HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-11-15, Page 11:95t
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On Eriday of next, week, No.-
vernber 23rd+ nomination meet
ins will Ibe held in the adjoin-
h, n-
ing municipalities of Ashfield,
Kinloss and West Wawanosh.
Townships These, meetings fall
the .day after the provincial el-
ection, ,,: •
In each: ease ' nominations:. for
.treeve and Councillors ' are receiv-
ed and in":Ashfield and West Wa-'
vivanosh, where municipal sc ool
area boards, operate,, . the nomin-
ations .apply to 'school trustees
These x om mations • are.receiv-
ed. for one hour from one to' two
o'clock, followed by ratepayers'
meetings, when theaffairs of the
municipality are discussed.
Kinloss Board Had ,One Year
The present Kinloss Couneil.
was elected +a 'yearago; and is
-completing its ' first term .under
-Reeve David H. Carruthers, . who
was . elected by •' .acclamation a
: ' ,ear . ago, ' succeeding retiring
-reeve George. Tiffin::' Dave••had'
ban'. , years' Council•. experience:
But, . while giving their .reeve an
+acclamation., 'Kinloss ,:ratepayers
went to the :polis to elect their;
fear et:amaill;ors, ...Harold Percy,
A. Murray, Farish ; Moffat and it
DTIVIcKinnon. � . • s annual Christmas; ��eals cam,:ain T. ;paign the end of this week,';again
An: extensive'°drainage program Y
.. appealing :for=caxtnued•;,support
arid n, s�izea+ble tv ►nshi;p; deficit ofh1
,, this very `important � project--
have. •been natters that have es
Eradication: of Tuberculosis. �• • .
pecially engaged:the attention of ' The local
committee is . headed
the :Boardthis year.: b " C. L. Smith of', the Bank` of.
One might .guess . that °there. Mo n
. �• ntreal: J:• E. Ranniiste'r, of the
=won''t:'be ;anything• doing—in ,K�nr-� gonk staff is• treasurer: and Mrs
loss .come nomination day. C. ' L... Smith is secretary.These
OVEMBER 15th, 1951•.
TR�si��`� .�.
t u.r ant -Brute
:;::::: Failure of the C;,C':F. to enter
ra. �u , on -Bruce rid- :..:........:.
'makes ,:•:
e it ri
•s a h
g. ka t two-party
race between, ,John Har na of
Wingham, Progressive Conserva='
tive . candidate, and'Elmer J;; Faro;
.rish of Gerrie. and formerly of
Ashfield; as -the Liberal standard
bearer.. '
-.It has, been a clean and ` quiet
campaign: in• this riding, but with:
both candidates' working hard in
+an .effort to get over as much. of.
the. territory as possible ixr, the
tshort time •fbr campaigning.
The Lucknow'end. District Tubi.
•erculoss Association• will' launch'
School' Looms In .Ashfield.,:: • officers have been busy for some
The present . Ash f ield Board .
P tirrie preparing . the stamps and
was elected by rnacclamation;a year' ,letters for mailing to, Lucknow
ago.- Reeve Elmer 'Graham, a and District residents. Donations
memrnber of council.' ,for 5 . years, may be; : sent, by 'return self -ad
• succeeded,.: ret'u it g reeve .Cecil dressed lerntter, : or may be left
Johnston, and currently. the'vva- personally ; at the Bank.
den' of 'Huron.; Township. This district. his achieved Dorsi=
John•• Bradley, Andrew Ritchie
• and Kenneth' MacKenzie were re-
• urne c la' tio �as coun-
t dbyac,raa n u
cillors and •Cecil Blake filled the
vacancy • caused . by Mr. Graham
stepping up til the reeveship.
Al the northern portion of.Ash-
field; in ' particular., the _Nigh
School District' question: is much
' to the fore, and :will no.doubt
be discussed at the nomination
Meeting: . ,'•
The three retiring public school
trustees,,l eligible; �• for re-election
•:. are, Walter Alton, Marshall Gib-
son and ; Gordon Finlayson. Mar-.
vin ' Durnin and Walter '• Tigert
hold office . for . another year..
Reeve .Finziigatn To Retire
In *eat Watwariosh • it is.a for-
gone cone lusirnona that Reeve . Ev-
{ erett Finn�igtan will announce his
retirement, due to his appoint-
ment es Bruce County assessors
Reeve Finnigan;is;..coxnpleting
his fourth year.. as West Wawa
bosh reeve,' and ;throughout his
term • in office, municipal affairs
Seem to have run quite. smoothly.
and quietly.
