HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-09-06, Page 10Y T .a•."'. for Fall.:and: 'Whiter 1 't,TOKNOW SE$TINl ,, ; , .UCKNOW, ONTARIO 1 SEE BY T SENTINEL `• PIN .., WALU . CORDUROY VELVET 36" wide, smart for suits, jackets, dresses ,or skirts. Colors red, Medium blue, green and 'brown. PURE,'WOOL xCLAN _TARTANS --54" vide, .so fashionable , this year. For grownups or• children, RAYON & WOOL TARTAN -38" wide, for dresses, .blouses;` shirts,, skirts. Clans MacB.eth, Buchannon, , Dress Beatrice, ,R.C,A.r .• ` •• a M ,' • • Fa W`OOLETTE in floral designs Torladies', orch ildren's night, gowns :or. pyjamas.,. PYJAMA ' CLOTH in stripes • for men or ;boys, 1 • r. flm • • 1 ENGAGEMENTS' Mr and Mrs. George Sieling' of Wmgham wish to announce 'the engagement ' of their • daughter, Florence Marjorie• Willoughby' to Lloydacdb . Humphrey; son. 'of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. A .:I]urnphrey of. Lucknow.. The marriage '•to' take place in September:' 7 ATTENDED CENTENNIAL BROADCAST AT WALKERTON In connection with Walkerton's Centennial celebration held over the . Labor Day week -end, the CBC's* Neighborly , 'Newsbroad- cast was presented • on . Sunday Walkerton ' Town Hall, and was . Their son, ,.who is .an' R,C.A.F.' preceded by; a ` 15 -minute ``Salute officer, ' will be stationed at to Walkerton"program Centralia' for )the' next several P • months. , The .Sentinel -•:Publisher and `" . „ • Thompson were amongthe —o— Mrs. T ps - guests at'the broadcast,. who ill THATNorman .'Alexander, audi eluded '.Mr. :Wlli'iam Walsh," war-', tor of Cb -Operative companies den of Bruce; members of Walk erton Town Council, `.`Doc" Cruik shank' :of CKNX and repriesenta-' BORN BR�BIN--at the Belleville Gen eral:. ' Hospital, ' to• Mr and 'Mrs. Jas. O. BriSbin.. (nee: Helen Mac- Donald, 1§0 fufferin Avenue; •on', • Tuesday, lAugust ' 21st,, , `1951, : a • daughter;: Marion Elizabeth ZON DERVAN �.=.':.In Kincardine Hospital 'on August :. 28, 1951, to_ Mr., and Mrs. Cornelius' Zon: Der van, .' R. 1, • Holyrood, �a son., LAMPREY , EEL MAY • BECOME • TABLE • DEJ.ICACY Sea lampreys, eel=like.creatures which• ' prey on commercal .fish,: in the Great I:akes:are themselves becoming: recognized as a : deli- cacy to .such' an :extent that On- tario fishermen . wb'o .presently: regard' .them as .a'.nienace may ':'r be, seeking them 'on ,a •corninerciall basis • Already a processor • of smoked fish products in"Toranto has mar ke . ,' between • eight t :and • ten. ted, . th. s n' cured' and oked`lam- v�sa d smoked' prey ,on the local market alone. -h:.. and. is now :ho' in: tic a "• "� ort them • p gexport as. Well if he. can obtain 'enough 1 g ' accordingto' `fisheries. arisen ofh Ontario..Department "Of •';.ands' °& Forests. • • r e • favored as The. ; .lam lampreys are fa, 1? Y a delicacy by • residents; of, Europ- . can decent, especially `those• from the Baltic States: - • v. (;Continued from: page 1) THAT Burt Roach is , off work. with blood' poisoning 'in • his right, . hand. -Burt received the` infection when, he -suffered a • rninOr cut ' to his hand as a bottle broke 'while he was 't9$- -ing cream. • —o— • THAT. construction. work on the • "DurhamRiversdal a is progressing poad" from Bervie et- g pre, • paratory to resurfacing, %this stretch of " highway. .. Sharp, eulives at Berrie • and West' 0f Riversdale , are being 'reduced.. Fill ,and gravel f or• J'the job is being"hauled from, pits at Wes Guest's ` and '.Frank- Brown's farms. i ,THAT. Lorne. West, ,son of. Mr:, and Mrs. J.' A; West of Lis�to. wet, Lias received word'' from Ottawa that he has been: ac-' ,cepted, fora • admittance :to the. Royal Roads Militaary College Victoria;. B.C.; A.'