HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-10-18, Page 9nd ith )ft: Qt ilg to the eecl ._...__ at' en avis ;Qu the are de- ol- ften, • ork the. des per- , •:.o 11 1 ° rola day;; • dn't ' the ally at.I all, in a over e-' so ould 's i bout orae- juice, er- ipen, abut ends ehop- r .and rough' • :and • oiling._ :con oiling. more. one • into, od . of aye a ul r%, but i£' gets wax use 3%4:. ice. Ruby dutiful --; apples, • e, and. ,. them have nd all. anber . 1.y.bag, • cup • of sugar. spoon,.. , u. have ' n for. a ely in- a. treat or pork e haw- • before u pick ible, if ucr eve the- •cover k until Ily bag., itgar to • • it skim- egetable ;k,to the • will riot d a tri - best sort. lty eon= • ?.e, when. - it from • contain-, je1Xy? Ind eoe e recipe mob and ;0 4 lbs lis week fou lest on aeY >odi !d apt" linin or. Joist' • • P TQDR t,.' 1951 THE ILC Lyceum Theatre V!ElNGHAtu1 -Two Shows T_$4 -O _Night . ST' SHOW AT 145 Thursday, Friday, Saturday, • OCTOBER, 18, '10, 20 MONTY, WOOLLEY, ' THEJ- MA RITTER, DAVID WAA`NE in &Ya n ; As YOU Feels MATINEE SATURDAY Monday, . Tuesday, Wednesday OCTOBER ,22, 23, 24. LOWS 'JOURDAN, DEBRA PACrET JEFF • C, HA.NDI.,,ER • • . . in Bird. .0f: Paradise Thursday, Friday, Saturday October 25;' .26;. 27. Gene Autry, : in ' "TEXANS NEVER, CRY" DIES. OF INJURIES '. IN 'SCAFFOLD FALL .Francis ,Ste. Marie, 60 -year-old: .Wingham `resident. and formerly of the Division' Line, died in Wes- tern Hospital, Toronto, • of head. 'injuries received when .he.fell • 15 feet from a scaffold• in. the Fry., & Blackhall furniture plant. • Working with him at the time WEDDING.BELLS; Mact;EQD_WEBST.ER -On Saturday afternoon, October 6th, 1951 at •3.00 :p.ni. ,in First. United Church, Port Credit, Rev. Forrest :officiated for the. marriage of Eunice May, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs,. Gordon Web- ster of Centre Road, to Mr, Don -'j ald Alexander MacLeod, son of Mrs. MacLeod and the late Mr. Pi J. MacLeod of Port. • Credit. The church which .was opened. for service just the week prev- ious, was prettily decorates with mums. A beautiful white -: Bible. •was ',presented.the bridal couple as it was the first mar riage perforined' in .the' new. .'church The. bride •wore a two-piece .French costume of royal blue .and silver., with snatching, blue hat, and carried white roses. Given in marriage by herfather,. she' was attended by Mrs. • W. ` M. Wade,' also: gowned in royal blue and carrying pink . and white roses. • Mr. Douglas; C.. Bell was best man, and ,the ushers were' Mr. Bob Webster and Mr. How- and Angus:" ' Dus'ing the service and atthe signing of the marriage certifi-'. cate, .Mrs. J. W. Joynt• of Luck - now 'sang, • A dainty buffet ,luncheon' was served to about fifty guests'" at the horde of the bride's parents, Centre Road, after Which the bri- dal couple left on a horieythoon trip to New Mexico -On their;re- turn they will:'reside 'in :Port Credit. Mr. and Mrs. J. W.. Joint and the ' Misses Ada and.Hazel Web- ster, aunts of the bride,• attended the . wedding from 'Lucknovw: installing insulation ; was Keith. MAIL DELIVERY' on R. R.' 4, Johnston, .,forirnerly • of . Holyreed: • Ripley, is,now. in , charge• of Don Keith 'landed ' on his feet and ald MacLennan, who, succeeds escaped: injury.: 1 Walter Forster..: •q,�„ r+W►nw4141.111#o NIMIN i►o�nn+mitMOIMPOsrrwi,.�o.r:i41Mir.w►i>.01.,irWi,i+»o ias1 Letter. to • .' .RA�� 'PUULTRY SE�tS■1 avingcontacted various flock -owners of recent;months I we have discovered that the customary number are -unriec- .I' essarily `suffering losses•: or anxiously observing.paleness, 1 weakness or general unthriftiness among their. birds. Does • it.