HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-10-18, Page 395j, aap hip, • nen,, `fed, lung; 'ong, well... iday, gime- `t. • }L 10 ,pang igher" elop either sited„ comes is i n•.: 'ones. le by' 1Q009. hones, - ?hone ras .ire tele- lt.'In.:„ tiding has ' long - d � ' . T 1URSD, ; OC' OBBE11, 18 1951. Local arnd General school child- • mated heifer 1{ii- 'ent a,. Irxtario 1, The alive If this THE LUCKNOW SBNTINET , LUCKNOW ONTARI' PAGE' THRER'' Mrs. M, Fowler of Toronto was'. R" C a week -end guest of Mr and Mrs.. ' N. E. Bushell." ]SC.QUTSDID'1NELL. ON 'APPLE DAY N DAY ev anon J H. Geoghegan and Mrs. Geoghegan were week- end 0 guests ' with 'Mr, and Mr!, , T. J. Salkeld. Mr. and• Mrs. Walter Pexrott, and Gail. of Detroitspent the meek -end with' Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Robb were recent visitors in Collingwood with Mr. and ..Mrs, Andrew Harm- ilton. . ' Mr. and Mrs;. Wm.. McConnell of Hamilton and l orrn.erly ' of Huron Township .visited in the district over .the''week.end.• • and yrs. John n ,ari- , Mr, a d 1�... h. . �?. E , gl ,d and Mr. Joseph England ' visited ..with. Mr. •and Mrs. Thomas Eng- land 'of Galt on $ indiay, .• Mr. . and Mrs. Lyall Campbell, and. baby . son David Allen ' of Preston were Thanksgiving vial, tors at the, home , of- Mr. .and Mrs, Albert Campbell, Ashfield. . Lucknow .Presbyterian Church REV. '.C. . WINN B.A: '. R A. , r • Minister' SUNDAY, OCTOBER 21st Morning Worship, 11 a.m.: Mp . ng hi P, Baptismal 'Service. 12.15 p.m.: Sunday School .3 p.m.: Erskine Church, .Dun- gannon. '. 7 p.m:: Evening Worship.' Mrs 'John MacLeod ' who has; been poorly for some tifne was taken. to Winglham Hospital last week;' ,Sunday visitors with Mr.. and Mrs. Andrew 'Ritchie were Mr. and•• Mrs, Athol Bruce and family of 'Belgrave, • ,Mrs.' M. E. Carruthers•and' her sister, Mrs. C., Maltby,. are. spend- ing two weeks, at Aylmer ` with ,the Mr, �Sa .former's'son: .: • m"I)urnin. and Mr. and. Mrs. , Henry .;Canter spent the weekrnd • • with ' . Mr.:. and .Mrs.' Colin 'Brown of. Tillsonburg. Mr. and • Mrs. J. G; Ritchie, Bobby, Bonnie and Kenneth' of Mitchell" visited with Mr. and Mrs, Robert' Ritchie and Graydon. Mr:: , and • Mr'. George • Green acre and Mr.:Thompson of Tees - water attended the` morning ser- vice in• 'St. Peter's Church and ,E were guests pf Mrs • E. Hollyman. Mr. and:, Mrs.' Harvey , Diebei ,and family of Sbu,thampton were :week -end visitors: with Mrs. Die'- bel's parents, Rev. C. B. and, Mrs. Woolley., World•Communion was observ- "ed on' Ashfield pastoral.: charge. Thanksgiving Sunday at Zion United Chur'eh :with' the 'jastor, Rev. C. B. Woolley..in charge Mr • and ,Mrs. W G. Reed and Mrs: Arilne Nicholson visited last. week=wi+th 'Mr.. and ,.Mrs: Dick Reed and Jimmie in:•Detroit and How:ar.d. Reed and Mr:, 'and. Mrs.' Nelson Webster in Windsor. • LUCKNQW • `1 Mr:.and Mrs. Lloyd Wylds and. family of Ripley, Mr, and, Mrs. NITED Eb-CHURCH, Warren ;Wylds and two daughters' Minister: Rev. W. J. Mumford, M.A., B.D., STD Sunday, October 21st, ' 1951 CHURCH ANNIVERSARY' 11:: a m.: Rev. • David -Proctor, -1 12:15 p m. Sunday".School Ser -i vice. withdrawn 7 •p m: Rev David Proctor, B.A. sTUESDAY, OCTOBER 