HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-11-22, Page 4ti oma 4 • n • • PAGE Faun STH LT,TCKN OW SENTINEL, ONTARIQ, _ ►1`I4t?RS , •NC?'VE(M$E' R :?nct .1951 •. • • "WANT AD" RATES---lst insertion 2 cents -: a word, .subsequent insertions 1T cent a word. Minimum charge'25 cents. Replies• care of .The ,Sentinel 10 cents extra. Legal . advertising. 10 cents per count •line .first insertion, 5 cents per line subsequent insertions, BABY SITTER AVAILABLE AP-' ply at Sentinel Office. " . .FOR SALE --Coca-Cola cooler,' like new.. Apply at Sentinel Of- f f ice,. FOR. SALE—tw.o coal heaters in good, shape Wm. Brown; phone 164 Lucknow. ``, FOR. SALE --two yearling geld- ings. Apply to .Ray_ Dalton, R. 7, Lucknow,' phone 85-11 Dungan - floe. , ` FOR j SAtE - fur -,lined • coat for • girl 12 or'14 years, good condition, Apply Mrs.Walter 'Lorne in Hen- •derson Apartment. FOR SALE --mean's' skate ;outfit, tubes, size 9.. Apply to Russell Irvin, R. R. .7, Lucknow; phone 6447; : Dungannon • APPLES—for good Spiesoff' a sprayed orchard call: at Andrew's Implement , Shop, Lucknow.. A®p- ples priced ..according' to grade,• • '' FOR SALE= -cement septic tanks, approved ;by the Health Unit. We deliver thhm. Forster's Welding , 'Shop, phone- • 206-r-1 1, Lucknow. SKATES. FOR SALE Lady's white tubes, size 7, boy's, size 5, both in; Al .condition. 'Apply ` to Mary MacMillan; phone 27-3 Rip-' ley. FARM FOR.SALE 100 acres; - Lot 27, Con. 2,:,'West --W wanosh,, good.. buildings,' hydro, telephone, 1% , miles north. a Auburn. J.. Aitchison, R. 2, Auburn; " LOST—a black ' Spaniel, ."Tank-: er". Strayed from' home 'on Fri- day, ; Anyone knowing of her whereabouts ; please phone Fraser Ashton, 894, •,Lucknow: •LIVESTOCK WANTED :' .or FREE THERMOMETER = Plus cash at ,your farm for dead "or disabled horses: or cows.' Phone collect Wingham 561-.: William Stone Sons, Limited.. : . FOR SALE Hammer mills, Letz feed grind- ers, New Idea spreaders, Mow- ers, side' rakes, ..etc.,, 'new and __used :tractors and : equipment, milking machines, cream . separa- ters,Gibson__refragerators, deep freezers, electric stoves arid Wash- ers. NEW IDEA DISTRIBUTOR • Gode> ich, Ontario. Y Phone Carlow. 2821 NOTICE TO RED .CROSS' WORKERS The Red Cross Workroom in. . the Town Hall will re -open next _Tuesday, November 27th,. at • 2.00 p.m., and will be in operation. weekly thereafter Volunteer .workers are . urgently needed at the 'workroom and in the homes. PERSONAL SKINNY MEN, WOMEN! Gain 55 to ' 15 •lbs. Newpep, tqo. Try far. ous Ostrex Tonle ' Tablets for double results; . new 'healthy flesh; new ' vigor.. " New "get acquainted" size ;only: 60c. • AIL • druggists..: AUCTION SALE of cattle and implernents at EH 'Lot .29, Con. 12, .East Wawanosh, on, Tuesday, November ` 27th :at ,1.00 p.m. See `bi11s.. Farm offered subject 'to re-, • serve bid. .James J±;alconer, 'Prop.; ' Emile Maclennan,Auc. ARTIFICIAL •, SERVICE at re- • ' duced rates' • from the licensed growing Co-operative • association from Holstein, Jersey, Ayrshire, Guernsey, Hereford,;" .Beef . and Dual Purpose Shorthorns. Bulls of top quality. Life membership $25.00, members $5.00 •per cow, non-members $6.00 • per cow. Waterloo Cattle Breeding Assoc- • iation, R.R. No. 1; 'Waterloo For • service' contact Len L. Fischer, Mildmay; "phone 60-r ,11 -before , 1000' " a m... DE4D AND LIVE ANIMALS: Prompt pick-up of cattle, horses,' pigs and sheep at prevailing prices: Live horsesfit for .animal food picked up at your farm, averaging $35.00. C. Brubacher, R.R. ' 4, Wingham, 'phone 608=w-1 PROPERTIES FOR SALE GOING ,-VENT S AT HOME AT ST. 