The Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-11-01, Page 10• HALL'S HOMER WINS •FOR, LUCKNOW IN 14T11, • • A terrific clout by Hughie Hall . +in the top' hall of the; 14th, gave Lucknow Legionnaires a 1-0 win over Walkerton, in ,the County Town on ,Thiursday •night and temporarily put the stubborn Se-, poy team. hack in the running for the Big . Ten championship.. The' third ' successive extra -in - ting game , in as many starts, it was again a tense tussle, and a great • victory for .the Lucknow' fans, although the local following: ' had .dropped • off sharply since .,the ,Wingham series.: It was a 'typical •Zuk,Hall 'thing,duel with', little to choose ,between these super moundsmen. In the 14 innings only: 49.1 Valk-• • erton. 'batters ' faced Hall, who struck' out 21 and.scattered 6 hits. and didn't . issue. a pass. • ' Lucknow chalked up 'seven. hits • off Zuk';rhd struck. • out .'1q8. He. 1.gave ..up 5 walks. • Fifty-two men faced'him.- . • In Luckiow's . half .of 'the 14th,. Harold Greer, .who had •got two . safeties, grounded out 'short to first; Halt Hien 'came up and poll- ed •one -high: and far to deep cen- tre. Ire made the• circuit in• no- thing flat o=thing.flat :to beat a relayed. throw. Shaken by the clout, Zuk. Walked Chin ; and., McDonald, bus•.: then settled dowti to . fan Clarence Greer and forte ,Cuming ,to fly to short. 'Hall was ' complete• .master in the bettorn of the -14th, when lie.' Struck. out the Walkerton power- house.' in .quick. succession, N: Dentinger, Knox and Zuk: .Both' teams ''played all but er- `•rorless ball With but one 'misplay ;Ammorsvowdk, • 3 4 4 L'HE • LUC OW $ENTINEL•, :IJUCKNQWt, .. TA/1 .° • . • . _.,. .• O.N D � TIIURS, 1�Ai7'�BER 1st,: FEDERATION: NEWS .(by Jim Powers)' w •' It •was announced..• on."Wednee4 clean pile up18 t , aidedruns and a412-0. lea•d.o Agriculture b Mr. the Kennedy; Minister , that off in the 9th no vote will be required •to gto Make it I plernent thecentralselling ageney' :. Dentinger led,o number 13 to. finish gaveOntario. r by slashing a homer it. Zuk into the 'Ontario° Hog Producers up five hits ,and walked 4, while Scheme. The- announcement will striking out 8. Hall was slugged be welcome news to hog produc- for • 15 hits, walked 1, and struck ers, since ' the last statement 'by out 11.. , the minister asked for• signed petition asking for • a Vote;. then. a vote to be, taken and •66.213 per- cent' of those Vhovoted would. have• to be in favour. This .world, delay the selling , agency by at leasta year. Therecent arinounc me..nt permits «them to proceed. immediately. • The. Bruce County ,Federation, of Agrieulture< met. 'in the. Agri culture Office, • Walkerton; Octo fans wily remember Hughie's •per.'- ber 22nd to lay plans for the. fall formance long. after they have +program;.'The. calfhood vaccina - forgotten who committed, the few tion roject *ill get underway errors, Lucknow went into. the jt • f November • - about; he middle o N _,y , playoffs; with a riddled'` team after•meetings are held in several and no 'reserves, and the. wonder central places • throughout, . the was that they played almost er- county, Speakers will, be ,avail-• -rorless. ball : through several : of able for the nnefetirgs from the. the high pressure battles. O A.0 to: explain the regulations r h ,e and to' assist'canvassers ' of the Walkerton .. 