23rd Anniversary. Turkey, Supper 5,30 p.m". to 8 p"m• Tickets $1.25;" Children. under! ten- years of ' age' 75 cents tvY1 hip Z with us... -You " will enjoy the ! special 'music and sermons, • of Lochalsh and Miss Doris. Wylds of. Toronto were Thaksgiving; visitors • with their 'parents; Mr. and" Mrs Dan Wylds. Visitors with ,Mr,...and Mrs,' J. L.: MacMillari' cadre•. Mr„ and. Mrs. C'li'fford MacMillan of -t 'Thom as, -Miss Alybie Clifford of Strat- ford, Gail MacMillan` of .London and, Mr: and Mrs. Albion Griffin of: Detroit. Visitors, with Mr. and Mrs W. G. Hunter on Sunday' 'were: Mr. Gnd Mrs. Joe Freeman and' lam ily •and Mr: and Mrs.. Don Straw. ,and. . Mr. ' and' Miss:" .Don Strata -ghat' of Lucknow .;.and • Hai: Old Gardner of.:Crewe•.' • ' Mr. and Mrs: Lloyd Stewar t`' and Mr. and 'Mrs Jack Wilson of Strtford ,and aAYlarn 'and -Wit -trite - .Stewart , and Miss Jane Chantler,. of London spent the , Week -end. with Mr.,. and Mrs...Phiiip Stew. ' :arta Lloyd and Allan were solo. ashhcan (burh_ NOTICES • Rev. 'A. S. Mitchell, L.Th, . :Rector. '22nd Sunday after Trinity, OCTOBER 21st, 1951' St. Peter's Church, Lucknow , 11 a.m.: Morning Prayer - t. Paul's Church, Duigannon. p rzr. r lEivening Prayer. St. . Paul's Church, Ripley 7.30 p.m,: Holy ,Communion. Y y The Church Wardens of the,• three •Par.ishes' 'are requested to meet, the Lord Bishop. at 11: a;rn:Or Saturday, October. 20th to ' inspect the fire damaged .Rectory and ,to suggest plans for its restoration. The, ladies of the three unary- fishes are reminded that 'the Dioceasan meetingon worneri's work -will •be held' in Winghat l on . Wednesday, October 24th, lt•,is seldom;' that therse meet- 'fins are: held so..near ;to us and rt :is hoped that • many ' may take advantage Of this rare opportunity.` ists At the. Dungannon Presbyter- ian resbyterian'Church anniversary., Visitors te Su a.3- • with -Mr. and: Mrs. James Forster *ere Mr, and Mrs. David Callendar Guelph ` and 'Mr, ,and Mrs. Cecil, Forster' and .family of .P, alrner;; stun, Mr.. and Mrs.' Joe Smith, of Wngh • am,Mr. and ;Walter alter Forster. arid, family. of Ripley and Mr..and Mrs. Alex Robertson arid Jinmy,. Mr and Mrs. Geo. Mac- 'Donald•.of Carsonville; 1Vlichigan, •were also resent visitors at the same•hors '- . , Mr :and 'Mrs.. W .G: Hunter, •Marlene and harry spent Thanks- giving week -end . at North Bay: visiting. Mr, and Mis. Ken •Laid - w '. la' and f unify Ern auie" they. called -on 'Mrs. Alfred Andrew at nrillfa, ,1VIr.' and Mrs, alen'.Carri,L. er.on of Pbwarssan arid' M+r,. •Ed- gar Ritchie arid Jean'of Hunts-. vine, Misses ' A tdre'y Ross and' Caro1yne Gibson accoth.panied there as, ,far, as. Hunts illc where they remained for, the week -end to visit their cousin, Jeafm•Ritchie. Rev., C. 't B.' and Mrs Woolley spent Thanksgivit)g at'Chesley at the • home, of, their son, C. Erie Woolley,. A rendezvous 'had been arranged, for mthe return trip at Walkerton bus stop to meet their granddaughter, Miss•June Dfellel', who was :returning to her duties at Ontario Hospital, Whitby,• af� ter .sp• ending the holiday pt . her home at 'Sottthampt'on,• June's Lucknow Boy Scouts held their annual apple day ,sales on' Sat- urday and made a thorough can- vass of the village and Main St., to net tithe Company a total of $83.65. . • Bruce Baker' and Billy Robin son,astride their decorated pop= ies, did a selling job on horseback and , reached such outlying points as the asphalt mixing plant to sell their 'wares; Mrs. M.. L:.. Sanderson . acted as judge of the decorated sales bas- kets .