HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-11-29, Page 1iat
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S2.50 Yearly 41n Adyarice---1 kOc., Xxtre to U.S.A.
West Wawanoah Township rate -
Payr§ elected their 1952 reeve,.
council and school beartl•
hers by Acclamation at •a wen
attended nomination meeting on
- • Friday. •
•. The 1952 Board will be Com-.
prised Of Reeve Harold Gaunt
and ,Cotincillors • John Durnin,
Ben jOhnston, C-ordon •Struthers
- • And Hartviey iCnIb91. ,
• The' three retiring' sebool trui-
tee.s were all that were.nominat-
ed for ..offiee and all three' again
signed up,• Edwin Mills; Harvey
Anderson and Jini. Curran, •The
• • other ' two. • merabera are Wm,
Webster and Wallace Miller,. • •
• .For iteeVe •Everett Finnigan it
- was ‘adieu", after • nine years' of
municipal service, 'five as councillor and the last four* as reeve;
, Finnigan retires from
cpa1 life, because of his appoint-
ment as Bruce. County assessor.
Mr. and Mrs. Finnigan yilI take
up residence in Walkerton Where
they are 'building a home.
. • At Friday's meeting, the :Vari-
ous,speakers ,:praised Mr: Finni-
gan . highly . for the capable. man-
ner in Which he has directed Vie
Weirs of the: TOwnship and' ex-:
pressedtheir appreciation ,of his
serVicesand regrets in his event-
ual ..departure frointhe munici-
pality. • .
....Harold Gaunt Steps Up, •
There were four nominations
for the reeveslair.i, including Mr:
Finnigan, but all withdrew • in
favor of Harold :Gaunt. Harold
has Served on the Baard..for the
past four years and 'previous to
• . that had serVeda similar term
,s councillor. • ' •
Harvey CUlbert, is the new
couneillOr;: receiving an acclama-.
• tion to fill . the. Vacancy, .,canseil.
by Mr. Gaunt stepping up to the
• reeve's 'chair. .
The- meeting was presided over
,11:;y ex4eeve. Brow - ,Smyth. Norn-•
,mations were received by Clerk
Durnin Phillips' as follows:
• •For Reeve '
Everett : Finnigan, ;by Harold
Gaunt, and John .Durnin. •: •
John Durnin by Brown Smyth
and. Wm J Stewart.' • •
• Harold Gaunt. by • Fi OWard
Thompson and ,David McAllister.
• Gordon MacPherson by John
-it; Tliornpson and IVIelVin. Jones.
For Councillors • " •
Jcthn Durnin by -Win. j;--SteVy-
art and. Brown •Smyth. • • '
•Bensori', Johnston by .Edwin.
,Mills and Wm. `J. Stewart. ,
• , Harold Gaunt by David McAl-
Aister-and_ltoward,_Thompkin. • ,'
Gordon Struthers by Ben John-
ston and Walloce.'1Viiller.
Fred McQuillin by Wm. Web-
ster and: Gordon MacPherson.
Harvey Culbert by Lorne Dur-
• • • For School. Trustees • -
• Edwin bY, Harold Gaunt
and Win. Webster. •
Harvey .• Anderson by Win.,
•Webster and Harold Gaunt. . •
Janies Curran by Edwin Mills• '
• and Wm. Webster. ••
Mrs.. Wm. Robinson, .a native
of the Donnybrook 'district,. eb-
• §erVed, her .ninetieth birthday oh
•Wednescliay, November 21st, at
• the home of her daughter, Mrs..
Ceeil. Wheeler of Blyth. .
• ,Mrs. Wheeler. held a birthday
party. for relatives -and friends,
her., mother's honor,. and the
•'event was a very hanpY occasion
for Mrs, ,RobirisOn• whobY her,
gentle manner and, happy ills-
. position is Nbeloved by • ,all who
know her. • '
.M'rs, John' Kilpatrick 'attended
the party and on her return was,
accompanied ,by• her Inbther, who
will tagain'irnake her home here'
4.4 for a time.
