HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-11-15, Page 6I• •
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Liberal Trade:AIn Allowance
Several Good Uaed ' Pianos On
Distributor In. This District. For
W I'1'EduuRG�R, .ONT.
'Phone 771J1, Winghanz•.
Winners at the 'prize draw in
eonfectior"•with 'the Kingsbridge
fowl supper, at.. which more than
400 people were served, were, as
follows: mixntiaster, . Pat O'Neill,;
Kintail;; silverware, 'Melina .Lan-
non, .Goderich;breakfast set,
Grant Fairish,Ashfield.
R •
.. .
YoU'• EXPECT thenen and womenin. '
your local, bank to be skilled, courteous,
interested- in- thei ::wook and-.:in.youu :.
They are, Because they find satisfaction
in meeting the standard of banking you
require, rendering the :variety. of services
you expect in a chartered. bank.
And there is always the drive of
competition. Manager, accountant, teller,
junior they all know that if you are'„
not satisfied at
your present bankyou
will •go to another.
You can count on -alert and friendly
service from the ,men and ,women
who look after your banking needs: '
One of ct•bank
b y y
"our 11410'k"
1 a `
Mrs and Mrs. Earl Kimball ,and
the latteer's mother, 'Mrs.. Millner
of London was- in the village on
Saturday. Miss -Mary Jane Robb
returned .home after spending.
two weeks with them,,
Mr, and Mrs. Ben. Comfort,St.
Catherines, spent ,a few days, at
the week end with . the latter's
brothers, Harold an` d Cecil 131ake
Mrs. Thompson Edmunds has
returned to her home .in: Seattle,
Wash;, after visiting for: the sum-
mer with her sister, :Mrs. Nellie:
St Paul's AnglicanGuild Spon,
cored one of a series of ,euchre
parties list Wednesday night' in
the Parish Hall, Highest • scores.
Were obtained by ',Mrs. ,H. ,'J, L.
Eedy ' and , Mr; 'Chas. Rivett and,
consolation prizes went to Miss
Lillian Stewart and Mr. Earl
ett. The, ladies served . a, very, nice
lunch. at the •.Close . of the even
Mr. 'Wm. . J Ross is gradually
recovering at, his home after ` a
bad seige of pneumonia, and sinus.
trouble that sent him as. a • pat
fent to. Wingharn, hospital
To: Spend Winter ,California,
Mrs. J. Hamilton Inas closed • her
:home for the winter and after vis
`iting for a short time .with her
daughters, Mrs. David•McDiarmid�
t J � a h Luck
ra f"
Toronto, she will travel by plane
to, Long Beach, 'California, where -
she. will ; spent • the . Winter ...with,
relatives, She, will be accon pan- ,
ied . by. her daughter .Miss 'Gene-
wive 'Hamilton, Royal Bank em-.'
pIoyee, Toronto, who will holiday
for :a' month:
Mr •"jack Gilmore, employed. on
the railroad'cat Belmont, spent the
'week -end 'around the village. He
-was also' :planning to;,' meet, his:
brother, Pat Gilmore, 'Listowel,
who is in the.army„arid• is on em=
barkation. leave.
• Mrs. ,Rebecca yCaldwell, who
has been assisting the family of
Mr, :Ed Baker; Lucknowreturned.
to her hothe -on Sunday,' and was
not feeling very .well, '
Miss ,Ada` Webster, teacher at
Crewe,• • who is making. her .home.
with Mrs. S.-1. Kilpatrick 'in the
. ' village and faking the school' bus
daily, spent the week -enol at . the
family ;home in 'Lucknow.
Mrs. Ellen .S,hackieton.•is spend-
ing: a while . with her dau'ghher=in-
• law, Mrs. M.Shackleton.' •
Leaving For Germany a
On'• Tuesday evening of, .this,
week' friends gathered at the . ag-
ricultural ” . hall for a farewell
r 4party and.' dance ;for Private Bill
Park, son of Mr., and Mrs, : Tam
Park, 'who ' is. ' on embarkation
:leave • and . Will .. shortly sail. to
West Gerrillany - , after- - training
since spring at damp ..Borden.