Council' members are Harold
Gaunt,•'John Durnin, Ben John-
ston sand Gorden Struthers.. Who
• Mr. Finnigan's successor will; be
,will be ,w.atched with interest.
the retiring _in ;pool area
:... three retire g ,
• trustees arq Jim Curran,, , Harvey
Anderson and Ted 1Vtiils .A11 ore'
• eligible for. re-election. The other
two tnem.bers 'of the Board,. who
hold office for another year,••;+are
Wallace..1Vlilles+ Mand Wm. Web-
ster'. '. ,
• Donald MacLean of town • has
`been a patient in Wingham Hos-
'pita for More than 'two 'weeks ,
since suffering .a . •aback injury • iii.
a fall : froin an apple tree at
Douglas Gnaharn's orchard. Mr. i
McLean .has been pit in a cast.
He: . a._,-
Was assisting in picking alj‘
'Plea at to Grahams Pani' .was about otome +dh.wn i with +hi_s lett bas-
ket of the day when he received
• the :fall, dropping a distance of
10 or 12 'teen
inion -wide' distinction 'in the ,past
for its per capita support. 'of' this
o'. cf an n doubtthere: will
pz: ae do o daub
again be .a generous and instant
The winner will, -be decided
next Thursday, November 22nd,
'With the polls' ' open from '8 a,rri:
to ;7 •pm... .
There are a total of 271. car di-
dates contesting the 90 seats in
the .• Provincial Legislature.• The
-Progressive Conservatives. have
90'. candidates' in. .the field; • The
Liberals. are represented in ' 80
,ridings with' Liberal -Labor candi-
dates . in the other two. constitu-
Enies, ` The C;C.F,, which' formed
they opposition party in the' last
Parli�arnent, have..77' candidates.
in the fight, • .
The last provincial election was
in• June: of 1948; when Mr: Hanna
defeated Hugh >~•ill in ;a two-party
.Contest by 278 votes. :
It:' i"s,• Mr. Hanna's 'fourth. elec-
tion �in 'little • more thaneighat.
years A ' review of those votes
will be interesting:
The 33rd .anniversary of the
signing of the 'Armistice of World
a I, was fittingly observed ori. -
Sunday. , with, a service of corti.
mernoration and of'" tribute to "•`
these who paid the supreme sac-
rifice in two wars,
This annual~ '
emeni!br!ance Day
service, sponsored by the' Lucia.;.'.
now Branch of the Canadian Leg-'
ion, was :held. in St.' Reter's Ang-
lican Church, •followed by al ser-
vice at the Cenotaph:
The p&rade, over'one hundred
strong, was headed by the Luck-:
now . District High i School 'Band,
and included members. of: the
Legion, the : Ladies Auxiliary,
High' School, Cadets,.Boy Scouts,-
couts,-Cubs -and': Girl Guides. Parade
Marshall ` was Clarence Greer:
The :Scouts,' ..Cubs and Guides •:.
were in barge of Stuart Collyer,`.
Floyd Wilson,, Eimer-Umbach,
Mrs. A.' E. McKim • encl.! :Miss
Gladys' Gibson.
• The service; at .St: Peter's coin--
menced at 10.55, with the rector
receiving the flags, :.prior 'to• the'
H 1'NTEFS INVADE observance of the .two -minute sil•-
Bruce, Grey and. Simcoe Coun-
ties, where open deer; seasons pre-
vail; • have: experienced a literal
invasion of' ninirods ` this • week,.
with a rattle of rifle fire, that
at time •, resembles a • •.miniature:
vicar, not to mention.`the hazards.
' • • 1,943 resulting •'froni: t `s. unpredecent-.
ed influxof hunters.
*. ~H�axina; •P..:C.: :,.. 4588. . •
HughHill,,: L• , ' 4432' • The situation developed when
Hugh Lantz, C.C.F.•' 3053 . the.. Department of. Lands ' and
6; I Forests, issued: alast minute an-
• t
Majority. •for Eanna•-15 F
noun�ceme proclaiming a closed
6967 Season in, ,counties to the squth:,
y With hundreds of, licenses issued,
4356 these hunters; flecked to' the only,
three remaining hunting grounds
Bruce County Council, it ses-
sion last week, discussed closing
the, t
season o Bruce County resi-
dents, but took :no action because
of the late date: ',
The' use of dogs : caused :'some
'contusion and 'a lot Qf objection
and some municipalities',tor bad
' cera
j. W. Hanna, P. -C.