Robinson' dimly' 'friends
in this commUnity. extend their,
eonn•rattilsvier-0 •ond best wishes,
LyCINi;.11V, ONTA;146THURS., NOVEMBER. 29th; -1951
- WINNE•li„
JOHN W HANNA, who was re-
turned in Huron -Bruce. Riding
*ittehs: a ,r.ecc>rd rnajori.ty.• . of 2;142
The Baker Convalescent Home
which was recently inspected by
Di. Stalker of the Ontario De-
partment of Health, has , been
licensed as, a 'private hospital. ,
. • In charge of the ,home is Miss
Pearl. Thamer, Reg N, of • Sea -
forth 'assisted by Miss Noma
Rae .of.; Hanover, a gradu_ate,
'nurse. •:
A rie* hot water 'heating .sys-
tem was recently inStalledin the'
Hanle and is now -in Operation:
Long 'fielayecl, the task qf
• correcting The Sentinel mail-
ing list Was 'completed on,
Saturday %morning, and cor-
rected dates .Should 'appear
on the ,address label of those
who have Paid for their paper '
in recent months:
The yearrenci • brings the..•
expiry of many; Sentinel) sub-
Seriytiensland prompt renew-
• al: wi1 be appreciated; • ••
Those new, :in:arrears 'are. •,•
reqnested to give this :matter
their • (attention at an early.
SENTINEL,, . . .
• •
Harvey Houston of Holyrood
lost -six head of cattle on Friday
• night -by suffootion tinder :3ev-
eral hundred bushels of mixed
grain which poured into the .
tle pen when a post split causing
a sill to give way and the gran.ary floor .to eollapSe. ••• ..
Progressiye COnservative -.Gov-
ernment was swept back into of-
fic640,4?.ith an all time record
majority of 19 seats out of ,90.
THAT inrenewing her Sentinel t• .-The firth of Lucknow Fla P
subscription, Mrs. -Archie .(Ja*
et).:44kierSon of 'Montreal; says•
r , .have been keeping 'fairly
• I.Arel‘but dO.Missrny old friends(
• : in Lucknow and Am always so
pleased to read, about them
every 'Week in The.Sentinel'.
, • • . •• .—o--- . . _
' THAT Mr, and Mrs: -. Harold' Al-
- lin have purchased a new hOme
. . „
RETUR1,11cINLOSSin Vancouver. For theinfornia-
By .acclamation, aid urichang,.-
ed, Kinloss ,Council was returned
to office for 1952; at a well at-'
.tended --meeting. in '•the Township
Hall on Friday. ' , .' . •
The Beard consists of • Reeve
David• Carrtithers. and Council-
lors Harold Percy, P. A. Murray,
Farish Moffat and Dan T. Mc-
Kinnon. Each, qualified that ev-
ening precluding , the possibility
of an election. , •,.•
• T,h e following , .noirnmations
,,waenree; :0Cel4Y1ed by Clerk. J:. R.
• For Reeve . ,s•
David H. Carruthers by: .James
Burt ancl James McGillivray;
Harold Percy by 'William" Mac-
Donald zia-7-piiiiwal-ivr,qffgc
. ' . For Councillors • •• • .
Harold' Percy by ,Frank Main -
'den and Wm.Stauffer; P A. Mur-
ray by -Donald 1VIcFartan and
-*Dan T. McKinneni:--Dan—T,__Mota
Kinnori, by W. S. Eadie aPct.I.as-
Burt; Farish Moffat by Angus
McIntosh and R. C. • McClen-
aghan; William Evans by Thos.
Moffat and Richard Elliott; Har-
vey • Houston by -Wm-Mae-Donald_
and, Lloyd Moffat; Wm. J. Irwin
by Archie MacIrityre and Leon-
ard 1VIcIrines; Harold Stanley by
Harold ,Campbell and - Carmen'
•McOuillin; , • _...„.2.--:--------,—.,
tion of .any: of. Harold'S 'friends
'Who Ma' visit at the coast their
new • address ' is • 2543 East 42,
Avenue.' •
ducts, Limited placed second in
the fibre flax seed competition
at the PoYal Winter Fair, This
international contest drew thin -
teen entries • this year with, first
prize going to a firm in France,
• and, second prize to . the local
plant., which is under the. man-
agement ef Virden Morvgbray.
The mishap occurred shortly .
• atter, if not'befere, Mr, and Mrs.
Qugtoh came to Lucknow.to at-
tend the KairSbea Instittite'S ball,.
.but •it was not discovered until
,their return home when Harvey .
Went to the 'barn to 'investigate
the water failure at the 'house.
