HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-11-01, Page 1.• e 4 . '. til C $2.50 Yearly In Advance -, 50cExtra. to USA. LUCKNOW, ONTARIQ;, THURS. , NOV PAt AMOUNT W.1.1 • • 1FR,ACTUR,ED LEG IN JT meiNG, FROM TR. ACTOR • • The ladies of the Pa ramo nt • Institute and neighbors held a • w miscellaneous shower for bride- elect, Marie Smith, at her home on . Thursdayafternoon. The ........, n. shower was arranged by Mrs. Jas:• chabaw and Mrs: Fred' Martin. r` Mrs:' Orland Richards. took charge of the• program..Everyone• joined in `singing "For she's ,a jollY good fellow asM,arle • entered • the ::.. rood. Miss • Mary "•Murdoch and .6.101 • 2nd • • • • JCE. the • tine 1r�f • Miss': Lorraine MaeDonald assist,= ed: Marie in opening, manylovely and useful gifts..Following Marie's thanks, speeches were given,with • some ' very' good advice ' to :the bride. A •contest ' :was conducted by Lorraine .MacDonald,. readings by Mrs. Jack' Henderson,. Mrs. Dave Anderson and Mrs: Reid. • In •a :fewv well chosen words Mrs, Richards expressed the 'good wishes of the community, closing her 'remarks' . with` :the' words of the old poet, "Grow old along with Me, .the best Is • ye 't to be, the last • of life for 'which the first was, made ---Youth- shows . buthalf, .trust :.God, .see _ all.'; nor lie afraid". Lunch was served by the hos- tess and a very enjoyable after- noon was brought '• to,. a close. Staff H'ef d•' Banquet' • , The. office staff of the . Bogdon • and. ..:Gross •;furniture company,; Walkerton, 'gave a' .banquet for Miss Marie Smith on ,Thursday evening on the; occasion . of her .leaving the coni+pany's employ' to be married. The .staff presented her with a .beautiful" cut glass ••mirror, and .the company present- ed: her with• a hostess.. chain and Walnut tier table. , The .,banquet was 'herd at the. Legion Hall, Walkerton. 1 Ali,. . • BUY PORT. ALBERT FARM • 0: ER lst,, 1951 . Weir Eckenswiller'' of Con. 10, Kinloss, suffered: a fractured -leg ten days ago in jumping off the tractor. Weir. had 'been plowing till after dark, and on jumping ;from the • tractor Landed on ' .•a stone which he .had, failedto see to fracture twobones in his leg between the .ankle an knee. .He• d<, was taken to Kincardine Hospiba'I and from, there ,tto:.Lon. don where he had .the fractures. set .,arid' has since been ,hospital= ized. : • ENGAGEMENTS .. . Mr; and Mars. 'Wm.' Brydges, Belgrrave, announce the 'engage- ment of .their.daughter, Margaret Elizabeth,to William Caird John stone, son, of/ Mr. and : Mrs. J. R. •Joh ns ton • e , L ucknow. The ' mar- riage to take place in November. SCHOOL' HELD HALLOWE'EN • PARTY 'ON. FRIDAY ,NIGHT Lucknow District High School students and,. staff' held :a most ;'successful Hallowe'en party. • on Friday' evening, October •26th the :.; Town. .11.611.•-• After''a trip ,through the "House. Of Horrors", those in, costume: paraded before Judges' ,'Mrs. Harvey Webster; Mrs, Allane,Rei:d and Mrs. Gordon Montgomery;•',:'who: chose the.var ious. winners. Hallowe'en 'games; were enjoyed .• by ' all and, thee, pleasant : evening closed 'with lunch: 'On .,Wednesday, October 24th, :.United Nations . Day was:' observ- ed' at Lucknow . District. High T?iNG • Mr. and 'Mrs. Lorne Ritchie 'Nave 'sold their Arran' Township farm near Port .Elgin and have purchased Harvey, ":Sillily's farm * at Port Albert on . `Con. 2, Asti-, field, where .they ,will take up residence the first: of the ,.week. • APPROACHES CH.E5 With "tax timeaapproaching,: --municipal ,tax bills are in the course of. being : prepared : for . mailing or are in the mails, and • • needless .to stay the levy won't • be ,dowi any this year. • Hardest hit, it appears; will . be the ratepayers • of Kinloss . Town= I ` ship, . who Will „pay a Toni 'iship- rat of 15 • Mills which is' an ' in= -.crease of 6 mills over e th 1950 rate of '9, .mills. - -Faced• with a big deficit from., the previous year and with. spir- f o... box; . this avc ilablis atterns-- ii .Morning School. It' . was ` the . anniversary "of the forming of, the: United Na-' tions Organization which ' 'took place in-San..•Francisco :in Oct- ober 1945. At', a special; Literary meeting, ' students learned ' .the •purposes' and activities of the • U.N.O. '. 