J McKay,: L,
'V C. King, : C.C.F:
Majority for Hanna -2087:
J. W. Hanna, P. -C: • 6677
Hugh ' Hill,• L. : 6393
'Majority , for Hanna -278.
response to the appeal. •For Liberal ; candidate Elmer
The public is quite 'familiar Farrah it is his first •provincial
with the • work the, local . Aso political ,campaign,'.but he . is an
sociationdoes in holding oldie • eriodic -experienced municipal- campaign -
x -ray clinics,but there,are nuxn- er 'and for long has been active
erous other activities and . finan .in .municipal; civic and church
cial'demands on this.' fund, that activities. •
are carried' on . regularly and Mr.' Hanna •has`continuously
quietly,without fuss or .fanfaare...presented . Huron-Bluce:. in the
you do not ;rec'eiv'e a Christ= :Conservative Government that
mas Seal letter in the,mail, 'ask. -has een in powerat`-`Queen's.
for one. Park since 1943, end .• as well asBuy Christmas. Seals and use expounding the' policies of his
them liberally on your letters` and. Party is campaigning ' on his re -
Christmas cards. ' . cord and his. experience.'
the use of. these. Kinloss T
ship .Council, in session Monday,.
took such adieu. ,
Several deer were •+taken on
Monday. ; east. of Holyrood .in. Kin;.
loss: Township and there 'were re-
par :"oo a igt.kil .,in t e Green-
ock swamp.:district, but ,definitely:
there were more hunters, than
deer: Ruin',, on Tuesday, curtailed
activities to some extent.,
New -Flog Plan AimsAt Restoring (ompetitive .Buying
The pros, and cons of ' the new
hog marketing._ plan,; ' Were ,thor-
oughly discussed: at A' largely 4t -
tended banquet in the Recreat-
ional Centre, • • Blast . Wednesday
night, under .the sponsorship o;
the Ashfield Federation, of Agri-
culture. The catering was by •the
ladies. of • St. Peter's Anglican
Church; '.who served a. delicious
turkey dinner. ' . •
The. MeetinAg was 'presided over.
b _ Jack MacKenzie, president of
y ,
the Ashfield. Unit. Present' at the
head table :with hirci were Charles'
Coultes, ',President of 'the Huron*.
County Federation • of, Agr'icul-
tures Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Greig,
Secretaryfieldrx'ran for, Huron.
Co.; Charles McGinnes, president
sof the Ontario Hog Producers As-
sociati:on, Orville Taylor, ,presi-
dent' of the Huron 'Co. Hog Pr'o-
ducers; Bill Culbert, ' vice-presi-
dent of the Ashfield Federation
and��tMiss Thompson;; Mr. 8c • Mrs.
Dan,ald •.McTa,ish, secretatry Hur-
on Tow,,pship Federation; Reeve
•Ebner Grah"atn' and Mrs. Graham
of Ashfield,, Gerald Montgoi4iery,
Huron• Co.
, A.. Re .; Lev. S. R.
g �
Ashfield. Presbyt
c�orrald of . '.
ion Church,, Mr. and. Mrs
chqY�... president of Huron
MG ur Peeve J. CA
yr shi Federation Ree
�a,ii p _ ..�. s
'Mci4a•b anct'Mrs. McNab, and Mr.
and Mrs, Howard B •eke, secretary
of the Ashfield mit,
'Greetings were ' extended by
Reeve J. ' C; MeNab, who pointed
out that a welcomewas not 'in'
order, as residents of. the 'neigh-
ei g h -
boring rural • municiipalities . re-:
garded Lucknow as their home,.
and he stressed that the' facilities
the 'Tillage has . to offer, • are for
the rural folk to use and enjoy.
The Lucknow municipal Voters'
List was recentlyprinted, and for
the first time lists vomer who
are eligible for jury •duty.. •
Under a new regulation .•of the
Ontario Departinent of Municipal:
Affairs, women may now be' sell,
ectedas jurors, subject to age
and occupational extptions. Y .
