HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-10-25, Page 2TPADE m•irrr G belongs in your ice box *AGE Iwo ° elimbirrIAN •"4101iS .11AVE MARKET FOR .*. M BASKETS. --SAVE THEM ”1„),IRTIMPPAIMIVralrikriollWA711PtWintosePoPP., Jo* • • • - THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL 0 LUCKNOW, ONTARIO TguAsix). ,o,cToaxR. 1951 Girl Guides have a lucra- 'Market for good used fruit I.skets They will use•the money -thus •earned to help, repair their tuture club room. So please do vat burn, your baskets but save them and the Guides, will call k, for them. • • A. very busy meeting as.wheld last Friday night with: every patrol working on tests, Tender- foot, and signalling, being the most popular. There will he the regular meeting this weelvhi the Community Centre. • ,'• WEDDING BELLS JoBasmyoN.„-yuNGALui Rev: L, J. Patterson officiated at, a, wedding ceremony in All: Saints' Anglican ,Church, London, When Jean 1,0ii,,enlY daUghter of Mrs. S. YtingXli ut of ,Auburn, and the late MJr. W. Yunglalutise eaMe the bride of Mr, •Merley K. johnston,.scin of Mrs, A. E. John- ston. of WeSt-Wawanosh, and the late Mr. Johnston, Given in mar- riage by Mr, Ernest Brawn, the bride were a street -length' dress Of mist pink Qatin sprinkled with rhinestones pearls and a matching „in1deatiers and . rhinestones. ShShe' cairked, whit prayer ..boolt. 'ow'ed'. With .pink Sweetheart roses.' Mrs: Eldon Yungbltit, LOndon, was matron of •honor, wearing • a two -'piece 'snit of :..mist mauve • *satin with gray. accessories, and, corsage ' of blue" and White carnations. Thebritle- •grooni was Attended. bk. Mr. 'El - :don V.iingblitt. • brether Of the bride. After the 'ceremony the bridal party had luncheon at the London Hotel. The' couple left for, a motor trip to Northern .04 - tali°, the bride.wearing a gray flannel suit with „Matching top Coat al green accessories. Mr. and Mrs. Johnston will reside on the : bridegroom's farm in• rWeS.t Wawanosh. • • WRAITH—HENDERSON A quiet wedding took place 2t • .the horrie of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John W. Henderson on, Saturday, October '6th at '12 o'clock high noon, when -Doris Eileen,. Reg.N., was , united in • marriage to Mr. William George • Wraith, son of .Mr. Wm:, Wraith and the late Mrs. Wraith, Lang - side. Dr, W. J. Mumford offiCiat- . Mrs. Wni. Scott Langside played the wedding mareh..,, GiVen' in marriage ''by her • : The best,way to keep your , .•;.• birds n. shape so,, a . roll out eggs week after week is to feed them a tasty "fresh -mix" mash made with National ‘Egbilder. Furnishing- animal _ protein With essential vitamins and minerals, National Egbilder Cdncentrate combines *ith your grains to make a high quality feed that brings gool eating' and good health to your birds -- and more eggs toyou. _ . ' • . • . ... • • 1 ,m... ' FEED.,YOUR BIRDS 1- FOR EGG QUALITY The kind of feed you give your birds affetts the' size • . of the eggs, shell Strength, yolk color, quality of white or albumen and delicacy of flavor. . g To get the highest possible' percentage of ",rade A" 'eggs, feed your, birds the National %,ay, with , plenty of good, well-balanced "fresh-miX" feed and I • clean, fresh water. ' ''r • I • it • •••• • • 4,; ; •,.. • ' • • 14' t `,•! ••% ," : ". ^ 4,1. . 1. ,•4 .111• t .' t Se • 1,Le,1 " • ff 4; • ff. „ . • A •' if • • 51,, • , • • • . „ . • ., .: ''• .' • . . •Ii . • • limiii..1.• Nii ilip....1.1* il. IN .. tio, at ill, ow:. it .1.11..imip xi: al INN; NI ;•' • 1 • See Yee, NATIONAL Dealer today-- • took for the, bright Orange and Nadi Sign. WILUAM STONE SONS. LIMITED !NeERsoia. / ONTARIONL4: ,; • 44.11i0eielil:•eretmeeneerketeo-ta.