Junior Clubs Held Banquet
. Colwanash Junior Farm Club
and -Junior Institute members and
friends 'numbering over • 100• 'en. ;- •
joyed a 'banquet. at. the' Dungan-
.ntrin. United Church on 'Thursday
evening, where the ladies of •the
cureh catered for a turkey din-
ner. Afitersinging the National
anthem,- Rev.; George Watt, pas
tor' of the church, proposed the.
toastto the King and led in sing-
ing the.• table blessing. Mrs. Geo;.
Turton, president of the Junior
Farmers. introduced' speakers and
Miss Joan Clark, president of the
Junior • Instituter ',proposed. the
toast to the Cubs. Mr..Ken Petrie,
past" president of the. Boys. Club,:
gave atoast to, the parents and
.thanked all those who helped to
make the Club a success. After
the dinner Gr'eoge Turton intro•=
duced those seated' at the head
table, who were Rev. Geo, Watt,
and Mrs: Watt, Albert' Durst,. Joan'
.Clark; Mr. and Mrs..,Harry Doti-
.gall, Exeter, 1Vfarina Petrie, Reeve.
liner Graham, and Mrs. Graham.
of Ashfield; Reeve' Stanley Sty-
de' and Mrs Snyder of Colborne;
John Butler, assistant agrmcultir
al representative and John. Hove
;rig, R.C.A,F., a Cliriton,+ Miss • Bar-;
tiara Wilson. and Mr, l er jlVicA1.
lister. The dinner guests repaired
to the auditoriurn where an
teresti g filen "The Books March
Ori" showing the County, Library
of Huron and. its history and. also '.
scenes b'f• local interest on:farms
sand in towns; Rev,.• Watt 'gal e a
short address • of welcome.. Mr.
Harry Dougall, county president,
brought greetingsfrom, ,the noun
ty of Huron Junior Farm Clubs
and Mr. John Butler .asked, that
each club send ih suggestionsand
have a little initiative .arnd,all as
sistance would be given to. help
develop their project. Mrs, Dur-
nin Phillips . accompanied at the
fano and.Mrs. Allan Reed and
Juan 'Clarlvttled -t community
singing. Mr. Ken McAllister and
Miss Barbara Wilson favored with
two piano duets. Reeves 'Snyder
and Graham in short speeches ex-
tended best wishes for growth
and, prosperity. , The film "The
Invasion.: of Normandy" was also.
Sh-own, by projectionist' -John Hav-
ing, R.C.A.F., Clinton, recently of
Weyburn, Sask... •
Mrs: Emily Durnin., has taken.
a short 'course at‘Clinton• in Jun-:
for Institute; "project" ,club work
and will be local leader in this
district. Girls 12-26 years of ..age
T ITJ'RS., NOVEMBER 1101, 1951'
are eligible. Mrs. Everett Erring
ton is, assistant leader:; The lead,
ers would like to get gig course
of eight lessons begun soon, The
project this time is "Accessories
for the Club O.irl's Bedroom. '
The Paramount Women's Insti-
tute will hold their monthly.
meeting at the home of Mrs. Rob,
err:Reid 'on' November 22nd, in ,
the form of -a social afternoon
Ladies are Tasked to 'bring lunch,
Mr. and Mxs. R. Needham. of
Ripley visited with Mr;, and.Mrs.
James. Hamilton.
SRO now serves 543;285 rural custadners--
more -than -double tbe 156,0.0.0_ served_aube
end of the,war-=bring:ngelectilcity and a better
way of living to_an;'additional; 157,285 Ontario.
farm,hamlet and village customers.
At the end of the war there were 21,569 ';miles of
rural linesbringing elecuicity to the rural areas of
Ontario. By September, 1the miles of line had
increased x'37;239: During this -period the horse-
power demand in the rural."areas showed a remark -
'able .:increase. The demand at war's'' end was
132,551 horsepower. ' By 14950 it lead more than
doubled to a total of 314,681 horsepower.
On the farm, Hydro Mower is a low-cost hired man
helping to produce more at areduced 'cost. -In the
home it .makes possible tlie use of modern elec.
trical .appliances ;which lighten work, save time,
and .make life easier, for .all. Yes, the coming of
*.Hydro : to the far m provides a better way of ' Life for •
thousands • of • people in " 'the ' "rural ,_ areas of .'
the Province.
ret Us :All Remember Nydro Is Ours:.
`W� ; Sk6uld Ute It ,WiseIy