HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-09-27, Page 1. - • --- • „7"11..1"1"6-7114arATICIENI6., :.7.1141_11W. ',4116TWIL0MMOR10111111PMAA • .1% , • , !2.5() YearyExtra to LUCK,NOW; ONTARIO, 1411.J11S-;SEPTE/VIBER 27th, 1951 • . SAILS:TODAY TO DAYLIGHT TIME ENDS •,4% . TEN PAGES ON SATURDAY NIGHT STUDY AT OXFORD Daylight saving• time will. come to an end at .midnight. on 'Sat- urday, The official terMinatiOn.of "fast tinie" is generallY• regarded at 2.00' a.m.i on Sunda -y •Inarriing. Not' likely man Y will /Observe this hour for turning back the Clock, but regardless, •the thing to, : remember is 'that standard time 'will again prevail on -Sun - ;day, September 30th.'" • • Alex G. 'McIntyre, winner of p five-year scholarship at Oxford' University in England,sails to - 'day • crlin•FsdaYY onboard the •..yfauKetania.•: -* . • Alex, Who is 21.,-• is the eldest, soi ,Of Mr.' and 1VIrs. Archie, •Mac- Tntyre. He lett here on Wednes- day. of last :threek, remained a few • days in TOronto, and,: then left ••• for. New York. where. he .spent tyve days fliekre boarding -ship 'today:, , Alex has ..studied .medici,ne for three, years at. the, University of • TOronto; taking twit'? pre-med and • his first' year medical. there. His high standing him this scholarship, valued at $5,500, and .entitting him • to. five years resi- ,•• dence• and tuition at Oxford -from • where he •. graduate: with a. B.A., B.M. degree, Awarded One Canadian Annually This' scholarship " is, awarded ,each, year to one Canadian m, cal. student, who is selected from the: 'first. years. 'stt&d.eflts m the_ rnedieal schools, by.:, a selection' AbotarcLcOiliistiitgr,...{444-rePE:Pseilts:, •LOCAL SCOUTS JOIN IN .,SAUGEEN DISTRICT PARADE . •", Eighteen members of the Luck - now Boy ,Scout troop and their leaders,. were, in •Southampton on Sunday for the .Saugeen Dis- trict. Boy Scout church parade.. Some 236' bays,. 200 ' of them in 'uniform, made a striking appear- ance as they paraded. to the Pres-. •byteriari. Church,. headed by the/ Kincardine Brass Band, :and where they were addressed by Rev, L. W. Owen of the. AngIi- .can Church. ,• FloydWilson, K. C. lVfurdie and 4,4i.Firripeomyt-eaelf tile -erre adian Medical schoolS:, . • The' academic, standing and the eitra curricular Eictiivities• of the ' .applicantS are considered in making the award... Alex received the harior. last May at. the end of his firSt.mediCal.year. • • O Upon , arrival • in' England he will , take Up, residence in ,Brase- . nose College, •OxfOrd University, • as a•seniOr • student.Alex' eXpectS 'YO get . home on Vacation at 'the end of • his Second year, • Alexis a popular young man; and a. fine type of Canadian youth, who will • creditably. reP- .; resent this Dominion- at Oxford. He is a' _graduate. lAucknOw • l'iigkt-SehOof,',. ineWhile'SnOiding • the Simmer •here played:softball with the.egithipairei,-and-in his 3aSt. home ,appearance" won the game -with a" home .run. . :Alex leaves here with the best wishes of a host Of friends.. ." l• • • . i Rif cirri:- panied them. Scouts .present from here were Billy . Fisher,' Melvin' gins, Alvin Baker, John Mcow-' bray, Engene Gardner, Dick Mur - die, Eldon Wraith, Kent HedleY, 'Bob l'Boh Morton, Bobby Gardner; Jack Chin, , George Habkirli,. Rus- sell ,.Swan,. Dennis. Exhberlin, George Webster, Rod Wraith. A ,Scout choir included five- of the local Scouts, • George Web- ster, •Jac111(Zhiri, • Billy Ritchie, 1Billy!'FiShd ancr-Dick Murdie: 1; • 1 MRS: W. A: RUSSELL'S IIROTHER . PASSED • AWAY I _: • • , Mr, and Mrs...W. A.: Russell of Itown have received word of the •deatIrt of her brother, Angus Mac- Kay 'Stewart • which ':oceutred in I 'Vancouver On Septerriber 6th, in I his 88th .year, He is survived by1 la Santa Monica. • WIN:S. :OXFORD: • ^ALEX. MacINTYEE Son of Mr. and Mrs. Archie MaCinityre;. Who • has .been study- ing Medicine at TorontoUniver- sity, sails today for ,England to, commence a five-year .schOlarshin. at 'Oxford University. • • ENTRIES