•ever occur to you that there is a cause and with ve'y few. exceptions 'a cure for •any one.'of these' conditions? Having recently gained considerable knowledge during a course' in poultry management it now occurs to us that such . a profitless situation can only be classed as pitiful acid most ; , un. necessary.. We. , •invite ` you, therefore, we'hether you ,ale; . a regular- visitor' to our shop or a total:strariger, to. bring your,. trou'lles to us. " • . C., s We further 'state and guarantee . that .•we will examine • :$ 'our. birds in' our presence, • and'. indicate: defi•nite, symptoms: Y Y !' .of the. conditign present. Unless the birds are suffering `fronts 'one of the very: rare incurable°'diseases we, will prescribe a ' proper remedy for the situation,, - :. Providing such remedies are used as. • directed, we shali, etur:n t e , ho„rr1d they fail ' to fulfill their i. purpose, . Our •Telephone 'Number is 165 at Lucknow:' You, have I. . nothing. to': lapse by calling. • CRAWFORD'St', SCO ', Hatch y R. E. CRAWFORD, LUCKNOW. ear' fray. mint to es•wster +ti0YNf Yr44i►v41•►h111.nwipilmiXf0,vriyir4iw►olAl►fl•Y,r!roir.gtr+MMi+r,rwrMoi►rrW►e,rr►t,wMsw+f0lw, • Feeds,. Fertilizer Phone 71 Groceries. Phone 27 , 'Town Delivery Service On Groceries P . P`LOR.O-LAC VARNISH ,The. discoverr.of.•yoars.of research. Qiseover itourse1f. Easy to apply... quick c' frying:.... water repellent, Money -Back Guarantee TI -IE ,BEST 'IN COAL .NUT, STOVE Or ALBERTA ear of Letlhbridge Alberta Coal to arrive apiro\imp;telt' • November 1st,', This is a hard, bright coal.. PHONE ItOillt ORDERS' FEEDS and',CON`CENTRATFS Complete line oh' hand, at all t%ares._. • GEHL HAMMER MILLS—Ask the man Who, owns one, C04W rQ.UAL1TY rRODU'hT at ti[ { , Lucknow Dstrkt (oOperatiVe NOW SF•INTtNtg1.,t,7'QHNQW,; ONTARt , , y PAGE NINE: " • -NOTICE Local Association Canadian +Citi° Guides A Meeting for the ladies of the Local.Assoeiation: will. be- held --at: the borne of Mrs.• A. .Agnew on Monday evening, October 22 at 8..00 o'clock. • • NOTICE The •' apnual meeting of'. the Bruce Co -Operative Medical ser- vices will be held at 2,00 p,rn. at the Library Hall in Port 'Elgin on Monday, October 22nd, 1951. Lindsay MaeDgnald,, • pres.: Lorne B. • Evans, .sec:-treas.• NOTICE •Notice is -hereby given that the Court .of Revision of the Town- ship' of. Ashfield to .hear appeals to the last Assessment Roll will be held i 4 -he Township Hall on Monday, ,October 22nd, 1951 at 10 o'clock in the morning, • Signed, 'Donald M. Simpson, Clerk=''Trea"s., Kintail Ont,. • BOOKS! .. BOOKS! ' . BOOKS!' Good books snake the best gifts. Order your books now. ' before' the Christmas rush.` We will al- low 10 percent discount on books ordered, now .and` not having to be , placed in stock Call ar :tele- .phoney. your . order to� THE CHRISTIAN BOOK :'SI O•P 'NOTICE. TO CREDITORS In: the ' Matter of the:Estate. of • David Grant Stewart .late of the Township of Huron, in : the County ,.of Bruce, armer, de- ceased: . ' Notice is hereby given that- all: persons having any claims or de- mands against the •Estate. of David. Grant: Stewart, aforesaid,. : who. died on or about the, 20th day of September, A D. 1951, are recjir-' ed •to :file proof of their claims duly verified withtheundersign= ed` Executors,' on or before. the .12th .day, of November; A.D. 1951. And notice.is'further` given`,that after the said date the undersign- ed Executors wil ' proceed, to ;dist tribute' .the assets of 'the said estate among those entitledthere- to :and here-to:and will not -be ,liable"tor the. said assets or any, part thereof to any one of whose claims they shall . snot then. . have received; notice , Dated at;, Ripley, Ontario, Oct ober 8th, : 1951.. Bain=Stewart, R.R.3; Goderich, Ontario;. Frank .MacLennan, R R. 3 ' ; Lucknow, Ontario, Executors. CARD - OF, THANKS . Noble Pierce wishes to express his sincere thanks to friends,'and neighbors and Kairahea Women's Institute, :who so 'kindly rem'em- -beyed-1i in-•vr•d3 le--ii,r-the : hospital. Oscar Hodgins,. -wishes to. sin Cerely thank the Doctors and memrbers of the Wingham Hospi- tal, staff for the care and atten- tion given him, to thank everyone •who so kindly remembered' him `j with .