HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-10-25, Page 310 h;'.. n= SS; h- re es ht. ted hn ith" as 001 iss ar rs. ith his' on - son, re. osh, dell her, or: enera Mra A. B Mitchell is taking a , .abort rest holiday' in Brantford, Mr. and Mrs. Aduaxn Johnston _ are visiting with friends inTor- onto. Miss Edith.. Johnston and her mother of Goderich' visitedNi Ashfield friends during the week. Mrs J. -W. ColwelI of Kinlough.. spent a few days last week• with, Mr and Mrs. W. N. Bushell,: .Mr. and Mrs, Burton n Roach' were on 'holidays last week and. took a motor trip through. North ern Ontario. ' • 1VIr, Ed ar .' Ritchie .and .Miss ,i •t it t ie of si 1 ',Jean. e RitchieR are e holidaying this week with rela, tives here. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Johnstonand J family of Goderich visited over the week -end with _Mr : and Robert Scott. ' : and . Mrs. Harry Torrance of North Bay .spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Ander son. Miss Cora MacQuaig 'returned home after spending the • past two . months in .Chicago and Tol- ,edo. • Mr. and Mrs. E: - D.•-Mac Que ig •and fmilYof.To edo 'Ohio spent . the 'past week -end at the family . home•. Miss Jean ..Nelson,' of -Toronto ...was ., a : recent visitor here with her mother, ,Mrs;'. Robert Nelson.; Jean had just returned • from. a holiday in •New.Fork, making:the trip by Low Presbyrterucknan Church: REV. C. A. WINN, B.A.) Minister. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 28th • 11 a.m.: Rev: Glenn Campbell of Seaforth. 12.15 p.m.: Sunday School. 3.00 p.m.: Erskine ' Presbyter- ian Church. 7.00 p.n.L:: Evening . Worship. OU..I,n.Mil4.1N1�►0..N,;..b.•114)11 .Ea..�.. . 4 F LUCK NOW UNITED►:C-HURCH • Minister: Rev. V... J. Mumford; i A ,_13.0.,:_.B, T,D. i- SIINDAY;' OCTOBER- 28, '1951.1 11 a:m.:'HOLY C:OMMUNION 1,15 p:m z Sunday School. 1 7. p.m.: A Day of Surprises. • � U , T- "�"•K�J:,�`�'' SEl'�T1NB�> ' t'H1T HURCH, 'Week -end visitors With Mr. ,and Mrs, Robert Ritchie and Graydon Were Mr and Mrs 'Qhester Hin- ton and, daughters. Ina and. Mrs, Allan, BelYea of Oakville,, • Mr. sand . Mrs. WillBegY le • of PL4imington visited with. his slat.. ter, Mrs:, Margaret Sproul, who ,also had: as her • visitors .Mr, and Mrs,. Jnn McIntyre of Nile, • Sunday •visitors With Mr.' and- Mrs: Andrew Ritchie were Mr. ''George MaeRoberts, Mr, and,Mrs, Chester Hinton and daughters of Oakville. ... � .Mr. and; Mrs. W..: , , C. Mitchell and daughter, Roberta of "Tamil ton and the RthRev, : Bishop Lux- ton were "visitors with Mrs E. Hollyman • on Saturday;. Mfr. and. Mrs, ' George I.;inley and Mr, Milo' 'Briggs of ;Detroit were week -end ' guests :, of Mrs. Josephine Cameron of Belgrave., Monday • Mr., • Liniey and Mr, Briggs will. fly their private plane to New York ,City on business,, DINNERWARE, TEAWARE• • We'.have' a large selection of Dinnerware,' some in•Aopenstock patterns,. also new 'Ratterns• ' in Royal Albert open°stock. See the Royal bridal,.,gown teaware, open to s .crk •over -al attern i ' ' l n a re-. Pattern, plica of Princess.Eliabeth's• beau,, tiful -wedding gown: WM. A., SCHMID' • Jeweller & Gift Shop` Phone167-w It is a sad religion that is! :never -strong' except when • its are . .... ouhealthy! orx�ner is' sick... Y. ,i• toy, :come . to. Church and I return' thanks to God for His t I Goodness,' I. Angiicai Church • NOTICES Rev A. S. Mitchell, L.Th., Rector.. Festival' St .:Simon & St.' Jude SUNDAY OCTOBER 28, 1951 LAYMEN'S SVNVtOAY'' Special Services as follows: 1.1 a.m.: St. Peter's'Ltteknow. 