Into a eattle pen , containing
• ten • steers weighing about 800' ,
pounds each' poured' some 2,500
'bushels of grain. Six of the ten
head Were dead .When discovered,
'• a seventh was shovelled • out in
the nick of time and three others •
in a ProtectekcoTner of the pen
• escaped: ';
Harvey, aided by Ross Mae -
Milian, ArChie and John Mac- -•
• Kinnon 'arid Bill .Eadie Worked •
all night,..shovellin.g grain and. re.„ •
inforcing% the . floor. Over the • „
granary was 30 tons °of haY • and
it was only by a narrow margin
that the collapse of a section of
the entire •barn Was afirted.
Friends : and /neighbors, upon
learning of.the scalarnIty Satur-
day, lent a Tiand and a score' of z•
Man worked all clay' shovelling '
and removing. grain .and inaking
temporary repairs to the barn. .
The six dead animals brought
only the price of their hides, and
as Well as extensive damage to
the'. barn,' sorne 100 bushels of • ,
• • • • •---------gram were destroyed, to. run the , •
By ACCLA,MATi. total loSs to a• big flgure,
-Forninatelyi however, • the ac._
• • ,----o— Ashfield Township' Council,:ciclent happened when it .did, for, °
THA.TX,rs. jsip dorti3r, who. inf., l'composed 'if Reeve Elmer Gra, •fiarvey' and the boys had .plan-
ered a stroke two weeks 'ago,
was considerably improved at
the .:Weekiend. It is the' -fourth'
' seizure in all, that Mrs.,. Con-
ley ha 's suffe ed. Her, danghter.
Agnes, Mri. on. IVICLellancl of
2Loreburn Sask., arrived hOine
from the West the first of the
Week.,. • , •
• .
Anglican . Rectory: limes Mac-
THAT work has started , on The
SWeen and Guest Mitchell have
completed re -roofing and much
inside work is, finished. Messrs..
T, '3. and L. Salkeld -he else
put in a• lot of time and :help.,
T the girl Guides have
been. busy for some time mak-
ing toys in order to 'pass their
•Toyinaker's Badge.' They Will
—sell—these to—raiseftinds --to
furnish their new club room in
. • -the Cemnitinity' -Centre.. • • • -
THAT Mr. Dave AndreW, Who
was down from Calgary 'to at
. -the -•4101 --Winter
spent the week -end .with his
Mother, Mrs.' Isaae Andrew,
who was,..87 'Year S of age in
October: Mr. Andrew visited rn
Guelph with Alex Morton, a
• lauckno* old-timer. '
-THAT Andkson and
, • • • • • •-ster Hughes returned' the first
Cubs snd Scouts, their Parent§ ,' of the .week from a deer hunt -
and friendi 'had • an, interesting '. ing, expedititin -on Manitonlin
' at the R•ecreational Cen-: Island.' The two loCal :nirnrods
tre prr • Friday; which • took the
dorm of Parent :Night; with which
was Combined the annual meet-
ing • of , the Scatit Association;
Floyd 'Wilson presided: .
Mr, ,Harry Firth, District Corti.
rni§iiOner, was guest speaker and
Was • introduced by Mr. Creba
MacSween. Mr.. Archie Gowan
lock, assistant district commis-
sioner tor •Saugeen District also
addressed the gathering. Re..v.• A.
.S. Mitchell spoke and, mot,' t
the • officers be' re-elected. 'Clair
Agnew secorided the motion
Whieh was unanimously-aopted
A 8itig song, Cub, and Scout
demonstrations, • and a film on
:Secititing • were' other, features lof
an enjoya e "n that con!,
eluded with lunch being seri ed
f.f.yLrerS'e.:' flAt?;
.W111.0.,4 •
• . • • • -•
were with a 'Walkerton party;
• that: included Trimble Baillie
• of Cargill 'and fOrinerlY, of
Lucknow. • This. party obtained
its full quota, and both . W. B.
