HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-10-11, Page 3•
11,-,1 MPA , OCTOBER 14 1941 .
dill Allin of Brampton spent
the weolt and here
Albert, Cook, Boundary est k
visited •bast week at Collingwood
and °Wen .Sound.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Bannister
4aifd• chiidr..en •spent the holiday
week -end at Ridgetown,"
Mr. and Mrs:Glenn Moore of
Hamilton spent the ' Week -end
With Mrs.• E, N. Hodgins.. '
Bob ThoMPson and- Miss Lorna
Campbell of Toronto... spend -,the
week -end at the'home of Mr. and
Mrs, R. H Thompson.
Mr, and. Mrs.' .p -L. MacDiar-
mid of Jamestown, New . York,
n spentthe week -end with rs. N.
J. MacKenzie and other re tives.
Weep €nd visitor's with Mr. and
Mrs. Roy 'Black were', Mr. and*
Mrs; Stan Hughes from Toronto
and Mr, and Mrs. Art Cann frorn
Mrs.. D, . N. Lawrence visited
here, last week with her brother,:_
Robert MacKenzie , of Alberta,
whom she had .not seen . in many
` years, and with, her :brother Wil -
barn and• her sister, Mrs,• Thomas
.Inglis: Mrs. Lawrence Was in New
York at the. home of her, son
Donald when she learned .of ,her
brother's arrival here: She flew
to -Flint and was:,motored here by.:
her son ' Elmo • :Lawrence, •, Mrs.
• Lawrence has returned and plans
to spend the winter in Florida. ".
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Minister; Rev.W:dMnmfor.
• M.A., BD , S.T.D.
:-10 . a.m... Sunday School. 1
11 'a:m Rev.. C
A D:, of 'Toronto,• will
,There wr.li.,be the .detl%cation
of a :Baptismal Font, 'in' mem-
W: P. Reed. . .
ar Of the Ia.t e
. • in -A Da of Surprises'.
Pleas' , note that Sunday,
ch o
o T wilt meet a t _
this , Sunday The public is i'
Cordially invited.: to- worship
with us in this dedication ser-'$
Presbyterian Church
REV. C. A.. WINN, .B»A.,
Minister '
Services at Lucknow
withdrawn because of "
at Erskine Presbyterian church
at '11 aan. ,and .7 44 p.m.
Guest Speaker •• Rev. J: R.
MacDonald of Ripley and
• Ashfield.
:,5oI gists i -Messrs: -A hn and
' Lloyd Stewart.
A double ring ceremony at
Lucknow Presbyteriian Chureh
was solernnized on Saturday,
September .29th, when Rev. Chas.
•Winn, united in • marriage Helen
Margeriute, daughter of Al'bert.
A. Gammie, Lucknow • to Eric.
Joseph Hackett, son of Mr. and
Mrs, Thomas H.' Hackett, 12th
Concession, 'Ashfield. •
The bride's gown was of em-
bf oidered net over white satin
fashioned with... bertha effect net
embroidered neckline trimmed
with seed .pearls••and fitted bod-
ice with long .pointed sleeves, • A
Juliette headdress trimmed with
lily-of:the-valley held her finger
tip veil of embroidered net, Her
bridal bouquet was an arrange
ment, of red "roses in .a bow of
Mrs. John MacLeod has been
quite :poorly at the home of her
daughter,. Mrs; Harry Nixon,
Mr, and Mrs. Charles, Sherwood
of Detroit were recent visitors
with relatives .in the community.
Mr. and Mrs. B Palppas. and
Chris spent'. spent' a,couple ofdays last
week at .Brantford with Mrs, E.
Mrs. Jessie Maclnnes visited in
London with Mr, Charles Christie
and Miss Ann Christie,of -B.ever-
ley Hills,. California.
Donald Finlayson has returned
from •Stouf4vil1e and will •spent
several weeks here with his
mother, Mrs A. 'R R. Finlayson:
Mrs. Ena Anderson, of Varicou-
ver is visiting With Mr. and Mrs.
W. : J. McDonald: Mrs.. 'Anderson
was formerly Ena McDonald.
• Mr, and •.Mrs. D. A. Stimson of
Goderich spent, the holiday week-
end with Mr. and.. Mrs William
Stimson. •
Miss B:` M. S'tinnson end,. Mr.
Wrn, Lougheed of :Toronto spent
Thanksgiving holidays with Mr.
and, Mrs. Wm: Stimson.•.
Holiday visitors at •the home
of Mr..• A. E. McKim were; Mrs.
N. A. Graham, Mr. •Alan'•McKim,
Mr and Mrs. Reid, McKim and
daughter Karen:
Mr., and Mrs. Jim Hamilton,.
Donna and .Jackie and Mr. and
Mrs. Art. Yahbee of' .Teeswater,
visited oyer • Thanksgiving with
Wat Hamilton, '
• :.Miss Jean :Foster • of Linwood
and Mr. and Mrs. ° Frank' Acheson
of. Holland Landing were recent:
visitors With Mr. and''Mrs. Har-
vey Roes.,
Ir, and Mrs: Wellington Nixon
of Lucknow :spent a • week with
their.., niece and nephew, Mrs and
Mrs: Wm.•Purdon and with' their
great nieces,: Mary B. and Bar-
bara Anne Purdon of West •:Wa-
wanosh •
Mr. and Mrs. Fred `Watcher of.
Strathroy were guests o ve:x
Thanksgiving 'of , the,latter's. par-
ents, Mr: and 'Mrs Roy McGhee,
who:. also had as, their guests, Mr.
and' Mrs..John Walker of 'Strath=
roy. • ' . ;•
• The, regular meeting:;' of . the"
Women's Institute . will be held
'in the Town Hall on,'Friday,.Oct-
:ober •12th•' at • 2:30 Hostesses are
Mrs. ' Wraith, Mrs. Howard' Rob-
inson and Mrs: A. .1: Wilson: It
Will be Grandmother's, Day.