2130 p.m.: ' St. Paul's, Dungan, n1on, 7130 ,O .: •St: P ,ut's; Rip[eV, TONIGHT t...: i• Tbursday1 October' 25th•' Conference to • consider • plan to restore the Rector', All iry terested persons are invited in meet with the Church Wail. dens at 8.0( p.m, at ,the borne of Mr Then. W. Smith, Havey lock Ste . .NEW • STYLES..: INITIATE HIGH SCHOOL' STUDENTS • First year .students at Lucknow District • ' High • ,Scliooi.w e nt through,,an initiation "ceremony" on Monday and Tuesday. ; , of this week r The regulations •.applied from -.j8 a.M. to • 5 p.m. Here's what the. girls were required to do: wear' skirts backward,: two curlers in their hair,;, one man's :. sock . ani, one nylon stocking., and =make -lap an one •side of their .face. The boys had to . part their hair in the .middle,and, those: with a brush cut hadto wear a ribbon. Ties had 'to be worn 'backwards and pant :legs" rolled • two inches above their socks: ST...HE;E:NS Mr: and ''Mrs', Fred McQuillan,: Ivan and Barry were week -end visitors'\with relatives in .Strath-: roy, London and• Windsor,' • Mrs. .George Stuart " was the_ guest of; her sister, Miss Cathar- ine •MacGi egox' at Lucknow. .--TheNoetnbe :iietg o£' t Woirnen''s ' Institute will • be held at the lore' of Mrs. Fred- Mc- Quillin on Thursday' afternoon, N;ovembei 8th when .Mrs:: Morgan Henderson of Lucknow will be the guest speaker Ladies, please note the change of . date, ,.. -Mr. ; and -Mrs. -Cali" J-ohnst-on children visited on ::Sunday with 'Mr. John McQuillin and Mr. and Mrs. Frank 1VIcQuilln GAVE TRAVELOGUE AT LVCI(NOW W. I: 'MEETING • On Friday -'afternoon, October; .12th,. the Lucknow W.I. held their regular meeting in' the Council Chamber., After the .opening ex•- -ercises;; business was . dispeised- with the, meeting was privileged - •to. hear ::Mr s, Morgan f-I.en.deirso i. give .an account 'of her trip to Britain.; Trance' and Switzerland.' She gve a fine description of the.Itixury liner `Queen • hcth" on ,w.h,ich they •sailed' from 'New Yorrk . She told' of 'the many beauty.snots Gtnd historical places 'visited in England, Scotland • and iar°ol�o.. Tri' ,Paris • they saw the 'Eiffel Tower, long known asthe ugliest thodrflark but which naw is a radio station a'nd mortY•use- ful. We hope. we will'have �rgairi the opportunity of hearing Mrs. Henderson tell. of ,her' overseas tourG,A t olo't:i' Mrs, fTarvey. Wet . ,s;tt'r ,"When .1 wits :Seventeen" 'Niras en,toy€"d.' Sliewa accompan .•: ierl by Mrs. Gor,darr Mnntgfniy. cry, Ml's.m, ' WMcGill was dale, gate tri, , •the area convention in Loricdon and gave an a tsti g 'reportMiss•M.acLeod,istor'- Leal•researeh conveserw ave a paper The .hostesses• served tea. iCoinnunior,E service will be::` held in Chalmers Church next Sunday at 11 a.m. Mrs, James Purves,• of 'Lucknow spent ..last Thursday afternoon with WS. D. Kennedy, also Mrs, Win: MacIntosh . and Kathleen called at the same ' home, • A nu neer of ladies froin here attended the districtannual inr'. stitute at Holyrood last Tuesday. Rev, and Mrs,. Graydon. Cox of. _•Fonthill visited •with :•her mother'. and sister' Mrs, Mac . Ross and Olive, -'We are • sorry to rerport that Mr, Fred Newman was taken;', to Wingha n Hospital for <x-rays and. is going Ito; London; for ":an opera - n; t' ' • opera- tion: The Fall Thankoffering • meet- nig, . of the W:M.S. • Auxiliary of Chaim rs Presbyterian Church washed. in the church on Thurs- day 'evening. Visitors Were pres- ent •i from the, United Church, in Whitechurch, Langside and Cal: - vin Presbyterian churches. Mrs. W. Lott, the'., president, opened the meeting with the call to wor- ship; Mrs. A. Walters had` charge" of the: scripture reading ,and Mrs:, W. J. Coulter the meditation. Mrs,. IF Coulter and Mrs. °D: Craig led in prayer. A. solo -*Blest this House" was sung 'by • Mrs.", A. Gaunt, Rev. R. 