000 002 281-13 15.1 townships. The veterinaries:: are, .Lucknow • .... '000.000.000-- .0 5 8 already planning a meeting ' on •Walkerton: Knox . ss, N. Dent- October .26 to map out •the coup sneer ef, Craig 2nd, Zuk p, Iliad 'ty and . decide which • area 'each ley if, L. Pentinger 1st; H.: Dent will operate.. inger • 3rd, Loughleen rf, McDon; aldc. • • .f / Lucknow: Miley c. H. Greer cf, rHafl' p, . Chin • 2nd, . McDonald s; C.,Greer rf, .Cuming 3rd, Hald ennby lf, `Cook: ' lst * ** .*: WALKERTON . KEEPS • CUP AS : LUCKNOW DROPS OUT• sensational record, can be added, • • ' that 13-0 pasting and the decis- Walkerton Legionnaires will ion to "give up 'the .ghost". retain the John Hanna trophy for the, second. successive year, ern- * ' blerrmatic of . the "A" champion -PUBLISHES :PROTEST'STORY Hugh Cuming regained his bat - Jing eye in` the last two gates. of :the series and in the final, game ,cracked ot4 three hits, one a double,• in four trips, but they went for .•naught. • •It '!was no doubt • heart -breaking for . Hall rto have his support crack, !but he had. reputationr,to maintain :and 'lost a lot of ores- tige by giving up. After all the charged to , each squad. • LUCKNOW FOLDS ' IN FOURTH`OAME' OF, FINALS • ` 'he nip -and -tuck Walkerton- Lucknow: 'series game to '• ars end Winghami on Frid°a3 ° .• night when Lucknow • broke . the`. stretch and • took'. a 1.3-0 shellack- ing : from the County Town squad. With ' Caledonian ' Park under water and little 'likelihood' of any more ball•.being.played there this fall, the 'game was taken to Wing: - ham ing-ham, for .:the : second -night -in -a- . 'row encounter. ;:. : For. ►five innings it was a re-•' petition of the first three games; but ,inthe sixth things began to', happen: ' Hall's support"'. Cracked '. under the pr-essure.- and- then_, Iiughie , gave up to allow .the Walkerton Nine --an S:ti _liming, ;field day. • In the first five, innings' Luck - •now had .five men on . base• :to JWalkerton's three, and only Zuk's support was saving horn. a In the top . of ' 'the sixth, Do, Haldenby who had been coralling everything ;in, .left field, had I<iiox :fly bounce Out of his hands. Knox =:piz1'ledozp at Second. Hall ..walk- ed-=Dentinger--and--Criaig, whose spectacular•' catch in `the third" had . robbed • Hall -of extra: bases; • clouted a. double that scored Knox. and Dentinger. That was. all for the. 6th. In the 7th ronin Den�ti d' off with +a `triple: Half struckt Laughleen, but he- was Miley's error, although y Cut •off Dentinger trying • .. • ..McDonald was safe as,y. chin tried urisuccessfuly, r 1st with Cook playing' bui;it. 'Knox laced one th e in •both`' runners, Making 0 • »et the -end--the 'nth., In the fatal 8th' Craig k led off with, a single and Bradley his to `.Hall; . ' s safe at first when the th got 1951.. SATURDAY, NU'V. and NOVEMBER .10' Z to 4 and • 8 to 10 Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Novel Evening 8 to 10. bet 5, '7 solutions must, be'in the hands of the secretary 'for the resolu- tions •. committee to discuss and pass .back oto the ',farm forums. To those who, talk and' talk This adage. won't appear • But the steam that blows • the whistle '37,1111 'never .turn a wheel. • . OPEN HOUSE HELD AT NEW 'BRANCH ;OF M. -H, "`The new branch' of the+Massey- - • The Bruce' Federation annual Harris Company ': was recently. meeting. will. be on. November 30:. opened at : London, and on Wed - in the.new- Walkerton'and Dis- nesday".of last week "open house". •trio High School:; with Mr:. W. was `held to residents of • Western P. W:atson;. Livestock •Commiss iorer as guest • speake1r.. On Nov- • ember • 17• they, will hold'• a dir= ..ectors'nieeting,• at which'time` ,re ship of the W.O A.A. softball Down by ai count 'of 3 'to 1 in the best -of -seven. series, and lb�ar.