HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-10-04, Page 2PAGE TWO ' FIREMEN HOOT EARLY IOIR,NING FIRE AT DUMP + A sinoldering fire at the Age dump was whipped up to; a danger point . by, last Thursday might's gale. A pile of discarded. sawdust added fuel to the fire and • the sparks were shooting high. , . • enerl alarm abein _ .. Without a general g tOunded a few firemen married the truck and laid a line of, hose from Henderson's Planing Miill to. the dump, where they soaked the outbreak for two hours; Among those. ,doing:• the nocturnal stint were'George Whitby,,Harold Tre- leaven, Jack • MacDonald,, Roy Havens and Morgan' Henderson. • • THE LUCKNQ SENTINEL;, ' • WERE MARRIED HERE FIFTY YEARS ,AGO 'Mr. and Mrs, ,J. Gillies of Kel- sey, Alberta,were:50 yearsMar- ti-01 a - tieon Stpember 2nd, . when they werehonored by friends and neighbors who. ' gathered at. the Kelsey; . Comimunity, Hall to mark :the .'event at . a social • gathering. Mr' and Mrs. Gillies were pre- sented with a purse: of silver.. The bride's table was •centred with . a lovely. wedding cake, •=baked.;by their. granddaughter, Mrs. Helen #' ' Crawford. k, Mr. Gillies is; a native of Kin- " loss Township and; his, wife was .formerly Ada Burgess, a sister of • Mr. George Burgess of Lucknow. Mr. and Mrs. Gillies were 'mar- ried at the, borne of her 'parents:; in ,Lucknow., ,They have spent' the - most of their oiarried life in the West.. . Relatives present for the. oc- 'o were:d Mrs. J. B. •.;ease n.. Mr. an , of. `Calgary; Mrs. Mar- . • . McCarty garet Hinch of Carman, . Mani> taboo: Mr. and Mrs.• Bruce Camp- bell, of Camrose;. and' .Mr. and Mrs.Bobt. Crawford and family of Kelsey. P • HEASANT .DISAPPEARED,:. RETURNED WITH YOUNG.' A Year. ago o. 'on 'L•uoknow ,Fall . g . Fair Day, ;''.a beautiful female pheasant took up headouarters at the -farm home of Mr. and 'Mrs. '' W`iri. Buckingham at . Belfast.' It became tame enough • to . eat out of, -their` hands, but whenstrang-= ers • came it • scurried away. This summer ••::their feathered friendY 1�„', suddenl , 'disappeared ared and the ' Buckingham's naturally : ex- pected that. someone had shot it. But, not so. Mrs. Pheasant return- ed a few days ago -.and what do you think, brought'ber household • of four half-grown ' '.pheasants ...gong with her.; . GIRL GUIDE NOTES ONTARIO; • The Girl Guides, held their first regular Meeting in the Com munityCentre last rriday even- ing, . iii". charge were Mrs:. A. E. McKim, Mr's., Norman Taylor and Miss Gladys _Gibson. Patrol Era - 'Veins and Service Stars were given out. The • Guides cleared the loose lumber out of the: store room at the :rear, which will be their club. room as soon as it is' partitioned off.: On Saturday they held a very., successful ,Cook- ie Day with Mr, • Nick •,Hedley s vacant store as headquarters. On Saturday the' Girl Guides, will -meet' at - 2,00 p.m.. : for a sup= Per hike, weather permitting. SEPTEMBER WAS :CLOUDY,, .. During the month of Septean- a"er therewere onlytwo da s of sunshine, and the official re= lords ' show the • month 'as. usus- ally cloudy. 