'HELENS ,, prograrmne and danC in St. Helen's Community Hall under 'W. I. auspices, Friday, November •23rd at 8.30,,Ladies please bring lunch.. Silver collection. Every- body welcome... , • AFTERNOON TEA & BAZAAR Sale of homemade baking,sew- ing and print quilt under aus- pices. of the W. A. of Blake's Church in the Auxiliary Rooms', Lucknow, en Saturday, December lst at 2.00 p -m .Afternoon tea. AFTERNOON TEA & BAZAAR' You are invited to attend the bazaar and baking • sale at. . the .. Auxiliary Rooms; Lucknow, ,Sat urday. ;afternoon, )Toverr. ber. 24Th 100 acres, . modern dwelling, good barn, 11 ;acres .,bush, •hydro, 15 .acres• permanent pasture; in Lucknow9distr.ict. $12,00Q. 100 acres, inoclern dwelling, berm", driveshed and pig, pen, hy- dro,:.natural drainage,possession in . the •Spring; $8,000, in Luck - pow area. •• ' .250 acres on 86 HighWay, mod ern dwelling, good farm•, $P,080,terms," '100' acres near, Teeswater,. • by-" dxo rsuilo;, .11en . house, pig •pen; Modern, dwelling,• 6 acres good bush,, $11,000:. . .100 acres near Tees'water, frame dwelling, fair b.arn, silo, •'.8 acres fall wheat, some bush, , $6,000. 150 .acres, hydro,barn painted, brick dwelling, some bush,. fine: farm, $19,000..' ; • Truoki'zg business, 194 7. 'Mery truck with P:C "V ., 25 acres land on highway near Walton, $7;500. 100 acres, good barn and 'fine farm, on highway, $8,00.0; terms. Property ori corner of Ross and Willoughby St., Lucknow, Abrick b(iilding, with 1st ' floor Store_ space • and ?Trooln ; moder. n apart orient • :. . Two general stores, 3 hotels, implement business and many dwellings. :.. • , W. C: Oke, Realestate; Broker •' ,K Seaforth, Ontario E. "Thom:i i n, Salesman , Phone •:505, ' ingham, Ontario 'or. phone Brussels 83x:• • `NOTICE CLERK'S 'NOTICE OF FIRST POSTING VOTERS' LIST Voters' Lists, 1951, Municipality of the Village of jeucknow in the County of Bruce. - Notice a is hereby given, that I have complied. with Section 9 of the . Voters' ' Lists Act and :I have posted up 'at my Office at Luck - now on fhe 10th day of Nevem, ter, A.D..__.195r, the list of all persons tovote in the said' Mun- icipality uricipality for • members of Pari- iam.eit ,and at 'the .1VIdnicipal E1- %ections and that :such list retrains' therefor inspection. And -1 hereby, call fir` -all Voters .''to take .imnmediate pro- ceedings' to leave any 'errors or omissions .corrected according to law, the last day for appeal be- ing-the e-ing,the 24th da r„ of November, A.D. 1951.. k .. Dated.. at .I ucknow, Ontario, this' 10th ,day. of November; A.D., 1951. • • JOSEPH. AG -NEW, IN MEMORIAM 'LEE In. loving memory of a dear ' daughter. and sister, Mar garet (Peggy) ; Lee, who, passed away'one year ago, November 26, 195Q. This day We do remember, A loving thought we give, TO'one n� longer with us, But in our hearts .still lives. --Lovingly `remembered by ,her. Mother, Sisters ,and Brothers. CARD' 'OF THANKS • ' 1VIr. " and Mrrs. Harold.. Stanley ,and. CaroLwish to most sincerely. thank all this who , so kindly.,and thoughtfully remembered' Caro], in • many' ways while • in the hos- ;'petal. • ' For the. kindness .,shown their mother while in the hospital, and • for the kind acts and exppressions` of sympathy extended them in their bereavement, the family of the late Mrs. James Alton .wish ' to express their heartfelt thanks' and. appreciation. T' • at 2.30 p.m. Quilts, aprons,' all kinds of honennade baking, and. .good used clothing. Sponsored iby the Women's Association of the Whitechurch United • Church. United Church W 111 S.. . The': November meeting of the United' Church W,M.S. was held at. the home . of Mrs Mumford.: Plans Were made to entertain the members of the Baby Band with their mothers..' Mrs. . Mumford•, gave an interesting account of. Horne Mission: work .from New- foundland to the ' .'Pacific coast, as described in the . study book;.. "From Lakes to Northern, Lights". Musical numbers by Mrs. Q. Montgomery and., Mrs. 