HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-11-01, Page 8�yh • PAGE EIGHT • 1.: IL+1J'CIC.N76' r SENfiint, "LUCKNOW, ONTARIO. - .. h THURS., NOVEMBER 1st,' .1951 l,:SHFIFLD 3VIx'', arid Mrs nonillion noton were guests at the Walker -Currie: wedding -at Crornarty` on Satur rlsiy. Mr. and Mrs., Henry ' MacKenzie - lave returned from a motor trip', yrrliicl took them as far as Ot- tawa and .Montreal. . Mrs. ; W, Warping' will be. •host- ess for the November meeting of the Kiriitail Branch of the Wo Ilj! sttute. A well',attended Sectional meet- ing , eet ing:.of the Maitland Presbyterial, was , ileltl :.n. the Presbyterian, _church on Thursday of last week. The sacrament of the Lord's Supper was observed in .the Pres- byterian church on Sunday with preparatory services: on. Friday.. and Saturday. Mr. and. Mrs. Peter. Vanderley and family are settled on the farm they recently purchased . from Mrs. J. J, Martin. WS. Joseph, 'Martin has gone to Detroit to make her home,. F0U1T GcSNccSSi Miss, Margaret MacDonald of the Sarnia teaching staff ,was home over the. week -end. Mr. Angus Graham is in. Wing - ham hospital, with ear trouble but is getting along nicely and 'will soon.. be home. •. Mr : and Mrs Ira' Dickie and three sons Spent a day the first of the week with relatives at Hope Bay. A very nice Hallowe'en party Was held at our school house Fri- day nigl . • Mr. Rennie Graham was home from Toronto over the week -end. . Neighbors and. friends of John Thompson are sorry to hear of, his death.. He was'.,a resident of the, Fourth Concession ,all his life until moving to Ripley a -few years ago. Mrs. Harry Rdinsay and Mars. R, Martin attended an insurance meeting in Port Elgin last iyion', day afternoon:. Si "j MAF. MFG AT YOUR PARTY L.. CEO AGE PENSIONS r•. GREAT ROAD SYS.TEeM. ST. LAWRENCE.. PROJ[C.T NJAG'AR°A r, FOREST WEAIT.H ONTARIO—PROVINCE OF PROGRESS Sane, courageous aria. efficient 'government contributes to the ender. ing welfare of a free' and prosperou,sprovince. "Performance—not promises" is the keynote to. Ptogrr'esswe Conservative leadership; • T.O. HELP THE PEOPLE fr.:.Old age .:pensions to all over 70 .• under Provincial -Federal agreement 43 Pension for the needy, 65, to 70; to the Blind and disabled 1$ years and up' • . Women guaranteed equal pay. for equal work with men. • No discrimination in employment because of race, colour or creed. • 109 new hospitals or extensions provided'. • 14,474. hospital beds and bagsinets added ;or -being added m general hospitals. • :Fullest resources ' of science and medicine mobilized in-•.wer against cancer.. • Freeschool bodks for all children in. ; primary schools:.equality of opportunity. • 1,150 new schools for 150,000 pupils • . The most advanced labour : laws; expanded compensation and rehabilitation for injured. . workmen. .TO DEVELOP THE .PROVINCE •;:Greatest planil for Highways and. Roads m history. • Trans -,Canada: Highway ..under construction. , •-Grants for municrpaljoads :multiplied nine .times now $27,000,000 annually. Two million Horsepower added: to.H.ydro output;serves $ Onaro'.a farina=' -�-a facts; ' • St., Lawrence power development to' commend: •. Farm income highest in history. In Plans for modern telephone system" for our rural people. •' Private and public rental housing speeded under Feder il-Provinci • agreen ent. • . Railway ,,level crossings to be abolished by three -WO plan. • cck-tb Niagara" -- 1'O CONSERVE OUR* RESOURCES • Forest wealth preserved as part of vast' conservation program. 20,000,000 trees provided annually by. Government nurseries. ' • Developmentanan f act's of forest products rather.:thaan export of raw materials,' • ;o mining resources. , inchidhig huge iron deposits—aided by Government action. PRESERVE- GOOD -GOVERNMENT • Lowest provincial taxation in 'Canada: • Provincial credit at an all-time high—eight aconsecutive balanced bndgete. • $100;000,000 in municipal grants- to relie' e' local taxpayer: • 'No provincial sales tax—no •provincial income twit: 6,. Good relations maintained` with"Ftedetal and ali otheir"Governments ,NSURE�� CONTINUED GOOD . G►OVERNME!