HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-10-25, Page 44 to,4 • . • # • PAGE FOUR' Ir'q#11# 71.1 lAtdKls."' OW .SENTINEU LUCIDTOW, ONTARIO w • tt . 4 • • THURSDAY% OCTOBER 25 1951 "WANT Al)" RATES --1st insertion 2 cents a word, subsequent • ,insertions 1 cent ,a ,word. Minimum charge 25 cents, Replica care of The Sentinel 10 cents extra. , Legal advertising 10 cents per count 'line first insertion, •5 cents per line subsequent insertions. . " • NOTICE RE COURT OF. REVISION A Court of t, Revision'on the 1952 Assessment Roll of West Wawarkeish Township willbeheld at the Township Hall, on Mond, November 5th at 10 a.an. Durnin,Phillips, Clerk. FOR SALE—child's play pen on casters, good as new. Apply to Mrs. Hugh' cuming, .Lucknow, • •FOR 8:4LE • Large. Norge. 'oil burner. Apply' to. Kenneth Cam- ., . L... . . FOR SALE--::50.ilthecle ISland Red ilets. 4 months. old, Call Mrs.' W. Lannan, 111-4!-22.- Dungannon, WANTED -10 head. of young cat- tle to feed fbr' winter. Ohas. Mc- Donald, R. R. 2;'.phone 210-r-12 Luelchow. : • • FOR SALE—Purebred registered York hog, 7 ,months. old.- Apply Lawrence MacLeod, 46-r-22 Luck - now. • PIGS FOR ,SALE -41 about 100 lbs.; 21 about 60 lbs. Robert Mac-. Donald,--liolyroed, phone .244-7 . • WANTED — 100-150 Acre farm, good buildings 'hydro and water, • near school and church.. Apply ,tyden Green, R.• 4,, Fergus. .'FOR SALE Registered York- shire boar, ready" ,for service. Arnold Alton, R.. 7; Lucknow, phdne Dungannon 67-15; :PIANOS -414 used, 7 new at Mild- , :inay Furniture Store. Radio corn- nbinations at bargain priees. In - \•:laid linoleum. FOR SALE--ceinent septic tanks, approved by the Health Unit We . (deliver. them. Forster's Welding Shop, phone 206-r1-11, Lticknow. ;LAND WANTED quantity. of, sod suitable for 'growing. flax. • ,4nderson,..171ax Prodtiets, TMLuck- FOR SALE -7 -two odd.dhesterfield' - chairs, 'large china cupbeard, Coleman oilburner, large. ROY' McGhee, second•residence oast of . 1.Inited Church. FOR SALE—girl's 3 -Piece •snow -- suit (blue) to fit child ,3 years old. Mrs. Frank •Ritehie,R. R. 3, •Lucknow, phone 69-r42.Dungan-. REFR,IGERATORS--4 cubic foot refrigerator, 60 'cycle, hew; $2994 ,__.,o_cuft.r_efrigerator, new; :$339. •- Good makes. Schuetes-Piiiiiiture Store, Mildmay and Mt Forest SALE—ivory enamel.wood • FOR or coal range rin geed condition; also • extension table and chairs. Louis. Hogan, R. ,7, Lucknow; phone Dungannon 76-17. • , DAVENPORT tWo-piece, Very -- beautiful coverings, only $169.00; inbdern •;3 -piece ibedroom. suite, good buy,•• $8.6.00. Schuett's and. Sons at MildrnaY. I • • WANTED' good tithber' frame •.• • • blinding '28 ft. wide and 60 ft. Give full particulars and lowest price.. lames Stevenson, • phone 60-r-4 Brussels. •' APPLES FOR 'SALE '—choice . quality, McIntosh Reds, Taman SWeets, Snows, Delicious; also takingorders for Spysfor later • delivery. Apply John W'. Prithh- arcl,'R. 1, 'Lucknow,. phone 64-r-2. LIVESTOCK WANTED • FREE THERMOMETER Plus 'cash atyour farm for, dead or disabled horses or' cows. •Phone ctilleCt Winghain 5614.- Williani Stone • • • MEMORIAM ENGCANDL--iri loving.rnemory-ef • 1's. Joseph England -who' passed "away three Years ago,- on October 28th.• • • • . Many a !day her name is 'spoken,, And 'many an 'hour ,she isin our thoughts, •Q A link in our family- is: broken, • . She has one from our home but • net from', our ,hearts. -,,,Ever remembered 'by her ttus, ,/ band' a.nd Mr and MrS.tlohri Eng- . • • NOTICE • • ,• . To. whom, it may ,concern, if •they hake anythingto say against my wife, Waild they kindly come to iny home and say so to -inY face.. •. . , ,Signed, Lew Taylor. • AUCTION SALE *of livestock, implements, hay . and grain.. at E.H. LOT 2., :Con. 13, E.D., Ash- field on TueSdaY,' October 30th at 1.00 p.m. ,Terhis cash. No -,re;• serve as tarm is sold.'