'O. Jones and• Mrs. Harvey Webster come pleted :the program. During the, socval holur after the , meeting,. birthday greetings were extended t0 Miss: Hazel Web$ter. • t)I.I'VET Mr-s.:T_ohr _ Colling wase hostess to :the Olivet W.M.S ' on.Tuesday evening. There was •a large: at tendance, many visitors being Present. " Mrs. • J MacThvish pre- sided for the business period - 'Boxes of home-made candy were sent to the veterans in hospital in Toronto. Mrs. J..,Colling • and' herr :group: had charge of the pro gram., Mrs. • J. Coiling read .. an article on'the theme ``Church and Natiens". Readings were also giv- en by Mrs. E. Osborne and: Mrs.• ' Henry: Thee scripture lesson. was read by Mrs.: J.' MacTavish. The ';guest speaker for 'the even- ing was Mrs.. Allan MacAuley of Ripley, who chose as her topic "Prayer, Praise and Power". Miss • Mary • Stinson gave a poen . she had ,composed herself. Mrs.. Jas: . MaeTavish fayored 'with a solo.' '1 The closing. remarks' were .given by : 1VIrs. AIe�LLacTaNish after which . lunch'' Was served' •'by the hostess. and her. group...". • Mr. and Mrs. Callufn. Cameron and -Carol "of: Detroit•were visitors•. With Mr. 'sand :Mrs:. John,'Camer On .oyer the week=end. , Mr and Mrs. James Walker of Teeswater visited on. Friday --with -- Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Thong and' Mr. i and Mrs. W. A. Miller. Mr, Wm. A: Humphrey ' is. a; patient lithe' Wingham Hospital the result of an "accident. on .. ed.nesday morning . Mr. Hum phrey was assisting Ronald Mc -1 •Crostie put e load of corn • into the• ,Rutherford barn. 'He •was. driving the •team and evidently one of the horses stepped on . a board which flew up striking. Mr. Humphrey on the leg, breaking both bones ,.above: theankle,• The rnembers of the W.A,_ of the -United Church held a `very successful tea and bazaar, in the Lucknow Auxiliary Room's on Saturday ,afternoon Total re- ,'CARD -.OP THANKS Mrs. Richard 'MeQuillin a n d family, wish to express their sin- cere gratitude to: 'friends and neighbors who Were., so kind, thoughtful and sympathetic; at the time :of their bereavement. Mrs John' MacLeod wishea to sincerely'thank all those,;wh'o so thoughtfully remenrrbered • h e r with flowers,, fruit, candy and cards while in. the hospital.'I'hese:. jnd acts were in appy date . ceipts. amounted. to over $90 with Over $20 tieing realized from the tea. Miss: Sybil Courtice of Clinton. who., has returned from ` Japan 'where she Spent many years as a missionary, was guest speaker at the annual Thankoffering of the W.M.S.. held on .Sunday' morning.. Owing . to. the wintry weather the attendance was small, but those who were present enjoyed her first-hand story. " Miss Courtice who; was interned in Japan for a les: are •asked to 'bring lunch. • year during the 'waP,:.Spoke par„ titularly •of her .work after ,her: return in 1946, when she said the Christian in Japan Was waiting' with outstretched arms; .to. wel come the missiortaries.' Plan 4t'o attend the social even, ing under auspices of the Wo,: men's Institute in the . Commun- ity Hall on Friday evening, Short. progr(arn, , followed by ' dancing. Everyone is invited and • • help . make the evening a success, Lad, • ,.."OmOrli@ '09.c. z Dm. rim ,- .c cn. • 70;w -1 %4 m p' rnbNrn O2 .0' D Z<N0.0.' N :D D Z 00vrn�D' 'Timt.z -110 ,yc CD 7 c:D•P73(P73 411 0-:mmp. O.Z � ,Z1/1—.,>6) 700. az p_r•o.= ; r_ro, mmiq zco rrzi rrX1 )7.:inmc.; •• 3 111 m �.p'Z' D Z'Oco0-1 M. z .• 'U GN•3'1.100 13 mz '1-. ,0 jt Ozvo `G i