HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-10-04, Page 4PAGE FOUR •[r LUOI NOW iSE.N''T''INEL, L' KNOW;, ONTARIO "WANT' ` AD" . RATES--lst. insertion 2 cents. a word, subsequent' insertions 1 cent a word. Minimum charge 25 cents. Replies care �. The Sentinel 10 cents extra. Legal advertising 10 cents per count line first insertion, 5 cents; per line subsequent insertions. FOR SALE eight. pigs: ready to � wean. .Wm. ' Laiinan, R` 7,Luck-- now, phone Dungannon 1-r-22. FOR .SALE --1846 Dodge deluxe sedan. Apply to .Stuart. Jamieson, phone' Lucknow 104. - LOST `.=-set of keys with tag .No., 1340J.: Fintder please leave at Post. Office. STRAYED . tp the i .farm .of Melvin Morrison, .one white and, one red sow. Owner. may . have ' these pigs by paying damages. FOR ,.SALE --Coleman. oil space heater: used only 2years Wilfred 'Hackett, R. "7,' Lucknow= ,phone Dungannon 67-r,11. • l'OR SALE= -cunt septic tanks; ,approved by the Health Unit. We deliver them: Forster's • Welding `Shop,' phone 206-r-11, -Lucknow.- LAND WANTED: quantity of sod land, suitable forgrowing flax. Anderson Flax 'Products, Luck - now. FOR SALE 10 -piece. walnut dining- room ' suite .in'. fine condi- tion. ondi- tion:' Mrs J'. •W: McKibbon; , Cen-, tre St., Wingham, phone. 107. WANTED—housekeeping 'position: In village or towny by. ,gapse widow' 50.• Adults preferred. :A!p ply by letter'. to Bok H; • Lucknow. Sentinel ATTENTION, FARMERS!. 'Will pay 8'c to 110c per ,lb,. ;for timothy: seed and . $12 to $14 per. 'bushel' for Red Clover according -to . sample: Enquire at store. D. R.' FINLAYSON. ESTRAY a Holstein heifer from the Patin of . Les Ritchie, • on or about., the middle, of 'last 'week. Ear tag 5196. Anyone.•knowing of her. :whereabouts please "notify Bert Alton, R. 7, . Lucknow. ' APPLES FOR SALE' - choice . quality. McIntosh Reds, Tatman Sweets,- Snows,: Delicious; also taking orders for Spys for later delivery Apply John W..' Pritch•-; ard,'.1�.._1, Lucknow; phone .64-r-2: WALKERTON SALES.• Zone 2 -Y'orkshir'e .,Sale, Thirs day, •'October llth. 30 :bred"` sows; 9 open sow's, 12 boars. • Bruce. County' .Shorthorn Sale, October '.12th, 20 bulls, 8' NOTICE A n Yo n e knowing anything about a hooked rug which dis- appeared from the ,arena on .Fair. night, .pleaseleave ruror inform- ation at' The, Sentinel• Office. • $3000,. - ;. ,FOR SALE $30 . 5-r'oom white brick house, locat ed on ' approximately '.1/2 acre. a . St. Helens, double decker hen- house. ' Electricity installed ; house. 'I;niqued ate • possession. C, • F. Chapman; Real. Eestate Broker, phone 18-w; Goderich Ontario. AUCTION. SALE .of. farm stock and implements at Lot 13, . Con.. 2, ' Huron. Township,. 