HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-11-15, Page 2•
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•• ',ARM 'T,I#Q,
,Dnngannon United'Church
• • on Wedneiday, November 14th at
• One o'clock, the jmarriage was
• solemnized of MOOIsabella
• coagrani„ eider daughter, of M.
•auld IVirs, Gordon. Congram, Con.
4, Ashfield, and William Lorne
.Hasty, younger son, 'of Mr. Wm,
Hasty an4.. the late , Mrs. Irene
Maize. Hasty,. Rev. George Watt
performed the ceremony.
• The bride wore aflopr length
gown of white chantilly' lace;
,'with • matching •Juliet cap and
:lingertip veil, and carried •a, bou-
• quet of red roses, Mrs. Clifford
.CrOzier, cousin of the' groom was,
• bridesmaid in a took length gown
4.• ofnavy blue, nylon With matching
Juliet cap and inittens„ and cal -7.
lied' carnations. The -groom was
.,_ottended by 'Clifford .Crozier.
• After the ceremony the bridal
party Was entertained •at .the
• me 'a the . ;bride's aunt, Mrs.
zabeth COngrarn of LuCknoW.
Mr: ,;and• Mr. Hasty left' later
on a wedding. trip to Eastern
points and the United States', The
bride's going away coSturne was
.o,cherry.wine velvet dress, black
'‘,Terveilhat; bracic seral coat _and
Matching accessories.
,MM4K3= Watnilirriarm
THuRs,, NOVEMJAM 1951,
• : There , is .one,vray in which the
lit "menace'. Of the drinktraffic can
be overcoine, Let all church
bers acknowjedge • that ,drinking
• is• inconsistent with. their, posi-
• tiOn as, members of the christain
„church: Let them act accOrdingly,„
It' requires nothing More . than:
this,..that all .the membership of.
the church take a- firm: Stand
I:against alcoholic : beverages.. and
• • the inroads of the'liquor qraffie
will be checked. The temperance
Cause: has a right to opeet the
support ofevery church 'Member.
Drinking . and Arunkednesi are
not part of the 'chi -lotion, way of
life. Church niernbershiP does de-
• mand certain .standardt of eon-
dict.—Advt. • ;
g •
1.4 .2 ,•
4 ;
, •
t #
4 tY•
' ; •
. •
There passed away in the Notre
Dame Hospital; North BittlefOrcl,
Saskatliewan, Thomas Guest, fol -
liming tan illness of two years.
He Wa.S 86 years of age, eldest
son of the' late 'Robert arad Eliz-
abeth Guest •, • •
• :He • was born Kinlos5.-Town-
ship •in September •10, 1885 and
• The death ofoRichard
lin, a lifelong resident of the
community, occurred on 'Saturday
85th year. The funeral ser-
vice was cl
conu.cted privately ,on
Tuesday at the home of his son,
Herb McQuillin, .by Rev. S.
In,terment was in Green-
hill Cemetery.
in 1899 he married Clara Col- WM. CAESAR LAIDTO
well. In 1906 Mr. and. Mrs. Quest
went to Denholtn. and homestead=•
, •
ed'and: 1911 -moved to whit_ The; funeral service fOr the late'
kow• where they lived until heWillicaesar Asb”:
retired in 1945. field, .whO died in his 63rd year
• He surviVed'by.hiS wife. and after a lengt illness, was' held
O' son at 'Hournernouth, Sasicatoli- St .1:14.01's • Anglican Church,
Dtm.gann°n.on 744ese'llaY
v.v.an, a daughter, Mrs. Allan ,E,v=; 'lagt.
erett Of PentiCton and &son:Lynn "week, conciliated by: Rev. A. S!
and a brOther,Robert at bail -with,' mitchell•
• • The pallbearers ' were William
'JOHN NESTOR THOMPSON Reed, •Ben Mole, William Petrie,
. John Nestor Thompson died at Harvey Treleaven,: Wilfred Pent -
his hilolinneessii.i.His indsris
Rlicexafit,draploisnigtieorn- land and ' Parldle Wiggins. The.