•1951 •grad-. nate of Listowel High School. ..Lorne has. been , commanding • officer of ' the school's, cadet corps ''fer•'.two years. - THAT Rev. and Mrs. S. E. Hay::- •ward . of St Helens and White-, • church returned recently, from morn ng from 'the` stage of the a vacation' trip ;to Vancouver. tiffs of the Bruce County press. The broadcast was presented by Don Fairbairn of ,Neighborly News renown,>and. Producer. Reid Forsee. ' Mrs. John MacLean, 95, and , the • oldest resident, of -the County Town was 'interviewed on the prograan, • `. :residence in Teeswater. from J. ' ' , ou °vtras later`'entertan-1 � 'eid:Mr. & Mrs: Macln. re `:The,: gr p J. R �'. , Z'kTA'I' Con d• by the :Centennial `Committee; .:•,(nee Mowliray) and• faan- of Grey 'arid Bruce' Counties has • `bought a home : in Hanover and, • m,oved there,; from Toronto. THAT at the, turn. of the century' ° 'there ;Were 34' weekly papers` in•�: Bruce and' Grey : Counties, Today there are 18: • ' THAT.: Mervin Maclntyre , 'has purchased the former: . Hiscox T U'.RSDAY, 'SEP . .6th, '1,951,' (ICES IN EFFECT NOW ON ALL WOOL, SPECIAL THIS WEEK ..WOOL SPECIAL THIS WEEK ONLY Two. months ago this woos . 72c:;. and A` •the present price is 45e, • TOT -TO -TEEN an Phone 89-w: )IES' WEAR Lucknow, ,Ontario We' are, specializing ; In • Women's and ' Misses' 'its anon' • risen s' CORSETS, CORSELLETTES, BRASSIERS,i' GIRDLES, BELTS,,'' ' : ETC... Mrs:' Sanderson has a qualified certificate to give you, first / class -service for all fittings' .Call and made an appointment ,for your fall garment, BRASSIERE .. . - ' $i;40 to $2.25 GIRDLES. .. ,CORSELLETTES ...y. • ,SPECIAL ; CLEARANCE BRAS, ., .$2;50 to $5.50 $5.50' to $8.95.; •89c • LADIES' and MEN'S WEAR 'Phone 85 .,h�uckriow servation Officers ; and .,e ily; Will move . into their new home • shortly: THAT Miss June; Diebel of South aanpton spent : 'the week -end. with.' her grandparents, Rev./C. B and Mrs; .Woolley enroute to, at `:a •'luncheon at the: Queen s Hotel, '' when, . Capt. (Dr.) E. , .G. Foote, of : Ottawa, Senior Naval. Chaplain of the Royal Canadian' Navy, spoke', briefly, and _ later addressed - the gathering at . the 'drumhead service . in' the Public :School grounds Whitby : where. she is entering Calk- Foote . is returning -to for ' her.:nurses trainingin On Walkerton early in October, to tario Hospital: June left on the take part in' special.services be ± early train Monday to assume • a.'hatchery' truck were on hand ingarranged to mark the one hundredth . anniversary of Knox �' Presbyteraa Church, .'of whicb Rev. W. A.-. Henderson is : mini- ster +`'we attendedIncidentally Knox i''" ''week -a o. ,The pneumonia is Church, following the broadcast t': clearingu'p, .. but °sear was. her new duties. THAT .Oscar-' Hod : ns is. im rov ing "slo*ly from the serious <m. juries -deceived-a-'icouplt to hear "Bil" deliver a fine 'ser-, - mon, and later had the pleasure of his. company, ,that that of Rev. Stanley Pattison: at the iuncheon. Complaining of a sore shoulder at the first- of this.. week, 'and which ' was scheduled ` to be x- t'ayed. ' 'S SCHOOL LUNCH TIME AGAIN! • York •r . PEANUT BUTTER,' 16 oz,____ 43c. York, MEAT SPREADS b : fir 43c t Kraft 'VELVETTA C HEESE,' • -Paramount. Fancy Red • COHOE SALMON; ;half ib. 9c e Food Saver ; 'WAX PAPER McCormick's SODAS salted and Plain 31c w 35c' ikire ormick'S FIC. "BARSb..p - iMcCor`mic 's GINGE: SNAPS;. lb. 1 ._. • 38c avv.444 111 .A 'Phone *o e N 4111111111111111.1111.111111 Oranges, 152' u Grapefruit; 100's '_ 6 •for 41c-- Lemont lar ' • ger 252 s, _ 0 far :27c' . ,Bananuas 190 •New CHEER, lame pkg. - 41.c Stokley.'s ' . TOMATO JU)CE,'48 oz i Tc JELLY TJARS, doz., •2 `'for 33tr • carp and suckers were. destroy- • -o-=-- THAT . E lm o Pritchard' hat, :com-' menced the . Fall 'Fair • circuit with ,bis. 