. erton. Mrs. H. ,Percy /,grave a read= ing. "A; dollar on the . red side aid • on -the black of a church envel- ope The election of. officers fol lowed:' pres.; Mrs. Frank Mauld- en; lst vice, Mrs. *Perry Hodgins;;:.. `'20d vice, Mrs. ;Cliff 'Johnston; secretary,. Mrs. Morley . Bushehr treas., Miss Nellie Malcohn; Glad Tidings sec., Mrs. John ,Barr; Wel-: come. and, Welfare,, Mrs. Clark? Neeelha.�ni; 'pianist; .Miss Margaret 'Malcolm.. The .:meeting closed with hymn • 763 . and prayer by Mrs. C. Needham. Lunch was ser- ved. by the Hostesses. .Mrs.Bill Burt• Will be the, December host - • the:: week -end with . relatives•• at .Toronto: ' Mr.. and Mrs. Currie Colwell • and , Bruce ' visited on Sunday with Mrs: J. W. Colwell Mr.' and; Mrs. .Charles Suther land of Toronto visited Sunday .; with Mr. and Mrs,; James Hod-. gins. • Mrs. Harvey Hodgins returned home after visiting "with relatives, at Detroit; . • . .,.... ....4 .0 0fmtb. roti..;f. , ..ili.o:..4I ,'.:o.m.O 4 • OtiC� .001;1 • Fanners The 'H.W,I. will meet. on Dei cember 6th' at, the home "of Mrs`.. Wm... Eadie. ir Roll call, A Christ- mas (verse ,arty exchange of gifts, Conveners, Mrs. Frank Thomp-' On and Miss Edna Boyle, Cur rent events, Mrs: P. Hodgins L'uncl, Mrs, Earl Hodgins & Mrs, H. Harris ($), Mrs.. Eddie Tflomp- sorn and Mrs, Ot E111ott:i (c),' • Mrs.. Dorothy ' Thonipsori of: HAVE YOUR MEAT PREPARED: I1 THE PROPER. -WAY, Clinton, Ontario, "Phone 282-w. . *LET US BUTCHER YOUIOG LET—U-S- -BUTCHER-=••YOUR.--HOG—:Render youur_1ard..- • . Make your sausage' the old 'fashioned way. (Salt .and. Pepper only) .. Cure any part. of •your. hog that :you wish, which consists of: 2 Hams, ,2 'Side Bacon, 2 Cottage Rolls, 2 Picnic •- Hams; ' Back Bacon. You can have any of these cuts cured or fresh'. , 'We serve •Oyer five hundred satisfied customers' ... If you ,don°t have a hog ready, we will sell you one as .cost price; plus •the killing'. charges .... 'Our pr.' es have not advanced. :They are: same as of four yeareago ..: Our Large turn- _over' allows' tis .to keep our "-rices down . All Meat • goes: straight to our new, modern refr'i �eration as soon g g as `butchered: . • • BEEF. BY THE. QUARTER. When in need have a of beef by the quarter, see us. We choice selection 'to pick from but to, your own tastes, 15 -MINUTE; SERVICE We guarantee satisfied customers as all our employees are packing -house experiencedand are .at your, service at all times: „ LARD SPECIAL . Bring" in your own container and we will Lill it with pure, kettle` home rendered lard' for only; 20c per lb. , In order to get.the,prompt, reliable Service we guarantee; HOGS MUST BE BROUGHT IN ON . MONDAYS ONLY [''or further instructions and .delivering' of jtr)i r: hog, ;contact: GEORGE ALTON• Phone 84..9, Dungannon