POUR. PT AT 1:0VAL FAIR t • ' 1 • On Tuesday entries were: pour- ing in for the indoor exhibitS; at the LucknoW Fall Fair, far in excess 'of •thbse received a year- ago: In fact,„by noorti'the•secret- ary, Alex MaWaY, was out of entry, tags ,and ha&. used alSo those that were carried over from last ,Fear. - . : DAVE STE'WART •DIED • SUDDENLY THURSDAY • ,anDdwaviiciGyraknntQwSpfarmertewof thePOpular • Lochalsh-Aniberley distriot, died suddenly. from a heartattack ,shortly after the noon -hour on: Thursday,. He was in his 62nd S•ear. He was engaged in, thresh- ing operations and died- on top :of a load of grain that was being hauled in.,• • WERE FORTY: EARS.4/ MARRIED SATURDAY. • -Mr. andlVii-S..E: C,: Wilkins of WAS NINETY THIREL .Ashfield were forty *years mar- Viiii17#1.61r1S-23the family were pre- ______ ILAr- TiirusgswA Mr. William ..,Congiani •.,;31 theeould.not!be present to /rake: the .sent for , the occaSiOrt,_ but all • 8th Concession, Kinloss, celebrat- eir.c1P. " • ed his ninety-third birthday .at• Mr. and rs. ;Wilkins, who re • ENTS STAFtit AREER STUDIES This ,..mOnt..h sees a large' num- ber of Lucknow and district stu- dents starting, or iesurning,• stud- 'les in:z connection ' with their.... chosen, vocation, • , . . Among them' are Alex.• Mae- • Intyre`,,7third year medical. -stud- ent, who is'..sailing to, England% ... for a ,6 -year scholarship course at i' • •Oxford' University, Helen ,Sallt- : eld, who is commencing her sec- 0nd year .post -graduate studies . at Roehampton 'Agricultural Coi- • • lege in England; Mary Porteous, final year in. 'Science Of Dietics 0. course at MacDonald College, , . 1V1ontreal; , Wilfred' Black, first • . year in dentiStry'atTbroto Uni- versity;.Bruce Johnston, • first year in jOurnaliarn at Western ' " University Bill Chin, resuming : ... his studies at Pharmacy; • George , : Chin, 'second year course at Ann -Arbor. ' College, Michigan; Steve , Stothers, Jr., to ' Michigan State •,at Lansing to; take_ post -graduate • • work on his M.S.A. degree; gaiir:••' ,' 1-Ariderson4:--soond-i4-y'ear,-itr"-se-o-7, - -,'-' vetafiaerotelfar•If Vtigstrifrii; Rilthr7 Anderson, first year secretarial:- - • science at Western; Gladys Milne, hOnor',1angtiage course at West - ern; L,averghe MaolVfillan, -final year majoring in biology at Uni- this home on Thursday, iSeptem.- side on thefOrmer,,Will..1,..-ane- v'er.i.t.i. of notoit.;,,, EK:in, meicin_.,,,, ber • ' 200+. The -members: ofhis-rf.a.#1YaA"Astifiat'r were married non, business :.administration it• : family i)vere present in the ' even.; ' ing, arid presentedliiin• witir.ina0 gkets. 0 of ' fruits and IfloWers. A. •highlight was a, birthday Cake. made •by 1Virs, Carripbell -decorated with. 93. candles and lies•year. of his birth 1858•and'•105L Many of 'his .friericls 'called on ,hiin during the day and presented him with " gifts. of: •flowera anti frnit.' ;• • : . i• , _Although_confined to bedMr. Congram 'enjoys his Meals and .c.11-ipci qle!newspapers and con- verse' with, •anYone Who calls to see him. • " . , .. • • - ' ' • • r• Besides his sister, three bro- . .STRAIGHTEN KINKS ,•• • , 1 theirs •also survive, Rev. J. Clark ' IN NINE MILE RIVER ' : iSteWart and ,H. L M.'Stewart_of •, i , , • -L---, • • ,. I Vancouver and T. M..Stewart of • Bruce County workmen were .1.Rocliester, N.Y. • ,• • engaged last .week in. straighten*I' - . . .i. . . • ing a bend in the Nine Mile River.. MARKED FORTIE"tif de 'eVereoine: a wash that was -un-. ANNIVERSARY • betWeen Luclgard and dOugh•Sts., • : . dermining •thetl. County • Road at " • • t e nor • ern :entrance :to ,the •on 'Thursday last Mr. and. Mrs. 7. ' Austin 'Solomon observed their .crane operated scoop was put to many -friends called 'during the . work ; dredging a 'new channel afternoon and etvening to extend•• • ISEE-Bir E • SENTINEL • While engaged at thiS job, the f rtieth wedding anniversary • • ' . from the town 'bridge, northerly for a couple--bf blocks. This el% • iminated• a 'meander that ..Was O gradually cutting away •the em- bankment • at the rear •of Jack Mclntosh's Sales Barn and N. H. ,-Iledley's-barn, best-known to "old-timeri" as the MilLson barns • and •Allan IVIcLeod's liVery, stable. GAL/NT CATTLE • TOPREGIONA • . .