'wagon tem' : which won : him' ` 'many honors..' . last 'year, and '.'got .off • on . another• , • .n•. •-P-good tart -by -cop; g.�i:st._.plac •„at'Elmiira at the week -end. This, year: ; however, Elmo - ;will:. miss; the c ompany of,:the • late James Lyons, who last :year accom- panied , him around the circuit, and took • a' great deal- of pleas- ure in so .doings q1 THAT a pris'ma'tic drill 'was used last, week to , blast an opening' through a the cement *all: of: MacLeriiian . • and • MecKenzie's furniture store to connect it by an inside 'archway with the, new store and 'funeral home under construction. A door ' was also drilled through the• upstairs to . connect the storage facilities on the ', second' floor. . ' on Thursday , of last' : week to salvage ' any worthwhile fish from.-Stantz's mill . pond , :dam near Hespeler which was :be- ing drained. be-ing'drained. The, bass'were`tak- en to Puslinch . Lake while/the a ed. Dear Reader: I am aware, of: the, fact , that Most of you associate' movie pic tures with just entertainment: But, once in a • while • comes ' a picture: that's more than ` that: .a masterpiece •Of'''artistry, with a purpose and' a message. So. I. ask you, if you •never did see a pic • ture, . come and see • this one; "Stars In My Crown". It ,is• ded- icated' ed= ict' '_. o ed to the Lives of men, who without fear, went 'out, to ,preach the word of our Lord., We are, ver` proud ud in presenting such a wonderful .movie. B. Pappas; JOE 'TI-IY,1SSEN of Wingham, Y�.'inner of a $1660 bingo prize at Tees rater, had' ` more luck a couple 'of weeks later . when, he, on I:....,... , ' a $400 televisioii set Jia. ,a draw • at Listowel, t • U LR� '� C OSS CORNERS "Junior, Institute" • Showered Miss Shirley; Dickison On ;Tuesday' evening of last week,.` members of the. ''Junior In- stitute of Teeswater' entertained friends at the home: of Shirley Hodgins 'with a surprise shower :in honor -of the bride -elect,. Miss Shirley Dickison. • tTpon ': arrival, Shirley wases corted ;by Marilyn • Dagg .and . Shirley Hodginsto the place of •honor ' beneath,, an : arch of pink and white strearners and balloons With orifettti u si to The living - room' was .tastefully decorated in pink and. white streamers: .and.. gladioli:. .Marilyn Dagg. and Shir- ley ' lodgins assisted :Miss Dick- icon in opening her gifts, 'which were.. in :a: basket: decorated ,an. iii and white; g •consisted of .Ser- er.al readings . and .Contests', wi Group. 2 :having the least points.: correct, had to forfeit.. the ;con- sequences. ' A dainty lunch was served by• the -'hositess.. T6_ their. dear , friend Shirley, the junior Institute ; mempers wish .to say "Best • Wishes"::, • CASE DISMISSED "Cate . dismissed", said .Magis- trate Donald Menzies after -six prosecution witnesses: had failed ; to establish, a case, against Charles MCQUillin, charged with• danger ous drilling in London in : did` July. - Constable Roy Davies' motor cycle' ways in ` collision with the', McQuillin car sit' the. intersection, of Wharncliffe Road and Briscoe Street.. The Constable,` who was . rushing, to the.. Scene. of 'another accident, •atlrnitted to :a speed of 60 to• 65 miles an hour and there; was 'brake• marks by the inotor-', cycle of 54 , feet before the point of impact, The Constable suffer' ed injuries •that' confined him. to the'..hospital for 'nine days. , • s ,t l '}3 a GORDON WONG of "Otte* and his wife who recently arrived from China' and as�'yet•• can speak Y„ Fast week in. rao: English',_ v�sited� Fast. fl was Goderich 'where' -Odin(► w business for .many years, h