Mr. and 'Mrs. Dynes Campbell
and Mr:'Belfast
aria Mrs. Glenn. Camp -.bell : of Be fast took a recent,
motor. . trip to Sault 'Ste, Marie`
and northern points;' They at-
tended tended the cattle salat Thessa
'Ion where'. 47:. carloads of • cattle
were auctioned 'off.
Thanksgiving' visitors with Mr.
cnd Mrs Charles Lorenz' were
Mrs. co o ' or t ay arid,
Mr:' and Mrs. Thomas McGarvey
of ,Kincardine. •Visiters last Fri
`day. were'. Mrs. Fred Martin of
Paramount .arid -Mr-s: ;McCullough
of 'Kincardine; Other recent vis-
itors were Mr, and Mrs.. George.
Berry, Douglas,. George. and Lor-
rare a of Thar
shadow lade, .. •
Miss Dorothy Qafrunie was her
sister's only attendant, choosing
a ballerino length, dress of azure
blue valveray, sparkled net over',
taffeta, strapless bodice. and' mat -
Ching . stole and gloves. She wore
aimatching caps• ofnet trimmed
with .flowers and carried 'a .nose-
gay of yellow arid pink roses. •
Jack M apGillivray of Paisley
Was, .groornsman. •
A 'reception • followed in the
Legion Rooms, with the bride's
sister-in-law receiving wearing. a
green taffeta...dress trimrnedd•with,
velvet and green • velvet access-
ories, and 'a corsage of yellow.,
roses. The groom's mother . assist-
ed .wearing a navy ' dress with
wine accessories., and corsageof
Following the wedding dinner
Mrs. Morgan . Johnston of . Ripley,
This Home", 'accompanied. byIMr.
Elmer.'Vnibach at the piano.
Wearing a grey, suit withred
velvet and, navy accessories and'
corsage of baby sweetheart roses,
the bride left with her • husband.
for a wedding trip ` to Muskoka
districtand returned_by Ottawa:
The couple will reside on, the
groom's farm West of Lucknow.
Prior to 'her wedding the''bride,
was'on redat miscellaneous
h o . a c
shower held at the , home of• Mrs.
Glen,Walden where merribers of
the Lo -La -Le "Club and other
friends joined in extending Helen
best wishes.
The Recreation Centreal
en•, wase
the scene ofa social aenin When
eVening .w
the ladies; • of Quality 'Hill 'gath-
ered together .and . presented the
bride.. with a beautifulltable tri-
light lamp and table.: An, address
,was • read' iby 'Mrs. Harry Ander-•
son to which thebride .responded.
thanking'. her. friends and ''neigh-
for the lovelygift.
cousin of :the groom, sang "Bless
• A nice. crowd attended the W.
M. S. meeting at the home: of,
Mrs; W. F. MacDonald last Tues-
day afternoon. '
Mr. and Mrs. Fraser . MacKin- .
non - - ••0- • • a ng P -e
ple Society at their ..home last
Monday. evening.
Miss Margaret MacDonald of
Sarnia and Graham 'MacDonald
of Petrolia • : were..' „home fto r
Mr. 'Dan MacKinnon • has been •
on the; sick list.
�arxd Mrs. Joh i ckie an •
Preferred by mxlicrn$
Canadians for its supe
quality an data rp.
Giving you the kind of telephone service•you,w
ur job-
You want it to be fast and dependable and to keep on, '.
getting .better. :But at the same.time,we believe there's more
to good service than just' technical efficiency. and steady
We. think you•like telephone peopleto be friendly, pleasant
and easy to get along with.: You want to dealwith someone.',
.k who takes a real interestin; yourr problemsand who is willing.•'
to give you a little extra attention.
That's the kind of service we want:you to have.It makes.
your . telephone, mean more to you, Makes . our job mean
more to. us.
daughter, Aleta and : Mr. Norman
ompson' o " ' ope = ay •. spent
Sunday with Mr." Ira Dickie
• Mr. and M . Peter lilaeKiiinon
and Miss' H len. MacIntyre of
Flint,' Mich:, • ent the week -end
with relative$, on- the Fourth and
Mr. • and •M s. Her. Bitekt
en er aine friends from Toronto,
over the week -end.
Rev. 'A: S. Mitchell, L h.,
Rector. `. •
21st Sunday • after • Trinity;
,OCTOBER 14th, 1951.
;.SC,Feter's Church, Lfcknow
'af'vest Thanksgiving Services
11 a.m.: Holy Conitxi.unidn aiid
• Sermon
7,30 p.m. Choral Evetisong
Sermon, • • .
ening Preacher. The:' Rev
•Geoghegan,^, Rector of
St, Paul's, Woodstock: •
•i±'lowers, Fruits, Grain and
Vegetables will be received•OY
the ladies early, on Saturday
afternoon:, . .
There . will be no service in
Dungannon and RrpTcyx.
Bruce Deanery Laymen's
I'ridaty, Oetober 12th 'at '7 p.m.
n the Parish Hall, Kingarf.
the Bruce Deanery' Statutory
Meeting will beld at 'Pais-
ley on Tuesday; October 16th.
ro X 141110N. tANADIAA'f
DDOvVN PAYMENT OF 5% -,.524-0. FOR h •$x0.00 BOND, $5.00. FOIA
it *di VOUlt BONDS CODA i' -''fol' case* 0/ Eby t'nstalmeMM.0 at your neighbourhood' B of Al broth
'a 'ade
if Pe SINCE 111i7
,Clackz * tanditc
. . SM1TH Mainagcr