HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-10-04, Page 3sok ner,, ial side • rays ori _ Qme Dad !rOss and oad- t he • lad • Cars, )ugh into . • , , • d , the • trick liza: I the • the d by. • roll t iwe onna layed'• bster 'The- ve ..a Club play. • nlock ready 3lyth; Pal - [here r• • • def- form - el the Hall. alS* • "Chu- st liv- Kans.; iron- • ''•• Hating • ontier •:(Oct- erican • )etroit • of -the, • • Pp" iw,r* ' ' , • 4 • 7.11UAS•D, 0C7110BER 4, 1951 • THE .LITCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCK -NOW, ONTARIO PAGE THREE . Local and Ge neral . . . wm. macKenzie -a LangSide underwent an operation in Wing • hanl• 11041)ital a couple of weeks . ago. • - Mr. and- IVIrP-...:40SePh H. Grif- • fin Qf Detroit were ;Visitors this rweek with Mr. •and Mrs.. J. L. • MacMillan. , 7 ,Rod.ivracxgnzie a Black Dia- ond, Alberta,. is visiting his 'brother, Mr, Wm.. Ka0Kenzie of Langsicle, and with other rela- tives and friends 4n the eorranun- • ity. It is 38 Years. $ince , Ro.d has been. "back -home"., • ' Mr: 'arid rS.• Robert Rae arid 'Margaret and Mrs. Rae's brother- in-law, Ed .Clark of TorOnto, re- turned last-, week from a ,;motor -triP through the. Algonquin, Park district On their return they !vis, g•• ited at Tweed With Mr: mixt Mrs. J.. A. Thompson and at •Picton with Mr. and. Mrs. Garfield Os-. trand.en. , ' 1VIrs. Harry Hackett 'of Belfast • • , • . has 4een under the doctor's care 'for • thepast three weeks. She was , ,affected.• by dizzy • spells. which ' • •confined her to bed andfor, a ..",time her condition was regarded • as seriOus, but she is now im- proving slowly The - rneOical term for her illness is Menieres. 'Syndrome. BORN • Wingharn..General • Hospital on Tuesday,•:September 25, to Mr. and Mrs.- Donald ,R. '1, Lucknow, -a •daughter, (stillborn): • . SIMPSON—in Goderich Hospital, on Saturday,: September. 29th, to Mr. and Mrs. 'R. M •Simpson of Kintail, adaughter, Joan Eileen; a sister for Jan., • • • • CAMERON- in Port Colborne Hospital on Friday, ISepteMber to Mr. and Mrs W S. Cam- eron, a son, Roderick James; a 'brother for'lVlary Ann. • ' '‘ AITCHISON—on. ' Tuesday, Sep ierriber 18th,. to :Sigmp. arid Mrs. Aylmer Aitchison of Kingston, 'a daughter, judith.,Margaret, • Mr and Mts Ca'se'' McAllister of Chatham, ' have been visiting With relatives and friends in the COMMUnitY. • • Jack Hall left the first of the. week by train for • British' Col- umbia where he will join Mrs. Hall who is visiting, at5 Kinnaird with Mr, 'and Mrs.. Harvey Halr. • Mr. and Mrs.'Robert Smith and Mr. and Mt's. Jim 1V1cDougall and son Paul: of Sault Ste. 'Marie spent the week -end with Mrs. Smith's parents,, 'Mr. and Mrs, Jack " Mae:kir-raid.' • . . 'ENGAGEMENTS, • Mr, and Smith azi- nounce .the' engagement of- tlieir, 4a:righter, Marie Edith to Neil Alexander Murdoch, son of Mr. John A. Murdoch andi the late MrS, Murdoch. The marriage tO take place, on October 27th in LucknoW United•Chureh. • • :' Bev. and Mrs. G. Howse of Alvinstori, announce the engage- ment, of their second •daughter, Betty Jean, to George, William 'Johnston, 'son of 'Mt. and Mks.. Harry.. T. 'Johnston of Brantford. The wedding will take place Oct ober 20th at Bloor Street United Church, Toronto. 7 germh.rfoomorioniummminoimornazi,44..poiritmms•fi.do•• LutickoW UNITED 'CHURCH i .i.i Minister:Rev..*. J. ligiunfordl. • i'• M.A., �.D.,-S.T.D. • . i I SUNDAY, OCTOBER' 7th, 1951 i 1. ' :Thanksgiving Ser ices 1 11 'a.m.: Maintaining a . Thank- • " . ful Hetlrt. .. •• • i • 1,12:15 p.m. Sunday. chool. ' ..! * 7 p.M.: "All Things Aire: i. • - "0 give thanks unto the!. •I Lord, for He. is good". Keepl i your .face toward the sunshine, - 2 and the shadows will fall be- • ind-yot•C'eurrre--and worship: Lucknow Presbyterian Church tREV. C A.