'Rainfall of 3.03 incheswas not excessive but' i came n'. frequent •showers';:that slowed:. down outside work'... High temperature for; the month was 83. with a. low of 34. WEDDING BELLS UNGA.:NNON RODERICK MacDONALD Dungannon and Vicinity 'was;; shocked. Saturday to hearo the iz c en death of a beloved t.... , Rod- erick MacDonald., Though . his health had been failing for some time, it was generally known that recovery was impossible. He was 'hospitalized • at London and Prod 'erich at different tithes ° in, recent weeks and death occurred at the latter place. Deceased was • the eldest son of the late James Mac- Donald and Rachel Campbell of Con. 12, Ashfield. He was mar ried 37 years sago to Ethel Robb;, daughter of the late .Mr. and Mrs. John Robb, Ashfield. Being a •r es--: ident of this village' for 35 years and taking air active part in corn - mutat affairs and public work, he will -be greatly, missed and also; in the Dungannon United 'chtirc,.,h of which' he was a, faithful mein; ( "el for:rria n ' e 'n ' as ane giber . rvi r Y g$.. i years. His quiet willing manner`' shall'r'not be forgotten, as • a fine; example of 'citizenship .and;'Chris tian, fortitude.. He is survived by his widowand a • daughter (Mrs. Wilfred Pentland) ; Marjorie and three grandchildren, ;Norma, Car - el and•. Larry Pentland .and• two, sisters, Mrs. Robt. Nelson, Luck-' now ' and Mrs. Kenneth Fairish, Con. 12, 'Ashfield, The funeral took place ;Monday ;afternoon at 230 p.m. at Dungannon United Church with Rev.:G. Watt, past- or, in charge, who spoke • feeling-' ly and with comforting words.. • Mrs. Ralph Foster; . sang "Beyond the • Sunset".• • Mr. and Mrs. Rabt. Irvin and Betty spent Sunday visiting! Rev: and Mrs. J. Bright at • Fonthill. Mr. and • Mrs." • Eugene Hanson of East Tawas, Mich., visited with Mrs.: S ; J. ' Kilpatrick and , Mrs. Cecil'Blake for: `a :few, days. .The Dungannon public . school took. Monday afternoon off in red spect to the funeral. of the • late ,Mr. R. MacDonald, 'Caretaker. GLENN -ADAMS A very • � .ret y autumn • wired=.: . la ty • ding "took' place•in the Presby- terian Church, W1Yitechurch, on Saturday,. September 22nd when • Rear.. Ji,.' • D. A. Currie. • united in marriage Miss Lenore Win. nifred 'Adams,: youngest daughter of Mr. Wm, Adams of St. Thomas and the. late . Mrs. ' Adams, : and Mr. Wilbert Oliver Glenn, eldest son of Mr.• and . MiGs. ; Frank Glenn of Dungannon. Miss; Yvonne.• Cut- ting ;of• Respeler`and. Miss Julie .:Glenn, sister • of; the hgreern, and Mr. Donald Glenn, ibrother, of the. groom,:. were : the .attendants; while little Andrea Adams,': niece of the bride, mEe a charming ifiower girl..Mi l.er Umbach,. of `... Lucknnow • sang . "0„Perfect Love” and: "Through the 'Years,'. .with l:Mrs. , Johnston Conn at • the organ. • • The Wedding,dinner' was , serv- ed in. the •Luckrow Recreational; -Halt—to-Sixty ' ; guests, • with Mr.,a •Kennet'h' •Eoffman of Toronto proposing. the toast to. the: bride.. The happy couple' left by Motor for a .honeymoon. trip to Quebec. City.' -They will make .their home„ in • Li, oknorw, where, the groom has a grocery business. Guests were present from • St. ,Thomas, •Stat yner, London, Hespeler, Tor- onto and Wroxeter. •LUCKNOW DISTRICT • HIGH SCHOOL. I at. 8.00 pan..: Featuredon: the program will be: o Unliversi MISS 'H. • ALltl�• �•• and MRS. MORGAN HENDERSON who-wilU'giive--a-travelogue,-- p rthhally ilivatrated of her trip to. Europe and ,the British Isles. . , on • Every'bo'dy. Welcome. FOR SAL • • 1 Liberal Trade -In '`Allowance • Selteral` Good Used Distributor , In This District For WURLIrTZER 'ELECTRIC ' 'ORGANS, , ian9s On' Hand. Gane IgHITECBU1 CD; arrzer ONT, Phone'171J1, Winghaan i�ii�>a�►�>btu.►�i�>.rr,>�rL�i�f�►n.���►r>�itiwrr'r�»ar.