HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-11-01, Page 2„SraffilrintremfmM s ���i ' '1 + �"► -� ' i :err �s •so ms ;a . � ..... • I'AGE :TWO l*KNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO' LO.OK1 NG• •'BACKW.AR.DS TkIROUGH THS` .SENTINEL ' 'FILES. A� THE TUBS.,, NOVEMBER 1st,; 1951 SCOUT. AND CUB' APPLE DAY SALESMEN Sixty Years Ago' Dr; W. A.• • Strongm,an. of Ash-, field Circuit .preached his fare- -Well sermon.: He Went to Victoria St., Goderic.h. •• i ter,. Chas. Pinner, Harry Tucker, Arthur Newman, Joe - McCoy, Andy Habick, Gilbert, Thomas; Harold -Alun, • Arnold Rathwell,. Wilmer: McDonald, Alex :McDon ald, Bert Chisholm, George Ab- bott, Chas. Piercy, Robt. Sturdy, R.oberrt • McIntosh, George . Stil well, Fraser Paterson, Dr, : Free man, Billy Corrigan, Finlay Mc Innes, W, ' Middleton, 'E.' D. Cam- eron, 'Clarence Spence; Jack Hawk, G. Holnbeck, A.. J. Grundy,' L. McDonald, Alex Henderson, W.: McKenzie, P. R. O'Reilly,, ; The above' plastic cut, made bY. has Jack Berry,Taylor,.... , ,., J. .. •E• Re- a� new: system' .of • engraving,', {cine, Cl>nie' •Aitchison,:,. Telford. been. ;so• 'reduced in size:. as to Aitchison, ?lrellington' McCoy, make • the boys, all'. but • indis The. annual Sunday School con.- vention ' of Ashfield. Circuit was •held with sessions morning, after- noon and• evening. W, A. Hackett was 'secretary. . Henry • Johnston and • Dr.' Strongman presided.. Taking . part were D. Agnew,, J. Irwin, T Stevenson, T. Stewart, E, Brown,' James Gartner, Janes Taylor, Joseph Taylor. The speecch of the evening was de- livered by • W:Kn. S 'tothers.. who condemned dancing and. • those w'ho "twittered away their time in amusements', for. he believed "•the chief end of man was t glorify God". Mr.. Stothers' said that 'tea= neetings were "a great curse in the 'church".. • Wm, Gaynor, ' a;`native of Ire land, who came , to Kinloss in 1858, died at the . ague of 76 He was surviived'by two sons, •Corn-. elius and Patrick and a daughter, •Mrs. Alex Milne. A. large frame barn which Al- Ian . McLeod used ,as a storeroom for : livery.: equipment was .e- stroyed by fire., Peter MaicLaren bought a new 12 -passenger; bus "nicely cushion- ed and ornamented" for $650. Clarence McDonald.. Twenty Years Ago Rev. `C H. MacDonald was con- vener of ,the second annual sum- mer school held at •Carnp . Kiritajl. A presentation ' •Was made 'to Miss Isobel- Chesnut: upon. her resignation as t e acher' at : Para, - • O • tinguishable They may get a kick,, however, • out of picking, each 'other out, andso we publish iit. Astride :the White ',pony -Os 'Aly' 'Baker and. Billy' Robinson••is on 'the dark one_:.: :IN:. M.EMORY:: OF T-H°E .PIONEERS (By, '.R. J Deachman)" • In the early days . of Canadian' history the' five •Eastern . pro- vinces' of Canada—Newfoundland Was not in the family then—were' EASING. IN DEMAND FOR. FARM LOANS- • T h ,e • Canadian Farm Loan Board's twenty-second annualre- port • covering operations for . the has. year ended March 31, 1951. Y just been ;issued. The Board is a: one soli forest. •Oh yes, . there .'Dominion: 'Government...; , agency d mount school,, . where she : had o taught ;for four :years- • Must. have been breaks here. and engaged. in making. ion : term Miss Beth Alton won first lace there, for at times even even in those mortgage loans to farmers. .• p •days; storms tumbled the trees The report shows •a Moderate in ia class of 45 girls:'in 'the• Huron • ori fires sw' ; t bare .a small :par County household science judg- :. , drop in the : demand: for, loans inlg competition. • . .• tion of this immen e,,area: • . during the. year,,; the: amount ap- Thel death' occurred ` of : John, I was born in the County of proved being $4,722,000 or . 9: per .Almer Ackert of Hol .yrood. Huron. Ewen when 1: stI arrived. on cent. less. a ':iri the . previous the' scene it was a land of mag-, year when' a demand 'reached John.. E7nersori's' barn on. Con. ifi � rests . On the old.'