HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-11-08, Page 2• 4, • LEST WE FORGET! Rome: SERVICE Sunday, November 10,55 p.m, IN C. Hu gekly. .LUCKNOW 'GS.. • ., ODS.E9)FLA R1:;r4m24/nN uTE: SILENCE.: •iAgegiviNG LAST POST sERNTICE:. CONDUCTED BY REVA, S. MITCHELL (Please note the Chureh .SerVice will oommence, • . 5 minutes before 11 1..M.) - • • • THE LI.ICKNOW., SENTINEL!' .X4.:',XICICNOWi. ONTARIO • Service At Cen�tapli 12.15 p.m. PRAYER: DR. W. j. MUMFORD. PLACING OF WREATHS. . LAST POST REVEILLE. NATIONAL. ANTHEM. BENEDICTION: REV. CHAS. A. WINN. • • , Parade Returns To Community, Centre For Dismissal. Paiade:1Wiftrshilli-'--Clarenee Greer. All Organizations taking part in the Service are asked to meet at the Community Centre at '10.30 a.m. ` MASQUERADE :WINNERS The Ladies Auxiliary to Ole Canadian Legion held ,their an • nual. rna erade2 anceon Hal- • lowe'en-Night in the -Town Hall. • Costume judges were IVhs. Doug- • las Clark, Mrs.• Gordon Mont- gomery and M L ``Mike" Sand - Prize winners ,were:' original, costume, Mrs. Cecil •Garner, ist;, Bob ArMstrong, Norine Kilpat- rick ,and Helen Weiler, 2nd; cOmic, " Mrs.. Allan McLean, 1st; Grant Parrish,2nd. Fancy couple, Mrs Jessie Allin and Mr; Wm. lVfacIntyre' Comic' couple, Laura *Blackett and partner'. • • ,GIRL. GUIDE NOTES•.-- •The:Girl Guides held their:reg- • ular meeting last Thursday' even- ing in the Community Centre; At anen�Urneitcerem�ny,Guidess Sara Jane Bannister, Wilda Reid, RozeJla Howald, Gerda Lotenberg and Gayle McGhee were enrolled. • The Color. Party was Ruth Tre- leaven, Nancy. Johnston and Jinn Crawford. The Guides 2began to work on the Tornaker badge. In- structors for this badge are Mes- dames _Cleland, Joynt, Ritchie, Mowbray, IVIACKenzie, Cheiter. & • Smith. •Early in December the Guides intend to have a demon- stration and sale of the. toys CUBS HELD PARTY M'' • embers 'of the 1St, LuCknow Pack Wolf 'Cubs were entertain- ed :by their leaders at a Iloilo, we'en-partY in the Arena on Oct.. - .ober 30th. Pony rides were given by Bruce Baker and Billy Rob- mson; and Akela • conducted games, and a. ghost, w,alk. Follow- ing lunth, a candy kiss scramble was. held and apples given out, Cub costume winners were Fres- re . Ashton, Ted Collyer, Bobby • Andrew, . Billy Andrew, Evan Agnew and Grerry Mowbray'. . 4 ittle bugs aLot.. of telephone service • • • • , • PARTY. AT S.S. NO: 10, . „ • , 'Mrs A Norman and her 38 pupils of S.S„'No. 10 entertained the ladies ;and :children in. the section to a party on Wednesday 'afternoon. Games and a• musical program t6ok place after the judging' of the costUrneS: Fancy gent's prize went to Mrs. 'E;Case- more, best couple, Jack Coultes 'and Karen Groskorth; original Kathleen Fisher. and Mrs. WM. Hen•rY; Youngest costaine; 'Sandra. Fisher.: • • . • . -4•=k••4•44rnearstaa44,4 • • • ' 1 3; 21 '7 ,40./. • ; , • ..1 1. x t• ,',.. 1 ' wt! ' ‘' ,.., , ', ,.. ; .... . '' i'' ./.•11 . . . „,,,,t r..i., .0.. ,;,, ..,....., .i. ,1•1:.ii.:!....1.;''.:;.?, , . , l''..','• '') r,....,,, , . '''.% "*tv,c,r!';' ; , .; !ii."'' .% rt. . , 4. ••7*,,.i.., "..V0`,,., • 27 • • '• , :! • • "• ; • • ;•. 4•1; .4 • •• . • W. 4. : ; ' • w 1 , 11 • . ' • •• ; ?1;1 r * *.; • • . • It's one Of today's • best buys -7 grow - big in value alithe ••if Vaal. • ' • "A...a ow* ar• oa • tiine. • • • ForohinTelephone setvice. is one of today',,s beit huys ne tg — its iliONE tits( HOC! filidASEVIIIIIING 4$!, TIM TEM „ r • Marl, i% • . cao or • ' . u""‘ ' makota .t. 'SERVICE" UP 33% 11110101111/1. cost hasn't gone up as • , much as most other things youbay. Your, telephone is one item that takes less of your budget than it used to. , ' Again — it'a'bigger value than ever because now you can talk to tWice as many people as you could ten years ago --- and mere families •• are getting telephones suety day. • In addition — we've been able to keep on tadily improving the quality, of this tradionally friendly and he1pfu1serrice.• • If you haven't yet got service we 'wantyou to know we're 'Working at it. 'You can be sure your plate on'ilie list is being protee, ted anJ your telephone will be installed. just as quickly ....