*eeeeeeeeetenekeek".„1,.-•: • • • • • • • ' • .% . , STUDI'OS: Fhotegraphs of Quality , 125 King St. Kitchener I COMMUNITY' CENTRE,,, LUCKNOW $ATURDAY, OCTOBERZ701_4..3.00 to, 9.00 wpm', A 'ReallY New 'Sensational Offer . S7,50 VALUE FOR $2,49 On 840 .Gokt. Tent Portrait—.Beautifully mour4a," Just A Photo TodaYrTemOrrow A Treasure, All Weleoine. KAIRSHEA„ ANST/TUTE , AllEalt*TRAVElki TALK . . . . • The- October meeting of the Kairshea W.I. Met' at the; home of. Mrs. • Fred Gilchrist. The pre4- *lent, • Mra.. Harvey liquston, pre- sided, During the butiness session final arrangements were •made :for the Hallowe'en "At Home", when,. the Holyrood W.I. will. be guests. It will be held on Friday, *OetOber 26th. 'in Holyrood Hall. Members west .of gravel to take 4sandwiches: east. and Lucknow. • members, cake. The annual St. Andrew's Ball Will be held on November 23rd: • . •, • Mrs, Boa's MaeMillan• gave an interesting account of the Local Leaders,. training • school • Which she and Mrs; Orville Elliott 'at- tended recently. in Walkerton, •Any girl between, the ages Of 12' and 26 who would 'be -interested in taking this course "Working with WOOl" is' askeclto contact these ladies. The highlight of the meeting was a travel. talkby Mrs.• Morgan 'Henderson .Ori their recent trip to •England, Scotland' and. the Con- tinent Those in attendance list- ened • with, keen interest: •• . The roll call was. an `exchange father, the bride wore a gown of Of ;a. potted piant.',1VIrs...D.. white iatiri with trimming of Kinnon made the olesing remarks. White ' lace. Her headdress.. ;of and the Meeting closed with The White Satin and lace studded with! King.. The November Meeting is 'Pearls held , her' three-quarters to be :held at *thehome of ,Mrs., length "Veil, She carried a gag- Allister Hughes'. (Note change of cade bouquet of red roses •and hostesses). " . : • , stephanotis. • • ' : ••- • , • • , •1111iss Lois Minter as bridesmaid. ."ATEX DA gip wore a:. pale green nylon gown "":"" " A '7S '77 and carried a nosegay of stephan- Alex Milne of 115 RoichOrough otiatentred with red roaes, Linda St, West, Toronto, passed away Henderson, niece of ,the bride, atToronto.cenetal Hospital on. was Slowergirl .and was frocked Tuesday, October • 16th. : He . was in pink ilyiori,.0ainiing a nosegay injured in a traffic accident on and streamers of pansieS. • September. 7th as he •stepped Robert. IVIacIntoah was best from the .curb into the path of a 'northbound var. ' • . The bride's Maher received in, He was born and raised, near a violet shade dress ,with- black Langaide•ori thelariri now Owned accessories and• '• Wore a corsage by William MacIntYre.. Hig father Of 'Yellowdnums. She was was much' interested in growing ed by the grooms sister, lgrS. ny will Dorothy Stein, wh'0,•wore a navy beautiful .V.07eTS ma, dress" and black accessories and H is survived ' by. his widow, a corsage of yellow mums After-wTreceptiorr-inAhe-Corntthe tomer Effie Trevett, whose father at one tiKie -Was—agSVOtatett rninnity , Centre, . Lucknow, .the with the LiicrikoW furniture fact - happy :Couple left for a trip to Northern Ontario; For travelling thebride wore a' 'beigetailored suit with .green. feather hat and British tan accessories and a cor- sage of :bronze mins, Mr. and erich..Gueata Were. from Hain/1, ton, Montreal, 'Sarnia, Seaforth, Walkerton, -Goderi4h7and.Lang'1 - side.. , • •• . • • . • :LOCAL LADIES 4T HURONIA AREA GUIDE MEETING - - The. .following ladies attended the annual meeting *of the .1.tur- °Dia Area Girl Guides Association .GOderichOn October the 2eth• ' • • ., Mrs A. C.