. John R Giliriore, • Prop.; Emile , MacLen- nan,' Auc. . • • •AUCTION SALE of livestock 'and implements at the farm of the, late David G. Stewart, Con. 1, Huron Twp, on Highway 86, 9 miles west ,of Lucknow; on Fri- day, October 26th at 1.00 ,o'cIoek sharp. See bills for list & terms.' Mrs. Elizabeth Rose, Prop.; Emile MacLennan, Auc. ••.` AUCTION SALE, of 100 head , of cattle at the Ripley Stock Yards on .Thursday, November 1st • at 1.30, including 10 spring' calves, • 60 yearling 'steers and • heifers, 15 cows' and heifersein calf, most- ly springing, Terms 6...,moriths at -6 percent. Thomas Harris & Prop.; Emile MacLennan, Auc. I $3000. . FOR SALE . $3000.. ' 5-rotoli White -brick house locat- ed on approximately ,1/2 acre at St. .Helens, double decker, hen- house. • Electricity installed' in house, Irinnediate .pessession.,,C. F. Chapman, Real Estate Broker, phone 18-w, Godericli, Ontario. NOTICE TO. CREDITORS In 'the 'Matter of the Estate of David Grant ,Stewart late Of the Township of Huron, in the' • County of. BrUce, Farmer, .de-• ceased. • Notice is hereby given that 'all. persons having „any claims or de-• viands against the Estate of David` Grant Stewart, aforesaid, Who .died on or abOitt- the---20th•zday-of 'September, A.D.. 1951, are requir- ed. to file proof of their .claims. duly verified with the undersign- ed Executors, on or before the - 12th day of November, .A.D..1951. • And notice is further given that, after the, said date the undersign- ed Executors will proceed to- dis- Tfibtite'the—assets of the—aid estate among those entitled there- to .and Will not 'be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any one,.of Whose claimsthey shall • riot then have received notice. • • •'Dated. at •Ilipley; Ontario, Od- ober 8th, 1951. • Bain Stewart, R.R. 3, Goderich, Ontario, • • .• •:' Frank MacLennan, R. R. 3, Lucknow, Ontario, Executers. OMING EVENTS I RECEPTION TONIGHT reception' will be held • in ,Lucknow Recreational -Centre to- night, ThursclaY, 'October -25th in honor of, Mr. and Mrs, Eric Hack- ett. 'Carrtitisiers orchestra. EVery- one w'elcome.• BAKE SALE AND TEA The 'Ladies W. A. of St, Peters Chtirch are holding a bake sale, and afteroon tea at the Legion Rooms cin Saturday, November 3rd fronak.2.30 tO-5.00. Everybody welcome. • t . " RECEPTION AT ST, HELENS There will be a reception in St. • Helens Community 'Hall On Fri- day, OctOber ,26tb in honor Of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Errington. Bruce's orchestra. Ladies please bring lunch. Everyone welcome. SHOOT CLUB STARTING The- Shoot •Club will re -com- mence their weekly Monday njght parties in the Recreational n•7 tre, Lucknow, '.starting On M day, October' 29th at 0.00 p. sharp. Ladies please bring sand- wiches. Everyone is, welcome. CHRISTMAS FAIR • Plan to attend the Walkerton Christmas fair On Tuesday and Wednesday, October 30th. • and 31st; patrons will kindly note the • Horse Show will take Place Ties - 'day evening at 7 p.m, October ,30th: •. •' .• • ZION BAZAAR • :The ladies- 'of Zion W. A. will bold. a bazaar featuring quilts, blankets, sewing .and hcitnermade baking in the Legion. Rooms, LuCknow, on Saturday, October 27t1i. Afternoon: tea will be serv.- edliSee. display Of articles in Russ Johnstone's Windo W.. Bazaar. opens at 2.30. • MASQUERADE DANCE . . 'Hallowe'en masquerade dance. in. the Town Hall, •,Lucknow, on Wednesday, October, 31st under auspices Ladies Auxiliary to the Canadiabjeegiqn• P.041-arie prizes for fancy lady and...gent; •comic lady and .gent, original lady and, gent and a spet, dance prize •Car-• tuthers orchestra. Lunch COunter.