.farm the 'hi t, . point ' in thirteen 12, Kinloss; was destroyed by fire. n cent. fole e 'f the : ' r back home w,. had elm; map years 'At the •'clos o ye;a MTS. Frank Fleet, formerly: s ar: ma e ' , •( ug • pl ), basswood; a fevv; the Board's investment. 'in' farm M. James Gordon took his son iss. Beatrice MacLeod of Luck Frank . into partnershiP. in the .. hemlocke:. beech, birch, . cherry and mortgages had increased Eby ap- now, died in Kingston Hospital - but�her business.: � �an. odd. butternut or two they proximately $2,OOQ,000••to. a- total of injuries received • in: a 'motor . the shaded areas: A creek: 'of$28,458,000. which George xeres leaseon the Tire.• accident. sough. Collections, leaven Flour ` Mill expired `. and .. ran through.' the farm We called haves ; been good in recent • years, . .. p ,..• _ A 13. 1confi nzie Sentinel Edi- it a river` for creeks looked, large continue' to be'satisfactory. ,Pro- .Walter .Treleav en ,again assumed tor, was confined: ,to, bed early in to ' us, especially whet they : were fit on • the operations ' was. $131,- - deepto wadacross. ' With �42,- 428,48 2 - - control ; with .Thos, 11 Treleaven as 'head .1miller and W.' C. ` Tre- leaven . as his', assistant. The' Sentinel reported that 'a • young Kinloss Township swain, while courting _his . girl, had:'fall- en asleep • 'with his arm ,around hers This. incensed the young' lady • who vacated her:;'love :nest in. ' favor of a trash churn, and . thus the July' at his honxe with an : illness that caused' his death . in Decem- ber:- On the,:other': side of the creek ld Light Lod g e honored;An' there had been• a great forest of Q g g ,._a • Wilson: s of Auburn on the ,62nd. cedar,' monstrous trees. I• never - anniversary af. his ;initiation 'into 'Saw them in their full glory. They Masonry were burned before I arrived on • "Aunt Lizzie” ' .Webster, obser-. the scene but he stumps . and ved her 89th birthday on . July.. partly burned flunks gave evi-•, 29th., '' just a bittooe 705.21 ,as comparedth $ ,_ 428.48 in the :.previous'. year. The Board makes first mort-. .gage' loans up to $5,000 at 41 per cent -repayable annually .or semi- annually . over ' a period not ex- ceeding 25 years. The Board May make additional advances . •to , 4 Bence 'of their size. When 1 recap bring' the total loans up to, $6,000 young romeo `was discolvered Among early August deaths in, these • trees of the..' early .:days I m . certain .circumstances. Loans by Pa next morning. the community were Andrew Ste wonder. why we. have forgotten .are made to pay debts, buy live J. S. A 'Boyd who was teach- wart_ of Glenn's Hill; "John Mc- the men who did '.the clearing. stock and equipment and ` farm • Ing at Belfast, spent the holidays Dougall of • Kinloss; :Roderick "Big Surely they wereey worth remem- lands, , and to.erect and repair •in' the Old Country Rory"• MacKenzie , of Ashfield, bering, • worth honoring:' . Th ; buildings and make :otherfarm Donald' MacLean o%' Con: • •12; who was renowned , for feats of made. a .great contribution . to our :Ymprovements.. Ashfield,., died of, injuries receiv strength at the Caledonian •Games , national life There is only one ' ed at a barn raising at Thomas 'and James Johnston of Kinlough. way to • • pay tribute 'to them.. In , McKeith's. A timber'; slipped, Elliott Fells, who taught• at every county in Ontario, perhaps This Wonderful 'World. • ..., StrikingMr 'MacLean:orr the back;' Whitechurch for sixin, every township there should. p P years, was. Did you ,ever hear of. islands of the head, ;rupturing• the spinal , engaged as . rind al at Smoothmemorial . t eleast onewhere natives drink no more , atforest. • column. He.was survived +b ; a Rock Falls, o the pioneers, 3'than: `1.2 bottles `of' ,beer • monthly The cost need not be great. The personalpermission; of widogw.:'and eight children •. Mrs. Irwin Patterson of liver- ' :—�witliout • J H. Treleaven died at • Tara. ton was killed in a• motor accident .finest. farthing land, need not ' be the • prime minister.