and' Allister' brought home a
deer' ,each. •
THAT Oscar Hodgins left :• on
Tuesday • morning for ,Maiton
Convalescent • Hospital, re-
ceirVe treatinefa for injuries re-
' OeiVed/lon August '24th 'in a
liighway accident at para.-
-mount, • while employed with
the Warren ,Paving Company,
()sear still has one hand' in a
east, and a shoulder dislocation
bothers hirm 1 -le will reeeiVe,
, treatment on .the muscles of
his hip and back affected by his
Tor' brispitalratien from a pel-
ham -and Councillors Jack Brad, ned 'to clean out the pen on .Sat;- • '
Sat -
ley, Andre* Ritchie, -• Kenneth urday., • . •
MacKenzie and Cecil. Blake, wer, • •
returned by acclamation for an-• • •
other terra at Friday's nornina-k SET CHRISTMAS HOURS
tion meeting.' , • • •
The three retiring schaol area . The Business Men's Asseeiation
trustees, Walter Alton, Gordon ' has decided that local stores. Will ;
Finlayson and Marshall Gibson' remain. •:open .all :day Thursday,
again qualified; • although Mr. December 13th and 20th ws
Gibson .preferred' to retire if also decided' that business place's ,
either of the other two nominees, will' be open evenings preceding
Earl - Swan and, ;Robert • Helm, Christmas 'from. December 17th
could have been persuaded to to 24th • • • • •
sign, up.:The other t•Wo 'thember,s ' .
of :the Board are lVfarvin: Durnin:
and. Walter ,.Tigert. ,
the, Tcekriship Hall peeked. to ..the
doors, with Chief interest centred.:
around school affairs both High
and Public.
E. McDonagh was elected
chairrrian 'of the meeting . after
presiding for the ;receiving' of
nominations..as folloWs;. • •
' • For, . ••
Ehriar,. Graham • by Walter
ert and Harold Adams: .
• • .. _• .• •
John 'Bradley by Reuben:Wil-
Son . and; Frank„ Hamilton, •'
For COunclilora •
Cecil by -ten Mole and
Allan:Petrie. •• •
John Bradley by Frank. Harnil-
ton •and Henry MaeKenzie'.
Kenneth Mackenzie by Wilfred
Farrili, and Henry MaCKenzie:. •
•,Andrew ' Ritehie DY n.e s
Campbell and tinier. Alton, •
Howard Barger' by.. Wilfred
Farrish and Marshall•Gibson. •
For Trustees
Walter Alton by. 'Walter 'rrgert
and.• Edgar, DOUgherty:'. ;
Marshall Gibson' by Dint-
nin and Earl:Swan.
Earl Swan by Gordon Barger'
and Howard Barger: ••
Gordon, PinlaySon by Henry
IVfacKenZie • and Prank Hamilton.,
Robert Helm by Wilfred Par.,
rish and -Marshall Gibson, '
Puhb Setoci gate UP 2 Mills
Trasteh , the Sohool Area
Board 'Were heard first with. the
Board chairman, Walter Alton
the main speaker, Mr; Alton re-'
viewei improvernents;, repairs
a renovation Work in Town-
ship schools, which now all have
.1iydre insta• ed. • r„ On s a e
tha'' it, Was: itnpossible for, the
• •
At a meeting of the Lucknow •
Business- Men's Association, on' '
'Monday night, plans Were niade
for Santa's annual visit •on •Satr.
urday, Deeeniber 8th.. • •
ThPre'll be a parade headed by ..
the High School Band, free show's •
'and a treat for the children, Fur-
ther details next week.
• , • 1 • •:
Mr and Mrs.• Thomas .a. And-
erson• ' of • Lucknow celebrated
their'. 49th wedding anniversary '
on Stinday, i\TOvember 27th; when
their' entire fathily silent the ',day
with thern to mark . the • event;•
-and enjriy -alarnily -dinner.
,Mrs.- Anderson was,.formerly
Millie J. Reed, daughter. of ,the • •
late Mi. and' Mrs. Paul • Reed 'of
, Con. 9; Ashfield,' where the mar-
riage• nra§, performed. by Rev, F.
.1: Oaten of Ashfield, Circuit, Mr,
• and Mrs. Anderson ferried in
iAshfield, until. 'retiring to, Luck-
how- Six' 'years ago, where they
ai",e esteeined residents.
MemberS of, the family qtre
Harvey AnderSon of• Dt.mgtmnoh,' •
Mrs. Charles pieree ,Of
Brantford., ;Mrs.,: llarvey Webb •
(Elsie) of West Wawatiosh;
of Laficknow; Mrs. Charles Hod-,
gins'' (Jean) . Of 'Winghem and
Gordon ort the horne fat -111 ht '
Ashfield. There. are 11 %grand -
'children all of when .were Tres-
ent at Suntlay,s gathering ot •
ineryibers• of the immediate faro..
ily circ e,
• ,
• V
. • '