• Cattle lywrpthe Shorthorn herd red life in, LUcknOw.,Mr. Solo- -: bearing Princess Elizabeth and use nests right on top of the ever - o 'Gaunt Of. St Helene Moil' is an."ot-xerevIed,of the muni-; • the Duke of Edinburgh to Sud-' greens. have been winning outstariding ,oipaiity- and among the -flower's bury At _this year, ' _• that decorated the home on this •forth Fair last ' week. Andy :had occasion was a lovely' boutjuet 4 At the Regional SlinAkr.zk Sea- , the Junior champion fernale, the Senior thanipion female, and the iGrand champion female, ' Tbe 4mior and. Grand, champ- ,. ion is 'the ll4n0iiths-old heifer Rosewood.', Her • mother, Rosewood' 186th, was Grand charnpian fernale at the 'Regional felicitations: Dinner .was served to the Immediate relatives, nuan- bering. flirty -five.- • • , • Mr: •and ..Mrs. Solomon . were married at the home. of her par- ents! Mr.. and Mrs. Samuel Me- Guir,e of the Second CoriceSSiOn on September 2.0th, 1911. Mrs. Solomon Was. formerly Margaret Isabel IVICGuire. The ceremony .was performed by Rev. Rivers' of • 0 . Mr, and 1Vas, •Solornon, have • e t ractidally all their THAT wet weather on Saturday caused pOstpOnernerit.Of Mrs. • Wrri; Hornell's sale' until Satur- day .of thisweek. 7 THAT . Lucknow• District High 'School Will hold Field Day on • Friday of this,. Week, „and the fallowing Friday evening,' Oct- :. ober 5th, Will be 'Parent -Pupil • night', with an interesting • pro- gram arranged for this, event. ' THAT Donald B. 'Blue, M.P. has made.a request"for. at 'Wiarton Airport of the,plane Toronto-where-:---they-made their home for a time. Later they farmed in the, Paisley district .he - fore carping to 'this community ten • years'•ago.' Mrs.. Wilkins was Western UniverSity and Kenneth Brawn, first year in engineering at Queen's ,Unilversity, • . " PRESENT STUDENT' NURSE •fornierly• 'Frances Kimpton WITH TRAVELLING BAG thews of Toto,nto, , Of Mr and Mrs Finlay M1cDon at the'home children.:'Mrs. Bert Alton , (Jes- They have a family eight, At a social evening sie) of .Ashfield; Mrs. James 01, ald; the choir of Ashfielcl Pres- • :•• , ., Kenneth Weaver (Louise) ..733.--'-entation of a travelling bag to . ' *•• iVer' (Elsie) .of Sudbury; Mrs; •byterian Church made the pres- ,..Stidbury; Mrs. Howard carlaW Ilis.„,-D9,04,,Hainilton,‘ daughter ' •• • (Gladys) 4 Paisley; Mrs. E. - -- ' of Mr. ar)d-Mis. Frank Hamilton, Gillin (DardthY)--of;Paft Hope; I Donna, entered Woodstock; itos- Harry.* of .ChesleY; Charles of 1 italb flt • • ••1 Ashfield ',and. Herbert at home. P ,' a, student nurse • n •Monday 0 as weekas ° . There are 17 ,grandchildren. . • • ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and 'Mrs: 'Emerson Irwin anriounCe the engagement of their, daughter,. Wilda • Irene, to, Glenn 'Stanley, Irwin, son, •of. Mr. ant MrS. Clarence' Irwin. The wed- ding to take' place in October. . • • HENS LAID EGGS n4---TA-u. PINES .A 'pair of pullets on the farm of Mr. and IVIrs. Vernon Hunter, east of town who chose •the top of two • tall , pine trees •in which t�4 lay 'their . eggs, have literally .had `.`their 'wings clipped": The prolific pair of Jayers are .xiow penned up, ,and are doing .their laying where the. results of . their labors 'can—be, the more -easily" gathered: ' . • .. The two pines in. which these hens did ;their laying, tower, high above, the Hunter residence..The tops had been clipped at ,cone time and•the trees branched out 'so as -to• make Comfortable ready -to-- First one of the.pilliets•cliseov- • . • eked this -secluded spot,,theri 'THAT Mr, John MacMidan: who Other,. Neither triecl .to keep it a of red roses from' the Village of was bedfast for sorrie time with' secret. for after doing their daily :a .heart conclitiOn .i.'s tagairi `con- duty, 'acclaimed it to all within. LucknoW.,.. • ' POttring' tea al: the recePtiatl sOc•rably,. inwroved in health earshot' from, thhoeusteohPoiodi regarded earirde4i were 1Vir. W. A. Russell of and is able to. be out for sl:iort •••th'renlhe. as just .couple of crazy now,, Mrs. R. SolOmOrt. of stfa.t--. vv.a*s. : ford ATM Mrs.. Jack Chapman of , - hens, until- the nest started Over- OWen ,1.Sound „ Those assisting 'THAT Mr, .and ,Mis. Kenneth flowing and "scrambled". eggs with the serving were Miss- Mart Cameron and Barbara have Were in evidence on the ground jorie Solomon, Mrs, Al Narshally moved' into their new home on beneath orae of the 'trees. for three. snc.ceSalve Years and 1Vliss June'Collyer,•IVIrS. kinkade, HaVeloelt St., South: 'Mr. --and BobbY, HuiVer, seven years ef row her offspring-is."stealing the of stratford, and Miss Marion Mrs. Lloyd lIall, have Moved age, made the ascent to the top • 8how.„,, • , •Solomon of 8trattord, ' • IOU) the apartment' Which they of the tree to diseover a nest There Vjere 95 shothorps • Mr „ and Mrs. Solonion have a Ivacated• Henderson con, ming • 7 eggs, 'before . it . ternpting, at the Regional., family of six children, Blwood , ,Oc started overflowing The nest in •, • :At the London 'reit' the pre- of Hanna, Alberta; Mrs, :` the other tree wasn't accessible. Vious.,week the •Gaunt females Wileox. (Muriel) of Santa Bar- THAT Mr.. and Mrs. i'Richard After that, with a pail on a. Were awarded the Reserve ban., California; Murvin and, • Richards will be At Home to rope, . Bobby I regularly gathered' .Senior and Grand .champion- Marjorie of •LuOnow; 1Virs. Torn their friends and neighbors on the eggs,, until the two "outlaws" hip it was: the first , time that Haller (Alma) of Kitchener and the occasion of their 50th wed- were dough and confine0O the the Gaunt herd has been shown Mrs A1 Marshall (Beryl) of ding anniversary on Monday, hen hoise. t London Fair, whieh officials Sarnia . • October 8th, 1951, frOill 3 to 5 Incidentally hens WOre' st4Cd was . the biggeSf and best • thkro*od and Muriel Were, un- and 7 to '0 at their' yesdence,..:hybrid cross of Rhode Island Red' cattle show atthis fair since 191a able to be home for.,,,this 000, sion, Boundary Wet • . • '4 and White Leghorns. .• ' • 1, ' • : •. BLA•KE COMMUNITY HELD. • SHOWER FOR NEW FAMILY', .• • • The' ladies of 'the Blake Corn- munity in Ashfield held a shower for a.new Canadian family from. Holland, 'who have arrived here with, but'little and: unable to • • speak scartely a word, of Eng- lish. There .are seven in.the fain;- ily, • e parents an, five child- ren. The children attend ,Bay• Stanley's school. on ' ton, 9. . The shower included liberal • quantities of garden 'produce, pie - .serves, clothing' and cash. Rev. C. B. Wooley was chairman for0 a short program that' included • •two chapses and a drill by, of the 9th Con. School, .a. read- oing . by Mrs. • Woolley . and two . numbers by Win. Buckingham. Refreshments were .served. •' • • r 01 JRS. PLAN FOR OCTOBER', MATCH a O Colwanash Junior Farmers Ti-a;e plans well laid for their second • annual ploWirig Match and bene- fitting by last 'year's experience, ••• :WS ',Yeart& .shoUld ,•'43e.. - outstanding succeSs. • • ' • , The mateh, will ehe1d, on WedrieSclay,. October ' r7th at Bax- ter and Tn'toh's farm 'neaT Car- low. • There will be, sjx ploughing classes with prizes each, class of $1.0,'$80 $6, $4, -$g' with spetial, prizes 'in each 'class as well. • • ,00athing. cia'ss will be held • the previous . Saturday, October •13th,, at the fartii of .1'klbeTt Mc, Gee at. Port Albert. . • . • The evening of thte plod( hin match •a prograin will be held in the •Paristr.-Hall, 'When the ',prizes , wilt jbe awarded. '•• President ot the Colwanash ,Club • is George Turiten of Car.; low, The secret!ary -of the plough- . ing match is'D. A, Hac,kett" of Ashfield, who kept quite,busy •attending to th'e details of the Match, land of the 'coaching class. • ' . • • 700