•with Ian Marshall winning •.the • 'prize for,' the Scouts, and' Fraser Ashton, the • Cub prize. Ian was also top salesm:ar among. the' ,Scouts, with, receipts of over :$12.00. Bruce Baker with' an even` $12.00 'was top Cub sales- In change .of the • Apple .Day organization' was Stuart:Collyer,: Floyd Wilson, Kenneth -Murdie, Rev. c.jcharles . Winn, •Lloy-d Ash - :ton .and ..Ken ,Chester. '. " ' Ken., and ;Floyd ;took •a carload of ;Scouts to ,Dungannon' and Rip ley : respectively, where' they re- ceivecl 'a good response.•• VISIT B•I.RTH•PLACE LEFT AS A CH•I LD Mr. J. A. :(Jack•),.Rdbinson of Vancouver, who left, here. as' a lad before 'the . turn ofthe cen- tury, returned,: last week -end • to see the grillage in which he was born. It•.was: the -first time he has been. .back since leaving , here. at. the. age of six • years in, 189,7: Mr. :Robinson was ' accompanied, by his, wife' ,and Archie Robinson. of Auburn, who is a . first . cousin:- • Mr. Robinson - is a . son 'of ` the late Mr. and Mrs.- Fred Robinson. Hisfather was -employed in 'the Lucknow .Furniture Factory. and; Jack• was born in .the home now. owned by` Mrs;'Amelia Treleaven.'., The. family later moved to the residence now owned . by Mrs. Sarah. .Collyer, 'and ' which . was pin -pointed in ,Jack'sc •memory by its location •near the site of Sam, Robertson's .tannery.. In the, Robinson family . -siver..e- This superb tea ar . f � ........ � antees the flavour o f every cup • .FORMER LUCKNOWITE; DIED IN, ,,,8 C;: AT AGE' OF .91 s. Mrs. ' Georgi, L.' Anderson, . for many, years ia' missionary among the native people of 'northern B.. C., passed, away in Chilliwack Hospital after.. a lengthy illness. She was 91,•' •• ,Mrs. Anderson '*as 'the .daugh- ter of . Rev. and Mrs.., Jahn . Walk- er of Lucknow::After their death in. 1898, she went :west And went. into missionary work • arnong the Indians,. 'first' in Red Deer, Alta. and. later '.at . the Elizabeth Long Memorial Home in :: Kitimat, 'where 'she : met and married Mr. Anderson; a teacher at the Mis- sion school. Aftermore• than t 25 years in' the north, they' moved to Sardis. Mrs:,•Anderson was a ;life mem- ber. of .the .Women's. Missionary Society of the. United Church arid remained' •active until '.194 8. Surviving are a daughter, Mrs, J. V'arley, and 'Son Robert,. both of. Vernon. Another daughter, Mrs.: A. Rowberry, ..'predeceased' her' last 'April.,• R J,.' Walker of :Quathiaski- Cove i's . a brother, :Miss ,Alexa Walker' of. Los, geles,, a sister.. There •are three' grandchildren and four. great, grandchildren. a, •KINGSBRIDGE Mx. and Mrs. Ray 'Dalton and family.spent some. time in Sud , bury.' .. Mr, 'and Mrs. Louis Hogan spent.. th eweek-end in Toronto.. • Ori Wendesday .,ev i, g a nice 'crowd, assembled in t , -' a , for '• ' a reception in honor of ` r., and • Mrs. Walter Clare. ' Visitors over' the .:week'- with . Mr. ,and Mrs. Pat • Murphy were Mr. and .Mrs., Ray Murph , Miss M'ar'y Murphy and 'Joe and Mr'..Jack Fitzgerald. • • ...BORN ,MONTGOMERY, •:-.