'D: A,Currie was the speaker. He pointed out some, Of . our 'great reasons for thanks- giving which are our homes and all that: they Mean; Our schools and,. hospitals to make_ • life bet- ter; the chureb to. .save 'Tien and:, women for , the .kingdom; ' for work to •express• the .meaning ;'of'. life. and for. our opportunity to give, In the last analysis, he said thanksgiving makes us : available for God,'Mrs.:Jas McInnes thanir-; ed the. speaker for: his message. The meeting . closed With prayer, Lunch was served and a social time enjoyed. OBITUARY.' MRS.,- WILLIAM CARTER: .' On ,Saturday, October 2O, 1951, Elizabeth :'Connell, . wife of • the late Vfi,lliarn Carter,:p'assed away .at the home of her daughter, Mrs, D: R. MacKenzie' R. 3, Lucknow. Mrs. • Carter was a daughter of the . date. George Connell' and Eliza ,Smeltier, .and was born 'hi, Holland Township, ''Grey County on September 28th, .1866: On April.., 2nd; 190,, she married :the late Wm, . darter,, who predeceas ed .her in March 1949, S ie was: a 'member.. of ; 'Constence United Church: and a life memlaer, of .the •WM.S �•. The funeral .ws held• from.the home of her •adn 'George, Lot 14, Con. 8,,.Hullett Township on Mons. day,. October, 22nd .at 2,90 p.m.,1 the Rev'. S. H. Brenton officiat- ing, The pallbearers were five nephews, Ray., Clarence, Cecil and . Harold . Connell, Gerald Con-' nell and Watson Reid The flow-'. er bearers were Jack Keller, Ben Tilley, Jim 1VfeCo6T, I Alar: and Weldon • Tyndall. Interment was in.Clinton, Cemetery, She leaves- to •:mo- urn - her Tess her : daughter. • Irene; Mrs.; , Mac= Kenzie and• one: son,' George of the home place, and .two grand- children; Mrs; Watson Reid of Blyth. and• Glen -Carter of Lona desboro. One ,daughter Myrtle, passed away in infancy• and one: son' Charles in .Octobei 1929 She is also survived by her sister, Mrs Kate 'Herbison of Winnipeg. end of-Winnipeg brothers, Jake Connell f' Kennedy,' Sask: and Charles• onnell :of. Burnaby, B.C. • CLEAREY3 AWA'3 .DEIIf1S ,AT THE ANGLICAN RECTOlt About .a dozen . men represent. irig the three Anglican congrega- lions• have done a 'good job\ in clearing away the most seriously; damaged, part of the b',eetory. lrt ,was a • big. undertaking 'for one• .day, but they • wc5rkcd with . a will' and a system. Some were wreck. ers, • •others; sorted 'and' cleaned, tastes best when served ice cold Perfect tern is -so easy to mctke with •I .�rY�+�Y.►{Hi:nrsY.+�.fY1.rtwruMRNYa��!!�R�r�srtr� `. , • Novi fix our r Annual .� .• I. t FREE! FREE! ire "Hat With Your Winter Coat Remarkably tow -priced infuer trimmed & Untrim /med Coats. .�:.._ _....` 0 -"-"�^ " /� . . Top Coats with zip in piling and Overcoats for Men. • Teen-age Coats' styles 'girls go Crazy about, Plaid ' Skirts, Suits, Blouses and Sweaters, S 0 _ • ,• 0 'Station Waon, Coaais Bomber 'Jackets • for Boys and Girls.. a1I colors"— alt sizes 'now. SNOW SUITS i&' CHILDREN'S` WEAR: CLEARING! ' CLEARING! Ladies Coats, Suits : and Snow Suits AS LOW AS $5.00 or STYLE, QUALITY and VALUE, . Shop . at "gg' J%,0 J HE The ': FamiiIy's Ready -To -Wear Store For evening appointments -Phone 70, Teeswater, Ontario. • 1• 3'p..:.e..H�....iw�riia.ai;..,...ii,..vr...a,�n,.�.os+,:,.rt gn.i...,>+ri..p.� . 41. what could be .salvaged,; making Saturday, and tonight (Thurs- three piles' of what could be used again, some for kindling and the useless was burned: A meeting was ,held with Bishop Luxtonlast. day) there, . will be • a eanference to . consider plans to be submit- ted to the Bishop for his .approv- al:. • We offer ion a beautiful Silver= 'plated Steak Platter with, each 44=piece Service fora n in smart new '..pattern, pias • anti - tarnish chest. 1`b.dICti;j I e4 Offet AN AMAZING .VALUE!. Thrilling. new silverplate loveliness At, thrifty l:ow price. Set ,includes: 8. Knives. �'. • '8 'Forks 8 Dessert Spoons 8 St1ad Forks, 8 Teaspoons .2 Thblespoons, ' .1 Butter Knife ' t Sugar Spoon. WM. Phrine 1674+ �y ars cl Gift Shop G�►liJNiM��i�i►tidiiitlliErYiild►`Y'YttY�N1J/.iUO'r�lY.,,li1►tY�'si►Ysiffy!(PiiiYii�ilY.tY�4iYiYiiilti1�11�iUtW1wi14jsYl/iii • 1,