1/2 mile east of Ripley 'Road. at Olivet' :on. Sat- urday, October 13th at 1.00 p.m. sharp, Farm will ;also ib'e -offered subject to reserve: bid;. See bills. Donald MacCharles, Prop.; :D'on- ald B.'Blue, Auc. ' CARD -OF THANKS The family ' .of, the late . Mrs: John MacKinnon 'wish to express. their' . sincere thanks. to the kind friends and neighbors for . their anlany kind acts .and expressions bf sympathy extended: to them during their recent;bereavementr PARAMO.TNT The iSeptember, meeting of the Women's . Institute yeas • held at the home of Mrs. Kingsbury. •The October, meting: will be, held ` at 11Vfrs. Walter 'Dexter's.. Memibers are asked to, • bing payment •for ,Huron Co -Operative insurance .and, Mrs,Win. . Blue. of De trek visited with..Mr_. and Mrs. Grant 1VicDiarmid. • Mr. and Mrs. John •Beattie. and. nephew .of. Detroit Visited With Mr. and. .Mrs. Robert Hamilton. Mr: and Mrs: 'Walter Dexter, .MrOliver. Barkwell and 1VIary. Roulston motored to Manitoulin .island.' . • ' ' '• Shower for Bride -Elect. •Paramount communityy held' a• shower on Thursday. might for Miss Eileen. Henderson, R,N., ':at the home of her :parents,, Mt.. and 'Mrs. Jack Henderson Mrs. Or- land Richards was chairlady for a short program' that, included' solos 'by . Bessie Reavie and. Mrs.. R. Campbell; readings. by Mrs. J, • McDonagh and Mrs. E.' Mac- Lennan; community, singing with Mrs.:: Grant. McDiarmid at.'. the piano;., a •contest : , conducted . by Mrs ..Rolbert Reid, arid. .a talk {by Mrs: Richards on how •fo.. win, a husband. Eileen ' received many lovely gifts for which, •she thank- ed the ladies. and ` invited them to see' her . trousseau..Refreshments were .served. : ' Sunday. visitoks with Mr. and rMrs Herb Ensr n were Mr.:;and, Mrs, L. McGuire b ine • ` iver, .Mr. and ' Mrs A. McLeod, Tor- onto. ,and Mrs. Alice Robinson of Ripley -Miss Edna Cook, R.N.=of-Ow.en Sound has been visiting with her father, Mr. Albert 'took.. ' 'COMING `EVENTS PLAY IN • LUCKNO .W The Lucknow Dramatic, Club will present their play, "Auralia Bridge from Hemlock Ridge", in the Town Hall, Lucknow',. on Fri' day, .November' 9th. Proceeds for 'stage- remodelling fund. DANCE In ` the Community Memorial Hall; Whitechurch, , on ' Friday, October 5th. Music' • by Junior _Farmers 4 -piece orchestra, Ad- xfission 50 .cents, Lunch counter.°! Everybody welcome: • ' WHITECHURCH Congratulations to Mr. & Mrs. Walter Lott who celebrated .their:.. 50th wedding ;anniW.iersary " on• Siunday, September - 23rd. Their family had g'iathered to' surprise them when . they returnedhome from .church. • • Mrs. Mac Ross returned :home on. Saturday from .Font ill and Galt where she spent the last two months visiting her • daughter, Mrs. (Rev.): G. Cox and her .son Mr.. Malcolm Ross of Galt. Miss Olive:Terriff, R 1N,. returne.d'hoine: froth Listowel •-Hospital : where 'she a was' nursingfor two months. Mr. and Mrs, Malcolm Ross and family* of Galt: spent- the week- end, with ' his another 'here: • • Mr. John 'Smith of Ripley iv'is- ited on Sunday. evening .with Mr. and Mrs.: 'Victor Emerson:' Mr. and .Mrs,.Hayes of Detroit are, visiting with; •1Vfr. and., Mrs: Victor Emerson and other Tiffin' relatives. Mr: -and Mrs: Victor Emerson. visited on Sunday. •with . Mr: and .Mrs; Joe'Kermath' of Wroxeter•. Was, .89 On.. Monday ` . ' . ,, ', • , Congratulations to "Mrs, David •l:�ennedy :Whipwas. 