HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-10-25, Page 5'. TRSDAX, OCTOBER 25,, -:951 LtIC NoW SE I 'XW,. , . ; CKNQW, ONTARIO, • 'AGE • tIVE, ,Two Shaw,: Bach, Night; FIRST SHOW AT 745 . p , Aida . Thursday, Fri ay, Saturday 'UCTOtint 35, 26, 27 • GENE'AUTRY, in bTEMs•NEVER CRY MATINEE SATURDAY Monday, ,,Tuesday, Wednesday OCTOBER 29; ''34; '31 LASSIE, PAULKELLY 1n.. ;'acre Hints Thursday! Friday, Saturday. November -1, 2, 3 "NO. QUESTIONS' ASrt D" CARS. CRASH• - Cars, driven by 'Eldon* Hender- son; ':Boundary West and Eldon MacLennan of Lochalsh• figured in a•midoafternoon' crash on Tues - :day at the United Church corner,. Mr. Henderson' was turng north onto.; Station St and the Mac: Lerman car was eoxniinj down Station„ -St. and • about, to turn On- to. n-to: lVain .Street:. The left • side of the Henderson'. car was stove in :and' suffered'.the''•more 'extensive. damage of the two, Neither .driv- er was injured. • CARO M' • THANK The family of the 'late Mra.. ElizabeetiCCarter wish to express ,,sincere thanks and appreciatjon to their friends and: neighbors for their many .acts of .kindness •dosing' her illness ,and at the time of. their sad bereavement. Mrs. l -tarry Hackett wishes to sincerely thank:her' mane.Y f rieids and neighbors for their kind .acts. and kindly remembrances ' of cards,`' letters, fruit and flowers. Such. thoughtfulness during my illness. at 'home Was : indeed ,.ap- predated... . I wish to thank all who were sokind to me during my stay in Wingham Hospital especially the matron and staff nurses, also Doctors Corrin,, Johnston, Palmer and Rev; G. Miklejohn;,also Ber- vie W.M.S., •Purple Grove friends, all who sent cards, flowers and treats 'and •all who helped in *ny way. ' ELIZABETH WALL. .roup .'II of the W. 'A, Twenty-two ladies of Group II of the. United Church W,A, ••met at the horneof, WS: j. W. Joynt to hold their' October . meeting. .The meeting commenced, ..by sjng- rig hymn 483 followed by''a: de- votional: reading' by . Mrs; Web- ester: 1'he scripture was,read by Mrs: •Umbaeh, Mrs. Hodgins then tookcharge of the program. Mrs. Brooks gave a• reading entitled "My Corner of Atte 'World". A reading on: "How to, Marry Well." was ,given by ,Mrs: W. B. Andir- son.. Mrs.' •G. Montgomery ably entertained with: 'an instrumental land' Mrs J" C:. Armstrong favored With a solo. The collection. was received' 'and the .meeting* close with : the mizpab,.:: benediction: A contest was conducted Eby .Mrs:. E. 'Taylor' and, •a'. dainty lunch was served bythe' hostess and corn- . mittee in charge.:„, W.FbDINC ..BELLS. 1RWIN--IRWIN In the 'United Church Parson age on Thursday, October 18th at 4.00 o'clock, Wilda' Irene Irwin •became the bride of Glenn .Stan,leY Irwin. The bride isthe dao - Otter of Mr, and Mrs. Emxnersoi. Irwin of Lucknow and the_groom:. is the son of Mr, and Mrs. Clar- ence Irwin, also of Lueknow, Dr. W, J. Mumford officiated' at a, double •ring `ceremony, For her wedding, the ' bride •chose a lovely dress of white slip-' per satin. There 'was an inset of. lace • at, the neck with a satin and face ruffle- 'below._ •Theski t had•• two side panels .of • alternate lace sand satin ruffles, which gave the dress an, air of .01d World charm.: Her headdress of •,tucked .satin, I(eld in place a fingertip veil of lace, trimmed with . brocaded scroll; The bride Wore 'pearls and carried a cascade of red roses. The' bridesmaid, Mrs . Betty Mullin of Monkton,. Ontario; wore a blue satin, flogr •length .dress with a Peter Pan collar and •three-quarter length sleeves, Her headdress Was . a band. of ''blue roses and forget -me' -noes and she carried a bouquet of red. rosebuds, Thegroomsman, brother