HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-11-08, Page 6Nph f; .1'f k. CALL SECOND HOCKEY MEETING -FM FRIDAY ' Hockey plans for the .approach- ing_season were • diacussed• inform- • ally''at a:slimly attended hockey meeting last Thursday night. A second session is 'scheduled for Friday, night of this week. at 4.00 in „the Recreational Centre ,at, which 'it is expected definite ' decisions willbe reached :as to what :teams will. operate this season,. There ,is' the ,possibility that ' an :ix` Intermediate' "B". team may. 'be entered ` but , in. a ,"$" grouping. •Last, winter The Sepoys operated as a "13". team' but 'in •pan' "A" groupuntil. playoff : time, Minor hockey prosp4ets were .also discussed and ,no. doubt "the kids" will be well represented in the W►O,A..A., although prospects of •; a. juvenile team, • which ' has been. sponsored, : for the past twwo seasons by The Legion, don't look very, bright • ' Comae Friday night all, these• matters should be dealt with and anyone and -everyone- interested hockey "promotion •is requested. . to' • be rh, •attendance. • x.11 boys of townand country who are ‘'.interested in : playing Minor hockey are asked to regis- ter their name- and age at Greer's Radio and Electric. Such. a list will , enable the:. pronngters to • de.-• termite what 'material is avail- able. • EVICTED. FROM GAME In, the ` last inning of the Walk- erton-Sebri gville"game in Walk-'. erton in ' the W.0 A A. grand championship ' one .game . series, Umpire' Geor 'e.''St. Marie ..tossed .. > � • Norm •Dentinger out. of the game when he became, "embroiled :'in an .argument". . ' . A`:•demonstration of this auth ority earlier in: the season, and. • especially at the start of the "Big : •.Ten" playoffs, ; mould Have re-' sulted in a• better brand . of . of- firciating. ' .. This is not 'a criticism of the St. Marie Widmeyer-Krueger trio, from ` . the point • of .: playing . any favdrites,• but the trio • were too • Well known in the Big Ten loop, „The players knew "their weak- . eak- nesses,.. and what they could get' away with. • 'It took Gardner, from. Stratford to t'ake. over control of the- Wing- ham-Luck/low series, and what a • :. difference itmade to the calibre of. • the. ' game, when this "amp. „7114,11, t. ,THE 14.11 KNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOI oz was, boss; and the•plaYers'and fans knew it. T WHY •DIDN -WET$IN1 C OF 1T7"L ' Under the healing` Lucknow Obituary" 'the •Advance; . Times sports column, , had .this conclud- ing ;paragraph; last week: „ "It ,is, an awful temptation to say `I told you so', after Lucknow dropped out of the. finals.. ''with • Walkerton. Not being in "possess -- ion of the ' facts of the case, we don't f eel,n qu alified to cast any criticism at our neighbors to the west, but 'we do feel" definitely that if •Lu , cknow didn't.:intend° to ' finish the series they might bet- ter have let Win ghairi. play Walk- erton. Winghamdoes keep • right on fighting 'up • .to. the bitter end .. Like to borrow a crying towel fellows?" - • Why didn't s omeone here think of this bright idea of. giving Winghani the 'series? • , Don't' 'need any crying towel here. Everybody's happy - • !Well satisfiedthat; the finals e • ed when they -did • • * 4' * * ; ..� TIMBER 'TIPS An indoor' bowling league con- sisting ;of eight teams,, six from. Ilucknow and• two, from Dungan non,• has been organized 'recently for•. competition- at , the ;:Goderich ,Alleys: A'•good start was made a :week :ago' but it is urgent for all teams to • be .at thealleys on tune= -also, that each captain report; with all five players.. Failure. to .:do . this in' the future means a penalty of at least` 50, points as . a dummy score of 125 must be used - w aintaini the In <an effort "to • enthusiasm. which has, been so much , in - evidence to date: the bowling: executive has decided to keep . ' :.everyone abreast of • the bowling news by : running • this weekly column Standings and, team ' play .will receive most ; attention • while re- ports 'on individual efforts will .probably .beleft until the end of each month. Crawford's.'Pole Cats and Hun- ter's Zebras .are, off to : a flying start: The cellar -dwelling Lions and Tigers, however, are giving: fair warning there is only ` one dire) tion'' for themto, move! Standing as of Nova lit Pole "Cats,. 