-ely, able to'. muster . `a .• team, Lucknow Legionnaires decided' to toss •m the'towel : on Monday and give. the .County Towners .the series 'by default. - Walkerton .are worthy champs and admittedly a much faster and a better balanced squad than The �Sepoy.:Nine who ;were •weakened. ley • the • loss of -George "Chili and. • • The Port Elgin Tunes;publislied. the Sentinel's'.report of the 'pro` •testy meeting `,in Windham under a bold coaption .":Western Head- quarters: Needs. Cleaning?" Hank Sniith comments that, "The Town of Lucknow (sorry; `:we're ' only a village Hank,,•896�) apparently .has been added • to the. fasts growing list. of dissatisfied • customers": At the end • of . ,the 'article Hank concludes "If -;these." 'points are true :then the W:O.A.A.: does need Alex MacIntyre,, upon their' re,an overhauling". We cei,a,inly. �tttrn to Jnifversity. didn't. say 'anything :that 'can't be backed up, Hank * There were those who favored calling it: a season: when. Lucknow eliminated Winghain, and Eby no stretch of the :imagination is: it softball ::weather. 'Lucknow ' was Without a .game-for---a-month and now. when its time to be :digging »out,»the-skates,, `have had to play three games a: week.: A, nine game stretch five with Wingham. and. 'four, with Walker= the first time , we eve' heard Chuck' ton '..had players • and fans alike accused of that.' • ' pretty weary of it all, not to * * * * Don mention. the financial dram' 'on Sentinel subscribers." need no some families, and there's no la- menting. the 'course of action •tak en by ..the Legionnaires.: .Congratulations' Walkerton!• Ontario; ' which ' the new branch. will serve;' • ' ' It is the most inodern and up. to=date: unit. in ' the chain of • At -H. ..branches that extend frozr • coast to .coast. The visitors to, the branch saw4 many of the 207 labor-saving n chines . for farm and , home, that this Company , manufactures.. • . -. • The event' is of special lecat- interest in that John . S:, Kilpat; rick : of Lucknow, is' the Clinton district sales ',representative for this Company. Thursday's:• Free Press '.carried' a ;group photo .of the district' sales managers• and; inrai*h executives, holding their first, meeting ,of the,new branch. • ••.%•::•§:;•:•: w Ortgoin er Motors Phone 40, L.uckt�ow Ford Sales and Service, • ' The • Wingham sports scribe.' • ' doesn'ttes , the .: ••Iu°i�r■su.us. • know:' 'who : •wr�i �..■■■■■■■tgu■�■<tata��■sii�sisfp�asp��s88 ' sport column in: The Sentinel, and •■ suggests' that ``the boss" . _writer. .a_y by -linea He ;has "even _� M a - sneakingsuspicion : he'sthe �'�' ■. p`. coach .of the Legibnnaires". That's a neer. le ou safe on Shell.e to score Morle to cove up "for at 'drov g it 4.