- WINN, B.A.; 1VIthister • . . S'UNDAT, coroBER. 7th 11-a.m.: ,bonununion of the ,ILOrd'ALSupper. ' • 12.16 pan:: Smidriy &boa 3'p.ni.: Erskine, Church,' Dun- gannon, Conmiunion. 1, pan.: 'Evening Service. • • ••y • NOTICES • Rev.' A. S. MitheJ1 L.Th.; • Rector. . ' 20th.'iuwnciay After Trintty•' • .00ToOkit 1th, 19$1, S Peter's Churleh, LuCianoW a.m.: 13.7' CornAuniqiI. St..:1Paul'8 Church,/ Dritigainion Ibtv'estThanksgiyink ,S6rVice. gi.1.00'.p.m, Puncher: Rev. Dean 'Parker, Rector of Chesiesri. St, Paul's Church,' .ttipIey Withdrawn to attend ticutipon " • , 1 • _BROOKS: BOUGHT FALL FAIR ,,. For the second year in a'rtaw, Omar Brooks of Dungannon bought the hogs exhibited -at -the LuckncoOv Fall. Fair in. theelaSS known aaAhe T: Eaton COmpany• :baeon.hog sPecial. In this year's competition were nine pens of 4 hogs eath, ,Sold by auction, Omar bid them up to $3.3.10 a cwt.'which waS rough- ly $3.00 a cwt, above market' quotations at that time. The swine go to Canada, Pack- ers, where the judging ,w111. 'be done on the carcass basis by a grading -inspector of the 1Vtarket- ing SerVice, . Dominion Depart- ment' of :Agriculture. 'Forty-liyel dollars in,prize Money. is award- ed to the top 'six entries' .in the •cornpetition. . ' 'Binge MacLennan did. the auc- tioneering. There were .three bid- ders, Omar, Thomas- Harris and George Elliott. ' • Director's in charge of the corn - petition Were John McQuillin, Dick Marttn and W. S. McGuire. LETTER OF THANKS Dear. Sir: •• ' • • May. I, through your columns,. tryto say thank you to theman many friends 'and 'neighbors who 'came to'help: us during the fire in the Rectory. In the hurry and excitement I was unable ,to .know all.who helped so wonderfullY- ../44:::•,•:0.::•:(4.: arliffeMEAX r • ".0,1A :45 Teetion Hier -lewd faraily At,4, ,T01 \19 , '.404 An UPER SURE -GRI TRACTOR tIRES ' With the ,greitest pull on, earth, 7 Super Sure -Grips db more work • per hour; with less fuel in any soil conditions! Let us show you why.- , • , G-54 • 'LOOK FOR THIS 11611 sior OF QUALM GOOD"'EAFt TIRES 411Mit,251411.1„VArArarairde,ffsgraf0TarAl../' vIc 4iir• 14W.Y...569k•rw,411rAli It was something superhuman to remove everY article in the build-, ing in the matter of,•ininutes. We aredeeply grateful to so. many , and. I shall appreciate your kind- ness inlettingthem know; by this Meath. A. S.4\11T,CITELL REV. L. W. OWEN, rector of _ Paul's Anglican Church; South- ampton, has ,been transferred to Holy Trinity Church, Simcoe.... TRADE MARK REG adds life and sparkle to any occasion So little per day now...adds up to so much later! ,iturriout. nom.' 111111U11111.. 41111111N!,. tttttt II fill .16111111IIH1,. 1,11111.1111 1/2 g b II IOW. fijirrija ttttt ru 1144, • „ I . Iffiligii141, nl IltUtru. .111).• •siumin Mr. 11/11.1.• '41 ttttt l• Mir /11141110 VIIIINIUS 111' 9111111111 1.111Lweeill. 'lhi.. 11111 ...s.isoo. 1 tttt H., • tttttt two luesailil. 11.111111.0' .,1111,14111.1. ,11111111. 11111111111111411, 1,sIl; 1. 1111,1111111.111 .11141111,11 ttttt TEN 3V2% COUPONS N....payable beginning August 1953 • • • 4.• • • • • When you've got Canada Savings Bonds—you've always got cash you can Icsy your hands on—to be used for emergencies investment opportunities home or farm improvements' • family needs or for your later years • Your safest investment — Canada Savings Bonds — can be cashed at full face value plus interest at any time. if you hold them to maturity, they pay you a better return than ever before — an average per year of 3.21 %. CANADA SAVINGS BONDS SI EHS Available at banks and investment dealers—for cash or in instalments • 1111111111111111k. 4 • • • ; • • • . • • . .•