7;' Zebras,. 7; .Beav- ers, 5; : Cubs, 5;e Chirpy Chip- :hunks, 2; Gophers, '2; Lions, 0; Tigers, 0. HONOR11 r `FRIENDS BEFORE.:MOVING` TO RIPLEY 7/11 • ROSEMARY: THYME:. (ED.'NOTE,:.This week's column was prepared -,for. publt_ca ion : in mid-October.) Asdothe prosaic Work of I pr c wo ,.. preparing fruit ;arid vegetables for canning I am continually struck by the beauty of color and construction... This morning 1 have been preparing green and red peppers. for canning. I: cut a flat Piece right ' off the .'stem end,. so that .every • seeed can be 'removed.; Practically, the whole seed- struct-. ire ' ' cornea,: a !picturesque ' Core covered, with ting seeds set,, in a perfect pattern: If you take time to really look at : it, it is beauti- ful. •; Titer I began tothink.back the frosty rosy pink and pale green.' of ` cut and sugared rhu- barb; • the dewiness of freshly, washed blueberries, black cher ries, . so glossy, intii' theis' water, you wash them, . and' red currants:' Purple egg - plialas beautiful , 'es:, a flower; a red • cabbage eut down •through,' so that you see the lines . of white and .red, or is it .really purple? The raw of. •feath- ery parsley.: in your garden. I could probably go: on `ad tum' but here • We are ,:at',parsey again; ; Don't forget to take a ,••good big . pot of it' into, the :house.. My. family. cannot 'escape it, so, it is a good , thing :they like it We were • out " t� . dinner ; 'the other night; and: .the' meat 'plate and the salad were. decorated with .big. :feathery sprays of it, and when the meat and •sal,act ' were P gone, 'the parslek:,'.;.still—decorated : the. plate. That couldn't.happen at our house As I' Said, ';• you can't' escape it.' We had liver and bacon and onions for dinner, -and the whole platter was,`•.thickly sprinkled: and. I meanthickly, with .'finely. chop- ped.. hop-ped , parsley. If they .Ate :any thing, they got it : too. That's the .secret, and soon' they :will love *it. You can sprinkle it on :almost` anything Oh, not lemon pie.' And did . you know this? It, clears your: :Cbreath'• of the: &knell,' of prion •or •garlic . "., if .you east garlic. Stine ,people do:: I've ,got .still more .parsley ideas .coming up in the future *•* Soave tips— Ever make a bath mitt out of partly1 worn' bathtowels7 • Sew 'a -+pocket=-on— the .inside to -hold scr of Mr. and Mrs. Donald MaeChar- les of Huron Township .havemov- • ed: to Ripley to make their home.: : Prior,'to their: departure; a pres- ' -eliitation was 'made MMI,. and Mrs. . 'MacCharles . and Jessie rby friends and.. neighbors,. who :gathered.. • at :the home of Mr. and. Mrs. Walter • ROWS• . 'A short 'program 'consisted of a solo by Nlxs, 'John MacCharles and several nig gibers by the pup. its of . Clover' Valley school. Mrs. Sandy MacCharles .,accompanied the singing: Walter. Roulston.then read the address and Howard McGuire and •• Howard, Henry pre, . sented Mr. and Mrs;, MdeCharles with a' table lap* 'arid an •'end table.. Mary - Roulston presented .Tessie Witha silver' flower . bas- ket. Mr;:MacCharles in his usual ' capable 'manner thanked 'every - ii ie for their kindness and' invited all to visit them in Rjley: Lunch was served: anda social hour enjoyed by all. • NINETEEN COMPETE AT COUNTY' SPEAKING CONTEST Nineteen .public' school' pupil's 'from Lucltnow; to Hepworth 'con rpeted in the Bruce County Public Speaking, Contest at Paisley on Fridaynight: Liacknow was'rep- • resented by Elizabeth Webster; Kinloss by Pal ,,1(roskorth of Whitechurch; 'Huron' Township iy 'Ruth 1-Iuttbh of S.S. No. • 9' and Ripley • bit !beheld Blue who ,placed fourth h the prepaed and im',pron'iptu , addresses considered jointly, Donnie's prepared `speech was* "'Wm: ' Lyon MacKenzie I i ' 1 Ruth: Ann•Hollands of S.S. No. 3; Kincardine, won first place .for public 'speaking; and. will rep- resent the county at •the district contest at Guelph.: She spoke'; on "Ann of .Green Gables". Winner of, the prepared ;.and impromptu• speeches :considered. jointly. ''was Ronald Weiler of Mildgnay . who won ,the 'County cup. , 9 IO TEAS., NOVEMBER g h;, 1951 Gut , your quilt patterns: frofn coarse sandpaper. The cloth won't slip; and the 1?atches, will be al ways -uniform in size,: • Iteep a wet sponge handy when ironing clothes. It's just' the thing to, dampen spots. which have• dried out. Fine too,, for pressing, seams when sewing. Here's a idea •for fall 'butcher- ing ,1 '_:. wrap a t ie a i coming. •� ng c i g up � . small •piece of cloth on : the door. nab. The s- • cloth 'makes the e doors easier to open when your hands 9re, greasy, and keeps; the.» "knobs clean. , 1.1Sse a • blackboard :eraser ,'for cleaning the top of your range; it is more saisfactory than,a cloth and keeps hands clean. .. The , hardest 'job a,; Child face s �is . that of learning ,good .manners without seeing any. • • , innymen,W ,WO Men. .n 50gain .Ibs. .. Get. New Pep, Vim, Vigor Wuhat • thrllt, Bogy limbo. 