89 years s old on Monday of this week. Her farn.iiy from. around:here visited 6., ALAN WILLIAMS. Optometrist Office; . on Patrick St., : just. off the Main St. in. • WINGGHAIV ' ' Professional Eye Examination Optical Services • Evenings by. appointment. Phone:. Office 770; Res; 5, • JOHNS ONE'S HOME UNERAIHO.._ ''hone 76 Day Or Night . Ambulance 'Service USE OF FUNERAL At'No Extra Cost Moderate Prices MacLENN,AN arid. MacKENZIE FUNERAL: SERVICE (Funeral Borne- Available)'' AMBULANCE SERVICE (Day. or Night Service) FURNITURE 'Phone :181(Lucknow, Ont. • (Day: or, Night), . with het on Sunday. Other callers.:. were Mr .and Mrs.. Wm. Mein tosh and 'daughter.: Kathleen Mc= Intosh and Mrs: Jaties .Purvis all of Lucknow, Miss Marjorie Purvis: of London; Mrs.: Ralph: Cameron. and .family of Ashfield, Mrs. Don ald: McDonald of St. Helens and: her. sister,: Mrs. Alex Rintouli as. Well as 'Whitechurch friends. •Rev R. 11 A: Currie.' was at Stratford' on Monday. and: Tues- .:clay - of this week : Rally. Day was' held.. in' the Presbyterian . church on ::Sunday with a good , attendance:. Rev. R. D. A. Currie -gave a splendid ser mon to the) children on: building. Mrs 'Robt,; Ross spent the .!'vveek- end. at London visiting relatives; and her cousin, Mrs Alma Camp bell of London; returned home with her. for -a_few days -visit FOR- SALE r . 1-4942 ` Plymouth sedan. 1-1939 Dodge coac i. • ' . : 1.-X1036 • Chev. coach. Ali, ears clean, new rings, good. tires. Cash, trade, terms. ; N. W. WINTERSTT IN. . FOR SALE BY, TENDER. Zion Church shed, 5040 :feet, on Con. 14. Ashfield` Tenders to' in hands of ,secretary .not later than Oct'o.er 15th. Highest tender 'riot necessarily accepted. Fred Anderson, R. 3, Lucknow. LIVESTOCK WANTED. Dead Horses, Cows and Hogs ..removed promptly. Cash at farm,, Phone. , Winghann :561-J. William• ' : Stone Sons, Limited, Ingersoll, Ont. . DEAD AND LIVE ANIMALS' Prompt pick-up' of Cattle, horses, pigs and sheep at :prevailing. • prices. Live. horses •fit for animal food picked up at' your farm, av- eraging $35.00. •C; Brubacker; R. 4, Winghani, phone' 6Q8 -w.-1. NOTICE: We , are open to ;convaleSeent .patients;. tray service given if required; good meals, ' ,homey •', atmosphere.,Ntirse in -charge with sufficient staff 'Phone 1201% .Lucknow Or. write „for' further particulars: • ' Baker's Convaleseent"Home Lucknow, :Ont. • ?NOTICE MOUNT FOREST, DUNDALK , SHELBURNE.._ You 'work there?' Lucknow Ripley district your herne? 1 wish to r share automobile• expenses week -ends. Ralph 1laldenby, R. 1, Holyrood. t. BORN • FINLAYSON — In • ,Kincardine Hospital on ,September 25, 1951; to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon. Finlay- son, R. 3; Lucknow,,a son. • ATTENTION AR . ,,,ME- -'S , R ' HENRY AMONEIT PAYS TOP PRICE • FOR ' DEAD OR DISABLED ANIMALS ' pay' or Night ' and Sunday, pickiuti. Driver •Pays •cash. , Don't wait till they die- Will pay , HIGHER' PRICES for • . • LIVE ' ANIMALS that at eau 'lib used for mink Meat. HENRY ,AMONEIT hone coiled, Clifford 89' $15:.00 per cwt. for Old. Hogs. Mr. • and Mrs: Fred : Thompson of Toronto are spendinga few days. with her sister, Mrs: Joe Tiffin, Sr.:, and attended 'the fun eta]. on, Saturday of the late Mr, news: g � ency, Howard Agnew Jos. Agnew MEMBER OF Ontario Insurance Agents'. Association ` GENERAL INSURANCE Established Over 30 Years. Ago Telephones: "Business ;. 