of the groom, was ,Mr' Grant Irwin of Clinton.. A wedding di "Wedding for the - guests was held in, the Lucknw Recreational.,;Centre, where the bride's mother receivved, wearing, a black dress and a corsage ' of ,red ” roses. The.. •grooin's mother assisted, .wearing' a •geld ' colored dress, with yellow :roses.. That 'evening a reception- was held' for the.: couple in the Re- creational ,• Centre. •_ d ' For their hone morin tri . to the y p. States,: the bride :'wore • a smart gray ; suit' with :'navy accessories. • Presents . Thursday, Friday, Saturday, • October •25, yes, folks, this picture was made for LUCKNOW, as we had cause to do drastic things in . our ball playoffs, ILL THE ,UMPIRE' with WILLIAM BEND)IX. . Plus Chap, x'Y or `The Drums of, Fu ,Man Chin'... MATINEE • AT 00 P,M.: S,ATUR iAYS. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, October • 29, 30, 3I STEWART GRANGER:' & DEBQRAHKERR in ng �SoloaEnon'a Mines' See the Most exciting' filam:06f the year. Filmed in Africa --great: in all proportions. • (Sunday. Services here will be 1'Withdrawn:• The ' Girls bazaar which was planned for Thursday evening will . not be held until.• Tuesday, October 30th in ' the Anglican basement. ,Everyone, welcome. , %Mr, and Mrs., E. ' Lowry, and family were Sunday, visitors with, Mr. and '.Mrs, Clark Needham The P Y.P,A: iriet .at. •the'home of Jean Guest .0n4 October 8th. The meeting opened " with the hymn'' "He.: Lives" followedby. •'prayers. The scripture• was read by Jean. Guest followed by read- Ings„ by Ronnie Thorhpson. and Percy Barr. The ` minutes were read followed by the roll` call. [The next meeting is to : be'a Hal-, lowe'en socialat the Maanse. , on• October 29th. All . are; asked to come in. Hallowe'en costane. This is to, be the .election of officers and a . good .attendanpe is.. hoped .o 6 ,0�:,, ..1,....:.....,_,fiat......,4,.:w.ji,..►., ., ..,...,..„... „..... a • � •� ��POULTRY • RAISERS Letter. �a.. . 1 Having contacted .various flock -owners of rec.• ent months: we have discovered that' the :customary number -:are unnec- . essariiy suffering .losses or anxiously observing paleness, weakness 'or general, • unthriftiness arriongtheir birds. Does • ,it ever; oceur' to you.that'.there As a cause and with very few ! - exceptions a eure for any one of these conditions? Having reeently gained considerable knowledge during a course in poultry management "it now occurs to' us thatsuch i a profitless 'situationcanonly, be; -classed: as ,pitiful and rn,ost unnecessary. We invite you, therefore, whether you are a • regular visitor to our shopor a;total stranger, to .bring your -...troubles to us. .We further state and guarantee ntoe that we will examine � your - . birds in your presence, and indicate definite symptoms of the condition present. Unless the birds:are suffering from , curable diseases . we will • prescribe a • : One of the, very rare incurable proper remedy for the situation •' _ • • Providing such 'remedies are .used . as directed, we shall returnhe price, of • same should th y"fai1 .to fulfill t -reit" purpose. : _...._. , . 5(Our Telephone `Nuzrnber is ;165 at Lucknow. You have I. nothing: to . lose. by .calling. -WFORD'S Feed. Store . And i atchery : • It: E. CRAWFORD, LUCKNOW.. Mr, and Mrs. Irwin will' reside on the groom's farm on the .2nd•. `Concession' of Kinloss. • • '* •Out-of-town guests •oame from • Windsor,; ;Toron!to, Monkton, Kin- cardine and Clinton. K' IN L CI UO H W.M.S. held their Thank offering • meeting ' on Wednesday at the home of Mrs.'H. rold Percy with thepresident in the chair, ; Miss Margaret 1Vlalcol i was charge of •the • following program; 'a hymn.,and prayer by Mrs. Alex Percy; . the theme of the scripture lesson was •"Thanksgiving" taken from.:, several Biblical: passages. NZs. R_ev. G t •. Mit , S Bau1lch was he guest 'speaker. ' She slowed. , flan- •nelgraph picture's, her -theme . be- ing '"The :ministry of Jesus, Christ to• women': Mrs. Morley Bushell `and .,Miss.