1111 out: ugly hollows A . up neo: ao longer, Scrawny; bodyq Ia, 4att:' • ptarveb,..pioiay `"bean -pole" loci. Thouaanda of girls, women, m who neverequld Bala betoFe;; ' are now proud of ly, herlth .looki,g bodies; They tt:104,t:611"20' trtothe ga sttm •-delibuilglei • Marts od, ,,atov. • Iron, vaSt, calcium; enrioh'hlood,, mDroee • :en: lila oauri�shinent:put fleshlen bare bon ,. pon. t asing ttopo fat: Stop when you've gain r the. b, , [M. you need: for ,normal We ,Costs Itttle, New` t Qet acquainted'• eiz0, only �eo0. v and dded pounds. tills very day A t oi: °Qty Tor , . ■ Bargains .... ■ BRAND..., ' NEW DELUXE PONTIAC STYLELINE 'SEDAN .•, • . : BRAND NEW ' CHEV. ' STYLELINE 'SEDAN. , ■ ■ ■ 1951 PONTIAC DELUXE SEDAN,3000 miles, $200 below list. i. j. 1951' CHEV. DELUXE SEDAN,' 6;000 Miles.. ▪ • 1950 .PONTIAC, SEDAN: • ■ 1950 CHEV. DELUXE"'STYLELINE SEDAN ■ 1950: METEOR COACH:. ill1949 CHEV. DELUXE STYLELINE SEDAN,• fully equipped. ■ PP ■ 1949 CHEV. ' STYLELINE SEDAN: rSPEC : new motor. SPE ` �)�' : ■ • 1949 'CHEV:: COACH, ew m C .5'1295: :1948 CHEV; ' F'LEETLINE COACH' with Custom: Radio: ■ ' '1947 CHEV.' FLEETLINE• COACH, custom: radio. a ■ ■ ▪ :': ■ . ' i`• ;19 7 - CHEV. , EDAM .-- . :1947. PONTIAC SEDAN. ■ ■" - . .A , fly erha ■ • 1 40: PI:Y.MOU�TL;•CO CH � newly ,overhauled. ...tiled: ▪ 1937 'CHEV. COACH ` :: :.'1937 CHEV. COUPE, 1: • ■• 1933 FORD,' •Model B, . Good • Condition. ■ ■ 1942 HARLEY ` DAVISON MOTORCYCLE. •■o ■ ■. ■ Chev. • : Pontine, Buick Olds, . Ford, Meteor. ■ • Approx-.nately 24-hour.service with '-choice of colors. • �. 1 NEW CARS' NI .. ■ . . ■ ■ ■ ■ russelsir Motors ▪ _ , . ar • "The Homeof Bette;sed ars" i is ■ Cash, Trade, Terms' Open Evenings Until 10 ''; n .Cities , Service Dealer : „= 'Phone 73x,. Brussels a REGULAR: LIST : PRICE ■ : ..■ •• ops soap. ' ■:■■ :��1•/��■■■��■■■■■���:�■�■����■����■rf���■■r�• ,SECTIONAL 'V1W M.S.'MEE1IN0 HELD . AT CALVIN' CHURCH The sectional meeting of the >; W.M S of Maitland Presbyterial was' • held ,in: Calvin Presbyterian Church, Thursday afternoon, Oct - Ober ' 25th. 1Vfrs.. Baulch was •in charge of the meeting: The devotional ex :ercises were .taken ' by Mrs. Ben - :nett, of Dungannon aid Mrs. W. F; MacDonald of. South Kinloss and a . duet was sungby : Mrs McKay, and •Mrs. , ] cD'onald Mrs. 1Vlc4uley, president, of the. Maitland Presbyterial "and a del- agate. el•agate• to ' Council' which met in First Presbyterian Church, 'Re- gina, the last Week. of S'epternber" :gave.a splendid report. Mrs -Wiz -in closed the meeting with prayer:: ' X -Raying Earth For ' r Christianity's Secrets: First; details. about'ba ' new, era matid 'means, of archeological eat •Iploration will be revealed in this coming Sunday's. (November 11) issue ,of The American Weekly, exclusively* ith Detroit Sunday Times. Read how' Tope .Pius XII invited scientists to use their "earth x-ray" to ia:ncover' ancientY graves :near he tomb of St Peter. • DAIRY• FOODS ••';Down Dairy''Lafle"'„ Laden Co this program on Thursdays,1 45 2:110 p.m. over the 7'yans-. Canada network Of CB,C, Yum; yuni, yam!, lb's; another of Wm's wonderful dairy dishes! Maybe macaroni rich with cheese or cream sauce inade sitiooth as satin with ' evaporated milk'.. There at''e a million ways to . : - make 'enl happy••' with dairy foods. Make WinterII/lenus' More-Delkious !: Now's the .tic' to help your • family to better health by serving them- Nature's fins foods dairy foods. So much of the Tourishrnent they netci for' growth and vitality is found. ' . in milk: It's.a delicious, , 'nutritious habit to Servz dairy food';'at every meat. n 'CREAM+A'UiTTER. ICE. CREAM, CH ESE4 MILK' POWDER, EvAPOitAIED' MIL* b A' I R F O SFItViCE. „MM. (0'u ititA ODS .. 40'4 itti►an l;..� Yoro"nlro.,'.befid. • •