HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-09-13, Page 7•
THURS., SEPTEMBER 11th, 19.51:
At St. Ann's R. • C. ":Church,
Chesley, on Saturday, September
8th, was ' the scene of , a e very
Pretty' wedding, when- Mary Al-
1eene, daughter. of-Mr,,and- Mrs
W. J. Ryan. wasp un,. ited in. mar-
riage to Walter James Clare,'son
of • Mr. Will Clare and the late
Mrs.. Clara Fr.. Lloyd Ryan, Ebro.
they of the bride, erf r
p.. o med the
;marriage ceremony, and also was
celebrant for a Grand High Mass
which, followed, with, Fr: Gillan.
.deacon ,and Fr. Kelly as sub
'•C1eaepn1. Gou:nod's "Ave Marie”
was i,.sung ' at, the offertory -arid
. "On This Day" at the Signing of
the register. , • men `for .:the beach • a
` ' ssociation
.Duron. Township .Council .•re,
sponded to an' appeal,for improv-
`ed roads leading ,into Pt. Clark
summer- -reser. t' -'when a ,roach d
pP e..
by a deputation representing the
Point Clark Beach 'Association.
Council agreed to gravel the
township. roads approaching the
o t
r hazardous br'
with tile drainage and also voted
a $200 grant toward upkeep of a
private, -road; used as .a.,.,public
Heading,eP the dutation
Will' , . . were
lam. Leonard; of Dur'.hann. and
•Chas. Laidlaw of Atwood spokes
Entering the. church , with her Asked Ibycquncil abo"
father, the... bride was:lovely
i . gown of • nylon Marquisette over
.white satin, She wore a veil . df
embroidered`. ,French net; which'
extended into a long 'tr'ain, and
carried • a. ibauquet of stephanotis
and red roses: r" ,
The bride's ;sister Lucille. act-
ed as bridesmaid, gowned inpow.
der blue ,brocaded organdie ;with
matching, headdress..and` carried
pink roses 'Miss Mary B. , Ryan,
niece, ',of the bride, was. ;the
charming little flower girl; dress:
ed in. 'pale pink and .:carried :a
nosegay.of baby mums. Mr. Leo
Clare was his brother's grooms
man, and•: the 'ushers•;were Edwin
King and Dan'` Ryan.
The dinner and reception were
held in the. Legion hall; followed
afterwards by ra luncheon 'at 'the:
bride's horse.:Fora trip to
treal and 'points . eaiMt, , the. ' bride
' donned :a •navy, • blue suit, and a'
red "topcoat with. navy • accessor-
ies., Guests were. pr:esent from
Hamilton, ' ,Luckrow; ; : Montreal;
London and Toi of toA,
On "Saturday, ' September lst;
Rev H A Dickinson officiated at.
the limarriage oi Mrs Sarah. 'M..1
Shields of Goderich to Albert
Clayton . Maize of: Dungannon,' in.
• North Street United Church The
'bride wore • a navy blue 'sheer;
dress ' witW';'corsage of': yellow
roses and. lily -of -the= valley. Af-.
ter the .ceremony' the. wedding
pasty. motored • 'to.. Knotty' Pine
Inn,. Kincardine,. Where the re='
ception: was held,' :After :a..:motor
'trip to ,, Owen . Sound .aid••' other;
northern points;, Mr'and • Mrs }
Maize''will reside in Dungannon..
a„ move-
ment toward g
incor oratin 'the
resort into. a police village, they
agreed .some :consideration had
been .giventhe idea. Mr. Laidlaw
• said 'the resort, is growing; it is
a ,desirable place to live and ., he
predicted • revenue' to :the. town-
ship'is going 'to increase; "How-
; ever",, he said,.. "with:, reasonable
attention to us, we'could have
no desire. to incorporate". ; '
Some • gravelling has . already
ommeneed on • townshi•R roads
and •council: ,promised .:all work
.will be : completed ..before .Cot
lagers return . in the , spring. It.
:was . felt unwiseto maintain the
:present bridges which were term=
ed unsafe for heavy: loads. In-
stead; tile
n-stead;..tile will be raid to ' carry
away the scantyflow of drain-
age '!water; bridges 'will, be::' re -
moved;; and the hollows.11ed• to
i oad level, ' •
With gravel'available free of
'charge at • the beach and volun-
teer workers, the deputation was
,Satisfied: that a $200 grant would
go far in_ lmproving_the. private
Stretch- ,of road ,behind the cot
• Jack •, Campbell,• lighthouse-
l ;eeper at Paint Clark', told' coun-
cil that the roads are used 100
times by township residents . to
once by cottagers.