- w .a and "Zu a' double who :wa row. ' o away on:' Cook" after Hall• had held•Craig to third. Hughie start. ed. just•tossing thein in then, and. the, Walkerton squad had, a real batting practise spree, pasting the (ball fall„over. Twelve men hatted' that inkling, lacing out "seven • it ii ■ f ■ • ,by-line ' introduction. They know'• i•, A TERRIFnC :SERIES' • • ', The. Walkerton-Lucknow series:. for, .the • W.O.A.A "A” softball - championship should go down in the record, books.. The fir.'st three games , of the series went into `extt_a innings':that exteeded more than • .four regular games. And then: follo:uSed that 4th game blow up.'The first game• of the series went lZ innings before Walkerton bust out to break a 3,-3 deadlock and win the fixture ' 6 to 3. The second' game"'its.` Walkerton' went •a, full. eleven innings'before Zuk broke is up to edge ,Lucknow by a score of 1-0. • 'The '3rd ,g�aine, also played in Walkerton, went to Lucknow in 14 innings when, Hall blasted a homer to break the goose -egg "and keep .Lucknow in 'the hunt by, a 1-0 . win. That was a.total of 37 innings of ball .in three. 'games. In those three gar es Hall struck out 54 men; and 'gave•itp 23 hits, Chiefly infield balls that the. fleet -footed. Walkertonians' beat out. Ziik had 53 strikeouts • and gave tip 14 hits, although Luokribw was getting to' him .as the series progressed,'. And then as a footnote for this • Of course ' Al, youcan't know everything in your few short ,weeks on the, job, but keep an ear, to the •groundand ,-an open mind •and• you'll find out what Cooks. who writes . their sport and, has !' •BRAND NEW DELUXE PONTIAC STYLELINE •.;SEDAN been doing it for twenty years , or • better. Its the 'same ,guy who. 'does,.. '■ all. The Sentinel .writing, and: per- . J. forms_ the duties . •.of -frons '.pub- lisher to; printer's ; devil. That ' ought to be good ler a 'comeback .. j' Drop in , and get ° acquainted Some day' Al -would• like to• meet you. You'll find `•`us" somewhere between the, front office cubicle: and the back shop. * * *, • The 'annual meetingand hock- n. BRAND NEW CHEV STYLELINE SEDAN.. , i:. 1951 PON�TTIAC• DELUXE, SEDAN, 3000' miles, $200 below ' ■ 19'51 CHEV `DELUXE° -SEDAN; 6,000 male's 1950 CHEV. • ,DELV E STYLELINE SEDAN. a- d ■ ■ ' 1950' METEOR • COACH. , +' ■ ' 1949 l '� CHEV.DELUXE STYL LINE SEDAN, fatly equipped,171 ■ N. ■ 1'949. CHEV� STYLELINE ,SEDAN. � • � .,19'48 CHEV.-:.COACH. _ ■ 1948 CHEV. FL'EETLYI�TE COACH wiVith Custom'•Radio:• u. ■- 1947- CHEV.- FLEETLINE COA CB., custom radio 94.7 CHEV.SEDAN., N IAC SEDAN. ' a .:. ■ , 1, ___ 1947 PO• T SEDAN. • • 1940 MERCURY' COACH: 1939 CIIEV..COACIi: },� .• i .193'l CHEV., COACH:. '' ' 1937"•CH•EV:. COUPE, M • ■ • 1942 HARLEY DAVISON 'MOTORCYCLE: M ey ' organization get-together of the W.(.A A. •:'is .slated for the, Wingharn ToWn Hall next Wed- nesday night. Al aNI.H.A. forum for' managers,• coaches and ref- , • erees 'will beheld thatv.a f tern'oon 11, at 2.30. P• • CAM HOCKEY MEETING., .r • 1• A hockey meeting 'has been a' called for tonight (Tht.lrsday) in the Recreational Centre at 7 30. �'••' This meeting is to discus's" hockey plans • in general, for the coming ■'''- Winter, and winter,.and all ages and all who ■ !are, interested are requested to be, in ,attendance. • • ▪ . o ■'. M NEW 'CARS • .Chew.; Pontiac, Buick, Olds, ..Fora, Meteor' J pprox;rmately' 24-hour' service with . choice of colors. REGULAR. LIST 'PRICE a •I.. 4.. • s • • . ussels Motors.• "The Heine of Better 'used. •Carsr s , ■ >,' Open; Everli gs Until 10 •a• Cash Trade Tuns' �' °•' ■, Cities'• Service' Dealer 'Plio 73x, Ertisseis 1 t ■■ P1111111::sx' ■M/■■M80• ■■ ■�a■ a�ia`e■aa■■aaaa� •,