• There are 162 names on this
year's municipal list and •of this
number 252 men arid women are
eligible for jury service
This'year another change. has
been adopted in compiling the
local List. Voters in each sub-
division, whose names were pre-
viously arranged alphabetically,
are now listed according to streets
and , accordingly as theyappear
oiisecutive• order . in the ass-
essment • roll. .. '
Charles . McGinnes, the ghest
speaker, was introduced . by Or-
ville Taylor. He said they were
considering ' embarking on : a riew•
hog Marketing plan, and it was
fitting that it should be discussed
in Huron : County; ; which ranks
•third . in hog production in Onc
tario, with '82 percent; A end. B
grade' hogs:,
Mr. Wahines referred to the.
unlimited United Kingdom mar-
ket 'during the War rears, that
,saw -hog 'production soar Nin -Can- i
ada: He referred to the quantity
agreements of post War years that
gave stability to the market, even
though the price. Was not : always
satisfactory.. Then 'came the' •de-
valuation of the ,sterling ,and the
loss of the United Kingdom Mar-
This past year was unique in
that :Canada had only the . dom-
estic 'market for all'hogs produc- ,
ed,lid in this Circumstance the
superior quality, of the aCariadian.
hog over`•the .American type paid
Manipulation bidiCated
charts Mr. McGinnes traced:
•the fluctua.tion in 11
hog rices. dur-
the past .year t and pointed
out . that the marketinag of hogs
and the variation .of ° price` were
•times, in no com "tale.
at es, , way b f
+' (Continued on page 9) •
:eiice, which was followed by the'
last -pig sounded by 'Guest Mit
.cheil who also :'presided at •tike:
church organ during .the .•servaice.
The Legion , color party was
• .lack Gbuld and. Dave .Cow;an,. ani k
the Scout flag -bearers 'were Rad.-
dr Wraith, Billy 'Ritchie •Tedi
dy 'Collyer. '
A.. S. Miatchell gave: an :
address -on `'-Fellowship' appro-
priate to the • occasion. Flowers' on
the altar. were' in , memory:; of •.FO;,
George: McQuillin, .and 'were .plac-
ed .in the' chinch. by. his sisters
and brothers` on this : special day.
19f:remembrance. .r
,At the Cenotaph• the winter's
first snow had . been cleared to
permit, Fa carpet of green, for the
Placing of the Wreaths and the
little. white Crosses which: dotted •
the grass:in a:. Gross fo tion,
andwere inmemory:of. v erarls
v asst
of : two wars who •hrna a sr pass-
ed on
Rev,Mitchell;-Bid charge ,of'the
service' at the Cenotaph and Dr.:
W. J. Mumford , gave the invoca- •
tion ` prayer: Six weraths were
placed at the 'base of the mono=
merit: The'Proviirnee of. . Ontario •
wreath .was placed by'Mrs. 'W.- h:,
MacKenzie; the' Legion wreath' by •
Presiden=t -Bob -;Simpson; the: -Aux' •
ilial y , Wreath by President Mrs.'
Roy Black; the Village of . Luck.-:
'now wreath • by Reeve J. G. Mc:' ..
Nab;' the Women's Institute'.
wreath by Mrs. A. J. Wilson and
the • Business Men's Association:
wreath by 'WM. A • Schmid. •
The Last Post and Reveille was
sounded by Morley Chin, the •
Band played the National A'nthein
,and Rev. 'Charles A,_ Winn pro-.
nounced the benediction to close
another Servicein tribute to those
virhose ' meimory is hallowed in
the ' land they loved".
In other years the Legion had
held : a. decoration 'service 'at:
Greenhill 'and South Kinloss cerna •
eteries�.,ty :.decorate ' the..gra v`es o£
war veterans who had since died. •
This year. they adopted a new
placed i . ont of
procedure and pl ce n front.
the -Cenotaph srnall.°whitewcr�osses
bearing the naives of those men.
• The deathf 'of;Mrs. ,l'attries Alton, •
formerly Amelia Reed, occurred
Wingham Hospital on Tues -
'clay. She' was . 82 years of'. age.
The, funeral service, Will, becon-
ducted thin afternoon'. '( a'• ursday)
at '2.00 o'clock at the 1VIaeLernnan
and .1aaoi<en2ie 'Memorial • Chapel.
At the Wingham District High •
School cornmencement last Week,.
'Ruth Webb 'was' presented with.
the Lions Club Scholarship 'for';
attaining the highest mark in, the
School, Ruth is the daughter .of
Mr. and"Mrs. Harvey Webb,