-frtllt, lowC*rs, eai'd isiis, .etc., while rill .the hospital. Mr. end • Mrs. W. A.' Porteous and :Mary and Donald - MacDon ald, are deeply • grateful to • "elf -those :who were so very kindand sympathetic during the illness and at the time of the death of their" beloved Dad and Grandpa. Mr. and Mrs. RichardRichards wish to acknowledge with sire- cere. appreciation ' the 'kindness and thoughtfulness of,•friends and: neighbors at the time : of -their golden wedding and to especially. thank the Paramount folk •,.for their ,gift. BOUNDARY EAST T1ie Whitechurch WV Z.. held tl ei'r October nieeting•.ir»the hall on 'Tuesday evening, Mrs. George. McCleriaghan, presided, `.•Musical nu nbers• were supplied b , Mrs: • E. Scholtz' and Mrs; G. Farrier. .IVIary and Gordon,: Ross played a 'piano duet. • A11 joined sills Codi iritinity siti'ging ars Were made to attend the: lristitu.te conference at Holyrood' this. week, 'also for catering to the• 'Federation barn otet On ,the 25th.' The main (fans-; ture of the meeting was'' the very interesting and lengthy talk ;give en by Mrs, Morgan Uenderson bn: her trio to Europe and tate Brit.' ish Isles, After' this lunch' was M presents t, •. Held' Over For -Your Convenience TONIGHT THURSDAY:._ rnie. Get Your Friday, Saturday, Oct.. "19, :20 2 DAYS ONLY The Mail m t• ot. • the provided, y.s a , toi.lgh chore, Thrills and action are , i for sou n— • ,With, Alexis . "71:flirt and M Stephen Mi all • : Don't• forget Chapterhe . "Drums •of Fu Man -Chu”. ' MATINEE AT 2,00, P,M SATURDAYS. Monday, Tuesday, . Wednesday, October Z2, 23, 74 Laughs, laughs and .snore • laughs, :That's what MICKEY` ROONEY brings to Yen. ,hi his latest 'comedy e:d�Wondereke �Y with Terry Moore and William Demarest: • .served and .a social hour spent. with Ira Wall; ; Miss Rena': Moore spent last Mrs. Mel • Morrison and Lucr. week. ` at herhome covalescing, spent Wednesday with. her sister, an appendix operation. `.. Mrs. Zinn, while" Mel. accom. n - Mr., .and Mrs, John Carruthers, -ied•. Ken Zinn to the,Cowin P g Gayle and Anne and,' Miss' Viv- match at . Woodstoek.'` ian Fisher 'of'Aylmer, Mr. Arnold Lougheed of Teeswater,`Bill Fish.: Presbyterian Guild er of MVIitehell, Mr. and Mrs. E1 . ,. ; ; The .meeting � of •..the Presbyter- • liott Carruthers, 'Karen ,-and; Gary -sari' .Guild on' October .15th was of Pine 'River, Mrs.. M. E. Car . opened with a brief ':prayer by,. • ruthers of Lucknow and Mr and Rev. ,Winn... Hyrrmn 553 was sung Mrs::Ronald: Forster and family and' •the scrippture: read in unison. • 'were visitors with George, Fish- The topic. was' intereStingly.• .ex- er last week end. plained by Miss ' Mary • MacLeod Mr. and Mrs.:Hank Krueger of Ruth Johnston favored with at Lincoln Park spent. a few days:piano solo and a sing song .with 'Jack : Gillies.°• led. by. :Marion 'MacDonald. Hymn, • Mr. and ;Mrs; Gordon. Wall . and 541 .:was sung and the*. meeting family; spent Saturday -evening ; losed..with the' Lord's prayer. .."14"1"46'''rgr►,r,r.� rimer as ssey :a.rris pienients Offer The Latest .In•AModern Farm Machinery. • SEE THE NE FORAGE filmornTgg Vith Corn - USED 1417 TRACTOR '... • • '.4, ALL ,:SIZES' O-F"11[.:11L-T-TRACTORS PLOWS, :.MANURE'. SPREADERS, . ONE-WAY .DISCS • RUBBER -TIRED.. WAGONS. '< ' 1 FULL LINE'. OF REPAIRS OrN HAND BEATTY BARN ;SUPPLIES 'PHONE ' 70-m, LUCKN(W Located. In. The''ormer Boyes'. lntiplement • Shops: •.r s.Birkor 4morora onairir4►<wit,l•MMs;>wiiii MACHINE TWO SECOND HAND TRACTORS Allis Chalmers W'. ; F. Allis-Chalnr>iers Drop In And See The FAIRBANKS, .MORSE HAMMER . MJLLS • FOR 'irOU`R SOWS _ and :SMALL IG" ti'se' Sow arta. Pig, `g Cl►ow Conplete or your own grain • ..,... . and . Sow and P>g Concentrate: .:''gee -STs About A HOG. FINANCE CONTRACT AT NO COST le •tOIC H M 1 A(KETT. and LtTCKNOW, ONTARIO V.•• r •