- BORN • RUTHERFORD at Walkerton. Hospital on Wednesday, October 17th, to Mr. and •Mrs. Hugh Ruth- erford, Walkerten, a son. A- faucet drips because 'it c.an't, sniff. , ••. HOUSE FOR SALE -11/2 . storey. 6 -room frame house, in good lo- eation--in-Lucknow,, town water; sawdust burning furnace, cupboards. Price . of $4,300 'in - Chides. everything. - For further particulars apply' Harvey, M. Krotz; insurance and real estate, Listowel, :phone 470. • ATTENTION 'FARMERS HENRY AMONEIT PAYS • TOP PRICE FOR DEAD OR DISABLED ANIMALS Day or Night and .• Sunday pick-up. Driver paycash. Don't :wait till theyciie— wilipay • HIGHER, PRICES r for LIVE ANIMALS that leaf), be used 'for• . mink meat. • HENRY AMONEIT Phone ,collect, Clifford 39 $I5000 .per c*t, for Old Hogs. •1 • •• Service and -Satisfaction- - issistbing and • eating ' • New • Automatic Oil Furnaces Installed—No*, In Stock • FURNACE REPAIRS ' Bathroom Fixtures & Repairs • SEE -THE OIL RANGES • • EAVETROUGHING • AIR aoNDinj)Nusto Art Gilmore R. R. 3, LITCKNOW. 'Phone ,61-r-13, Dungannon Insure With The Culross Mutual FIRE INS OtANCE CO. • for • . Reasonable rates, sound pro- tection. & prompt,: satisfactory_ •settlement of FARI§II MOFFAT' . •,Year Local Agent , • . R. 3, ToesWater. Teeswater 51-r-41" 4 G. ALAN WILLIAMS Optometrist , Office 'On, Patrick St.A, iPst off the Main St.. In • ••WINGIIAM Professional Eye Examination Optical Services Evenings by appointment. Phone: Office 770; Res. 5. JQHNSTONE'S' Fplig441. HOME •'Phone 70 • . ' Day or Night • Ambulance Service USE OF FUNERALHOME At NoLEXtra Cost Moderate POces. MacLENNAN and tAacKENZIE FUNERAL SERVICE (Funeral Hope Available) • AMBULANCE SERVICE (Day or Night Service) FURNITURE • 'Phone 181, Lucknow, Ont. (Day 'or Night) . , . . • ' Agency • Howard Agnew -- Jos. Agnew Agents' Association Ontario Insurance • MEMBER OF _ GENERAL ,INSURANCE Established Over 30 Years Ago Telephones: ' • Business 39 Residence 138 • INSURANCE • Co -Operative Life Insurance CozOperative Automobile Insuranee •'Mercantile & Faruk.Fire , •• Insurance • Economical and Reliable, See . . T A._CAMERON ': LUCKNOW • Phone '70-r-10 Dungannon •3 CLELAND . VETERINARIAN__ • Havelock, St., south of ' Supertest Garage L'U.'04NOW t Telephune 775 . . , • ' , BUSINESS and TAX SERVICE MONTHLY ATJkoltS• , • • For The ' Metcharit,„ Professional, • man *and the Farmer. • • P.O.. Box 74 Lucknow, Ont. S. J. PYMM Office in Kilpatrick Block 'Phone 233w T. ,ARMStRONG OPTOMETRIST • GODERICI-I FOR APPOINTMENT lehOne 1100 . ; ' Appointment or Inforination. See .Wm: A: Schmid ' • 'Phone 167-w Lucknow°- Insure InySure Insurance WIND Western Farmers' Weather FIRE Howick Farmers Mutua Car, Accident, •Sickness "Consult . . • JOHN FARRISH • 'phone ..7.69-3; 'Lucknow INSURANCE • FIRE, CASTjALTY,•:: • : AUTOMOBILE ProtectYourJack, insure Wih Jack Today.' J. A...MiDONAGH ' R. R. 3, LucknOW, "Phone 61-5, Dungannon • • Kenneth J. Mackenzie • •••• R.O. • Optometrist • LISTO'WEL ONT. Will be in • Ripley every 2nd. • Wednesdair at Eugene Wrona'S Jewellery Store. from 3.00 to 10 p.m.• .- Eyes •examined- Glasses litted For appointment 'phone, itoy MacKenzie, 96-r-24 Ripley. .NOW IS, TIl*..qpiiviz: , •.• ta Order A • . • ThreshingMachine 3 sizes -22x32, 22x38, 28x48 Roller Bearing' Complete EARL II HODGINS !to,it„ 1HoLyroOdOflt. • 'phone 36443 TeeStvater • • R.W. ANDREW Barrister and Solicitor -IJCIENOW, 0NtARIO Office in the JOynt Block • • Telephone: Office 135 • Residence 31-.1 P. Stuart MacKenzie' Barrister and Solicitor W4LKIitT�N, ONTAR1.0 • _ 'IN LUCKNOW . Each. Wednesday , . •• 'OFFICE, IN • • ',HENDERSON 141.0.CK, R. S.,fletheringtO, Barrister, Etc. • ' • Wingham and Lucknow • IN LUCKNOW Each Monday • and Wednesda,i, , , Located. on the giVoUnd, floor in the front of • 04::::::'4PICIP°11;aetrWickilin'sgiels;r1411:1:1:'91