'START. 'MAGAAZINE DRIVE• Students of Lticknow• District calves. High School; are starting .a rrlaa- zine . sales. campaign. Liberal commissions on these sales will.. .go ;into a school;,fund to purchase: needed '.school. equipment. Johnston Buys 125 ; The Aberdeen Angus fraternity welcomes Cecil Johnston of Luck - now R, R. No.. 7, to the •ranks of breeders of Daddies.` Cecil has made: an "ambi�tieus start taking delivery of 125: ,cows and calves from Cecil' Tom of Owers Sound last week.: Ceci:lr'has been, specialf izing•in steers.the last few years:. The purchase 'of this lot is doubt less..one of the larger cattle deals in Western Ontario this year:: .' The .two' Cecils were. brought together by the Aberdeen' Angus. Association, according to. • S. B. :Stothers, secretary -treasurer of, the Ontario Aberdeen Angus As sociation. Cecil , Tom' has been breeding Angus for, some 1.0: years. He' secured . his. foundation stock from the late . Howard `Fraleigh of Forest. He operates some 500' acres in Sydenham Township Grey County. He'also . operates' "Tom's. Garage" in Owen ;Sound with', tharty employees..Ile still has a' sizeable herd of some sixty Angus tattle. Cecil Johnston. farms the `.an cestral "'Johnston •acr' es" in Ash- field Township; Huron County, where . he , Was born. His' grand- father, • Henry.: Johnston, settled •on the original. fifty acres in 1860. This has been enlarged ; at' vari- ous times until he now owns :and operates ••some 400 ,aures ,in the Township.• ' Cecil ig. also ..,intereste in..coin d, . munity work serving. sortie .. thir- teen years in; the' Ashfield Town- ship .Council. and was w•arden, of Huron 'County. °in::1950.' He also Shipsan .. r • e cattle d d ov s cacti for,the Ps . district. Mrs..Jol'iston.. is the for- mer Orelle Fitzsimmons of Ar- koria in; •Laxnbton County.` Cecil. has of fate years developed great faith in corn cob meal. as the most' economical feed' he can raise to :fatten his steers. He is, going. to'. 'try it 'on the Angus'cows and ,aide • • QUILTING' PARTY.. .,Mrs. George 'Saunders enter- tained'. the ladies ' of :.:Blake's W. mIVI : Frilla=y-after--noon=at -a quilt--. ing. ;.There were :sixteen' present to quilt for the bazaar and the work was'concluded in good time after ;which the hostess, assisted by her.'daughter Lottie and Miss ,Jean Ritchie, served a.• dainty lunch. • • .. MAY :PREPARE,' • • t SKETCH ._PLANS • ailing municipal 'costs, the'Kinloss Board decided on. the big :hoist .in • an effore to balance. the budget; and to eliminate the heavy . in tte. rest charges the Township is. Paying: on their Bank loans. • 'School. Rates Interesting, g - ' � A: comparison of the rates paid • by adjoining ipaalit ies ... inithe.. adjJ g manic Various High ,School., Districts, is interesting. ,he Luc School know District levy is 2.9 mills for the cost .;of education to. Kinloss rate a: 'ers, whe; Pay, 3 Millsto Ripley 'and Y p Y 4.5 mills to Wingha,in; The southern part of Ashfield and. West •Wawanosh ' 'pays. 4.2 mills , to theGodes i. 'District : ch , •while the' northern sections 'of these Townships pay X2.9 mills' to LiickiSow. The' northern portio • of West p Walwanosh� is still Baying s debenture levy. to the Wang- ,name District which is .assessed at .0006. mills: ' •1, This year Kin loss Tow ns hip is. adopting the eolicYof havial, taxes payable at. the Bank of / Montreal while, Ashfield T n- •Isco ntinuing this policy ship is a..,.,. and Making taxes payable tb the: collector, john' 'P. MacLennan. Authorization has been' receiv- ed from, the Ontario .Municipal Board :to proceed. with the 'pre- paration. pre-laration. of sketchplans of., the proposed new .Lucknow District •High School. • Resolutions of approval from 'the -majority of the'fiffinicipalities Within the district. were submit .ted-'ta. the; Mumcipai Board and the reply receivedby the Village Clerk, gives' approval to proceed 1 h•ich in turn with `sketch . Plans, w must be approved before tenders for construction of the. building May he calld. r . • , The, Municipal Board's reply led ed 'eceipt of. the letr acknow g . '. }'`h.ich the ,ter and applications, w letter . read: "have been consider- ed, and would advise,that tenta- tive approval in the iaanotirit of 325 000 has now been granted l . ' . r1 •tt, 'enable the by this ,13oa hool , Board to • have, sketch, !oval; by plans prepared for aFp'..._. . the' Department of Education, and a rov:il by.the De-• when such � pp .been to has cat n Of Education en t a �.. p atm. obtained- to have sinal rplai?s land "specifications prepared 'for• sub - Mission to and approval by the, D'epar,tment, when ' tenders can then be ''called for firm • • ' a ' SEE BY •THEE' SENTINEL THAT .Marilyn Kilpatrick wilder= went :. an • appe'ndectom_y in •� Wingham.JHospital.. last Thurs. day. She: returned ? home on ,Monday.' ' THIAT .Old. Tight Lodge annual ladies' night banquet, program .and dance is scheduled for Fri- day night with ladies of 'St. Peter's Church, catering THAT Mrs. Sam Sherwood, sn- 'ped ;a raspberry -branch' last. ,'Week loaded' with large; ripe ';fruits that . egiiall.ed anything you'd see•' at 'berry time. , • THAT a sta brill a .cribba fie ' and g g, g. •• shoot darty is being staged peat' Tuesday :by the. Local Associa- tion Guides, with -tion of ' the G ,, proceeds earmarked :fol reno- vating permanent, Guide guar- `ters, in the Recreational Centre. • -� s, tl THAT work on the sub -structure of ; the:M'•Rectory°' is••• under^��way and it is• hoped . to start recon- struction', in' a few days. • moo-' . C. McNab. THAT Mr., and Mrs. J. ,�. attended :the regional meeting , and banquet of: the Children's Aid Society of the Counties of Perth; Wellington, Huron, Grey and Bruce, held in`' Walkerton on Friday. peeve .MeNab is a member . of the Bruce County C.A;S.' cans ittee. bids i r f v 4 TWELVE: PAGES FEDERATION BANQUET ' HEAL 'NEXT WEDNESDAY. MAKE SWEEP Q. ' A turkey e ur Will . lbeh d y banquetheld in the Recreational Centre, Luck - now, next Wednesday night,, No-. vember 7th, under the. sponsor- -ship of the Ashfield• Federation of Agriculture. • Guest speaker, who will ' deal' with a very timely ',subject, will be Mr Charlie McGinnes, presi- dent. resi dent • of ".the Ontario' .Hag Pro=} crucers. •. • • : • • h' • 'Tickets • are available from .the' school , directors of the -Ashfield Unit or : from Jack MacKenzie, president; ' or` Howard Blake, sec- re ec retary-treasurer. A very large gathering; is ex- I pected, and so `'that ' those cater- ing may ater-ingmay know`'�how many to pre- pare for,: it is important that .tickets be obtained 'b ' Saturday y of :this ; week. Everyone.' is wel come, CREAMERY :CUPS Redvers (Meff) Johnston,. -as- sistant, •buttermaker at .the Luck now plant, of Silverwood Dairies, has won outstanding honors for cream ' +and butter judging•in the Saugeeri District competitions. These judging Contests, are held periodically -and awards are made on the basis mof the year's results. The presentations were made.. at.•' is banquet in, Hanover 'last, week.. Mr, and Mrs. Johnston were • in attendance arid it was-. not until " the winners were called to the. front that: Meff was aware that heto •recei+ve three. trophies and individual prizes for placing, first'. in all three classes. • Chairrnar�*.- of the meeting was Mr, P. S. MacDougall •of Paisley, creamery , instructor • ,for ; the northern••.area; By placing • first in' butter " ' ' judgingr M . Johnston 'won the E WEBSTER WINSr Cher -B ry urrell trophy' 'Of Tor.: PUBLIC SPEAKING. onto •and, a' .miniature engraved • cup which. he retains; .In addition • • Elizabeth Webster, daughter of he won the. H. T. Chisholm. of Mr. and Mrs.' Harvey, vVebster, Toronto . trophy and a motor rug will. represent L•ucknow Public and ease . donated , by Lawrason School at the Bruce nt and . Co.: of London.. Cou y Pub, lic' SPeaking,. Contest ; in Paisley "gate winner of the high aggro, on Friday night:. - gate in cream' . and butter, judg-• The local' contest' was held' 'at. ing, Mr.: Johnston was awarded . the, 'school last Thursday after- the McCallum Scale: Co; 'trophy noon .when Elizabeth''�placed first and a table. Ronson lighter' donut - in a class of four :contestants. Her ed by the Appleford P'apert Pro- subject *as "Pauline Johnston": •dUC• ' The judges;'. were, Mr. P; W. Hoag , "Mefif's"' array of. trophies and .and 'Miss Jean Osborne, of the prizes' are, • an display in the.of High .'