"It is not cottagers who, tear
up the roads", he insisted, adding
that •the road ...is ' ruined .every
year by tractors, and wagons
hauling-. gravel' from . the beach
for other township roads; or by
far'rners for their ownuSe
§3, H. E L E. � •. S
N. .
Mrs. James'•Curran was hostess
for the' September meeting of the
'Women's 'Institute held on .Thurs-
day with 10'. ladies present.; Mrs
Charles McDonald- was in the
chair and •the roll call "My fav-
orite perennial flower", received
a full response Aconinnittee was'
appointed to arrange for 'a lunch
co.inter after the concert. on
Lucknow ' Fall Fair • night,
agreeable t6 the Fair. Board. Miss
Beth McDonald ' read an 'interest-
ing paper :on ; The •Use , of Color
in ,,Homes for the Aged: Mrs'.'
Fred • McQuillin. conducted a soap
contest. At the .conclusion a soe
-ial time was spent ... when: ` .lunch"
was sreved with Mrs. ,Fred
Quillin and Mrs'Lorne Woods as.
A lovely. ' wedding took place
ori Saturday,. September. lst, 'on
the-.--lawn'..of the bride's• -home.-.,-
home,under an area" of, maple leaves.
and ferns banked with gladioli,
when `Della Catherine ' . Powell,
daughter of Mr. and, Mrs. -Robert
.A. Powell of• Wingham, was.
united:. in mar. rage•with,, Keith
Leonard,Johnston; son of °Mr.. and'.
.Mrs. Mark .L..Joh:nston of Holy -
rood, The ceremony was .conduct.:
ed by Bev, :E. O. Lancaster,
• Given' in marriage • by 'her
father, the bride wore ' an ice blue
nylon ' marquisette over ,taffeta
with lace ',inserts and 'matching•.
boulder -length 'veil of ernbroid:-
ery 'net caught by a :crown of
Seed • pearls. ' She ` wore a gold
necklace,' a gift of. the gr -.00m, and
carried 'a., ibouqu'et• of white glad7
io1i and, • fern. Mary. E. Powell,
sister of the bride, Was. brides-
'rides-'maid,; and Lloyd Johnston, bro-
ther of the • groom,; was .best man.'
The musical , background .'Arai,
supplied. by,, Mrs.' Harry, S. White.
of Toronto.
'At the reception on the lawn
of the bride's home; tier mother
received in. navy blue heer. with;
matching accessories, and corsage
of red. roses • assisted' by , the
groom's mother in blue''crepe.,
with-rrtatching: accessories, and a
corsage of 'red roses. • .
For her wedding trip to. North-
ern Ontario,. the• bride wore 'a
navy gabardine ' 'suit with navy
Flowers :and bowling are S. C.
Rath_we1I's `hbhb es . and. well 'may, - -
!be the secret of .his youthfulness.
Mr, • Rathwell was. 80 years' of
age on February..l th of this year•,
but you'd never guess it. •
Take last wee. k for Inst . ce--
"Sa as he is popularly known,
took part a t i
n two bowling -
ou a.
t rn
meats. He bowled. almost 50 ends.
in • the merchants tournament in '
Luckriow on Labor Day, "and- the
following: Wednesday bowled at'
Goderich. On Thursday ,night • he :
wasin, Winghan •,to hear. Premier.,
Leslie . Frost, All :of this; of
course, on. top ,of .his' regular dut „n-
ies at the; :cobbler's bench; :and
a Saturday nightsession behind.
the counter"inl• his shoe store.,
Incidentally, Mr. Rathwell has
been''•in the .'shoe business for
sixty-three.. ears. learning the
trade back -in. theda Y. s when the
cobbler built the entire shoe.
Mr. • Rathwell sp ends his "spare
tire" in his flo' er and vege-
table 'garden,which is alw'sys •
something.' to.• see. k Glads and
dahlias have long. been his spec
Malty and currently he has, some • •.
gladioli 'Spikes. on Which the, bot-
tom blooms rneasure. 61/2 inches
across.. n
'arid. pink, accessories and. a Cor
sage, of ',pink.. roses. The couple
will live in'urn)berry on the -0th
line,' on their return.
'If you. Mre•skitn
ming ' by band • ;using a water
separator or an old, inefficient
' Centrl(ugal separator . a new De.,
ha'tal'Separator, in all probability,
_. 'ilf.recover-2- % or -more additional„�,
4 am front ,your milk: , ,
'rl,e, cream will be of top •quality; ,.
which gives you abetter price.,
Why hold your cash income. down
*hen you can easily 'earn.' up..ao at`
Masi '25- a 'Mote Money'?. '
A , nesw De Laval Separator will'
pay for itself out of.tlie extra income~
it 'earns ' and continue to earn
,i lore ibr'years.io come.•
bon't get the idea that because a
11e Laval' ±i parator is the best
Boa can buy, it is beyond your
means. be Lavals ,cost less per
year': of use and the be Laval
.Junior Series is 'ptited With the '
lowest.' .
one 20, .LticliriOw'
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