„Nan,q4li 2, 6. e lilt Bal. COMPA.Mr OF CANA.DA, foil • .? • 410 KINGSBRIME Mrs JKasper and family vis- ited her brother, John O'Connor. Mr. and Mrs. Clare Leman. spent last week -end with his par- 1.-wrs. John, Kenny ' returned to Detroit on Sunday. Mrs. Ella Bowler and Elizabeth and Mr. andMrs. Eely. of Toronto attended the fowl simper. Mr and Mrs Jos O'Reilly spent • a few days witli the former's sis- ter, Mrs. G. Frayne. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Wallace have • gone to Toronto for the winter. THURS., NOVEMBER 8th, 1951 I.ANGSIDE KINTAIL W, I. SPONSORS RCS TRIP Irt) TORONTO • The IVIission Band meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Lloyd Moffat on October" 27th. Mrs. Bert Moffat was in. charge 'and led .in the devotion and gave a story on British Guiana. Mrs. Farish Mof- fat told of the Indian Schools at Birtle and Kenora. , Miss Emma Richardson return- , edhome after visiting in Toronto.' • Mrs, Farish Moffat 'was ';olier- ated on in Toronto on Thursday. Miss' Dolena Orr of London spent the week -end at he home. • Mrs. Wi1hn MacDonald has been ill at herhome. • • • WHITECI1URCH. Mr. and 'Mrs. H. p., McDonald have moved '.1Da`ek here. from, near Toronto and are staying. at pres-, • ent with Mr. and Mrs. Frank. •.Coulter. ,-- •• • Mr. .and Mrs.' Harold Sp.arling, Of Wingham spent. Sunday at, the home o . her parents; Mr and •Mrs. Tom. Moore • . , • . The' bazaar which was held last Friday in the basement of Chal- rner'S Chtirch, was well attended. `arid everything Sold-. • . . • Congratulations, to. 1VIr: Irwin McClenaghan, son. of Mr.* Mrs. Ben McClenaghan• who is to be married next Saturday at St. •Thorna& • • Congratulations also • to Mr: • Ronald Ryan, son Of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ryan, of Goderich,. who was. married last. SatUrday. to Miss June SowerbY of Goderich. •• .. Mrs.- Win. McIntosh and-.1(ath leen and Mrs James Purves..of tucknow, also Mrs: Wm. McInnes of Formosa sen t part of last :Thursday. with Mrs: a Kennedy and Mr. and Mra. Ab The November meetig of the Kintail Women's Institute was held at the home of mrs. WRay • Pt haaelr.teoin. openingnoThn e eoc1dP. ertehsfegicinTrie:wet'eetitMi prg:y: wi the Mary Stewart Collect. The roll call Was answered by 'What I look for .in -choosing niaterig", . The ladies decided to 'send $10:00: to , the Unitarian Sevice Com- mittee Fund of Canada. It was Moved by Mrs.: George Moncrief and seconded by Mrs,' Bill Ware- ing that we charted a bus to Tor,: onto to attend the ice. Capades .arid- the Winter •'Fair.- A reading on "Hints for Lawns" was given . • 'by ' Mrs; Adam Johnston'. 'The. meeting ..closed with the National Anthem and a..ciainVr. iuno served bv the hostess. PRIZE' WINNERS • AT • HOLYROOD' MASQUERADE • At a. masquerade • dance at, . • Holyroo. on Tuesday of last. week, ,costume 'prize winners were as 'follows: comic. girl, M. Graham; fancy' girl; Cora Zell ,Thompson;' comic boy, Ronnie Graham; fancy boy,. Bobby Smith; •Comic 'lady, Mrs. Ernest Button; • fancy lady, Betty McLeod; comic man, Mrs. Bert Moss; f,ancy man,' Stewart' Jamieson. . • The judges Were . Harvey Web- • ster, Mrs Well Henderson, Miss Joan 'Campbell. • .:* DR/NlY Ctqw:CriZ BE REFRESHED 116111111;011•1141.11,1/111111114441141411111100111MMIDO.IF11.10114 • • why you should vot 410111114 ON NOVEMBER 22nd. --CHOOSE—THIS-MAN TO REP?ESENT you WISELY • • " , YOUR 1),01' IS NEEDED, TO Ensure a Continuance* of .• Good Government • • • As your representative he has- gained_val. , . uable experience. There is no substitute for experience. • He has been instrumental in securing • many miles ' of paved highways help "for I conunurnty hills, new schools, etc. He has faithfully served the people of kluron-Bruce,.regardiess of party affilia-. tions." , • He. -is, a man of determination who will see that' things are made to serve Huron- • • BruCe. • He believe* in a broad advance in human betterment, and to, relieve the pressure as , much as possible for the aged, handicap- ped and needy persons. A 146 believes in hydro expansion in rural , • Ontario.. until electricity is in every farm • , home. 40,..Voture t) ****01$1*te 12 1 kiiaii...V.a.011141.‘"*.Y.4iiiiiiikileVanwillii"q•64"."4121-H4.1" 4 1AAW • , 'tlfrwl • 4 , • 1. " • . . .••