.• Sohool. staff. Elizabeth..fice at ,Silverwood's :plant. lie has. planed, .second' in the contest, a be. en -employed here for~'17• years year ago • • aod• bad previously been at Car •'In' second place in Thurs•day gill for six years was. Donna John's din. The. 'other Gordon Anstett, cream grader-' • t at the C"argill'.';branch of Silver-- :• o Contestants: were: zella tw n w. )Eco , How,ald and' . Wilda Reed; Mari -' .wood Dairies won a pain , of, lyn Kilpatrick waw also' to have blankets gas fourth prize in' ereani competed but 'was •ih. grading „•' • The Kinloss Township repress , enta�tve at the County. final ill HONORED ON. THEIR • be•'. Paul Groskorth of: White- T". "." IFTH ANNIVERSARY church. • • The family of'Mn and Mrs. Wm . H Hum lire arranged a 'p INSTALL HEATING .SYSTEM arty :for their `parents recently' IN CONVA>t.ESCENT .HOME in. onor)of their' thirty-fifth wed - . anniversary. ' M. E' ° Baker is having : a All • members of their family new hot water heating system in and .a number of ,guests Were pre stalled in his Convalescent Home sent ',to wend.,a very..pleasant that will provide heat direct to evening:: The family presented every ,room, ' and will assure the .. • '-aMrs. Humphrey with a•: residents of the home of winter lovely nd radio,' and as well they' comfort.' received a ' table lamp; The-Home-waS-inspected'ra -few--other: gifts-and::congratulatory •: days ago . by Dr. , Stalker, chief car,. medical inspector'of hospitals for . • Mr. and Mrs. Humphrey. who the Ont.' Department" of Health, . have lived en the "Sideroad who was well 'pleased' with: the Farm"since their marriage, re- set-up e- setup.. and informed ':Mr. 'Baker , cently 'moved to the Rutherford that ,he, would shortly be issued farm on the 10th Concession. a private hoapital license. 'Their ' son 'Lloyd ,is living -on the hon ei.farm: APPEAL' FOR • IRESURFACI NG AILD TO A.S:.. MALS! ^STREET' Lticknow•' Maintreet is . cur- rently being resurfaced"with, ` an asphalt top' by. the Warren Pay- , ing . Company, which ' has been engaged in this vicinityall.' sum- mer' pavi;g' Highway 86 to'Axmi-- : berley... The highway job. is' complete;. ever. to __the. -centre' {white line, rwitli ,the exception of sdme work _at Aniberley where No: .86 joins the' Bluewater. ' • This' 'carpet -like surf ce. • is • a ll Make a +vast improvenzent to the main'thoroughfare which has e cone pocked ;and cracked --With age: ; • This .concrete street was Witt. some. twenty-five years ago.d - r- , ing the . reeveship •of the•, 1 te Robert Johnston, •Towland;,;C 'n- struction, Company, had the con- tract at , that time' arid Mech of Mr. Donald W.' Carneron, sup', erintendent of the Bruce County Children's Aid Society announces thee' launchintg :'of ,a '.campaign to aid. the organization financially in caring for orphan children and others under -the care: of •the Soc- iety, which, number' dyer two hundred,'' • Although the `Children's : Aid • Society, receives, county financial assistance, due'to the greatly.. in- creased costs incurred during the paste .year through hospital and doctor -bills, the need for iricreas- 'ed support from the general pub- lie-in ub'- lie - in this worthy endeavour. has been. felt, arid citizens are•. at this time asked to lend' as much fins _. ancial a lstance • in the present o 'rill ,.carnp;ar'gri ass:"'p ss e ' : ,• ' Tle objective has been set .at $5000. All donations are received at the office Of the Bruce Coun- ty Children's Aid • •Society at Walkerton, Box '270, and such will be . gratefully accelit.ed, with re- ceipt's being forwarded'. for in- come. r n S ,.S Donations to come. tax ; urpo n the Bruce: Children's Welfare fund, will plsa' be ,subsidized ;by the Dept.) Of Welfarer to the` ex tent of 25 percent- School ercent, . + w t b a u a 0 the finish was hand,troveled, in eontr'ast •, with , ' today's paving machine that lays The asphalt' ' and the power'' rollers that give! it the .'final finish. In resurfacing he road through. the Village ,the ' approaches to Main Street have been extended to the same width:, at the High.-• A. •