�ii�H sI iiNesmr 0 . ,• Bride and Groom Presented' • , A . large. number . attended the reception and. dance •at''.the Dun- gannon Agricultural • Hall for Mr. and Mrs. Pau•Caesar (nee Joyce Stewart). The .Carruthers orches- tra supplied music _ for dancing and during the evening the :young couple were presented with an add ess of- : congratulations farfd: best, wishes . read by : Miss Gwen Stewart and a . purse of money Was .. presented .bSr Ken•.Hodges. Olivet " W M Mrs. Ross Black was .hostess to :the 'Olivet W.M.S. on •Thursday. evening: The president, ; Mrs. J. 1Vl;acTavish, .: presided. Mrs. O. Finlayson •gatre the -call to ' wor- ship' followed by an interesting. outline of the theme hymn "Lord of the Lands" ;by ars. J. 'Coiling. A psalm was read resp'pnsively and -Mrs E, --Osborne led in pray- er. Mrs. Brydon :and:'Mrs. J.' Macj.. •Tayish favored :with a duet. The study' .book, "From Lakes: to• Northern Lights" was ijntroduc '• '. ose a ixig par in irbeing' Mrs. H: • Brooks,` Mrs.. D. Henry, Mics. 0. MCCharles and Mrs. H. Henry.'',Mrs D. McCharles gave the: closing remarks: ; Lunch was served by;. the, hostess ' and com- mittee " in charge.; RETURN FROM TRIP TQ CALIFORNIA Buchanan, and 'Mrs..Robert Buch.. • , their: son. Malcolm and daughter Shirley., visited With; friends, in thecommunity this ' week ' en4, route hoxxred`from a motor trip to. California Mr. and Mrs. Buch- anan • reside in Larder take, where .Bob is ont•the. O.N,R. sec- tion. ,Malv..olni, of • •Kapuskasing, is employed by the Kimberley Clark Co. Shirley . has been on the IMPerialI Bank staff at. Kirk- land Lake for the the past six years. Their younger: daughter, Mrs. Alice Condie, (alsoresides in Kirkland Lake. • • BOUNDARY EAST' • (Intended for Last Week) Mr'. and, Dors. Russell Gaunt & ;children 'attended the Richardson- :Moir . wedding in Toronto: ' • A large crowd attended the Glenn-A,darns . wedding in • the -Whitechurch Presbyterian church. on aturday. • ' is ' • en r and •h . rcri i • M:o0 . Eddie Moore, havecompleted' a 'mausoleum in the Wingham Cemetery. , The W.M.S. met at the home' of Mrs. W. J, Coulter on Wednes- day. ' Mrc and .Mrs. Wesley Lott vis- ited en Sunday with Mr. and Mrs: Walter' Lott. ' . The September meeting of • the Whitechurch;• W. I. held their grandmother's " meeting, in . the Community Hall, The ° Kairshea Institute •• ;was entertained;' The meeting opened !by singing the Institute • ode. "When you and -I; were young , Maggie" was sung by the ckowd. ,Solos were 'sung by Mrs. George Fisher,"I'll take care -of you Grandma"; by Mrs., Steer, "Sillier Threads agong "Silver thread's. t among the gold duets by Mrs. ':Evans ; :and Mrs. Moffat, • • "Leet the Rest. of ' the World" god by"; • readings by .Mrs., Berson • ,Irwin and Mrs. Herb •:Laidlaw•; duet .by Mrs. Dawson Craig ,•and'Mrs, Robt. Ross .dress- ed lin- grandmother's costumes san; "Long,••• Long Ago".,and "Juanita".,; Mrs: :•: Dawson raig gave :an interestingpaper on the Post .'office and • postal• ..service. Mrs. W. R. Harrier played•a• piano solo,— Mrs.:,.1t J; Reiss -of Seaforth and Mrs. Bdb- Moffat of near lWingham :picked out: the, short - est g'randmo'ther, :Mrs. �E.. Well- wood; • 'tallest. Mrs. Downie; .youngest,: Mrs. •Wm. Evans; old- est ,Mrs.' ld-est,'::Mrs.' W. R., Farrier and the one with :the most grandchildren, Mrs... M. • E. Carruthers. ' The youngest grandiriotherin the. kit= then at 4.30, .Mrs. -Earl Caslick. A vote: of thanks was:' tendered . the W.I. by Mrs Ira' Dickie. Contests by Mrs. Russel Ritchie ended the program which' ;was followed by lunch. THURSDAY, QCiOBER;, 4, 1952'. ESCAPED SERIOUS IN,I'CRY IN RUNNING INTO TRUCKK EDDINO ELLS WEBER-,-SIVIITH Ozt,. -Septem..ber 29th a quiet autumn wedding was solesthiized at ' the + home of Rev. Gilbert Gcnnan, when`. Jean ''Kathleen, youliger. ,daughter`, of. Mr. and Mrs., Jdhn G. Smith; . Kincardine, was united ' in marriage. Ito ' Caliv1in. Claude Welber of Welland,• son of ;Mrs. Clara Weber and , the late, Henry Weber of Neustadt. - Given in'marriage by herf'ath er, the bride was ` lovely rr a . street length dregs. of pale 'blue; marquisette over nylon with lade bodice and !bolerra with navy ac- cessories; She parried a bouquet of white and red carnations with 'white heather ' • Miss ,Joyce S pith; the bride's` •only ,attendant, " Was: gowned in coral net over nylon' with' green accessories ,and 'carried a bouquet; of rose and 'white asters., i ". Robert Weber OfNeustadt, fibro- ther, 'of ,the. groeiin,. Was grooms roan. A' • reception followed at the -home of the brides" parents: The {'bride's another wore • a street lengthdress of navy crepe: With grey i accessories. I Mrs. Weber, mother of tile groom; those a brOwn suitith .brows, 'aocessor- �. res T' travelling the bride don-� grey • taffeta dress With a salm n shortie' coat •and navy ac; cessories, ,After a short honey - 'Moon r. and . rs. Weber will reside i ; W ellaii • ',ti,.., ....:........ Billy Gardner, six-year-old son of - Mr. and Mrs. Sid. Gardner, with bruises and, a, Shalt., ing. lup when, he, ran into the side • of- a • Department of Highways. panel truck at the noon•hour or Tuesday, Billy was on his why home ' from school, and • seeing his Dad across. the ,,street started:.. across he road near the fire hall. xe. Ywasz daed b y the impact, and. when picked up from the road- way appeared .at first as if he Mightbe seriously. hurt, The driver had seen the lad run out from: between two . cars, but Couldn't swing .far. enough, .to avoid. the :lad crashing into; • the rear of the; vehicle. •• United Church Mission Band The : United., h Church Mission' Band m,et day under the leaders' • of 1VIr Ki 119~a 1 Patrick • and Mrs. N. J. MaeKenzie, Eliia- • beth Ann Webster conducted the .: ,meeting,; which opened with the Mission.Band hymn followed by • the • metbers' 'purpose. The roll kali' was answered by "What we. should be• thankful for". Donna .: Johnston and Mary ABM • played', piano solos and' Nancy Webster and 'Joan Crawford a duet. The Mission Band plans to, ;have -•a party ;on `Friday:'• • PLAY PROCEEDS FOR REMODELLING, STAGE The • Lucknow• • Dramatic. Club is, . currently: having :a successful fall tour with their popular, play. • "Auralia Bridge from Hemlock • Ridge": The • play has. already been staged, at :Ripley, Blyth;. •Mildmay,, Dungannon and Pal- merston. It will be presentedhere, in November :and " four other def.. finite. bookings have been: made.. :Procees'from these perform- ances will be used toremodel the take in the Lucknaw Town Hall.. • Last of the Frontier Marshals`' Horner .Croy;, interviews "Cim- arron George" Bolds; the last liv- inglink with Dodge City,. Kans., fabulously • wild and wooly . fron tier. town.' Read Croy's',fascinating -story.; The- Last-'of-th'e_-Frontier: 'Marshals'• ; in this: Sunday's (Oct- ober: 7) Oct;ober:7) issue of The . American Weekly,exclusively with Detroit ,SundayTimes. Excitement of the; Old.West.will 'live again!; • Cif50,1:1:Ce& is a natural partner of good things to eat LUCKNOW BOY .SCOUT [IS AF RNOON at, 4.00, p.ni. Please leave . papers and: cartons at the .curb.: 1 . r • Auspices Clansmen Club RECREA �IONAL CENTRE, . LUCKNOW C :0. e I]an'c rig .'9.3.0 ;to 1,00' • DI BOYS' ORCHESTRA • v • Lunch to -000i ._.�. A....1ssion . _ ..• • ' T f + z ti • it 03( `,1N1 in to •t it J. Hd 25 'ti (s: He 28 le • br dal Y+ 12 al 8i Ser