*Agnew, Mr, W. B. • clerson, MI's. Ken Chester, 1Vri•s, T. B. Cleland, Mrs.. George Joynt,• Mrs:.Ken R. Pass- more and- Mrs. A. E. McKim, Kiss Gamlen, ,of Chili Was the lunch- , eon speaker. , The ' funeral :was . held. from •. Miles Funeral Chapel on October 19th. Burial was' in TorontO, - HONORED BEFORE MOVINO TO TEESVVATER TO .LIVE • . • , Fiends and neighbors of the Langsid.e district gathered recent- • . ly at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tiffin t� make a farewell presentation to Mr. and Mrs. Jaek. Richardson who„ have, moved :to „ TeesWater. •, . • Mr. and Mrs. Richardson were read an addressof best •wishes • • and presented with. a trilight, lamp. ,A gift .was also • presented to their son, Bob: • *. • • , . The Ladies, Aid also presented cups and saucers to Mrs. Richard- son and Grace. • . • ...• • PURPLE GROVE Messrs. Will Elliott aid - John Elliott of }Iuron .visited with Calvin Robertson on Sunday, ' A miscellaneous • shower was - held.lie the Purple Grove' school last . Wednesday s% night , for Miss Olive Boyle bride -to -e; with good attendance. • • Cecil Dore .visited his. par- ents on Sunday. , • , -Mrs. Sariv'Emersen. and. Mrs, James Stothers were'virsitors' with Mrs: John Eznerson last Week. • Mr. Melvin Carnochan and his' Men were ditching for, Mr. Don- ald McCosh, George' Emerson; Victor Gawley and • Frank Dore. .. •Mr. and Mrs. Donald, 'McCosh, Mary and Pickle and Mrs. Ardell Mason !visited .with their. mother, Mrs. Colwell on Sunday. • • PARAMOUNT • Mr, and' Mrs., Frank. FellOws Of Sarnia wisite'd over the Week -end With Mr. and Mrs IL' Ensign. : • „Mr.: john; Windfield 'visited in the neighborhood..receritlY, . "Mr. Wm., ketchabaw'returned from, a tripi West an -d- reported a wonderful .trip: Mr. and •Mrs. • John Parrish have rented the •Stein ,place. Mr. and Mrs.' Frank 'King, •Mr. .• and Mrs. M. Sanderson and Mrs. • Jas. MacDonald' Visited. with: Mr. arid Mrs. R. Har,n.ilton. ' ;Mr. and Mrs, r Walter „Dekter, Mrs.. H. EnSigri, Mr. Oliyer and Henry Barkwell :motored .to Lon- • deshoro on :Stinday: •7. Mr. and Mrs. Frank MacLen- nan havemoved onto the Mao- Diarinid home. Mr. andMrs. Don• - Ainsley visited with Mr. and 'MacLennan. . • The„ Paramount Women's Insti- tute held their' monthly meeting at the home of Mr, and Mrs.I • Dexter ,.with a good. attendanee. The November meeting 'will be , held •at the home of Mrs, Robert Reid on the third Thursday (.)f. the'inerith, \ • • ' I 4 x , COOK Ott FEED MIX FOR POULTRY,, TURKEYS;, HOGS and CATTLE • Feriafre,rout-Coopt .401) NATIONAL Weiii-Ctite4'Proper y -Blended FERTILIZER • • • . • . Contederation ANNOUNCES • „r‘ e Junior Partnership iboLicy Furst plan. in the field •of •ehildreti's insurance to fill all • the--,ririPOrtarit rieeds•-•in• aHsirigle poheY! .• • .0 THIS UNIQUE PLAN PROVIDES t6,090 if sou die before your ,child•reachep age 21, or * :$5;000 if your child dies after he reaches age 21, or * $5,000 'when your child. reaches age 60, • . • . 4i ADDITIONAL FEATURES AVAILABLE- ., 1'. Family Protection Benefit , • •, • • 2. Accidental 'Death and 'Dismennberment Benefit: • 8. Total. Disability Benefit • • 4. Double ln4emnity,Beitefit , • , • ' ^1, Now you. can take your child into partnership with YOU. CONFEDERATION LIFE ASSOCIATION For further particulars, Without obligation; see ' • . cGli 'RepresentatiVe,, 1TeeswaterOn aria. E...,..