- at Alexandra , Hospital, Goderich, on ` October '4th,.'. 1951, to Mr. and Mrs: Eoibert , Montgomery, Dungannon,,: ,a son,• GARDNER—in Wingham Gener, al. Hospital , on , Friday, October'5, .• to: Mr ' arid,. a Mrs son .Lorne 'Gardner,. Wingham. 1 four children, Herb, . Kirk, Jack i • and' Katie.. The sister died four' years ago. The three boys are :all `. living in Vancouver. • For the return .visit. to his;birth place Mr..Robinson had a map of •the village drawn from memory by his elder brother Herb, who was.'_ fourteenwhen., the family left -for the: West,. The map was amazingly accurate. .as to the narnes of streets . and the 'location • pf,buildings such as. 'thehotels, postoffice,' the.:MoCoy home, the. sir 01 io.6414noromimso.rior.o.imaro.amoollmwoimritimrcromoilibitrompoimporierroamoti.ariegiialmilootwrolowier tan/40r •licjuor store. ' • 'Mr, Robinson' had: a look abpiit the'_Collyerthome, and, had some. pictures taken. One "shot was with his arms encircling one of the maple trees along this street, which the Robinson family, plant- -ea -over -a half -century .ago. Calling at The Sentinel, • Office, Mr. Robinson brought greetings froi'n Mr. AL Odlum of''Vancouver; who 'went .to school ..here as: a lad and in later years 'wrote ;nurn; erous reminiscent .articles about big days s .in' the. 'Setioy town,] Y. More '' of which Would be; welcom • ed 'by sentinel -readers., 4 SUFFERED BROKEN WRIST Rita 1VVIacDougall, 12 year-old son , of Mr. 'and Mrs. P: S. 'Mac- Dougall of Paisley • recently,- -suf fer'ed a broken . left wrist. Rod was pla.yi.ng football at : school when, he tripped and fell against a .cement walk. • • • parents, Mr. and Mrs:• Harvey Diebel °arid several of her broth •ers and' sisters accompanied her to, Walkerton; ;and a' pleasant ,half • hour , Was spent.. After the bus 'left the'Diebels acco ip'ariied Mrs. D'iebel':s parents home to Ashfield parsonage for a short visit DINNERWARE, 'TEAWAIt,E We have a large - selection of 'Dinnerware, some in open 'stock patterns;' also new patterns in Royal 'Albert open stock. See the Royal bridal gown teawaret olien, stock; Ever -all ,epatter'n, in are- plica of Princes's Elizabeth's beau- tiful wedding gown, .' WM. A: SCHMID Jeweller & Gift Shop' Phone 167-w 1 ••:1 O•1111111i.B41111aiNllilii0s=ili411111ir,t r3 giii.011lN,Atl ►4alas41,4iib+r18110iri,i110miwli N,.S -'. .,s - - .. .. •.. a . .. .,80 al,r it o1.1os,r•u•MiNtf a.,o01ii►o e1116,NIMIIt_rf41=1,i111111.,i1116•0 rr.11b ,r�ori • 1, DAY SALE OF The original spring -filled mattress. All ' Sizes ' Re ular : 3 .:0 , ' for SALE ENDS OCTOBER 27th Fill Your . Mattress Requirements At This Saving. acLENNAN :& MacKE =Phone Isl Lucknow _ -WM. MURDI•E•ANDSON Are Happy to. announce etty oor.e Home Decorator for.: Benjamin Moore and 'Co Will be..at the •Recreational Centre,, LUCKNOW ' n.esda at 2.30 p.m•'. 'ender auspices of the Lucknow Women's' Institute:. . 1 Ladies Are. Cordially i . Invited To Attend , Crfrouroomposii Hiairealipormok • • r