39 Residence 138 Mr.; and Mrs. Alex Kennedy o Guelph,- ' a former resident of Whitechurch; returned fqr a visit after:. 30 years' • :•absence and call- -ed on his aunt, Mrs. David" Ken- nedy. Service and; Sat action lung -ung ilg and _Heating New Automatic, Oil Furnaces Installed—Now :In 'Stock - FURNACE REPAIRS Bathroom Fixtures. & Repairs' • SEE THE -OIL RANGES • EAVETROUGHING . AIR CONDITIONING rt Gilmore R. R. 3 LUCKNOW. 'Phone 61-r-13, Dungannon Insure With The .Culross Mut�r�l 'FIRE INSURANCE. CO, . •. ,!for Reasonable rates, sound .pro- tection & prompt, satisfactory' settlements .of "claims. FART SW M'OFFAT Your Local . Agent ' , R. 3, Teeswater. , 'Phone`Teeswater 57-r-41 •. NSU RAN•CE. Warueron will be absent. on holidays until 'October 1st. Anyone Requiring Information Contact. Alex Rfa,cNay. T. A. CAMERON LKNO?Ni- — --- 'Phone '04-10 Dungannon • • THURSDAY, OCTOBER: 4,G .1951 • a - : 4 DR. T E 'CLELA N p VETERINARIAN • Havelock St., South of • Supertest Garage ' • LUOKNOW. Telephone 175: 'BUSINESS :and TAX' SERVICE 81ONTHLY,AUDITS For • ... They ;• .. Small Merch nt, Professional 'man` and he Farmer: • S. J. P. YMM P.O. Box 74 -' Lucknow, Ont; Office . in Kilpatrick' Block 2P11one 23-w • • : F. T. ARMSTRONG OPTOMETRIST; ` • GODERICH FOR, APPOINTMENT 'Phone 1100 ° �.. For /Appointment or:Information See • Wm. A. Schmid, . ' 'Phone 167-w . Lucknow Insure In .Sure Insurance WN'D: Western 'Farmers' Weather FIRE 1'Iowick Farmers' Mutual Car, Accident, , Sickness • Consult JOH•N F R ISH •'Phone' 169-3, Lucknow. I NSU RANCE FIRE,'CASIiALTY,: ,AUANTOD LIMO.BILE ' • • FE , To .Protect Your Jack, . Insure. With ..Jack Today. - J. A. • MCDONAGH R. • R. ' 3, Lueknew,. Ont. 'Phone 61-5, Dungannon Kenneth J MacKenzie .R.O. ... Optometrist LISTOWEL .13.11.1T. Will be , in Ripley every' 2nd Wednesday at Eugerne Wrona's Jewellery Store from 3.00 to 10p.m. Eyes examined - Glasses fitted For ,appointment . 'phone' Roy MacKenzie 96-r-24 Ripley., NOW IS THE TIME To Order --A. Threshing` Machine 3 sizes -427132, 22x38, 28x48 • holler: Bearing Complete EARL H. HODGIN5.., 'Rolyrood, Ont. , 'phone 36=r13 ,Teeswater• ' ..a R: W. ANDREW Barrister. and Solicitor LUCHNOW, LOSTARIO. Office' in . the Joynt Block Telephone: - Office;135 •• .Residence'314 P: ,:Stuart, MacKenzie Barrister. and Solicitor WALKERTON, ONTARIO • I UCKNOw Each' Wednesday OFFTea-IN, HENDERSON BLOCK - R.S. Hetherington, K,C. Rar+rister, Etc. - : Wingham. and Lu, cknoW • IN LUCKNOw ' Each Monday and, Wednesday..` Located on the ground:, floor' • in .tihe front of Jghnr •Kilp.atrick's 'Building , 'Phone Whignam-:c 97 Otflce 48 Residen