flower -bearers_ were- John.. Reed,
and friendliness madehirmany Robert Mole, Allan Petrie, Har-.
fr,l,aer113;3Tras,hrtif z
omor:and was rn
his loss oH,e old .Errington, James Brringtori,
Everett Errington, William'Wig-
on a farmon the 4th concession,a Those
Jiving there till about 15 years . .
attending from distance inclUd-
. . 'gins and K KDawson
Navghoetre_liwheen_rehseidanictvte4dultdiiIi,:diepaltehy: ed J. A. Caesar, Akron; Ohio and
daughter; Mrs. James Ashworth,
His funeral which was from his 'CuYahogaFalis:i-{Thi°;'Mvs- Har'-'
1,...psidence, was largely ,atterided; ry • Ryan, St: • Marys; Mrs.. Wm..
and cond.tacted by the Rev. Victor ggiott.New Liskeard; and others'
Mr. jeans. • He. Was a- meniber boyElGroorndericWhi.;11gbrn' 1-Iiiic.n"r'; and
TYler of Stratford; osisted.
the Church. of Christ and in. his
quiet WaY 'lived his religion.. Miss
Jean .Marie MacKay also assisted
with' a lovely. Solo, "We say good
right here but good morning. up
The, floral tributes were love- I formerly Nellie: Stewart of 'Bet-
ik. Tiienty-Seven Years agO,l, helinbyill,aer sttelic,tanas!.s.:w.sUirlIiv:Pdrg°}0lYf
was niaried•to Diitoth ' Houton of
1-41c4&111-0*,* Who r'as his faithful !anti. iller, ' . , ; . : ,. -
attendant ;and is left to 111P1.1111
his loss, together with three clan-.
ch.iel*._ivrary (wErs: .Joseph_Efucti: atchari and two brothers, At7.
der) :of Ripley; Irene (1Viri>.Daii- hie of 18-1;nSs&ls.
nie Bender) of Toronto and Mar- the farm prand James. on
, 'edeceaied hirr.: The
Pallbearers were' his . old. neigh -
gal -et Ann at home Also One. sis-
bora ' and friends on the 4th' con.;
ter, •Mrs. George, Thompson and
cession, Bert Breckenridge,. Al-
Me41.6Pe,ssOioalndloThf :uomurP.40±170noneil.isehist4pti,
:bell Harrington, Richard Martin,
Angus McKay, . Ross Black and
Neil ' Black. : Interment was in
Ripley ':Cemetery. ' ' ' •
FerTgbuesOlnu,71sraonl .00lf thAelbejarite 'JailiciliViesill
and Mary Woods Ferguson, who
died Friday night at his home,
Con. 6, 'West WaW..anOsh, was. held
Monday afternoon: He was in his,
7lot year. One of. a fanilly-Of 11,
he is survived by •three brothres,,
John G., .Robert, and Isaac,' and a
sister,. Miss Martha, at home. The
private ' duneral service was in
charge,' -Of, . Rev.. George , Watt of.
Dungannon trailed Church .The '
— :pallbearers—were—Brown-Smythei.—
Wm., Cranston, Gordon &nythe,
John: Flanagan, Isaac, Ferguson
and Wallace .Wilson, Burial wasS
in Dungannon cemetery.. • '.
Mrs., Caesar received word the
following day that her: sister -in -
laW, .Mrs. Nellie Ryan' of New
York City, had ;died. very odd-
denly. She had •.s'ent flowers for
Mr. Caesar's 'funeral., :She . Was,
I• !"•,..
.••••• ..•
o t e
Mrs. Roger.,. MacIntoSh :Sask-
," • g . • , . •
ran ac ennan
'Phone • Collect, Dungannon 68-r-4'.
CEO'', GARDNER. ••°.
• A severe heart attack brought
death with. shocking .suddenness
• early' last Wdnesday' evening ttr.
Cecil .Gardner, 37 -year-old Zion
district ,farmer, and a popular
young man: in the commimity..