-MargarMalcolm; ored .With a musical number. The meeting, •closed' with a hymn and the Lord's prayer. Lunch was served by the hostess. $ • • : Mr., , and MI's.. Ivan.Lloyd . of London visited . on Sundays; With Misses Edna and May Boyle. Mrs'Jack Schumacher ,.Helen and Mrs. Charles $bhuanacheil visited an Sunday With . Mr.. and, 1V1rsc WM. Wall.' . • Mr. and:' .1VMrs. George Grahain ,arid . Mr, and Mrs•, Jack Hewitt" were guests "at the Carri'pbell- Ydung wedding on Saturday.' A nu>iriber f roin'. here, attended the 'shower which was held in honor of ,Miss Olive Bdyle•, Z.N., )pride --elect. Sunday. visitors •,with- Mi s:: J. W. Colwell were Mr, and Mrs, John' .Groves, Glain•is,, Mrs. Ardell Mason, Ripley,; Mrs:.Don IVIeCos'h, 1Vlary,and ,Dick of Purple Grove. Mr. `& . Mrs Bert McLean., . Mrs: Slessor and Mrs: W. J McLean •visited on Sunday with Mr.. and Mrs. -Toni Hodgins, Mr. and. Mrs. Clare Snarling of Walkerton spent Sunday 'with Mr. ''and. Mrs. Geo.• Haldenby Friends of Mr. •Weir Ecken- swilled• are sorry to 'learn that. he had the misfortune to :have his leg brokers and was taken' to Ldrtdon lEospital • Mr, and Mrs,: Glen 'Campbell and • family of. Arrx`derley visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Nicholson,' • • .' Miss Sheila Raidehl y spent .a few days with her ' aunt, • 1Vfrs. Clare Spariing Feed, FertilizerPhoe71 .Groceries ies Phone Z7 • tE=I 1;VENTORY ;BARGAINS rice %Oil al Farm Machinery and Electrical Appliances'. Including Stoves, • Washers, Fridges Offer Good Until Wednesday;. October 31st. THE BESTIN-COAL NUT, STOVE or ALBERTA A car of 'Lethbridge Alberta Coal to arrive .approximately' ' ' . November lst. Thisis'a hard, bright coal, PHONE YOUR; ORDERS 'QUALITY Ip OO1JCTS r.. at ryk ucknow. District (oOperadve Harvest' ; services will be held at Kinger£ Anglican 'church nem 1 for,. The hymn, `Tri praying for: you". was sung followed by au reading. by :Erinia'. Percy • and prayers. The Meeting closed with the benediction. Mr., .and Mrs. ],Miller Haxtwic and Wayne and Messrs. Jack and: Scott Walsh' spent Sunday with their mother, -Mriors..Milt '• ' Walsh_ Friends of Mrs,• B. Slessor are,. sorry' to learn of her illness. ' •• Mr., and, Mrs. Russell'Ball - and;. Charlaine and Reggie Riehl of Londo ' apent the week -end with, , Mr.: and Mr -s. Alex Percy and: family. ' :Mr, Jim. Hodgins returned home- ,from the ' West,.' where he spent, a few weeks. ' Mr. Tom., , Brown, ' who Went; : West on the harvesters excursion; returned'•on Sunday. ^Miss lrlmma Hodgins, R.N.,'spen ca fewardine days with relatives at Kirk,. . • . assey- arrlis Liupleinents Offer The Latest :In Modern Farm Machinery EE THEN W S NEW FORAGE HARVESTER With Corn Table. USED 101 :JUNIOR TRACTOR • ALL SIZES OF ` M.-.1EI. iiltACTORS . PLOWS,' MANURE SPREADERS, ONE-WAY' DISCS,.' • RUBBER -TIRED ' WAGONS: FULL 'LINE OF..REPAIRS 'ON HAND,, BFATTY BARN SUPPLIES WILS� 'PHONE 10-rn, LUCKNOW . •' Located In . The Former ` Royes' Implement 'Situp. ALLIS - (HALMERS MACHINES TWO SECOND HAND TRACTORS Ail s -Cl almers Alin-Chal�l►ers` W. F. C .. • Drop ..In And See The FAIRBANKSMORSE HAMMER MILLS FOR'YO1I SO*S atrad SMALL PIGS arse. Sow and `Pig Chow Conliplete or your• own grain, and 'Sow and Pig Concentrate. ' • See tis About A ..• HOG FINANCE CONTRACT. AT, NO' CoSf ATO You. THOMAS KA:cKETT and SONS �vos«ow; enT„Me •