- Did ' you He .was .a' brother of T:.• L. Tre- in , Wisconsin: Her' : husband was selected for the purpose. Broken k leaven, �oea photograp er, . k lie ha motor 'sicid"eht'"on theeland••- with-.a.stream,a;xunni fig;, hru. ° aboutm that c fly =See-`= ThisSWonderful �iVord' ;Bluewater Highway :between.Am it. would' do very well. So too inSunday's Thirty. -Five 'Years. A O would hilly .lend. In course of this (November 4) Y• g ber`ley.•and Goderieh just a few issue of The. American Weekly, In• the spring . of 1915 time 'there would• ` come the har- The'Sen . months before.; ': exclusively •with Detroit Sunday e west. The land whichproduced T • • • tinel listed the following as mem . Ten. Years. Ago , these mighty forests could. do it bets of the Lucknow detachment again. The :crop would. 'be liar:- Imes. of the. 160th' Bruce Battalion: R. William McKinnon reached• vested, It would simply be a 'case _ Y. Carrick_ R M. Patten; A. B.; N, ew• •York: in late May, `after fin, • of removing : the fully . matured . Henry; "Robert • 'Au tin''�7'-Thoma . 1 _ i _ � _ _ 4 . e _ :., y e Ing ; enctorsement�f�fii ,-gees` ;leaving `;tie young ones :io� Agnew, . James Baker, Wan.' Bar -,`Spanish and Portugese passports, develop later; This would be a. ber,: Robt,• Buchanan, Alex Camp fie , gox out_ of Paris a ,couple o ' ermanent forest, the harvest • bell : HarryChisholtn Melvin daysbefore the 'Germans occu'- _permanent o d • • '� .would be a continuous one: ;The Clark, Roy Casemore,, Bert Eng pled the city. on , June 13th, 1940: income •from • these forests sts p ,. . .. .. a i, light 7ish, Robert • Fisher; Marshall :Bill lost. all. 'his possessions and •�be usgd',to develop other:,fsrests: Graham, E.' .I. 'TEenry, .William reached New.York with nothing 'In- time the land best suited for 'Huston, Wm. Hughes, Wm. Har- but What ' he wore and could growing trees would be .'contrib- •, rig,' John Hutchison, Albert: Jew- carry: • ,,,. uting (building materials and, • itt, Alex Kenned David, Kens The Municipal Board refused earning .a revenue for the county.. y, • nedy., A. D Kennedy, John Kup-the • application of thes. Village These are.primary uses Of •wood. nochi, Cecil .:Middleton, John Mc- Council i� ,to ' dispense with a vote a day, we may have a wood Innes, ,•Augur •McLeod, John.Mc- on the debenture , issue , of • $3,590 standard of-,liIwng in which, wood . Kendrick, -Peter -MeKinnon,,•Johnn, to purchase and repair the Ged- provides --new- products liar theF. Purser, Sydney Plowright, des Building, use of • than. • • :John Romininger, Frank ,Risuig; Norman Cam�.'bell, •38 -.ear -old : , .. .... _. P, .� farmer Y. Even fr' the'- agriculturaX Robert Robinson,.binWilliam -Stim Blackhorse district, farmer died standpoint •..there is a , value in • son, George Taylor,• Geo. TWam- of head injuries received when : this polis:. The object would be .ley;. John, 4. Wharton, Gordon, thrown from the wagon when his to use •a111 •land tor' the ur • p rpose• . Smeltzer,. E, Dr nnan, , • Joseph team ranaiway' • for which it is ' best . fitted The Hassel, George ];Tassel, Clair Ir- • • Laurine 1Vlartin suffered a frac :goad :land ;Woul& still be farmed: win, Wm. Kennedy,• Archie Pat- tured arm in a car accident near Pasture land would. be' used for terson, R ••N. Webster, Alec But G; A. Greer's farm- ' F that purpose. The broken land ler, Chas. Gillespie, Thomas A The death occurired of Albert would go back •into forests. Then MacDonald,Joseph Nixon, Harry' Boyd. . Williams, Wm. Prince, • Ernest • ': G. 