Cecil. had attended the Girl
Guide card party in LticknoW'on
• Tuesday ' evening and remarked
about a painAutgakre itno fr-
ther though. On Wedesday. he
attended the Community Sale, in
tqwn, and while there the.seizure
'beCarne so • acute that he. 'was
takento the Doctor's office where
he literally collapsed upn, lar.
rival. ".
Cecil was later rushed bYarit;.;
• bulance to Wirigham Hospital, but
J'passed away,a0 he readhed there.
• A son of Ernest Gardner,and
the late Mrs. dardner, Cecil was
born at Zion on,. September
1914, and upon Completing school
continued to ;:operate the home
farfn On. COrkeSSiOri 12, Ashfield
•He Was' a member of Ziop Un-
ited Church and of the Orange
Lodge in which he had received
all the degrees. A large. turnout
of felloW` members of the ,Order
•attended the funeral Saturday af
ternoon to" confer; thelast rites'
under the direction of Bert Al-
ton,' Master of theLodge, assist-
edbY Al Irwin, depilty master
arid E. A. Hackett, chaplain',
yemains rested. in Macen-
Northern Piletfied-Woodpeker)----
• The Oileated Woodpecker is a
•Startling bird. So spectacular is his , •
appearance that •he is often a
target for guns in the hands of
thoughtless people. ' ••. •
An extremely valuable bird, the
• Pileated • should .be protected. He
• destroys millionsof' wood insects and
• provides nesting sites for ree dwelling,
Get to know wildlife. You'll find a Whole
new world of interest —and you'll want to
• 'conserve our natural. scene.
Nature. Unspoiled
Yoprirto ProfeC—Yori to Enjoy
• .
• '
. • .
4 .•
• • •
r •
g .
W r
. ••
• : •• •,
On November 22nd. an election will be held
which will determine who will serve ourProvince.
for the next five years
1 have been nominated as the candidate for
the Progressive Conervatives,under the leader- 1
ship of Premier Leslie Frot.' •
By Your support 1 was elected as your reP.
---resentative-in-theelectionsirhiCh_w.ere_held in 1_1_
I .
1943, 1945 and 1948. 1 solicit a continuance of :1.
your support so that 1 may contiOe my rirogres-. I.
sive programme' for Huron -Bruce. I feel that I
have, been in someway responsible , for Huron- a .
BruCesecuring - many miles of pa ,red highway, -1
help for Community Halls, !midges,' rural hydro,•.1
grants for hospitals and pensions forthe needy. .•. I ,
•If reelected 'I proinigie ,to continue to Work ,a
faithfully' for al/ regardless' of their -Party afflia'
. •
• , • , '
e, ••
Your obedient ;servant,
• • .
afrtila - •
, •
I :t4
POLLS OPEN NOVEMBER 22, 8 a:m. to 7' Paul. •
.0)050404r014m•olimuivos40"4•404mottmoomw0milittem,4* mmieilionammo.lowYdonami' mom. rimioamonam,oliesomil,, 0.44
nan and MacKenzie new rernor-
ial, chapel where hundreds Of
friends •and neighbors attended to
extend their sympathy to the be-
reaved, and which was overtaxed
by the gathering vvhich attended
the Saturday aftern000 service
conducted by Rev. 'C: 13. Woolley,
. Cecil is survived by his sr -
rowing widow, formerly Anniel
Quaid of Port Albert; bytwo
yoting sons, Kenneth age 6, ' and
• Donald age 4; by his iling, fath-
er Erjiest '64dner' his brother
Jim of Lucknow and his sitet,
. °f''•
In.term ent ' was in Greenhill
Cemetery with Six cousin's act-
ing .,as pallearers, Roy 01b.On,
Sidney 'Gardner, Gordon. $auhd
lersh'hiorne*Garci,aklaerdr'neKieiti , 11itic
edHarold )
Sincere, sympathy goes cut frar1
the entire comMunity to the
ey9riottnagnavifidbrow'oth'iae.. nid /fa tri ilyin thir, •
loss ',f, a ,deaf husband fther,