'S. McIntyre resigned from ' iPiercy, Robert Hibben, , James the I•Iigh School staff •and;Miss• Slaughter, . Gordon Bogues, Clar- Peggy MacDonald as .music tea- ece . n •'Hen er on Noble Johnston, d s e at the s lose ef , . the June Alvin liughesf James Pattersonterm. Clarence Chapple was en - Listed with other .,battalions gaged to succeed. Mr. McIntyre.. a ar Ma Kenz were Sgt. M ie � c , SidGeorge Colwell •bought the ney. Towle, Huntley Gordon, Dan Purves Store at Holyrood: b ' • , McDonald, A. E. Mortis; Robert • W. A. Solomon ;and J. W. Joynt 'Barbour, Murdoch, McLeod, Jack were elected to. fill two vacancies McDonald, .Harold Ackert, lerb ori;• they Village Council' i.esulting • Grahatril Sill 3 o h n s t o n , O, from t1{arold Treleaven and . Win. • Tweedy, • Alex 1C7icDiarrrucl, C. Murdie resigning their "seats. Hi'i bens,,• HTerb Miller,Geo. Hun.- i. un-t• • AND SO ON. ,, "Breathes ,there a man 'with. soul so dead ' • Who never to his wife has said, `Next week. I'm going to mend that 'chair,. And • tack that loose pad ,on. the stain• And while I•rn .at . it, .guess T should ti . • • • • Fill up, the' bin • With kindling`: wood. Yes, dear, I'll ' cleanthecellar, • too,. • And ►build; that shelf I promised you:: What's that, you say, thefront' door squeaks? ' The faucet, in the • bathroom leaks? • ',poilnorrow .night as sure as fate, (That is if ,I, don't. get home late;) ' . I'll. `mend the fence, takes just.:, one board, Andhen.1'l1 fix •.your ironing cord:, A couple nails, a little .elue Will' make that ' kitchen stool like new.. • : . l'll get all those odd jobs done' yet, • Nowwhere'd you Put that sport, page, Pete on the gate of • each• Forest Mem- serial wnold_...be.ma_.plaque_,signreify- ing that . this, is a Memorial, For- est, '•a memorial ,to .the pioneers . w.ho,--in_'theLearlier;_ days of._ our history, cleared • t'he land, built their 'homes and made the Can- adian people- 'a nation of home lovers. • These scattered forest areas in every county would add to the comfort and , enjoyment of life. Even now in some counties the springs are drying. up. The for- est areas would be of increasing value fromyear to year. This idea is ,almost •, equallyapplicable to'. the West. There the wide open prairie land can .be reforested. The object is 'the same to :.make the people of each province: rich- er, and happier because 6f better' "surroundings • 0 • KATE, AITKEN This is one of the latest pict- ures of Kate Aitken, who broad -costa lipuria i -inter -est news .And home -making , hints for women.. Monday , to Friday at .10.3,0" a.m. on- the CBG Dominion: network. This season "Mrs. A." ' is 'more than keeping up her : reputation for living out 'of a suitcase. She plans .to originate her program in more than 50 cities across Cane, ada, tying it in at each place with• special' events • such as ' Conven- tions,. onven-tions,. fairs; fashion shows and • community celebiations. Besides= these trips, ,she plans• .to. cover events of international interest in other :countries: Her programs will also include • budget . helps such as ' reciPe 's for 'meat -saving . +:fishes• and home canning, .tips on Making extra moneyat home;: and: Suggestions u gggestions' for 'clothing the family on a •small income. • •• r�i�i�iii�r�rwriuis.��iir!��'rii�i�b� ;cbnfiderice" resignation was re- jected by the new board and he continued in office.: •'' • -/ `Rev, J, W: Stewart succeeded �. t Rev Todd a minister C. T d s of the United. Church;. Mrs. G. A. Greer ,passed away suddenly, from a heart ,attack,' • Alfred `Emerson suffered :weak spell and fell from a ioa of hayi .suffering• fatal head. • Reeve N.- ;E. Bushell's "vote of •juries. a OTICE Re wised Bois Time' Tabi, .Effective November .l`, 1951. • Obtain your copy from your Local Agent, • • Treleaven Restaurant, Phone 16, Lucknow. The Western Ontario Moto' ays Lrnite :"Kitchener,. • Qi1t tti(. .r • , ��1►+i�ir�ri��►/i�5�1>ami(i�Nri�it!�►i>✓►t+il���`r'c+�+"r++haW .